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Realistic or Modern The Cost of Abnormality

Seeing the guardians had opened fire, this had made him lose focus on the 2 balls of energy that he had formed in his hand and they dissipated, he thought of an alternative, he raised his hand and aimed it at a small group of guardians, closing his fist, he watched as they short circuited. Semi serious, and semi laughing, David said, "Their shooting at us Vex, are they real yet?"

"Hell yea, this is way better!" Vex said, now cheered up and moved forward. She was fast, anything physically attributed a human had she had it better. She judged movement, ducking and dodging before slamming her fist into a bot's face and knocked the head off. She moved and slammed her elbow into the side of another's neck and took the head off that one. "Take that, ya metal bitches!"
Seven thought for a moment. He then looked at a guardian with the crack of a smile the metal armor fell from the guardian exposing the skeleton of the systems. He forced that into a small ball leaving all the hardware and internal mechanics to fall to the ground. Looking at another guardian He simply ripped off its head deactivating it then use its now melted body as a giant liquid shield. His blood was boiling. God did he miss this kind of show. Simply amazing.

Bellamy and Paisley

"Guards, please exit the Gym, combat training will begin in 10 minutes."

With his back pressed against the wall, the teen let out a sigh at the announcement. Combat training was one of Bellamy's least favorite things to do. He barely understood the concept. If the group was to be held hostage in the facility for many years, what was the point in training them? To use them as mere weapons one day? Or did the employee's get some sinister thrill from evoking the Abnormalities into a rage? Interlacing his fingers, Bellamy's eye's flickered to some of the others as they went about their usual business. It was quite fascinating to watch the different personalities in the room as work.

"Bellamy," Paisley called out softly, from the place where she had taken a seat next to him. The older teen shifted his gaze down to the small blonde who outstretched her hands to him. "What is it?" He called back, voice low for her ears only. Even though the pair were cooped up in an isolated corner of the room, he wasn't too keen on drawing attention to them. "They're thirsty." She stated gently, her eye's focusing on a pair of seeds that she held in her small palm. The older boy simply nodded, understanding fairly quick of what she was asking. He reached over and allowed a bit of the water from his 'training resource' to spread over seeds. Paisley smiled up at her sibling and quickly dropped the items into a small pot that she had been allotted.

When the 'Guardians' were wheeled into the room, Bellamy's hand returned to the canister of water as he slowly rolled to his knee's. He didn't like the look of them. "Paise." He called out, turning his head to gather her attention. "No matter what, you stay behind me, okay?" The younger girl nodded, looking for a place to hide her plant until she could retrieve it later. When the spray of bullets began, Bellamy knocked the canister over and willed the water to rise up as a makeshift shield for the two. Only then did he realize Lyra had already thrown up a barrier of her own. As well as a few abnormals began to advance and dismantle the attackers in their own way.

mentions: Lyra | FireMaiden FireMaiden

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Jack was shot multiple times, but his thick flesh kept him from the shots being crippling. Unless he was pumped with lead, he was fine. He was creating a huge mess of parts, eating smaller bits as well. That wont be good for his digestion. He leaped blindly, giggling, and was halted as a strong fist nailed him in the face. "Oi! Get outta my space ya stupid mutt!" Vex snapped, in which Jack giggled as he rubbed his nose. Vex didnt mean to hit him in the face, or hit him at all, but he had leaped into a fist that was already thrown. He left the brawling female to her work, though in his distraction he could have interrupted someone else as they fought.
Many of the guardians were blown back by an unseen force, but they she know it was Lyra, a telekentic push delivered by a heavy stomp. This caused the source field to falter a little, and fall, having her now jump back out of one of the guardians reach as it was wielding a long lance sword hybrid weapon. Many of the other boys laid dismantled, so this course would be done soon. As long as they didn't have to face the Juggernaut. The less said about him the better. Well, for now at least. Anyway, the Guardians were done reloading, and were now aimming at who they perceived as the largest threats. Jack, Vex, Lyra, and Bellamy. That was most of them, the other headed for Seven (two pistol and sword wielding bots), David, (A large, heavily armored Guardian Assault bot arms with a heavy gun), A quick, brawler type decided to take on Alex, while having Lyra as a back up target. Six, regular bots started to surround Ozzy, but they poses no real threat. Another brawler type, but a bit smaller in size was headed for the youngest in the room, Paisley.
VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Fuzz Fuzz Safety Hammer Safety Hammer P Paint The Wind Sophrosyne Sophrosyne Bobman070 Bobman070
Many of the guardians were blown back by an unseen force, but they she know it was Lyra, a telekentic push delivered by a heavy stomp. This caused the source field to falter a little, and fall, having her now jump back out of one of the guardians reach as it was wielding a long lance sword hybrid weapon. Many of the other boys laid dismantled, so this course would be done soon. As long as they didn't have to face the Juggernaut. The less said about him the better. Well, for now at least. Anyway, the Guardians were done reloading, and were now aimming at who they perceived as the largest threats. Jack, Vex, Lyra, and Bellamy. That was most of them, the other headed for Seven (two pistol and sword wielding bots), David, (A large, heavily armored Guardian Assault bot arms with a heavy gun), A quick, brawler type decided to take on Alex, while having Lyra as a back up target. Six, regular bots started to surround Ozzy, but they poses no real threat. Another brawler type, but a bit smaller in size was headed for the youngest in the room, Paisley.
VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Fuzz Fuzz Safety Hammer Safety Hammer P Paint The Wind Sophrosyne Sophrosyne Bobman070 Bobman070

Alex cursed when one of the brawler bots got closer to her. She really had no combat skills, her skills were entirely mental. She hated training so much, she always did badly and usually ended up getting hurt, and today was no exception.
David noticed the assault droid come for him. "Well... Shit..." He made two balls of pure energy in his hands, and threw them at the droid. One missing and hit the brawler droid heading for Alex, the other hit dead center on the assault droid, were it was mostly armored. It created a large dent about an inch and a half deep, but didn't break through. He threw up a dome energy Shield around him, which he really had to focus on. To protect from the counter attack of the assault droid. "Of course I get the heavily armored one... I can't do anything to it until I break that armor."
Seven smiled, he didn't seem to be the same poor sick bastard he was a few moments ago. His breathing was normal and not weighed down by a cough. '4 droids. Easy. Those things are made mostly of metal so I will handle them like i did the last two.' After the quick thought Seven melted down one of the sword bots and added them to his liquid shield making it a good portion thicker. if a bullet hit the shield and didn't stop well there wouldn't be enough power behind it to even reach Seven on the other side. With two quick jabs the liquid metal hardened and shot out like a spear driving threw the two gun bots. "Get fucked!"

FireMaiden FireMaiden
Many of the guardians were blown back by an unseen force, but they she know it was Lyra, a telekentic push delivered by a heavy stomp. This caused the source field to falter a little, and fall, having her now jump back out of one of the guardians reach as it was wielding a long lance sword hybrid weapon. Many of the other boys laid dismantled, so this course would be done soon. As long as they didn't have to face the Juggernaut. The less said about him the better. Well, for now at least. Anyway, the Guardians were done reloading, and were now aimming at who they perceived as the largest threats. Jack, Vex, Lyra, and Bellamy. That was most of them, the other headed for Seven (two pistol and sword wielding bots), David, (A large, heavily armored Guardian Assault bot arms with a heavy gun), A quick, brawler type decided to take on Alex, while having Lyra as a back up target. Six, regular bots started to surround Ozzy, but they poses no real threat. Another brawler type, but a bit smaller in size was headed for the youngest in the room, Paisley.
VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Fuzz Fuzz Safety Hammer Safety Hammer P Paint The Wind Sophrosyne Sophrosyne Bobman070 Bobman070

Alex cursed when one of the brawler bots got closer to her. She really had no combat skills, her skills were entirely mental. She hated training so much, she always did badly and usually ended up getting hurt, and today was no exception.

Jack pricked his ears, noticing the possibly weakest in the room. He ripped through bots to get to Alex, which he has already made clear that she was his best friend, and proceeded to guard her if any came too close. Which the ones that decided to take him on followed him, so he fought with a viciousness instead of seeming to just play.

Vex loved a challenge, well, did this even count as a challenge? Three on one? Pff. She drilled fast punches through a bot's chassis and kicked backwards to completely break one's leg off at the knee joint. Once the bot was brought down and swung her body around and kicked the head off. She picked up the body by its arm and flung it at another bot, following that up with an uppercut after the bot was knocked backwards when hit. She grabbed its arm and yanked downward and ripped its arm off and beat it with it own arm until it was just... Dead. "Ha ha! Dont fuck with this gal! I'll jack slap the back of yer ass out yer head!"
Jack pricked his ears, noticing the possibly weakest in the room. He ripped through bots to get to Alex, which he has already made clear that she was his best friend, and proceeded to guard her if any came too close. Which the ones that decided to take him on followed him, so he fought with a viciousness instead of seeming to just play.

Vex loved a challenge, well, did this even count as a challenge? Three on one? Pff. She drilled fast punches through a bot's chassis and kicked backwards to completely break one's leg off at the knee joint. Once the bot was brought down and swung her body around and kicked the head off. She picked up the body by its arm and flung it at another bot, following that up with an uppercut after the bot was knocked backwards when hit. She grabbed its arm and yanked downward and ripped its arm off and beat it with it own arm until it was just... Dead. "Ha ha! Dont fuck with this gal! I'll jack slap the back of yer ass out yer head!"

Alex was completely helpless to fight against the bots, until Jack jumped up and started defending her. She smiled gratefully, she loved the playful and lovable boy. He was always there to defend her.
Warren was up in the air and locking his wings in tight he dive bombed towards the swarm of bots building up around Alex and Jack. Picking up speed quickly he changed position at the last minute, his feet slamming into the chest of a bot, the high speed causing the chest to bust open letting the bot fall where it stood.

Flexing his wings, he crouched in front of Alex, helping Jack with the bots attacking her.
Alex was completely helpless to fight against the bots, until Jack jumped up and started defending her. She smiled gratefully, she loved the playful and lovable boy. He was always there to defend her.

Warren was up in the air and locking his wings in tight he dive bombed towards the swarm of bots building up around Alex and Jack. Picking up speed quickly he changed position at the last minute, his feet slamming into the chest of a bot, the high speed causing the chest to bust open letting the bot fall where it stood.

Flexing his wings, he crouched in front of Alex, helping Jack with the bots attacking her.

(and here we learn Jack has little thought process of enemy and ally when enraged)

Jack growled, circling Alex to keep her in protecting range when he caught fast movement that was different from the bots. He snarled loudly, if this new movement was better than bots he was going to kill it as fast as he could. He leaped at Warren, knocking into the guy with his full weight and bit his wrist, holding on. His claws were something to watch out for, those things could cause some real damage.
(and here we learn Jack has little thought process of enemy and ally when enraged)

Jack growled, circling Alex to keep her in protecting range when he caught fast movement that was different from the bots. He snarled loudly, if this new movement was better than bots he was going to kill it as fast as he could. He leaped at Warren, knocking into the guy with his full weight and bit his wrist, holding on. His claws were something to watch out for, those things could cause some real damage.

Alex gasped. "Jack, no! He's not going to hurt you! Jack!" She ran forward to try and stop him, but soon was separated from the two trying to protect her and surrounded.

NightQueen NightQueen (I love Alaska by the way lol)
Warren used both his hands and wings to force jack off of him. Standing up, he folded his wings into themselves in an attempt to appear smaller and therefore less of a threat.

However during the mini conflict they became surrounded. Warren pounced on one of them in an attempt to protect Jack and to be able to locate Alex.

During the scuffle a shot went through one of alex's wings, spurting blood onto the white feathers

(I know right :P )
Alex gasped. "Jack, no! He's not going to hurt you! Jack!" She ran forward to try and stop him, but soon was separated from the two trying to protect her and surrounded.

NightQueen NightQueen (I love Alaska by the way lol)
Warren used both his hands and wings to force jack off of him. Standing up, he folded his wings into themselves in an attempt to appear smaller and therefore less of a threat.

However during the mini conflict they became surrounded. Warren pounced on one of them in an attempt to protect Jack and to be able to locate Alex.

During the scuffle a shot went through one of alex's wings, spurting blood onto the white feathers

(I know right :P )

Jack snarled, now that he was forced off he looked back at Warren and growled again. He seemed smaller, waste of time! He barked at him in anger of wasting his time, then tore through the bots that were close to them. He used his sense of smell to find his friend again, ripping bots apart left and right, eating what he could. Then... He smelled blood. A low snarl rumbled in his throat.
Jack snarled, now that he was forced off he looked back at Warren and growled again. He seemed smaller, waste of time! He barked at him in anger of wasting his time, then tore through the bots that were close to them. He used his sense of smell to find his friend again, ripping bots apart left and right, eating what he could. Then... He smelled blood. A low snarl rumbled in his throat.

Alex tried to get near Jack as he tore through bots to try and protect her but one of them threw her to the ground. She raised her arms up to shield herself, but she was helpless.
Alex tried to get near Jack as he tore through bots to try and protect her but one of them threw her to the ground. She raised her arms up to shield herself, but she was helpless.

The blood smell made Jack go into some kind of frenzy. He tore bots left and right, back and forth. He slobbered profusely, his long claws tearing through metal. He got to his target, Alex, and got any bots away from her. Unfortunately, this almost hurt her in the process as well since he was in this rage. Bots were effectively destroyed around her though.
The blood smell made Jack go into some kind of frenzy. He tore bots left and right, back and forth. He slobbered profusely, his long claws tearing through metal. He got to his target, Alex, and got any bots away from her. Unfortunately, this almost hurt her in the process as well since he was in this rage. Bots were effectively destroyed around her though.

Alex whimpered as shards of metal from the destroyed bots cut her, causing more bleeding as well. She got up as fast as she could and stood behind Jack, nervous and afraid.
As robot parts started to fly everywhere, some hit his shield and he began to lose focus, attempting to regain that focus the shield could be seen flashing, but inconsistently.

Bellamy and Paisley
It felt like only seconds before the second wave has sprung forward on the young teens. Bellamy willed the water that had formed around them to solidify to a degree that would slow the penetration of bullets, without shattering the matter completely. He knew the blockade wouldn't last long, but it would give him enough time to think. Noticing that a good number of the Guardians had shifted their attention completely to him, he debated his possibilities. There was a good chance that if he separated from Paisley that the bots would focus primarily on him, but that would leave his sibling vulnerable; something he couldn't take a chance with. If she had fallen to any type of harm, Bellamy wasn't sure that he'd be able to forgive himself.

Instead, Bellamy decided to widen his ranges by stepping forward a few feet. When a Guardian to his left got to close, he willed a handful of water to freeze completely and sent it forward through the center of the machine. As it crumpled to the floor, the boy gasped as he was suddenly thrown back by a bullet that managed to rip through his shield and into his shoulder. "Bellamy!" Paisley cried out, dropping to her brother's side. Her hands instantly went to pressing onto the wound, despite her brothers displeased look. The older teen didn't allow himself to bask on the pain as he wrapped his arms around his sister and rolled the two out of the way. Had they been there a second more, they'd find themselves like the other abnormals that never returned: dead.Bellamy stood once more, a flash of anger dancing over him. Fire erupted from the teen's fingertips and swarmed two of the remaining bots that decided to attack him.

Alyx Night Silence was the only solace Alyx ever knew. In silence he could think, he could feel, he could hear. "The subject has shown no symptoms we don't already know of..." The walls were thick enough to make it tough to hear, even in utter silence... "CLF3 has been the only chemical strong enough to restrain-" A troubled breath cut out their voices, "-haps if we can find a less lethal substance that will have the same-" A loud beep as his cell was opened. "Rise and shine beast. You're getting dropped into the training room." Alyx looked up to the guard, his emerald eyes glowing, the bags under his eyes showing that he had not slept in quite some time. Through the caged muzzle of titanium secured around his neck and lower half of his face he gave a devilish grin that terrified most guards. "Time to play? I was just getting comfy..." His speech and the look of bloodlust in his eyes only made his aura that much more terrifying. "Shut your trap kid. You know the procedures." Alyx began to giggle maniacally, his volume slowly increasing until a coughing fit silenced him. "Drug me... burn me... restrain me... it all means nothing to you... I know the only reason I can't kill you now is because of this poison you constantly inject me with... too bad it can't kill me." The guard punched Alyx in the gut with a well placed fist, causing him to cough up blood through his muzzle. "I said shut it."

As guards rolled Alyx through the halls he hummed a tune he overheard from one of the children who, at the time, was still learning how to control her mental powers. Thanks to the young girl he had memorized the tune and now hummed it whenever they transported him from his cell to anywhere else. As they continued he flailed his head from side to side, watching and plotting. Counting each door they passed, memorizing when they turned and when they spoke of other ways to get to the same place. Although they believed him insane, which was partially true, he was more deceptive than they thought, and he would take every advantage he could. Whenever he was allowed to be around the others, he spoke without stuttering a word. He was always thinking, listening, waiting for the right time. He knew that Lyra had her own planning process, but unlike him she had more freedom, if he could even call it that. Eventually they arrived where the others were already training. He gave a wicked smile as he watched, waiting for his electronically controlled restraints to release him. "Now you remember, you act out we restrain you promptly... got it?" Alyx chuckled, "Sorry, could you repeat? The poison really does a number on my ability to care." The guard ignored him, taking out the needle that was pouring the otherwise fatal chemicals through his system. As they set him in place they unlocked his shackles and opened a door in which Alyx took his time to walk out before falling to his knees to recover for a few moments.

He felt as the occasional Bullet would bounce off of him, creating a small red Mark and a quick pang of soreness. After what felt like several minutes he stood up, his whole body sweating from the poison still coursing through his veins. His eyes had a look of bloodlust and compassion mixed together, his way of letting his peers know that he was ready to help. Throwing his arms in circles he cracked his neck before walking forward a few steps and bursting into a sprint. Despite his weakened systems, his strength was still immense, hence why they poisoned him in order to control him. The closest to him was David, a boy he didn't know well, but everyone was family to Alyx. As he approached David he saw the armored Droid he was fighting and stood between them. He had no need to ask if the boy would be alright, he knew everyone in the room could take care of themselves.

Each bullet that hit him simply crunched and fell to the floor, he knew they wouldn't dare wast diamond tipped bullets to make him try better, he was already one of few who could take down a battalion of armed troops so long as they didn't have diamond tipped weaponry. Walking forward he ignored the droid's fruitless attempts to harm him and grabbed hold of its metal head. Lifting the droid he threw it to the ground, smashing it's head into pieces as his fist reached the ground. He looked behind him to make sure the boy was in fact alright before walking to the next group who needed the beasts aid.

Fuzz Fuzz @whomever else
David, hadn't noticed the 19 year old walk up, or enter training, mainly having to focus on the failing energy shield he had up to protect from the onslaught of bullets coming from the assault droid. He was mainly staring at the droids feet, until it seemingly started to float. He lost focus and the shield dropped. David watched as this 'Beast' of a man wasn't being affected by the bullets that hit him, and as he slammed the droids head into the ground. He looked at him as he turned towards him. "Thanks... I have no idea how much longer that shield would have lasted." As another droid tried to run up he simply raised his hand and made it a fist at the incoming droid making it short circuit and simply die. "It's much harder to do that when they have more armor.."
NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz
Alex whimpered as shards of metal from the destroyed bots cut her, causing more bleeding as well. She got up as fast as she could and stood behind Jack, nervous and afraid.

Jack did notice how many of these bots there were, they seemed endless. He watched all movement around him as he could, noting the new smell. He had barely ever smelled it, but he was unconcerned with it. If it came near him or Alex though, then he would be very concerned. He crunched a bot's head in his strong jaws, shaking it furiously and dislodged it from the neck joint. He dropped the useless metal, it seemed that he may be calming down because he giggled. But then a blood scent came to his nose, this time it came from behind him. Was his friend hurt? His giggle turned into a mean growl, his claws scratching the ground he stood upon and now he wouldnt let a single moving thing come near them. He lashed out with his deadly claws, easily able to tear through or impale metal.
Jack did notice how many of these bots there were, they seemed endless. He watched all movement around him as he could, noting the new smell. He had barely ever smelled it, but he was unconcerned with it. If it came near him or Alex though, then he would be very concerned. He crunched a bot's head in his strong jaws, shaking it furiously and dislodged it from the neck joint. He dropped the useless metal, it seemed that he may be calming down because he giggled. But then a blood scent came to his nose, this time it came from behind him. Was his friend hurt? His giggle turned into a mean growl, his claws scratching the ground he stood upon and now he wouldnt let a single moving thing come near them. He lashed out with his deadly claws, easily able to tear through or impale metal.

Alex ran forward when she saw a bot coming up from his blind spot. She ran into the bot and tried to use pure force to knock it over, but it didn't work, and she was shot in the collarbone. She cried out in pain and fell back to the ground.
Alyx Night As Alyx looked for the next bot to destroy he heard a cry of pain and looked to see one of the girls had been shot close to the neck. The injury could be fatal if they didn't finish this up quick. Looking around at the rubble he found a spare pistol from a downed bot and picked it up, aiming with almost instant pinpoint accuracy and shot the three closest bots to the girl, one shot was enough to take them down. Throwing the gun aside he ran forward, his blonde hair trailing behind him. The sight was as if he was a locomotive thanks to the cage on his mouth.

It wasn't but a few moments before he was within arms reach of the hound and the girl. A bot attempted to get close to Jack's hind while he was taking care of another bot. Poor choice on the bot's part... he walked up to the bot, grabbing its head and smashing it to a mere disk on his knee. As it fell over he took its pistol and pointed in the girl's direction, shooting twice at two bots coming up behind her. He approached her and crouched, looking at the wound with worry in his eyes. In as dull a whisper as he could without startling her he spoke, "Is it serious?" Before she had a chance to reply Alyx looked past her and rolled over her a moment before a gunshot sounded. Without hesitation he turned and shot back, destroying the bot that interrupted him. "Deep breaths and it won't hurt so much..."

The look in his eyes said that he was more than insane, yet his tone of voice seemed more like that of a concerned brother despite all the chaos around them. He continued to inspect the girl's wound, waiting for an answer before he dared leave her side. His emerald eyes darted between her wound and everything behind her, being sure that nothing would harm her until she gave the okay. The pistol from moments ago had run out of ammo and he let it drop to the ground. "Can you still fight?"

P Paint The Wind VanRIPPED VanRIPPED Fuzz Fuzz

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