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Realistic or Modern The Cost of Abnormality

Alyx Night As Alyx looked for the next bot to destroy he heard a cry of pain and looked to see one of the girls had been shot close to the neck. The injury could be fatal if they didn't finish this up quick. Looking around at the rubble he found a spare pistol from a downed bot and picked it up, aiming with almost instant pinpoint accuracy and shot the three closest bots to the girl, one shot was enough to take them down. Throwing the gun aside he ran forward, his blonde hair trailing behind him. The sight was as if he was a locomotive thanks to the cage on his mouth.

It wasn't but a few moments before he was within arms reach of the hound and the girl. A bot attempted to get close to Jack's hind while he was taking care of another bot. Poor choice on the bot's part... he walked up to the bot, grabbing its head and smashing it to a mere disk on his knee. As it fell over he took its pistol and pointed in the girl's direction, shooting twice at two bots coming up behind her. He approached her and crouched, looking at the wound with worry in his eyes. In as dull a whisper as he could without startling her he spoke, "Is it serious?" Before she had a chance to reply Alyx looked past her and rolled over her a moment before a gunshot sounded. Without hesitation he turned and shot back, destroying the bot that interrupted him. "Deep breaths and it won't hurt so much..."

The look in his eyes said that he was more than insane, yet his tone of voice seemed more like that of a concerned brother despite all the chaos around them. He continued to inspect the girl's wound, waiting for an answer before he dared leave her side. His emerald eyes darted between her wound and everything behind her, being sure that nothing would harm her until she gave the okay. The pistol from moments ago had run out of ammo and he let it drop to the ground. "Can you still fight?"

P Paint The Wind VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Fuzz Fuzz

Alex looked up at him. "It didn't…h-hit anything major…I don't think," she said, listening to what he said and taking deep breaths to control the pain. "I couldn't really fight in the f-first place, but I can try." She tried to sit up and cried out in pain, standing up and clutching the wound.
Alyx Night Alyx sighed and looked around swiftly and quietly until he spotted another gun. Grabbing it he placed it in the girl's lap. "Point and pull the trigger if you must. It will make your pain worse so don't shoot unless myself or any of the others are too far to help you." As he finished he picked her up and moved over to the nearest wall before setting her down. "I'll make sure they have something bigger to worry about so you don't have to use that..." Turning around two large and armored bots approached. Alyx then smiled and knew they wanted him to show what he could really do. "You want me to play with these rust buckets? It doesn't seem too fair. Only two of them against me?"

As if something had snapped inside him he rushed forward, heavily denting the chassis of one bot before turning to block the other's downward swing of a blade. It was inches from his arm before he recognized the shiny glint of the faintest diamond coating on the blade. His eyes widened for a moment before his maniacal grin returned as he dodged just in time. "I get it... you're actually going to use your precious mineral just so I have to do some work..." As he dodged the next three strikes he began to laugh, "You can't tell me this is it! I was really hoping for some actual fun!" Slipping close to one of the bots he ducked as the other swung at his friend, cutting the large bot clean in half. Rolling out of the way he took hold of the large diamond tipped blade and held it like a throwing spear. "We're having shish kabobs tonight boys and girls!" As he threw the blade it went straight through the other bot, causing the wiring and energy source to spark until it collapsed. Looking around frantically he faced one of the cameras, "What... you expect your poison to work forever? Sorry but your time is running out..."
P Paint The Wind
Jack snarled, hearing cries of pain coming from Alex. He looked over, noticing the new smell took form of a person. A male, and he was nearest to his friend. He finished up with his bot and had the thought to tear this new smell in half for hurting his friend (as he saw it) but the male quickly turned his attention to more bots. He jumped and got in the space between Alyx and Alex (hehe the names kinda match), keeping him away if he came back as well as other bots that tried to get near Alex. She was his best friend and he was damn well going to keep her safe.
Alyx Night Alyx sighed and looked around swiftly and quietly until he spotted another gun. Grabbing it he placed it in the girl's lap. "Point and pull the trigger if you must. It will make your pain worse so don't shoot unless myself or any of the others are too far to help you." As he finished he picked her up and moved over to the nearest wall before setting her down. "I'll make sure they have something bigger to worry about so you don't have to use that..." Turning around two large and armored bots approached. Alyx then smiled and knew they wanted him to show what he could really do. "You want me to play with these rust buckets? It doesn't seem too fair. Only two of them against me?"

As if something had snapped inside him he rushed forward, heavily denting the chassis of one bot before turning to block the other's downward swing of a blade. It was inches from his arm before he recognized the shiny glint of the faintest diamond coating on the blade. His eyes widened for a moment before his maniacal grin returned as he dodged just in time. "I get it... you're actually going to use your precious mineral just so I have to do some work..." As he dodged the next three strikes he began to laugh, "You can't tell me this is it! I was really hoping for some actual fun!" Slipping close to one of the bots he ducked as the other swung at his friend, cutting the large bot clean in half. Rolling out of the way he took hold of the large diamond tipped blade and held it like a throwing spear. "We're having shish kabobs tonight boys and girls!" As he threw the blade it went straight through the other bot, causing the wiring and energy source to spark until it collapsed. Looking around frantically he faced one of the cameras, "What... you expect your poison to work forever? Sorry but your time is running out..."
P Paint The Wind

Alex nodded affirmatively. "Thank you." She held the gun, ready to defend herself.

Jack snarled, hearing cries of pain coming from Alex. He looked over, noticing the new smell took form of a person. A male, and he was nearest to his friend. He finished up with his bot and had the thought to tear this new smell in half for hurting his friend (as he saw it) but the male quickly turned his attention to more bots. He jumped and got in the space between Alyx and Alex (hehe the names kinda match), keeping him away if he came back as well as other bots that tried to get near Alex. She was his best friend and he was damn well going to keep her safe.

Alex looked up at Jack, still holding the gunshot wound. She felt useless, she felt bad having her friends protect her.
Meanwhile, Vex was getting kind of tuckered out by all the fighting. "Jesus, how many of these goddamn tin cans are there?" She asked, mostly to nobody, as she dispatched another bot. She could see all the dead ones lying on the ground, its a wonder nobody has tripped on one yet. You know its been way too long when even Vex was complaining about fighting.
Meanwhile, Vex was getting kind of tuckered out by all the fighting. "Jesus, how many of these goddamn tin cans are there?" She asked, mostly to nobody, as she dispatched another bot. She could see all the dead ones lying on the ground, its a wonder nobody has tripped on one yet. You know its been way too long when even Vex was complaining about fighting.

Alex crouched behind Jack and just waited for the waves of bots to stop coming. She aimed the gun at any that got too close. When would this end?

FireMaiden FireMaiden
As much as the lead wanted to continue the training, one was injured and they needed a break before part two. With the sound of a buzzard, the bots fell to the ground with loud clatters, falling over into heaps. Two medics came in and rushed over to Alex, followed by four guards to keep the abnormals at bay. Lyra was off to the side, waiting for part two. Thwre was always more to the training. They went at it until lunch time, but it was always the same things. Bots, then practice with their powers. P Paint The Wind Fuzz Fuzz @SnuglyKnight Safety Hammer Safety Hammer NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz Sophrosyne Sophrosyne NightQueen NightQueen Bobman070 Bobman070
As much as the lead wanted to continue the training, one was injured and they needed a break before part two. With the sound of a buzzard, the bots fell to the ground with loud clatters, falling over into heaps. Two medics came in and rushed over to Alex, followed by four guards to keep the abnormals at bay. Lyra was off to the side, waiting for part two. Thwre was always more to the training. They went at it until lunch time, but it was always the same things. Bots, then practice with their powers. P Paint The Wind Fuzz Fuzz @SnuglyKnight Safety Hammer Safety Hammer NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz Sophrosyne Sophrosyne NightQueen NightQueen Bobman070 Bobman070

Alex tried to stay silent as the medics took care of her wound. She looked over at Lyra, and began staring for a few moments. Something about Lyra made her heart flutter, but she looked away and gasped in pain as the bullet was pulled out of her. The bullet hadn't broken any bones or punctured anything serious, so she was bandaged.
Alyx Night As the alarm sounded Alyx dropped whatever weapons he had on him and walked over to where he had entered, sticking his arm through the open part of the door so they could inject him with more CLF3, a precaution they took to keep his strength at bay. Once he was injected he took a deep breath before wandering over to Lyra, small red dots covering his body where a bullet had impacted him. "Been a while since I've gotten to see your face... Been keeping in line right?" There weren't many times when Alyx had freedom, let alone be able to talk to Lyra one on one. He gave a chuckled ans smiled, his fang-like canines just barely visible through the bars of his titanium muzzle, "Not that it really matters since they play rough... we haven't lost any family have we?" When he spoke of family his deceptive view of being insane faded for just a moment, his broken spirit showing through. There were few times he showed his old self with Avalon employees around, but Lyra knew full well of who he was once, before he let them think they had broken him. Lyra was the only one he trusted with his thoughts, and he had much to speak of since he was locked up after the attempted break out.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Lyra gave Alyx a smile, "It's nice to see you again. And of course I have, I'm no good if in dead or laying in the infirmary," She said with a chuckle. They were in the same experimental program together. It's been disbanded since, as its pourpose was never completex, nor did it ever work in the first place. He than asked about their "family" making her sigh. "Angelina a few weeks ago. She maganed to break outta her cell, but they got her. I'm not sure where though." NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz
Alyx Night "So I heard... I was part of the rebellion... since then they've kept me on lock down, hence the new muzzle." As he watched employees do their jobs he sighed, "It's a shame really... had she waited just a bit longer..." He gripped the bars of his muzzle and exhaled deeply. "Enough speaking of that. My guise falters whenever I think of it." He then leaned close to Lyra and whispered, "My body is becoming more resistant to their poison... I'm ready for a second chance." She knew what he meant, and he knew that she had been planning something. He backed up and chuckled, "It's too bad though... they almost entertained me. I'll have to tell you the fun things I've done over lunch." He didn't want them to suspect he was up to anything.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
Jack had a problem with the guards and medics around Alex, he snarled at them and flattened his ears. He wasnt allowed to tear apart the guards, he would if he could. He did lay down close to the medics working, panting hard and putting his head on his paws. His anger faded almost instantly when he wasnt fighting. Vex stretched out and sat down, her arms on her knees and heaved a sigh. She would kill to go after these guards right now, to rip their head from their body or make them eat their own intestines. Instead she had to stay where she was.
Jack had a problem with the guards and medics around Alex, he snarled at them and flattened his ears. He wasnt allowed to tear apart the guards, he would if he could. He did lay down close to the medics working, panting hard and putting his head on his paws. His anger faded almost instantly when he wasnt fighting. Vex stretched out and sat down, her arms on her knees and heaved a sigh. She would kill to go after these guards right now, to rip their head from their body or make them eat their own intestines. Instead she had to stay where she was.

Alex reached out and petted Jack's head as the medics got up and left, because she was adequately bandaged. No painkillers, of course. She moved closer to Jack and hugged him. "Thank you for helping me, buddy."
Once the buzzer went off, David stopped and sat down where he was, he watched as medics swarmed around Alex. He sat and waited for the next round.
Alex reached out and petted Jack's head as the medics got up and left, because she was adequately bandaged. No painkillers, of course. She moved closer to Jack and hugged him. "Thank you for helping me, buddy."

Jack lifted his head and giggled in response, his tail wagging and he nuzzled her head with his. He didnt talk, he never did. So he simply made any sound any other canine would make in response.
Jack lifted his head and giggled in response, his tail wagging and he nuzzled her head with his. He didnt talk, he never did. So he simply made any sound any other canine would make in response.

Alex hugged him and kissed his head. "Thank you for keeping me safe, buddy. I would probably be really badly hurt right now without you." She petted his head and smiled. She got up and turned to Lyra, walking over to her. "You are such a good fighter, Lyra, I wish I could do that."

FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Oh really? If I knew you were partying. If I had, I might have joined up," She chuckled. Lyra glanced behind him towards the others, before looking back at him. He began to tell her that their ways of keeping him under their thumb was starting to not work. She hid a smirk, but he'd see it. "I'm getting a bit of help, we should be outta here soo- Oh hey Alex," She said, quickly drawing her attention to the other girl who she knew had a crush on her. "Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks." NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz P Paint The Wind
"Oh really? If I knew you were partying. If I had, I might have joined up," She chuckled. Lyra glanced behind him towards the others, before looking back at him. He began to tell her that their ways of keeping him under their thumb was starting to not work. She hid a smirk, but he'd see it. "I'm getting a bit of help, we should be outta here soo- Oh hey Alex," She said, quickly drawing her attention to the other girl who she knew had a crush on her. "Oh, uh, yeah. Thanks." NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz P Paint The Wind

"D'you think you could ever teach me hand to hand combat? My powers don't do anything in battle, I get hurt almost every training session." Alex was blushing just talking to Lyra, which she tried to hide by looking down.
"D'you think you could ever teach me hand to hand combat? My powers don't do anything in battle, I get hurt almost every training session." Alex was blushing just talking to Lyra, which she tried to hide by looking down.

"Alex... you really are kinda dense aren't you? All of your powers are extremely useful. You can create illusions, heal people, manipulate astral energy into attacks. I could teach you hand to hand, but only if you actually try using your powers to actually do something." She came off a bit harsh, but she didn't mean to. Alex's abilities were made very clear once the Avalonies made it public that everyone know everyone elses powers.
"Alex... you really are kinda dense aren't you? All of your powers are extremely useful. You can create illusions, heal people, manipulate astral energy into attacks. I could teach you hand to hand, but only if you actually try using your powers to actually do something." She came off a bit harsh, but she didn't mean to. Alex's abilities were made very clear once the Avalonies made it public that everyone know everyone elses powers.

Alex shrank back a little at the harshness of her words. "I-I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this yet." She looked down at her feet and bit her lip. She felt like an idiot so she walked back over to Jack and hugged him.

"Uh...oops," Lyra muttered. She was never good with words and such. But hey, years of being stuck in an underground testing facility kinda ruins your sympathy.
David looked around at all the weapons on the ground. Wonder if there's more combat, they haven't cleaned up this mess yet. If there was more combat, he wanted to test something new, and very stupid. He wanted to grab a bots head, and make one of his balls of energy in his palm once he had the bots head. He just wanted to find out what would happen.
She smiled and stayed in his warm and fuzzy embrace.

"Uh...Alex? Sorry if I came off as a bit harsh. It's just in a little tired of you not really using your abilities cause you could kick some ass other wise," Lyra said commingle up behind her and Jack. "But yeaj, sorry and all that."

"Abnormals, please stand to the sides of the room, clean up and obstacle set up will begin shortly." Fuzz Fuzz NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz Bobman070 Bobman070 Sophrosyne Sophrosyne

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