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Fantasy The Children Of Greek Gods & Goddess


She went to bed after she talked to Awren.


He went to bed and He was finally have a good sleep

The next morning, Kevin woke up and went downstairs dressed in a ninja suit. Stepping onto the pool's surface, he began to practice his martial arts.

( It is Now Saturday new day)

Amanda woke up Nice and early having a good Sleep. She got up and he went to take a shower and wash her Hair. When she got out the Shower she went and she went to her closet trying to find the right out fit and she did. She Flat iron her hair and put Make up on and she put on her White sneakers.

(Her outfit)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.f93b945e7d3e2809f855aedbb0a12ed0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.f93b945e7d3e2809f855aedbb0a12ed0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Dibes walked into his room as silently as he could, he figured nobody was awake this early in the morning. He turned to shut then door then looking behind him. He took a moment to realize the situation he was in. Some girl has already taken up half of the room that he earnestly wanted to reserve for himself so now he had to share a room." Wonderful now where is Hiatus going to sleep." He mumbled silently with a sigh in his voice. He dropped his things tot he ground and walked towards the bed the was left which was his he assumed."Next time am reserving the entire room not just a room."
Kevin stood on the pool his eyes narrowed. Swinging his shinai, he thought about Amanda and wanted to take her out to eat. Sensing she was up, he waited until she came downstairs.
"Just I don't want to be leaving when he wakes up in case he wants to come along. I just want it to be you and me," Kevin said honestly.


" We are Alone right I mean I think Justin woke wake up intill The Bells rings when it time to eat"​
"Ok, give me one moment," Kevin said before he ran upstairs to change into his casual wear. Smiling he jumped downstairs and said, "Come on, i'll drive."
"This is the one I always go to," Kevin said turning into a parking lot across the street from Triangle Square. Smiling he said, "Ever had Subway?"


" Okay and Yea Of course "


He woke up and he Saw the Kevin was gone he was like Oh well so he Went to the Shower and he bathe and got out and Putted on A blue Shrit and Black Jean and his blue and Black shoes​


It was Richard first day today " He came and he went to the Main Hall and waiting to go to his room"


It was Nick's first day today He came and he went to the Main Hall and waiting to go to his room


It was London's first day today " She came and he went to the Main Hall and waiting to go to his room


It was Jennifer's first day today " She came and he went to the Main Hall and waiting to go to his room

Kevin led Amanda into the Subway and said, "I'll have my usual."

"Ahh, Kevin. Nice to see you again," the man said.

"Amanda, get whatever you want i'm paying," Kevin said gently.


" Can You Just get me a BLT with American cheese and Mayo And something to drink Maybe Fruit Punch and I be sitting right her" she went and at down going on her Phone


He went to the Main Hall and saw his Coston London and he said " London what are you doing her "​

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