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Realistic or Modern The Broken Generation

"I'll try for you. But I can't make any promises. I don't know if there's anyone else out there who could love me like you do." he said with a smile. With a quick kiss he carried her off to the car. Once there he let Sasha down and got into the drivers seat. He wanted to ask for details about what her perfect wedding would be like but he held back. He didn't want to scare her, as strange as that may sound. @McMajestic
(Oh that's cute. He doesn't want to scare her. She's going to be the one scaring him in a few weeks though lol)

Sasha looked out the window before looking back at him. "Matt, when we get there can you hold my hand?" She asked quietly. "I know it's like an hour or so of hand holding but I just... I'd like the comfort if you don't mind," she spoke, her voice growing quieter the more she spoke. "If you don't want to that's okay I'm just scared I guess." She looked back out the window, biting her lip and squeezing her eyes shut. What if everything went wrong? @PenguinFox
Matt chuckled a little. "What if I told you, I was about to ask you the same thing?" he said giving her a smile before returning his attention to the road. He wasn't actually going to say it, but he wanted her to feel better. He also didn't mind at all, and almost expected something like that. "Besides an hour of holding hands? It's not that big of a deal. It's not like it's strenuous like some other hour long activities." he would have given her a wink but Sasha was looking out the window and he was driving. @McMajestic
Sasha grinned. "We'll save that for after we get home. I'll need something to make me feel better and you do it so well." She leaned over and pressed her lips against his cheek, before smirking as an idea popped into her mind. She unbuckled her seatbelt so she could move easier and began trailing kisses up and down his neck, nibbling on his ear as he drove, hoping she was creating the desired effect as her hand rested on his abdomen. She just wanted to tease him a little before everything happened and she grew tired and knew she wouldn't have the energy to do it. @PenguinFox
Matt grinned. "You know, they say 13.7% of all motor vehicle accidents are caused by teasing like this. I've already been in one motor vehicle accident this month, I definitely don't need another. However, don't think this means I don't like. I just like not crashing more." he said playfully. @McMajestic
"Well keep your eyes on the road then," she chuckled, resting her hand on his thigh, continuing to kiss him. She noticed she was laving marks and kept going, wanting to claim him, in a way, as hers. She knew they were already in love but it still felt nice to see a little mark that proved he was all hers. She began sliding her hand up just a little bit, giggling at the thought of what she was doing to Matt. @PenguinFox
"Just because my eyes are on the road, doesn't mean my focus is there." Matt said, wondering how far Sasha would take this. If she kept going he might even have to pull over. "I will turn this car around....okay, I won't do that, but I will pull over." it wasn't really a threat but he tried to make it sound like one. @McMajestic
"But then we'll be late." She paused for a moment. "Are you really turned on right now?" She asked him, just barely skimming her finger past his thigh and under his tee shirt, feeling his abs and his chest as she licked and kissed his neck. She moved her free hand into his hair, loving to play with it and mess it up. @PenguinFox
Matt smirked. "There is no correct way to answer that question, so I will plea the fifth." he said with a smile before remaining silent. He continued driving, trying his best to remain focused, no matter how hard Sasha was making it. He did give in a little and wrapped an arm around her, letting his hand rest on her hip. @McMajestic
Sasha grinned as his arm wrapped around her. "I'll take that as a yes," she chuckled, kissing him quickly before sitting down in her seat. "We're almost there so I guess I better stop," she sighed mockingly, smirking to herself at what she did to Matt. She hoped he had that on his mind for the treatment instead of how bad Sasha was gonna feel when it began. @PenguinFox
Matt smirked. "You really know how to push my buttons." he said with a small laugh. "I guess that means you have complete control over me." he looked over at her as they parked and smiled. "Ready?" he asked gently before reaching over a placing his hand on Sasha's knee for reassurance. @McMajestic
She shook her head. "I don't think I'll ever be ready," she whispered, before getting out of the car and waiting for Matt as she stood, looking up at the building. She wrapped her arms around herself, the building looking more like a promise of death than a promise of life. She bit her lip, staring at the ground, wondering what she could do to make this fear inside of her go away, but not even Matt's comfort could end it. She sighed and took a step forward, then another, forcing herself to move though all she wanted to do was stay still and pretend nothing bad was happening. @PenguinFox
Matt moved in close to Sasha, wrapping an arm around her shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting manner. "We'll get through this." he said referring to the procedure. He rubbed his hand up and down her arm lovingly. He wanted nothing more than for this whole thing to just go away, but that's not how life worked. @McMajestic

(Sorry, my mistake. I never received a notification for this)
(It's cool!)

Sasha smiled at the feeling of his arm around her, wrapping her own arm around his waist as they walked towards the entrance. She pulled away from him to check herself in, and grabbed his hand as they were led back to a room where they let her sit comfortably in an uncomfortable chair before beginning to hook her up. She squeezed Matt's hand as the needle went in, biting her lip. @PenguinFox
Matt held Sasha's hand as everything began. He matched the amount of pressure she gave every step of the way. He traced small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb and smiled at her. He mouthed 'I love you' as he watched her, his eyes showing the his sadness about this situation. @McMajestic
Sasha sighed as the medicine finally began pumping into her body. She looked over at Matt. This was going to be a long hour. "Baby, let's play a game, or do something. I don't want to just sit here in silence," she said quietly, pulling Matthew towards her so he could lay next to her. "Why don't we learn some more about each other or something?" She asked, kissing him gently. @PenguinFox

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