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Fandom The Corrupted Redone (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)


"Oh boy..."

"I just-" The pretty fox gijinka sighed, covered her face and sighed, then looked at Corali and said, "yeah, yeah, I'm on it. We got a place not too far away. I mean, if you don't mind." She looked at Corali, then gestured towards the trees and walked away, Bobby looking up from talking to Graceon, and tapping him on the shoulder. The kid then proceeded to stand up and sniffed the air, then walked promptly over to Nikki and grabbed the two tassels that hung from her shirt. Nikki then proceeded to walk off into the trees as the rain came down harder and harder.

@AlannaTrebond @PlaguedWithInsanity


Lotus removed her face from the Darkrai's clothing, then looked around as the Ninetales suggested a place to go after Corali had asked for someplace. "I'm okay, Corali..." she mumbled while her gaze looked over all the gijinka that had seemed to be with the fiery woman. She lied in the Darkrai's arms still feeling quite dreary and drowsy, despite her little scare from both nature as well as a certain little Eevee girl. The Absol boy she was with, however, seemed rather 'blind' to his situation, and hung on the Ninetales as well. It was strange.


Hidden in a roof distant to the group was a Volcarona, watching them all with a watchful, predatory gaze. She wasn't fazed by the sudden loud noises in the background, as she assessed the situation and took in plenty of useful information pertaining the whereabouts of the kidnapped Shaymin. Perfect...Soltae will be simply delighted to know where her little test toy went off to... she thought to herself as she then noticed that rain was falling. Being both a fire and bug type was the issue here, and she would have to get her wings dried before being able to report to the leader Arceus. Well, then again did the woman have the ability Flame Body, so she could possibly dry them quickly, but they were still flimsy bug wings. She would have to wait for the rain to cease to deliver said news.
Thilye stopped, hearing people walking along the edge of the forest. She didn't recognize any of them. She stayed behind a patch of trees, just watching. She looked between them... She shivered at the dark type pokemon...but in that pokemon arms, she saw green hair. no way... that was Shaymin! What was Shaymin doing here? She stayed off to the side, just watching.
Corali followed the ninetails and her group quietly. She looked around the forest, frowning. She felt like she was being watched... but with only one good eye, she couldn't tell if there was actually anyone out there or not. When Lotus said that she was okay, Corali looked down at her. "Sure you are, sweetie. I just want to make sure, okay?" She spoke softly to the little girl, knowing that she had been through a lot already and not wanting her to be further afraid.
Thilye looked closer, realizing that the Shaymin wasn't in good condition. She looked hurt, or sick, but what it was she couldn't tell from a distance. She might be able to help, if she could get close...but she dared not risk it. She didn't know these people, who they were or what they were after. She decided to just continue watching for now.
Soon a log cabin loomed out of the distance, the lightning flashing behind it making it look ominous, but Bobby the Luxray near the front strode right up to the front door and dug around in a flower pot, pulling out a small bronze key and opening the front door, Graceon the Absol and Cherry the Eevee both heading straight inside. "Right this way, ladies." Bobby said, with a big, slightly nervous smile at Corali. Nikki stepped inside and walked away, stepping to a closet near the front door. Meanwhile Graceon and Cherry laid down on sleeping bags on the floor in a rather large living room. "Errrr.. you can set her on the couch if you want. We've been leaving that for the kids anyway." Bobby said, gesturing at the couch.

@AlannaTrebond @PlaguedWithInsanity @Lumina
Zara looked back over to the group and raised her eyebrows once she saw them leaving. She nearly shouted at them, but the sound of another clap of thunder was too loud for anyone to hear her. She frowned and continued to cover her head as she followed behind the group to the cabin. The garchomp was the last of the group to make it there and continued to look aggravated once she got there. She crossed her arms, "You guys weren't going to leave me behind in that storm were you?" Zara huffed, "Nevermind...just as long as you don't kick me out I'll be alright." She slightly grinned, hoping her impulsive words didn't anger any of them.
Corali followed the group to an unexpectedly nice cabin. She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Don't look a gift ponyta in the mouth, right? She walked over to the couch, gently placing Lotus on it. She looked at the luxray and the ninetails. "Thank you for your offer." She thanked them politely, although she didn't bother to hide her worry for Lotus. Despite what the stubborn little girl said, she was in bad shape. She turned around when she heard another voice to see a garchomp. "Friend of yours?"
Thilye was way too curious now. She approached the cabin cautiously, hoping not to draw too much attention. The pokemon of the forest kept trying to approach her, curious as to what it was that she was doing, but she kept them at bay. She wanted, no, needed, to see what was going on. She had heard of shaymin and its amazing powers...and as a fellow legendary she grew worried about the condition of the small grass type. Using the rain as cover for the noise, she approached the cabin window, hoping to stay out of sight and hear what was happening inside.
Nikki looked out of the closet, and stared at the Garchomp, "No, definitely not.. but hey what do we care, this place is huge. Except for when this one suddenly attacks us. By the way, the little Absol in there knows Ice Beam, sooo. Watch yourself." She pulled a medical kit out of the closet along with a fresh blanket and yawned, then went over to Lotus, and put the medical kit beside her, so she could see it.

"...Hi. I'm Nikki. Whats your name?" She asked Lotus with a soft voice.

@AlannaTrebond @PlaguedWithInsanity


When Lotus was carried to the cabin, she was amazed by how nice it was, even just from the outside alone. When they went inside, she was almost without breath. The male Luxray lead them all inside, telling Corali to put her down on the couch nearest the entrance. She lied on her back until she heard a mysterous voice at the door, as she then sat up slightly and craned her neck up to see who it was. A female, no doubt, and by the looks of it, a Garchomp. Lotus lied back on her back, then making a slight noise of discomfort while doing so. Soon enough had the Ninetales come up to her after telling everyone that the Absol boy knew the move Ice Beam, as she held a medical kit in her hands. She set it down beside her and asked Lotus her name in a surprisingly soft manner. "I-It's Lotus." she mumbled shyly, looking over at the Ninetales from her position. She then glanced at Corali, hoping that the Darkrai hadn't set her up with someone that she couldn't trust.
Thilye glanced in the window, straining to hear the conversations inside. Lotus...that was the Shaymin's name. She took another peak, noticing the dire condition the poor girl was in. She figured she might be able to help...but with the rain and thunder there would be no way for Lotus to hear her Heal Bell. All she could do was wait.
Corali nodded slightly and turned back to Lotus. When she walked over, Corali watched the ninetails, unsure if she could really be trusted, but figuring that a slim chance was better than none, and if necessary, she could fight her way out. She watched Nikki introduce herself and relaxed marginally. She was at least trying to make her more comfortable. It was a start.
"Well that is a very pretty name. I wish that was my name." She said, opening the kit slowly. Inside were several rolls of bandages, splints, hydrogen peroxide, an antibacterial spray, band-aids, and a few brown bottles with white labels. And syringes. That was what Nikki was afraid of. She knew they were in there and wasn't sure if Lotus would freak out if she saw them, so she just opened the kit slowly and let Lotus look in.


Lotus smiled faintly at the Ninetales, looking at the medical kit as well as what she was doing. Nikki opened the white box slowly and looked at the contents, then pulling it down to the smaller girl's eye level to see what it contained. "Eeep!" she squeaked, taking a nearby sofa pillow in her small hands and covering herself with it. "You're not going to hurt me, are you?" she asked while hugging the pillow tightly in front of her.
After some time behind her shield building up Swords Dances, Crocea drew her sword and jumped up in an attempt to land a Shadow Claw on the Legendary that was attacking her ship. If this goes well, it could very well take out half of her health, if not more. That number increases if she gets a critical, and that is all the more likely with the attack she is using. She doesn't care that she's jumping off of her ship. It's not important. What is important is avenging her parents. And that is exactly what she plans to do.
Corali walked over and placed a hand on top of Lotus' head in an attempt to remind her that she wasn't alone. "Nikki is a friend, Lotus. She won't hurt you." She told the young girl quietly. "Look at the other kids. They look happy, right?" She gestured to the absol and eevee. "If she won't hurt them, how could she possibly hurt you?"
Nikki was saddened deeply that the little girl didn't trust her. For whatever reason, she felt oddly attached to this child. "I would never hurt you. Admittedly this antibacterial spray stuff stings, but thats just about it." She picked up the spray and began to shake it like a can of spray paint, "I understand that you don't trust me, I wouldn't trust a random stranger with this big box full of scary looking things. But I promise, I will not hurt you. At least not on purpose." She held up a pinkie and offered it to Lotus, "hmmm?"

Lotus jumped a little when pat on the head. She soon looked up to see Corali, which had then reassured her a bit. She loosened her grip on the small couch pillow when she was told by the Darkrai that Nikki was a friend. She wasn't quite sure yet, and when asked about her and the other children, Lotus merely shrugged. Turning her attention back to the Ninetales, she had then confessed herself to the Shaymin about her own feelings and about who to trust. She shook a can of antibacterials and the Shaymin flinched away slightly. "O-okay." she mumbled quietly as she 'pinkie promised' about how Nikki would help her.
Corali smiled slightly at Nikki. She reacted well, and was probably better with Lotus than she was. Time would tell. She leaned against a nearby wall, ensuring that she could see everything that happened to Lotus. Considering her restricted vision, it was easier said than done.
Thilye peered in, pleased that Lotus was getting medical attention. She glared slightly at the man-made chemicals in the metal box, thinking natural cures were better, but the safety of pokemon came before petty beliefs. She was about to relax until a lightning strike hit a tree outside, scaring Thilye into slamming into the outside of the cabin.
Azrael perked up at the mention of the Darkrai. "Corali? Really!?" She ran around and gathered up a back full of extra supplies and clothes. "Well, lets go then!"


Tahl watched her reclaim her plate and winced mentally. He knew it would hurt some of his allies but it had to be done. He leaned up and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "I believe I deserve more than a thank you, my dear." He smirked at her.


"No Problem" was Aelliat's response to her. He didn't mind helping her at all, he considered it a duty. Yuri scooped up the Cyndaquil and walked over to them. "You should thank Yuri here, he did all the work." Aelliat surveyed the bridge and sighed. It would take a long time to fix it. " I know a way around all of this, if you want to join me for the trip?"
"Grab an umbrella." Tsura told her, pointing out the window. "It's raining." She frowned, tilting her head to the side. "We'll have to walk in the rain to find her."


"Oh? I owe you?" Soltae smiled coyly and leaned towards the Jirachi. "What kind of reward do you think you deserve?" She asked, looking up into his eyes.


Cathryn frowned at the mention of 'Yuri', momentarily confused, until she saw the Blaziken. Her eyes flicked from Yuri to the other guy, making the connection- he was a trainer. How did she not realize it earlier? She mentally kicked herself, but at his suggestion, she sighed and looked around. Logically, it made sense. She really didn't want to travel with a human if she didn't have to, but she wasn't too familiar with the area, so didn't know how to get where she needed to go. "Alright." She said with a slight nod. She wasn't happy about traveling with a human, and one with fire pokemon at that, but she wouldn't complain too much yet. "What's your name?"
"O-ow..." Thilye held her head, slightly dizzy from hitting the side of the cabin. She turned, freaking out now. "O-oh no..." she backed up a bit, realizing they would have heard her inside. She looked at the door, then back out to the forest.... did she have time to run? The rain might give some cover...

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