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Realistic or Modern The Cost of Abnormality

"Uh...Alex? Sorry if I came off as a bit harsh. It's just in a little tired of you not really using your abilities cause you could kick some ass other wise," Lyra said commingle up behind her and Jack. "But yeaj, sorry and all that."

"Abnormals, please stand to the sides of the room, clean up and obstacle set up will begin shortly." Fuzz Fuzz NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz @Bobman070 @Sophrosyne

Alex smiled at her. She hugged Lyra gently. "Thank you. I'll work harder, I promise."
"Uh...Alex? Sorry if I came off as a bit harsh. It's just in a little tired of you not really using your abilities cause you could kick some ass other wise," Lyra said commingle up behind her and Jack. "But yeaj, sorry and all that."

"Abnormals, please stand to the sides of the room, clean up and obstacle set up will begin shortly." Fuzz Fuzz NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz @Bobman070 @Sophrosyne

Jack giggled and he reached his arm out and brought Lyra into the hug with Alex, squishing them as he hugged them both in a big happy doggie hug. He wagged his tail and giggled again. P Paint The Wind
Alyx Night As he stood he listened to their conversation while his eyes darted from detail to detail, taking in everything. As they were told to move to the sides he made sure to be by Alex and Lyra and thought about what Lyra said about Alex's powers. "Your powers are strong. Everyone has something that makes them stand out, but it takes time to learn and master that quality. In my case it is attention to detail and physical prowess, I can overpower anyone here, however that does not make me invincible, so I must pay attention to details such as the coating on blades and certain guns with ammunition that can harm me." He smiled for a moment as he continued, "Learn what makes you strong and watch closely to what makes that quality stronger."
FireMaiden FireMaiden P Paint The Wind VanRIPPED VanRIPPED
Jack howled in agreement to what Alyx said, even though he could barely understand it he thought it sounded encouraging and so he wanted to get in on the encouraging of his bestest friend.
Alyx Night As he stood he listened to their conversation while his eyes darted from detail to detail, taking in everything. As they were told to move to the sides he made sure to be by Alex and Lyra and thought about what Lyra said about Alex's powers. "Your powers are strong. Everyone has something that makes them stand out, but it takes time to learn and master that quality. In my case it is attention to detail and physical prowess, I can overpower anyone here, however that does not make me invincible, so I must pay attention to details such as the coating on blades and certain guns with ammunition that can harm me." He smiled for a moment as he continued, "Learn what makes you strong and watch closely to what makes that quality stronger."
FireMaiden FireMaiden P Paint The Wind VanRIPPED VanRIPPED

She nodded, offering Alyx a small smile. She wasn't sure how she felt about him yet, he seemed kind enough, but that had betrayed her before.

Jack howled in agreement to what Alyx said, even though he could barely understand it he thought it sounded encouraging and so he wanted to get in on the encouraging of his bestest friend.

Alex smiled and petted Jack's head. "Thanks again for protecting me, buddy."

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