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Realistic or Modern The color of Vanilla {Trigger}

What should the new title be ?

  • Keep it the same-why change a classic ?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We're busy, Hell can wait

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
boyguro said:
@Raerae is that a my chemical romance reference i see in your character sheet

I'm surprised you could read it with my terrible font color atm Yes it is! I adore them. ;P
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Anyway, are these kids supposed to go to school together or something? I noticed in the Overview that the ages were 16-20 so I have a 19 year old almost finished but the CS asks for school life so I'm just a little confused. Should he be in school still?
[QUOTE="Amora Aurora]MCR<3
Anyway, are these kids supposed to go to school together or something? I noticed in the Overview that the ages were 16-20 so I have a 19 year old almost finished but the CS asks for school life so I'm just a little confused. Should he be in school still?


Not necessarily but all of them would know each other quite well. I just didn't want any super old characters

btdubs, mcr slays my life

anywho, I'm also kinda figuring out this coding thing, so if anyone would maybe like to help me I'd probably love you forever c:
This may help more than my rambling:

Resources - Yuu's BBCode Teahouse | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

But in case it doesn't, anything you want to change in the tabs can be changed by adding the usual bbcode (i.e ) right after the slide separation. So changing the slides font to Playball would look like so:

{slide=[font=Playball][size=3]Quix's Slide Tutorial[/font][/size]}

make sure to close out the font's as usual INSIDE the slide name. The font usually screws up unless the whole name of the slide is capitalized, though, so keep that in mind. <3

Okay, I'm going to start updating all the tabs
^_^ Make sure you look over all of them, there's going to be some helpful info. As far as the setting and locations go, feel free to add some input about places you think would be important to the RP. A college would work out great ! Please tag anyone else you believe maybe interested {especially if they RP characters that aren't females }. Hopefully, the first post will be up by tomorrow !
TFW you start posting your writing sample via mobile but your browser crashes -_-
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[QUOTE="Myrrh Scented]TFW you start posting your writing sample via mobile but your browser crashes -_-


Write a very angry letter to the browser people

If only life actually worked like that
I don't know if I'll have a CS up by the time you have the opening post. I have my first massive AP Bio exam coming up and I really have to get cracking on my studying.

Well, the rules tab is finished and I'll be updating the setting's but some pics are already there. I'll be making my CS right now but we still need some more males ❤️
Accordion is the epitome of a nightmare.

In other news, I'm extremely excited to use Chandler, assuming he gets accepted. So, if anyone wants to offer up their character as a sacrificial lamb and let him fuck with their lives, I promise to make it entertaining.

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