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Fandom Books of the Mamodo [ACCEPTING]


New Member

Mamodo Battle 2k16


Sickly and dying, King Bell II stood before all the one-hundred mamodo children and handed them their spell-books. There was at least one for every color of the rainbow. There are various mamodo standing around the king. One kid looks like an ostrich, another has vines growing out of her back. There are mamodo of all shapes and sizes nervously anticipating the impending battle for the next king of the mamodo world.

"Okay," said King Bell II, "You will all now be sent to random parts of the Earth now, somewhere within a ten-mile radius of your chosen Reader's current location. Any final questions?"

They all remain silent, despite all the questions that race through their minds. Nervous, scared, anxious, and even some confident feelings filled the room, as each mamodo child scanned the room getting one last good look at their competition.

"I really hate to do this to you kids," the king said, with tears coming to his eyes, "but this is the only way! I will die soon, and I have no time to find an alternate solution! Please, make this the last great mamodo battle!"

And with that, all the mamodo children were transported into a new dimension, and landed on the strange planet Earth.

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