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Realistic or Modern The Colony

Dylan sat in a corner, eyes set on the ceiling and breaths escaping through grit teeth. Once her side was cleaned up it actually hadn't been all that bad, nothing mortal at least. The monster wolfs claws had gotten her right under her ribs, all the way around to the back of her hip. While not deep it still wasn't a pretty sight, and it hurt like a bitch too. Everyone was inside the bunker, all in their various positions, either together or alone. But no one spoke. Nothing moved until Nickolai stood, striding to the door. He paused for a moment before grabbing up an AK and stepping outside. Raising a brow in curiosity she hissed out a pained breath as she pushed herself further into a sitting position. Only a few minutes later the door burst open, and he was shoving a metal bits between the floorboards. 'What in the world...'

When he turned to face them she could see Nickolai was flushed and panting. A sense of nervousness enveloped her as she eyed him, and it just got worse as he finally spoke, explaining things about the wall that she never knew. With each new word the space around them seemed to get heavier, grow darker with impending danger. It was a feeling she was used to, but one she had never felt so intensely before. Usually it hit her before a fight. Knowing she was going in to get hit and hurt. This was the same, and yet so much different. There was a feeling of knowing you were going to get hurt, but a much deeper sense that told you it was more than that. Whatever was out there, ready to get you, it wasn't going to hesitate to kill. Nothing he said was reassuring, and tears threatened to show themselves. Tilting her head back she forced them to recede, but her mind flashed to her brothers. They were probably freaking out. Who knows what they thought happened. Last they knew she was going to the gym, and then nothing. 'But what if who ever took you got to them? Took them for something too? Or...what if they convinced them I'm fine. Told them some elaborate story. They were powerful enough to take 7 people straight out of their lives, convincing a few people I'm alright and safe would be nothing. They might not ever know what happened to me...'

Her thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling scream, one that chilled her straight to her soul. A cacophony of chaos sounded from above, and you could even hear the distant sound of heavy gunfire. Nickolai suggested sleep, not that she thought anyone was actually going to be able to get any, and she silently took the MRE and water from Jack. Turning over the package she raised a skeptical brow at the bold 'Macaroni & Cheese' printed on it. Flipping it around she noticed there were no directions. 'Of course. Why would we need directions? Everyone knows how to make one of these things edible.'

Sighing she looked around, hoping to get some sort of clue. Luckily she caught Nickolai teaching Lucy how to make hers. Paying close attention she poured water into the pasta, followed by the package of cheese powder. Closing the pasta she placed it into the larger package and waited a few minutes. It didn't take long for the pasta to get done, and she poured it into the cheese. Mixing it up she frowned into the package, eyeing the mess of a meal. 'Edible may have been too kind of a word. This looks like all the shattered dreams of every child who was ever told Santa Clause isn't real.' Lifting a spoonful up to her mouth she reluctantly took a bite, grimacing as she chewed and swallowed. 'Oh it tastes like it too!'

Steeling herself she quickly scooped it into her mouth, silently apologizing to her stomach the entire time. Once the package was empty she lifted the bottle of water and downed nearly the rest of it. Getting comfy. as comfy as she could be on the floor in a bunker in Russia anyway, she leaned further into the wall and closed her eyes. She may not sleep, but if she could achieve a light doze that would be amazing.

Lucy Simmons

Interacting: Nickolai

Lucy smiled at the mention of taste. She didn't know much about cooking, but she definitely knew how to make school lunch taste better, the other kids paid her money to make it taste edible. But then the teachers found out and made her stop; but while it lasted, good times. She sighed, she'd give anything to be there now. You never knew what you had- until it was... gone. She blinked away her tears, not now. It still wasn't a good time. Not yet.

She sat down by Masami and ate her pasta in silence, preferring to think instead of talk at the moment. Yep, this was somewhere around the taste of school food. Lucy couldn't decide if it was worse or better
quite yet. she'd need to have a side-by-side comparison for that one. But then Masami said something about the food tasting sad. "I don't know what's sadder. The taste of this food, or the fact that I only have one shoe!" She started to laugh uncomfortably, slightly cracking after the long day.

was the last time she slept? She had stayed up late packing for the trip, then she got in the car at about 6 in the morning, hoping to make it to her parent's house before noon, then she got lost, and all of a sudden it was 4 in the afternoon. She'd stopped at a light, and then... then she was here. The day passed by, and then they ate. Lucy needed to sleep.

She downed the rest of the spaghetti in the packet, drank some water and walked to an empty cot by some injured girl in the corner. Normally Lucy'd be right on top of that, but right now exhaustion had taken over and she was too tired to care.
"Good night...", she mumbled, covering her ears with her hands, attempting to block away the screams.

But.. but.. she couldn't could she? The screams would be there every night, for the rest of her miserable existence, wouldn't they? She began to silently cry into the uncomfortable excuse of a mattress.

Nickolai sat by the door to their small bunker and rested the familiar AK in his lap, as various people laid down to rest. He knew they all must be thinking about how they wouldn't be able to sleep because it was the same thought on his mind. Silently holding his vigil through the night was easier after the few screams had ceased and the pounding above them had as well. The adrenaline of the day kept him almost to first light but as he began to falter, the pounding began again but seemingly in the opposite direction. Once it had ceased it was first light, he silently stood and removed his barricade. Opening the door he stepped out into the first light of the sun. He walked up the small staircase to the surface and scanned the area. The area hadn't changed much from the night before besides the dirt had been slightly unsettled and the shrapnel had been tossed around a little bit. As he watched the sun rise slightly he heard a noise coming from nearby. He made his way toward the noise expecting the worst. As he peaked around the corner of a wrecked BTR he saw a crouched figure that looked to be human at first glance. As he approched he held his rifle at the ready. Looking down for an instant he found a small pile of glass at his feet. Slowly crunching it with his boot he watched in horror as the figure turned in a flash and barred ungodly teeth. It was obviously not too happy as it charged him. He fired his rifle into the creature's chest but that merely made it flinch on its path, as did the next two rounds. As the creature closed in, Nickolai dropped the rifle and steadied himself. The beast connected and using its own momentum against it, he lifted it into the air and tossed it onto a pile of wreckage. While the creature rose to its feet, Nickolai drew his pistol and slammed three rounds into the creatures head. It toppled and collapsed onto itself. Nickolai panted and held his knees as the adrenaline caught up with him. No wonder they built the wall.

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