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Realistic or Modern The Broken Generation

"Huh you'd be surprised where I have hanged out so show me one of these sketchy places, I think I've been to just about all of them" Sage says honestly thinking about it when she did do her days of drinking and hanging out with sketchy people.

"Alright, then." Grey smiles. "I guess I'll take us inside our territory so we're safe..." Grey keeps walking. "Some of the places I know, well, I dunno if you've been there before." He smiles to himself.

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"Huh, quick question what are the chances we'll run into one of the guys you hang out with?" She asks out of plain curiosity. She hadn't really been into one of these places since her daughter was born 6 months ago but she was still the same girl she was before well besides she's more responsible. Wait....she was going to one of those sketchy places again, she hasn't changed a bit. "How far is this place of yours?" She asks adding onto her last question.

"We'll definitely see some of them, but probably only actually talks to a few." Grey smiles. "Don't worry, for a gang, we're pretty trustworthy people." He looks back, smiling a little bit. "Most of us are good people." Acknowledging Sage's second question, Grey starts speaking again. "It's a bit far, we have to go through another gang's territory to get there. We could take a bus, whatever works for you."

"Wasn't worried, and I'm fine with walking or taking the bus, it doesn't matter to me" she says not actually worried about anything. She takes out her phone and sends a quick message to the babysitter. 'Can you watch her for a couple more hours, I'm going to be out later than I thought ' she types almost inhumanly quickly so he wouldn't be able to read what she was typing. She sticks her phone in her back pocket of her black jeans before she looks back up at him. Her phone buzzes letting her know there was another text and she reads it quickly. 'Yeah, stay out as long as you need to' she stuffs her phone back into her pocket and doesn't have an intention to check it again. "What would you prefer to do?" She asks.

"I dunno, I usually patrol with my friends or hang out with them, or read or something." Grey leaves out his hobby of gathering information. "I dunno, I could introduce you to some of my friends. Grey keeps walking, passing the bus stop.
"Yeah sure, it seriously doesn't matter to me, I just need to get out for a while" she says realizing she has basically been going from home to work for what feels like forever, no in between. She hasn't necessarily hung out with gang members except once and that got her pregnant. But she honestly couldn't say she didn't want to get out and if that meant hanging out with gang members so be it she just couldn't touch any alcohol. She didn't want to be the girl to say to him, 'Oh look after me, da da da da' she thinks to herself. Sage could take care of herself.

After a while of walking silently, his footsteps as well as his vocal cords, Grey stops, tensing up. "We're in another gang's territory at the moment, and they may or may not want me dead, so we'll have to be careful." Grey pulls a knife out of his jacket, and starts to make the motion of tossing it to Sage, before stopping and stepping closer to hand it to her. "I'm trusting you, just be careful."

She takes the handle of the blade in her hand and she listens to him not bothering to make a move either. "Okay" That's all she says. She was going to be rusty with the knife if they do get into trouble. But she had never killed someone before so she was just trying to remember the things she knew. These were the places she grew up. Why was she kind of scared? She hid it from in, she never let on fear if she was feeling fear. "I'll be careful"

TJ sighed, pulling into the driveway of Katie's house. "Oh look, we're here. Good night and get out," TJ turned to give Katie a pointed look, wanting her to leave desperately. Even if he didn't get laid tonight- which was his ultimate goal, he wanted to talk to Julia and have a nice date. He hadn't one in a long time and he was only just now realizing that. @GoldenChari @gaia250
McMajestic said:
TJ sighed, pulling into the driveway of Katie's house. "Oh look, we're here. Good night and get out," TJ turned to give Katie a pointed look, wanting her to leave desperately. Even if he didn't get laid tonight- which was his ultimate goal, he wanted to talk to Julia and have a nice date. He hadn't one in a long time and he was only just now realizing that. @GoldenChari @gaia250

Katie looked at TJ and her mouth opened. "You're not serious right T? Julia said it was fine to have me around after the date." Katie argued, her voice sounding as if he had just told her she would never see him again. She feared that. The man was pretty nice and she thought he would suddenly vanish without ever contacting her again.

TJ glared at her, at her persistence, at the fun she was ruining for him. How could he go on a proper date with Katie in the back of his thoughts, bothering him, making him double check his cell phone. He wouldn't have the unnecessary worry if he didn't have to. "I didn't just waste gas. Get. Out," he growled. "This isn't solely Julia's decision. I suggested the date, I'm driving the car, I'm the person manning this fucking ship, so good night Katie," he chirped, his voice falling sickeningly sweet as he told her goodnight. He added in a small wave, hoping she'd get the hint and get out. @GoldenChari
McMajestic said:
TJ glared at her, at her persistence, at the fun she was ruining for him. How could he go on a proper date with Katie in the back of his thoughts, bothering him, making him double check his cell phone. He wouldn't have the unnecessary worry if he didn't have to. "I didn't just waste gas. Get. Out," he growled. "This isn't solely Julia's decision. I suggested the date, I'm driving the car, I'm the person manning this fucking ship, so good night Katie," he chirped, his voice falling sickeningly sweet as he told her goodnight. He added in a small wave, hoping she'd get the hint and get out. @GoldenChari

Tears formed in Katie's eyes. "Fine TJ." She growled back, unbuckling the seatbelt. "You go have fun with your life while i spend the rest of mine doing nothing because you can't seem to get it past your head that sex ain't everything. It has consequences!" Katie got out of the car. "I can't believe how blind you f-fucking are you insensitive s-son of a bitch!" She screeched as a few tears fell. She slammed the car door, a crack shooting up it. She heard something break but she didn't care.

Katie ran into the house and slammed the door behind her with such force it didn't even latch so it went back open a bit as she went to her room. She looked at herself in the mirror and snorted. "Why did i even invite that man into my life? All he wants is to use a woman, get her in bed then flee the motherfucking scene. But i can't understand why i want to be his friend so bad!" Katie shook her head before going to a corner in the room. She sunk down and put her hands in her face. "Dear god Why...? Why? WHY WHY WHY WHHHHY!" She howled as she started to sob. She hated her emotions raging like this. It was her fault she was where she was. It tore her open like a maggot infested corpse being eaten from the inside out.

TJ groaned, his forehead falling onto the steering wheel as he squeezed his eyes shut. "I just wanted a nice date. Why am I always the bad guy with every-fucking-thing?" He huffed, trying to figure out what to do. He wanted to go in and apologize but at the same time why did he have to be sorry for wanting to go on a date with a girl alone? Perhaps he had been too harsh but after so many times of telling Katie she wasn't coming with them he had had enough. He sat up, leaning back against his seat, and turning towards Julia. "I'm sorry, you probably think I'm some horrible person now. I just- I just want it to be us. Is that such a bad thing to want?" He asked, wondering what she had thought about his outburst, if maybe she decided to hate him after that. TJ was normally an easy going guy. It must have been the withdrawals. @gaia250 @GoldenChari
Juda unclipped the seatbelt Julia had set in place and leaned forward, resting her hand on TJ's thigh. "No." She said, smirking up at him. She didn't really care about Katie, nor too intensley about TJ's inner crisis. Her thumb trailed patterns on his thigh.

"I know a lot of bad people, and you have yet to become one of them." Her fingers drew further up TJ's leg.

"About this date.. ?" She said, voice lowering seductively. Juda was growing impatient and it wasn't like her to engage in prolonged foreplay. "Do you still-"

Please.. Julia thought. Around the fear and urge to run was nestled a desire not to be alone. Not to have to fear nor run. Unusually Juda felt her own desire tampered by the disappointment Julia had at the prospect of cancelling their date. Her date.

"Oh God damnnit." She said, turning from TJ and slouching into her seat. "Drive."

//When you want to be comforting but your character isn't the type T.T

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"Alright." Grey sighs and turns around, starting to walk again, faster. He looks around, stormy eyes scanning around for members of the other gang. He keeps walking, just wanting to get back inside his own territory.


(I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be gone all day again...)
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She thinks she hears footsteps behind her and she spins around but there was nothing there. Sage walked beside him still not liking this idea so much but it was fine for the moment being.

TJ glanced over at Julia- no, not Julia. Juda. He sighed and nodded, needing a fix. He knew he had some in the back and he was currently trying to figure out what opportunities he could take to get them. He backed out of the driveway, heading back towards the Thai place Julia had wanted to go to. His fingers tapped against the steering wheel in a chaotic rhythm and he found himself slipping up past the speed limit multiple times. When they got to the Thai place he managed to snag a front row parking spot, and shut his car off, getting out and quickly walking over to the other side to open the door for Juda. He sent her a reassuring smile, unsure of what he could say. @gaia250
Juda stepped out of the car, making sure her body was placed directly in front of TJ's. She stood inches from him and hooked a finger into one of his belt-loops. "You feeling alright?" She asked, smirking up at him. She scanned his eyes. "You're clammy," she said, and slid her hand underneath his shirt and around to his back, pulling herself slightly closer to him. "Your mood's kept shifting and," she dropped her voice to a sultry whisper and moved her hand directly over his heart, "you're anxious."

Her eyes flickered to his lips. "Soon there'll be muscle spasms," She moved her own closer. "Nausea." She guided his eyes with her own to the restaurant. "Loss of appetite." She tilted her head slightly, looking up at him through thick lashes. "You have a choice to make."

(Sorry if this was like guiding your character :o Just described typical withdrawal symptoms but I can rewrite if it isn't alright :) )

( No it's fine xD )

TJ gulped, trying to remain calm although he wasn't sure if he could anymore. Juda's hands on his body made him crave much more than just drugs. It was becoming unbearable. He pushed her up against his car, growling slightly as he rested his hands on either side of her, blocking her in. He hated that she was trying to control him. That she was succeeding. He breathed heavily, smirking at her. "Oh don't worry, Babe, I'm starving," he breathed out, leaning forward and trailing kisses down her neck, wishing he could shove her into the car and get what he wanted right then and there. He might have been desperate enough to risk it, until he remembered Julia. "So, who am I on this date with? You or Julia?" he asked breathlessly, resting his hands on her hips. @gaia250
Juda grinned as she slammed back onto his car, loving the reaction she was getting out of him. Loving that she could. Her hands moved to his ass as he kissed her neck and she pushed herself up against him. When he spoke she looked up at him. With a mock pout on her face she lifted her hands to his neck. She looked at him, at his lips. "Oh, alright." She whispered before leaning forward and parting his lips with her own.

A moment later she jerked herself back, hands moving to cover her mouth. Julia's doe-eyes looked up at him.

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TJ immediately took a step back, unnerved by the two varying personalities with two obviously different opinions on him. He cleared his throat, trying to shake off his hormones and slip back into the gentlemen he tried to be. He held his hand out to her, trying for a simple smile that ended up showing off his guilt more than his joy. "Shall we head inside?" he asked, hoping he hadn't just ruined anything. He truly did like Juda, although he hadn't made a decision about Julia yet. She was timid and innocent, and it was a refreshing change from what he was normally around, but he hated feeling like he had to hold back, like he couldn't entirely be himself around her. He hoped she would like him, so that he could loosen up just a bit. Right now he was so tense from having to hold himself back he felt pain. @gaia250
Julia glanced down at his hand and hesitated. Slowly she lowered her hands from her mouth and turned her eyes to the ground. "I..Uhm.. I don't.." I don't touch. She wanted to say, for the second time that day. When she looked up she wore a nervous smile, not wanting him to think that the problem was with him. She found herself unable to speak the words. She hoped he didn't think her strange, realizing her error at the thought. Of coarse he thought she was strange. She was strange. She was crazy.

Her eyes looked towards the restaurant, melancholy resting just below them. "I can't.." She cleared her throat. "I have my mind." She mumbled. She had meant to say that her physical expression lay in Juda's hands, while her mind was locked behind the bars of this nervous persona. She had meant to tell him that memories, awful memories, rushed from remission every time someone's skin brushed her own. She had meant to say a lot of thing, that simply never made it to the surface.

She looked up at him, waiting for some reaction and wincing at how vague her statement had been. She opened her mouth slightly to apologize and explain but decided against it. He wouldn't understand. She'd scare him. Be normal Julia. She thought before forcing a smile and dismissively shaking her head. "Hungry?" She asked.

TJ sent her a concerned look, letting his arm fell back to his side. He was worried she didn't like him at all, that she was just going through with this for Juda. He didn't want to force her into anything. "Julia, if you'd like to just go home I'll take you. I don't wanna push your boundaries, I just... I thought this would be fun, is all," he said, ignoring her question. He knew there was something wrong, and he didn't want to add to that. "I'm sorry, if I pushed too much, I just... I just basically ended a relationship for good and I guess I'm looking for something to get my mind off that," he explained, wanting to be honest with her. "But I'll totally take you home and say good night and head back to my own place if that's what you want." @gaia250
She looked at him for a moment in disbelief before her smile softened into something more natural. She began walking towards the restaurant, turning back as she reached the door and tilted her head gently to the left. "You're going to be okay." She spoke quietly. "You're one of the good ones." She flashed him a smiled and turned back, walking into the restaurant.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, wondering if he'd take the opportunity to hop into his car and leave her there - alone and foolish in a Thai restaurant. She chose a table near the back and made her way to her seat.


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