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Fantasy The Chronicles of Solis


The Leader of the Pantheon

The Chronicles of Solis

Chat up a storm, plan some fun events, go wild. 


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Oh! I've got it! A baker that's actually a ninja assassin, and uses poisoned bread to kill people (amongst other methods).
Maybe not so much as a samurai, but more a supporter of the cause with a little too much free time and a mind a little too devious?
I got curious, and though its probably obvious, I believe each city has telltale links to a god/goddess/deity? I'm thinking;

Aplia - Acorr

Draesia - Soros

Esthines - Epthys

Otrodor - Kymir

Skon Thar - Anemis ?
Hey can I make a league of ninja baker assassins that work for the Holy Emperor in Draesia?
Could I make a god of War/destruction? Not your typical hot headed war god with a fierce wrath. But a calm, strategic, and solomn god who is aware of the losses and gains of war. His focus would be more about morale, valor, and power. :)

@illicit Mostly yes, but why would anyone ever want to leave? Wink wink.

@Jefferson I'm trying to keep the gods just about the core aspects of the world unless I need to add more. That's why Kymir is more a god of conflict than war.
I think maybe instead of adding more gods, give your core concept gods aspects -- like how Acorr is still Acorr, but the equivalent deity in at least one part of Esthines is Zorya, who is perhaps a syncretism with an earlier home/hearth god but might also be a legitimate "side" or "form" of the same deity.

She's still Acorr, with the same general purview, but at the same time... Not. Am I coherent? 0:
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I think maybe instead of adding more gods, give your core concept gods aspects -- like how Acorr is still Acorr, but the equivalent deity in at least one part of Esthines is Zorya, who is perhaps a syncretism with an earlier home/hearth god but might also be a legitimate "side" or "form" of the same deity.

She's still Acorr, with the same general purview, but at the same time... Not. Am I coherent? 0:

I think I understand what you're saying, but the Gods in this are less like deities and more like super powerful people, like they're running a really big game of Sims.

People in Solis can see them differently or worship different gods, but they're more like ideals that actual people.
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