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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom The College Of Winterhold - (OPEN)


Your Local Schmuck

" Winterhold was once a great, powerful and wealthy region, and its relationship with the College of Winterhold was good.

Until in 4E 122, an unprecedented, cataclysmic event struck Winterhold and most of the areas along the coastline. A massive storm came in from the Sea of Ghosts, bringing huge waves that crashed against the great cliffs. Most of the city fell into the sea, leaving the deep scars both physically, with the destruction of the city itself, and with the emotional and psychological damage to Winterhold's people. This event would eventually be referred to as "The Great Collapse. "

The disaster left Winterhold in ruins, including Winterhold's relationship with the College. The people of Winterhold would eventually begin to blame the mysterious work of the mages for causing the Great Collapse. The College of Winterhold is widely distrusted and has since been cautious as to avoid provoking the population of Skyrim. "

So when a student is found murdered within the walls, the college shuts its great steel doors. For the first time since the Great Collapse, guards enter the college ad begin regular patrols and investigation. Determined to root out the murderer no one is allowed in, and no one is allowed out.

Everyone is a suspect.


C H A R A C T E R S:

Usinia Oenanthe Oenanthe
Odividus Carvain Oenanthe Oenanthe
Tormund Raven-Eye Mekuto Mekuto
Xandi Larothi Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii
Ramulf Sararssen French Fries French Fries
Ohartalmo Larethor Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii
Gael Virthwood yuckeroni yuckeroni
Dandael ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion


R U L E S :

1) This goes out to the murderer: You can totally be a serial killer, just please don't murder any active players

2) I'd like this to be detailed/literate but I know thats not ideal for many, so just NO ONE LINERS EVER (And nice 2-6 paragraph replies make me happy, but not required)

3) If you decide to leave, that's cool! Just let me know. If you just need a break, that's cool! JUST LET ME KNOW

4) As of right now, the max is 2 characters per player (let me know if you'd like to take on more), however, I also suggest- not require- playing at least 2 characters so we have a large and diverse cast. I'd like this to be pretty big.

L i n k s:

Interest Check
Main Thread
Character Sheets
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Audio Suggestion


4E 199, 17th of Mid Year, Loredas, 12:26 P.M. - The Arcanum, College of Winterhold.

" A mage is only as good as what he knows."

Or so Urag had said time and time again to Usinia, especially when arrogant young mages busied themselves shooting fireballs at a wall all day- never once bothering to consult a tome. There was nothing more insufferable than an arrogant mage who knew nothing of the power they held, or so lamented the Orc. It was for this reason that Usinia was utterly devoted to books, fearing he might one day regard her as one of these mages.

The Arcanaeum was her home and the smell of dusty dated pages was as familiar to her as the smell of Ma's cooking might have been to others.

She spent endless hours there, pouring over enchanted books whose words seem to vibrate through her fingers and impart meaning onto her skin. Hours that could have been minutes, maybe they were days. That was one thing about being blind, non-24 meant that day and night held little meaning to her. She only knew it was so late because Urag had ruffled her hair on the way out, and the only other occupant in the room was Vaylen, a student who had attended the college for the past few years.

At least, that was the only person who had made their presence known to her. Most in the college who knew of Sinia's condition knew to announce themselves when they walked in so that she was not spooked.

Whoever entered the room gave no concern on whether on not Sinia was spooked. Suddenly she heard the horrible clatter of books falling to the floor, a man grunting and gurgling on the other side of the room. She started to call out to him, to ask him if he was choking, but no...she knew better than that. He was certainly not choking. She could hear it. The grunting and kicking coming to a slow halt.

Getting herself killed would not help him. In fear she tucked herself underneath the table and hid, hoping that she had gone unnoticed.


By the next morning, the entire College was like a bee-hive kicked. Swarming with a desire for revenge, panicked, and alive with a deafening buzz. Urag had been the first to discover the body the next morning, Usinia asleep under a nearby table still curled up like a statue frozen in fear. She told him everything she knew while others examined the lifeless body.

" And you saw nothing else?" Mirabelle Ervine asked Sinia with a grave tone in her voice.
" Mira."
" Right. Sorry. Are you okay?"
" I'm fine."
" Arch-mage Aren is about to address everyone down in the Hall of Elements, you don't have to go though."
" No, I'll be fine, thank you."

By the time she reached the main hall it sounded packed, every voice echoing off of the stony walls to create a symphony of panic. Only coming to an unnatural silence when Savos Aren cleared his throat to address them.

I know this morning has brought a startling and unsettling discovery. But it is during this time that we must remember who we are. We are
mages. Masters of the arcane arts! We do not scurry about in a panic like mice! I assure you, we are doing everything we can to get to the bottom of this. Guards have been called in and are on their way as we speak. They will remain within the walls on patrol at all times until our murderer is caught. A curfew will now be set at 9PM-8AM and should you have any business between those hours you must call a guard to escort you. You will treat them with respect and hospitality, answering any questions they may have. I also expect each and every one of you to come forth with any information you know concerning the murder. And yes-" He sighed. " We are under no doubts that it was a murder.

Despite this, life will continue as normal. You are all expected to continue on your regular routines and commence with your studies!

We will not let this cripple us!

You are all dismissed to breakfast, thank you."



Vixen Dreams Vixen Dreams Mekuto Mekuto Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion French Fries French Fries sheesh sheesh T twentyoneplums Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
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Rather unamused to the news of the murder and even less amused by the notion of guards and curfews, Ohartalmo made his way out of the main hall, then out of the entry way, he was the first out of the building. Once the great doors of the Hall of Elements were behind him and the Statue of Arch-mage Shalidor lay before him, his lungs were invaded by the harsh cold winds of Skyrim again. The bitter cold seeped into his lungs causing them to contract and his chest to tighten, despite this it gave him a sort of comfort, there was something clean about brisk air. Standing there he let out his breath a cloud forming out of his mouth and blocking his view, he began to walk towards the Hall of Atianment, where his quarters were. As his foot passed from the stone which was protected by the stone lip in the college's courtyard there was a crunch that nearly echoed in the empty space. In his brief time at the college he had never seen these grounds so peaceful. After taking the sight in quickly Ohatalmo used long strides and haste to get back to his quarters.

His quarters were filled with books, most of which were his own writings, it almost was like he was in a small shelf-less library who only collected his books. He sat at his desk which was the only place where other books could be found, on it were several tomes about souls and their functionality. Along with the books is parchment, most of which was blank but a few papers were covered in rantings, observations, and sketches of gems, there is also ink, a few quills, some wax, candles, and multiple of every type of gem soul gem and not. His researches were to find out how soul gems worked, and most importantly if any other gem could act in a similar manor. These studies were to be a gateway into Dwemer magics as souls gem were integral to most of their automatons. So there Ohartalmo sat scribbling furiously, and casting spells upon various gems to see how they would react.

It felt boring to him, but he read the book anyways. In the Hall of Attainment, Ramulf sat in his room, on a chair beside his desk. The tome in his hands was a book on Conjuration, the Frost Atronach spell to be specific. It was easy to understand, the problem was that he hadn't too much interest in it, felt as if he was reading the same stuff over and over. The reason he read it is well, Frost Atronachs are strong and deadly beings. Had he wanted to kill someone or keep himself alive in a time needed, he could summon one and have no problems. One of the many reasons he specializes in Conjuration, nobody wants to get their hands dirty, right? At the back of his head, worries swivelled around about the secret. His vampirism. He wasn't sure what would happen if people discovered, but he figured he'd likely be killed. At all costs, even if it meant framing someone else, he had to avoid anyone noticing those unusually red eyes of his.

He made his way to the last of the pages, the end of them, and so as anybody would normally do he shut the book and placed it back on a bookshelf. He ordered it in the area he kept his Conjuration books, under there the Illusion, then the Enchanting, and so on. Letting out a sigh out of his boredom, just as he was about to leave his room he remembered. The announcement from earlier about the murder, it interested him and thought about it. About who did it and when it happened, for what reason the murder even took place. However, he quickly became unamused and bored once again and sat back at his desk. Reaching his arm over and grabbing an Illusion tome, he opened it up and began his studies once more. His original plan was to take a walk but he didn't feel... "right" for it.
Odividus headed down to the dining hall with most of the damn college, their conversations focusing on nothing but the murder and action within the college. Normally breakfast, lunch, and dinner would be served at regular times, but thanks to the introverted nature of most mages they would simply come, get their food, go. Now it seemed most everyone was glad to have the company for one reason or another. Personally, he just hated waking up early and figured this gods-forsaken morning could be salvaged only by good food.

Within the dining hall, Usinia found a seat at the end of the table.

" G'Mornin' Sinia" Odi grunted in between bites of ham. " Whatcha want?"
" Oh, just an apple, thanks. I don't think you've ever been up this early."
" It's Oblivion I tell you."

The Wood Elf gave a small snort and took ahold of the apple offered to her. She felt eternally grateful that most everyone at the college was willing to help with little things like this. In her room everything was put in a certain place to she never had any trouble finding stuff, but she was certain no one would appreciate her feeling around the table for which food she wanted.

Pulling her legs up near her chest she took a bite of apple and wrinkled her nose.
" You didn't warn me it was sour!"
"You don't like the green ones?"
"I like them, I just wasn't expecting it."

Their conversation was light, casual, as if nothing had happened. Just the way Odi liked it, and just the way Sinia liked it really. People had been drilling her all morning about the murder and what she knew or didn't know. Some had even gone as far as to question if she did it. Everything was so upside down right now.

Vixen Dreams Vixen Dreams Mekuto Mekuto Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion French Fries French Fries sheesh sheesh T twentyoneplums Atrophia Sanguinis Atrophia Sanguinis
Deep in thought Xandi, made her way down the end of the table not noticing Odividus or Usinia next to her, even if she did, she wouldn't start a conversation with them as she was too shy to do so. Not trying to be loud nor quiet she sat down her plate almost overflowing with any kind of protein available, it was odd, she doesn't need to eat due to the fact that she is a Vestige but whenever she is in Mundus she has this hunger. It was to her like Skooma to an Argonian, it provided her with a great satisfaction and whenever she is in Mundus she is addicted to food. By the time she realized that she was sitting next to two extremely talkative individuals she was too hungry to care. She began to eat the food, she had to eat a bit slower than she would like due to not having the best hand eye coordination, but she wasn't slow by any means she was eating faster than most would eat. She only halted occasionally to take breaths, then she smelled it on the closest one to her, a slight bit of blood and fear that is left over and she knew that this was the girl that everyone talked about, the one who witnessed the murder. Xandi began at the moment of her recognition to pay attention to the conversation that they were having, with this decision Z's ears twitched almost like they were trying to clean out any sort of dust that may have collected on them.
Tormund had been seated in behind the other professors at the announcement, he had pretended to be asleep or so near as not to matter, but in truth he had been scanning the room. Looking for that subtle clue, a glint in the eye, a crease of the mouth, anything that might reveal the culprit. In truth he felt responsible as much as he feigned disregard for the students, last night's events had hit home. He felt that coiling root of anger in his heart that the sanctuary of the college was tarnished and Usinia, poor thing, the Arcanaeum was her home now tinted with this bitter memory.

He entered the dining hall, slow and shambling, leaning especially heavy on his staff today. He fetched a bowl of porridge and sweetened it with a bowl of honey before taking his seat at the professor's table. He scanned the room to get a feeling of the students temper, they were anxious some even paraniod. It would not be long before rumors took hols and paranoia set in. Brooding in his thoughts he only took a few bites of his food.

Dandael had been the last person to show up to the warning speech (Nearly missing the announcement about the curfew that irritated her so), stood the most standoffish through it, and when they were dismissed, was the first to turn on her heel and storm out the door. She never was a big fan of people, and the news that one of them had perished didn't ruin her day. The extra security and curfew nearly did, though. It at least frustrated her, frustrated that she would now have to scrounge up some scroll of invisibility so she could ignore it completely. Until then, however, she made her way to her dorm in the Hall of Attainment, bypassing breakfast to begin with and using long strides to avoid people more efficiently.

She passed through the curtain made of hanging vines that she had hung in her doorway, to step into her little piece of Valenwood, at least while she was stuck in such a frozen wasteland. Dandael had accepted the wooden cabinets and bedframe, but anything else in her room was either made of leather, stone, or bone. Used up soul gems and arrows lined nearly every surface in her room, aside from the small area on her nightstand that she kept her shrine to Y'ffre on - that area was spotless. Most of it shouldn't be any concern to the visiting guards, so long as she could convince them she only used elk bones, but she had a few possessions under her bed that she had to either find an excuse or a better hiding place for. It was a shame, because it was her favorite thing tucked away under there - her prized bow, shaped out of more bones and glowing with a faint, pale blue light. With a moment to herself, Dandael took up a stray arrow, pulled it back in her bow, and aimed toward a target she had in the corner. She needed something to calm herself down, and when she launched her arrow and hit the bullseye, she found herself sighing in relief. That was short lived, however, once she realized that that faint light had died. Great. She needed a soul gem, and she had none. At least she wasn't alone in the hall, and while that would normally irritate her, she could switch to being a people person when she wanted something from them.

So, she waltzed out of her room and headed straight towards Ohartalmo's. Normally, she would avoid Altmer at all costs, usually assuming them all to be just Thalmor lackeys. Hearing about a murder in the college, however, raised her interest in them. After all, they were always the first ones she thought of when she heard of brutality and injustice. That wasn't even an opinion she bothered to keep very hidden. Dandael forced it behind a tight lipped smile, though, as she knocked on the doorway and poked her head around.

"Hey," she called out, the pitch blackness of her eyes making it a little unclear just what she could be looking at - in that particular moment, she was more interested in what he was doing or why he chose not to be at breakfast than whether or not she was politely making eye contact, "You have a soul gem I could use? All of mine're dead..."

( Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii )
Ohartalmo was startled he gripped his quill extra hard and tried his best not to react, he was a bit peeved but it was normal with his age many things set him off edge. He set his quill into the ink bottle and calmly looked over his shoulder to find what appeared to be an abnormally tall Bosmer. He looked forward at his soul gems and thought a few seconds about it, realizing he could spare one and it could possible help with his studies. Ohartalmo then spun back around and answered, "Only if you allow me to watch you use it... -er- what is your name?" he asked her name as it was formality and generally the intelligent thing do do in the situation. He then remembered that she did not tell him what size, "and what size will you need?"

ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion

Simply put, Savos Aren's address in the Hall of Elements had no effect on Gael, neither did the news of a murder in the College. As long as his schedule was unaffected, the Virthwood boy had no quarrel with whatever was happening inside the College. While the curfew would be a slight bother, he was confident that he would be able to work around it. However, having a guard escort him during the curfew hours was something Gael was not entirely too excited about. Nonetheless, he was fine with the current situation.

After being dismissed to the Dining Hall, Gael focuses on his copy of Lyorrann's 3rd volume on her works in Oneiromancy whilst he makes his way to obtain his sustenance for the day. Admittedly, he couldn't care less for the food here, or any food whatsoever, yet due to his needs as a living being he continues to eat anyways. As he passes some of his peers, names he doesn't bother remembering, he catches little bits of their conversations, mostly consisting of the murder. He rolls his eyes and closes his book, tucks it under his arm, and grabs his food. He sits down at a table untouched by other mages, resuming his place in his book as he absentmindedly shovels food into his mouth.

Gael swallows whatever it was he had spooned inside his mouth. He lowers the book and scans the room, hoping to see the Altmer woman he had travelled all this way for. Not only did he want all of his special copies of Phyrra Lyorrann's books signed by her, he also wanted to hear from herself on her opinions on his inquiries and thoughts he had on the subject of Oneiromancy. Disappointed he could not find his idol, he sighs and returns to his fodder.

"Of course. You just want me to recharge it normally? I can do that," she offered, although she would've taken any excuse to hang around and possibly poke around his room some more. Really, it was all just a bunch of books on top of books on top of books, and unfortunately, she couldn't very easily snoop through all them without getting caught. Maybe that could be incentive to start studying illusion more and work her way up to casting invisibility on her own...

In the current moment, she raised an eyebrow when he asked about the size of the soul gem - and didn't quite set a limit, "...Grand would be lovely," she said, not quite pushing him for a black gem. Technically, for a full charge, she would need a grand sized soul gem, if she even urgently needed a full charge at all. However, with a murderer on the loose, shouldn't she want her bow to be in the best possible condition in the very possible case someone should attack her? Regardless, if he would give her one, she would take it.

"...So...why skip breakfast this morning?" she asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorway while he collected the gem, "Archmage's speech ruin your appetite?"

"His speech?" Ohartalmo gave a soft underlying chuckle when he spoke those words, "Wasn't much of a speech, more just talking at a crowd, and trust me there is a difference. I've heard enough speeches to know that wasn't one." Ohartalmo realized that he was begining to ramble, "Ah you aren't here to hear me talk on." He turned from the girl and began looked to the assortment of gems and his papers. "As for eating, I already had my breakfast, well my predawn meal, I donxt really do the 3 meals a day, it wears you down eating so much at onw time. I often chunk my meals out through the day as being light and replenshing." He placed the book he had been writing in, within his satchel. He picked up two of the grand soul gems, one of which seemed to have a sof glow and shimmer, he held them both to her one in each hand. "Do you want a full gem or an empty one?" even though he knew that the full gem was the more valuable gem, many mages prefered empty ones. Maybe they prefered it because they like killing or maybe it was to ensure they were geting the best use out of it, but what does he know he's no enchanter.

ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion
Odi & Sinia.jpg As more people joined them at the long wooden table for students, Odi looked over to see who they were. "Ah Xadni, Gael, how goes it?" He greeted casually with a cheek full of ham and porridge, careful not to actually talk where any food would be visible.

Xandi was something else. Absolutely terrifying to look at, emitting an energy that could chill to ones very core. He wondered if it was just all in the appearance or if she really was as dark as she looked. Gael on the other hand... well a bit too big of a fan for a certain author but he wasn't bad to look at.

Hearing the two new names Sinia gave a soft smile of greeting and Odi rolled his eyes. Why were all mages so damn introverted? Winterhold, on any given day, sounded like it was occupied by one old guy, several dead bees, and a singular rat. No wonder he relished in the few trips he got out of here, this place was as dead as they came.

Maybe everyone was just frozen? That wouldn't have shocked him. " Still got your nose in that book by uh- Laura or Lynn or- what's her name again?"
" Lyorrann" Sinia corrected.

Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii yuckeroni yuckeroni
As the heavy crowds poured out and onto breakfast, Aveline followed in an encompassed silence. Keeping her thoughts to herself and instead listening to the constant musings of others as they debated suspects and accomplices, already giving consideration to new born rumours. Their hum of concern practically excitement. Not that she would blame them. The college at the best of times had the excitement of a mudcrabs funeral, so any example of action was good enough for excitement, even if this example could be considered traumatic.

For Aveline it was something of relief. She kept thinking to last night, how she'd cancelled her plans having had the intention of spending it pouring over the journals and books like Vaylen perhaps had. A face she could barely recall but when she did it filled her with guilt.

Sitting herself down at the long table she gives a small smile to the people around her, softly greeting them and placing her journal of notes beside her in exchange for a small plate of food.

Although the air hung heavy with the words of Savos Aren, and murder clung to the lips of everyone they seemed to pass. This didn't stop Caius from whistling an almost jaunty tune as he made his way to breakfast. If anything it was to push off his irritation at the curfew, how were they even so sure the killer was still in the college? And if the killer was still there, locking them in could risk their lives.

Regardless, no irritation or murder could push off his growing hunger. "Is it inconsiderate to say Good Morning?" Caius asks with a chuckle as he sits down, instantly reaching for food to fill his plate.
(Your not so friendly neighborhood Stormcloak cop)

Jokulf lounged in his chair near the staff table, his foot thrown negligently over the edge of his seat and a mug of strong ale in hand. He had only been there an hour or two and already he was wondering if digging latrine pits on the frozen battleground would have been preferable to his current situation. At least, he could leave for the barracks when the latrine pits were finished; the investigations here were likely to take some time, yet.

Kneading his brow and taking a sip from the tankard, he lamented quietly on his situation: My cousin’s out fighting dragons and what do I get? Guard duty.

No, worse than guard duty. Babysitting duty. Yes – that’s exactly what it was. Of course, it was no surprise to him one way or another that the mages, so addled by their dusty old tomes, had started killing each other. You didn’t need to spend a lot of time around mages to know that they were a funny lot … and completely untrustworthy to boot.

But like it or not, it was his job. And the sooner this killer was found, the sooner he could go back to pretending this place didn’t exist.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he stood, dashed the rest of his cup on top of a plant, and began marching towards the student table. It was probably just a hunch on his part, but seeing as a student had been the only witness to the crime, it didn’t seem all that far off that at least one of them was involved. That wasn’t to say the staff wasn’t free of suspicion, but right now it would be the students he would be observing for any more unusual behavior.
When she was called out by Odividus she looked up from her plate and into his eyes, her gaze was distant as she really couldn't see him more than just a man shaped shadow in her vision, it was more out of instinct than actually trying to see him. She tried to be polite or more normal so she tried to smile, something she hadn't done in a hundred years at least, it wasn't that she wasn't happy, she just fell out of connection with her emotions. When she attempted to smile only half of her mouth was actually able to lift, the smile was more creepy than it would be pleasing, as soon as she realized what it must seem like she stopped smiling and went back to eating. Xandi tried to play it off as if she had not made that blunder.

Eating and staying quiet for the most part, while scarfing down her food she came up for a deep breath, when she did she smelled ale, sadness, and a vague hint of barbarity, she smelled a typical Nord. She stopped eating and looked up, her nose and face crinkled to the best of her ability, and she looked around trying to find where the smell was coming from only able to see a bunch of shapes dancing around the room. It was pointless but she had a feeling she was about to become even more uncomfortable.

Oenanthe Oenanthe Whisker Whisker

Gods forbid that he had to actually engage in conversation for once. Gael grits his teeth and lowers the book once more to glance at the mages who were speaking with him (and some other one, the names he had neglected to learn). "You don't think you're talking to the wrong person, do you?"

Gael ignores the first question, he was definitely not interested in small-talk about trivial matters such as how his day has been. Yet, at the mere mention of the book he had now placed on the table, a slight gleam in his eyes shone as he shifts his whole attention to his peers. "Yes, Lyorrann. If I had a septim for every time I read any of her books, by the Gods I'd be rich. In order to really absorb large amounts of information, wouldn't you think that re-reading it is the best way to go about it?"

He had intended on ranting more about the extensive knowledge he had gained by reading the books at least over 40 times, however in the corner of his eye he had noticed one of the guards marching over to the table. The conversation he had engaged in was forgotten by himself, Gael turned to continue scanning through the book. There was no purpose in cohorting with the other mages, especially in such a situation that has percolated to the College, he repeats to himself as he downed the rest of his nourishment.

Oenanthe Oenanthe Whisker Whisker

Moody-ness was at an all time high and Odi had an itching suspicion it had everything to do with the new restrictions put on everyone. They had never had to work under any kind of restraints other than showing up for classes, and there wasn't even a penalty system for that other than the obvious drawback. So no one was really happy about having a bed time and escorts. If they started to act up, it would only get worse though and he wished they'd get their act together.

Of course, he was thinking all these bitter thoughts under the false assumption that Xandi had sneered at him, and the correct assumption that Gael was in no mood to chat with him. When the guard arrived, he was almost happy to see him, at least now he had someone who likely would gab like a blunder head.

"Can we help you?" Odi grinned just waiting for him to say something.
"Who is it, Odi?"
" Some guard."
"Oh, hello!"

While Sinia wasn't naturally a socialite, she did love meeting new people and never ran away from a conversation when approached. It was always wonderful to hear what other people had done, seen, been, heard, and had to say. Even if others found it boring like Gael's constant rants. There wasn't a person Sinia didn't listen to.

yuckeroni yuckeroni Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii Whisker Whisker
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Dandael listened to Ohartalmo's ramblings intently, and not because she was very interested in them. She was just waiting for some hint, some information she could filter through until she found something she could use against him later, if she ever needed to. Dandael liked having power over people like that. It gave her some control in her life that she had accumulated some sort of addiction to, lest she lose it all and become as helpless as she was before. Ah, but his rambles now were just that - meaningless. All she got from it was that he was old and some dietary tips, which she was quite frankly tired of hearing from Altmer anyways.

"I'd love the full one," Dandael said, snatching that one up and sitting back in another chair in the room. Whether it was for technique, dramatic effect, or just to make the process easier to see, she held both the gem and the bow up high and watched as the pale blue essence flowed from from object to the next. It wrapped around her bow like a flowing river, filling it with magic like a man or mer would fill themselves with water. Dandael was silent throughout the process, although it was slow, and started to get rather boring after awhile.

"...I think the best method is to burn the soul gem. Then you kinda cook the weapon over it and...that's what makes it the strongest," she explaining, bringing them both back down as she stood back up, apparently ready to take her leave, "But I'm not sure anyone wants me starting a fire in here."

Ohartalmo payed attention to every detail to how the gem drained and how the bow absorbed it, trying to find out what made a soul gem different from any other gem, the magic the souls. As he focused He saw every detail in slow motion, he saw how the energy, the magicka shifted swirled and shifted, it danced around the objects, it was smooth natural beautiful, he stayed his focus. Then for a tiny fragment of time even in the way he saw it, he saw another world a dark and desolate wasteland, blackened wastes dead trees and souls littering the place, dead bodies, and a purple glow in the night sky, but there were no stars. He had an Idea where this place might be but he would need to see it again for longer, he needed a piece of soul to come off of the weapon, that is what he needed to finish his research topic. Ohartalmo looked to Dandael and spoke, "My dear, I have one more favor to ask if you would be so kind to indulge me in it, I would like you to use the bow if you please, only once would be necessary." He gave her a smile and waited for her response.

ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion

Ramulf had now found himself exhausted of reading. He had read the last of his tomes and there wasn't anything to do, so he decided NOW was the good time to take a stroll. After getting up from his chair, he looked at the candles on his desk and blew them out. Smoke rised from them as he exited his room. He walked down the path and out of the hall, into the main courtyard.

Even though he was a vampire, and had a resistance to the bitter cold, he was slapped in the face by the wind and the sensation of low temperatures struck him instantly. He took a large, deep, inhaling breath of the northern, frosty, fresh air of Skyrim. Walking through the snow he looked up into the greyish sky. He then began to just walk around, nothing in particular, he didn't even bother to notice the others that might be nearby him.
"Catch your breakfast?" Ohartalmo raised one eyebrow, "Unless you plan on skewering another member of this College or a sausage at the dining hall I don't think you'll be able to get very far. These..." he paused for a second out of disgust "Nords have you and I under lockdown as well as the whole college. I doubt these thick skulled degenerates would let us even step one foot out of this college let alone with a weapon." Ohartalmo got up and walked out of the doorway and began to move his hands about it as if he were feeling a smooth wall in the doorways place, and energy like a very translucent blue glass formed and wobbled on the doorway. He stopped to think for a second then spoke again, "I'm sure we could find a conjurer on the premises that would allow you to show of you marksmanship. The College members are still eating breakfast in the hall if I ma not mistaken, we should head there if we want to find ourselves a conjurer. What do you say?"

ValentineIllusion ValentineIllusion
Drip... Drip... Drip...

A body lay on his side, shirtless. His arm was raised over the side of the bed with a paralysis spell, and a blood red incision in the arm slowly dripped blood into a measuring vial. If anything was wrong with the scene, it was neither the transparent ward that blocked the man's tiny dorm room from entry, nor was it the incision in the arm, but the way the blood dripped into the vial. It was dripping too slowly for a cut that deep, perhaps a drop every couple of minutes, but what had accumulated in the vial over the course of the past twelve hours barely made for more than a tablespoon of blood. A rune made out of body paint on the man's developed abdomen barely glowed as it ran the final sprint of its course, before sputtering into sparks, and his arm dropped onto the bed beside him upon its disappearance. In seconds, the man's chest suddenly grew, and heaved, and out of the blue, Arkan threw himself forward. Sitting ramrod straight, the man choked for air as if he had woken up from a nightmare. It took the feeling of a small trickle of blood from his arm to remind him of what he had been doing, and with a flick of his wrist, Arkan sparked a warm light that mended the wound.

Getting out of bed to inspect the vial on the floor, the man, having been silent thus far, abruptly burst into cheer. His spell had worked! With this spell, he could stop someone from bleeding profusely, at least for long enough to administer something major. Without a doubt, it was still in the works, and definitely not ready for live application, but with enough improvement, Arkan was sure it would be applicable to the dangerously ill or wounded. Thank goodness Colette didn't find him either. Knowing her, she would scold him to no end for using himself as a test subject for a spell that could have put him in a coma.

"Looks like I didn't need the ward after all..." Arkan mumbled, dispelling the barrier in his door that was meant to stop Colette, should she have found him. It was only to be expected, Arkan had timed the experiment to occur during the night hours when she would be asleep. In fact, everyone should be waking up right about now, and breakfast would start soon.

"The College members are still eating breakfast in the hall if I ma not mistaken, we should head there if we want to find ourselves a conjurer. What do you say?"

Wait. That wasn't right, everyone was already up? How long was he out for? Arkan fished out a watch, ignoring the conversation happening elsewhere in the Hall, before groaning. His spell hadn't worked out as well as he'd thought after all... the spell had endured longer than it should have by nearly half its intended duration. This would be a problem he'd need to sort out as soon as--growl...

"As soon as I get some food, I guess."


"Well then..." Arkan glanced from one member of the college to another. It felt like the air was heavy with something somber, and none of the professors looked particularly amused either. Sure, he may have been knocked out for a bit, but now, it felt like he had awoken to an entirely different college, and there was someone new on the staff table. Now he was really confused. Who was this new addition to their staff? Fingers skirted the edge of his quiff, scratching the stubble at the sides in thought. Grabbing food quickly, Arkan returned to the tables. Was there anyone he could ask about this sudden change in atmosphere? Arkan looked at Colette, but turned away quickly. The professors seemed to be unusually tense.

"You guys..." Arkan set down his food beside a group of students, all seeming normal save for a scarred, creepy elf and a book with a human head stuck between its pages( Oenanthe Oenanthe Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii yuckeroni yuckeroni ). Taking a seat beside them, Arkan broke off some bread and mulled over what to say.

"Is it just me? Or did something happen that I didn't know about." the breton looked from one to another as he continued to eat his food.
➶ Dandael ➶

Dandael scoffed, "Huh. For having been awfully unimpressed by his speech, looks like you listened awfully well," she commented, although she kept her silence when he mentioned having people on a platter. Bosmer culture was only ever seen as a crime in this cold land, unfortunately, and so she had to hold her peace. Not about the lockdown, though. She hated the lockdown and wasn't doing to pretend that she didn't.

"Conjurer? An illusionist, I think is what you meant," she said, spinning on her heel to make one last stop at her dorm before heading to the dining hall. Her bow...was going to be a problem, wasn't it? It wasn't like the authorities would appreciate it's careful craftsmanship and carving work in the bone, not to mention the mystical magic infused so purposely within, meant to destroy creatures so effortlessly, when there was a murder on the premises. She needed it to disappear, fast, but not so fast that she couldn't grab it again when she needed to. For now, under her bed was going to have to suffice. Being away from the dining hall for much longer was only going to make it worse.

Finally in the dining hall, Dandael had to make do with what she had. She avoided any fruits, vegetables, or greenery of any kind with a repulsion, and had to seriously consider like she did every morning if Skyrim's wheat and oat products were a violation of the green pact. Not even Skyrim greenery was technically supposed to, but...old habits die hard. She played it safe and grabbed just some breakfast sausage before she found her seat, at the same table as most everybody else, but still with a reasonable distance. Pitch black eyes would always create some on their own, anyways.

"Good morning everyone," she announced loudly, like she was already trying to cover up her late entrance, "Have I missed much?"


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