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The Chaos Kids


Nyan Nyan Cat vektör
A boy moves into town, but brings a mysterious past with him. He befriends some people,and he accidently brings them into his life and they end up in a dimension that based on team challenges.Can they get home.Or will they die trying.
Olivia was just walking toward her house she baerly had any friends she was judge for her leg because she was in a car accident losing her abilety to walk she just was excited about starting this school she was a orphan but didn't care what other people think about her she just wait for someone to adopt her she just look around she was walking home from the oriention she had to do for tomorrow starting school
Emily was so excited for school to start she was going to be the new kid but found out their was three other new kids to she was really really excited and happy. Yay school tomorrow she says happily flopping on her bed and started to read and she lost track of time and then her mom said to to get down here and have dinner. Emily did want she was told but brought the book to the table and started to eat. When she was done with dinner she saw something on her bed it was a note and it said I'll be home soon I wanted to get groceries -Mom. Emily started to read again and got other book and started that one it was at least 9:00 when her mom got home and she was still reading.
Olivia just was sleeping she didn't eat dinner she wasn't in the mood to eat as she was really nervous about going to school tomororw will she be judge or anything she was really nervous beatflies was in her stomach as she sighed sleeping
Emily's mom told her to go to bed so she did and she turned off the lights jumped in bed and said goodnight to her mom and fell asleep but she read before she went to sleep she had a dream where she was a girl fighting a robot and in a other dimension. Dimension she repeated in her head and said in her head the teachers at my old school said their is more than one dimension and......She fell asleep and couldn't think.
Olivia when she woke up the next day she put her brace on as she sighed" here go nothing" she say as she was all dressed she was nervous about her new school she just got her drawing book she loved to draw she grabbed her bag and head downstairs holding on the railing taking one step at the time when she ate brekfeast she ate in a hurry to get to school
Emily was all ready out the door and grabbed all her books when her mom called to her to eat breakfast but she said she will be at school she wasn't way ching were she was going and bumped into a girl and she fell on her butt but got up and asked if she was ok. Bc Chang's cj gfs cm : :) cj'd ghost kg cj'd flies kg cj us ssh gfs ssh bcc cm Jr th Jr toy gig h :) cj :) cj :) gnu ;) bcc :/ :(cj Kerrie hmm gfs hi : :) hi'd dBm it :(hi
Olivia looked at the girl who bumped into her as she try to hide her face she pretended she couldn't talk as she got up tighten her brace" damn" she say quitely coviering her mouth as shse sighed" well hi" she say shyly
Oliva just smiled" i name is olivia bre summers nice to meet ya i'm new here" she told her
Me to I move here a week a go (About a week a go) want to walk to school together Emily says.
Olivia looked at her" well i move a lot i'm a orphan you see" she say as she was surprised she didn't say anything about her leg" sure" she say
Olivia just follow them as she was surprised as she smiled" okay" she say" do you have a mother" she asked while going to school
Olivia looked at her" i know how that feels if i don't wear my brace or if it breaks i'm stuck in a the wheelchair sometimes its hard wearing the brace it hurts" she told her" can i meet your mom sometime" she asked
Olivia looked at her" sure plus my forster mom don't care about me so yeah i see her" she say" come lets go to school" she say
Matt was heard there was a new kid in the neighborhood.But didn't really care too much.You see Matt doesn't get out much since he's usually at his house making computers,and tinkering with stuff.But since he's nice after school he was going give the new kid a pie.But right now Matt was already at school in the library with his computer closed next to him,while he was reading.
Hey we have an hour before school want to go to the library Olivia Emily asked walk into the library.
Olivia looked at her" sure i love reading books" she say as she went with her there
Olivia walked slowly as she heard laugher popular kids' freak what she doing here she's stupid she's disabled' she heard them say she try to ignore them all she wanted to do is punch those kids she just sat by her friend with her head down as she start to draw ignoring the popular kids
Emily stood up before he could answer her and walked over to the cool kids and said some things to them and they stopped laughing and walked over to Olivia to says sorry then they walked of without a sound and then Emily sat back down waiting for an answer and she said hi again just to make sure.
Olivia looked at her" you didn't have to do that i'm used to being called those things disabled and stuff yes it bothers me but i'm tough" she say feeling a tear down her face" i'm fine" she say

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