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The Chaos Kids

Olivia just hugged her" thanks beastie your awesome cool kids can be so crul to me" she say frowning
Thanks Olivia Emily says still eyeing the boy and this time when she said hi she said it like this HI
Markus comes into the school with his backpack in tow, and his shining smile for all to see. He walks into the office and greets the secretary with a nice smile and ask for his schedule.
Oh shoot we have to go now Olivia Emily says running out the door to the school going into the office and bumping into a boy Emily looked behind me to see if Olivia followed
olivia follow yuki as she was fast she was picked on as finally caught up" geez can you slow down i'm not fast" she say panting
I feel something hit me, and I notice a girl ran into me. "Hey I'm Markus, but you can call me Ark." I say as I flash a lopsided grin and wink at you.
olivia just look down" i am called olivia" she say behind yuki hiding she was acting shyly to the boy
Hey its okay. You don't have to be shy. i was just saying hi, because I am new here and I don't know where to go." I say as I rub the back of my neck.
Olivia looked at him" i'm just afraid you judge me i'm new too i'm afraid people judge me cause of my leg" she say showing it to him
No I'm not that type of person. I think it is kinda of cool. It makes you look like you got into a badass fight and won.
Olivia smiled at him" wow that makes me feel good thanks bro" she say as she smiled as she got her scheadule as she smiled" what class you have" she say smiling
Olivia looked at him" sorry i just say that sometimes when i really trust someone you see i'm a orphan so yeah you be like a big brother to me" she say to him as she smiled" i have math too so boring but i love to study a lot" she say to him" and draw" she say
Give me a skateboard or a guitar and I will be okay. So I guess that makes you my honorary little sister. So lets get to math class, but do you want me to give you a piggy back ride??" I ask with a mischievous look in my eyes.
Olivia looked at him as she smiled" sure that be fun i never had one before" she say as she climb onto his back
Olivia just got on your back as she smiled" how old are you big brother" she asked as she was getting a piggy back ride to math class she was more advance math but they had the same class
I am 16 years old how about you." I ask as I wrap my arms around your legs and raise up slowly and walks towards the math room.
Olivia smiled" i'm 13 and half almost 14 i be 14 Decemeber 25th" she say as she look at the other students looking at her weird but she didn't care she just liked being with her brother like this it felt nice
Hey what are you guys doing Emily says smiling at the boy and I'm Emily, Emily says at the boy named Ark or Markus.

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