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Realistic or Modern The Broken Generation

She didn't shift to shake his hand but found herself smiling ever so slightly at his introduction. Without moving her head she glanced up at him for a moment.

Cutie, ain't he? Juda laughed, bringing up an image of TJ in their mind. Can't you just imagine.. Teasingly she made the buttons pop from the image's shirt. Julia's eye's widened in response and she quickly shooed the mental TJ away.

She wondered if she should say something in reply. Something funny? Could she say something funny? Oh god, you're pathetic! A chuckle reverberated through her mind. She might have been about to speak when Mitch's voice interrupted the laughter that was ringing in her ears.

She lifted her head, eye's trailing after him as he walked to the center of the group. "I'm a psychopath," he stated. And Juda's interest was grasped. Oooh.. We've got a live one. She thought, with an odd mixture of respect. Julia's head tilted against her will as Juda's eyes observed him. We've never fucked a psycho before, she grinned within their mind, Kind of, the prospect exciting her. The things he'd do to us.. Please stop.. Julia's eyes flickered back to TJ. Don't worry, he'll come first. I'm not- Hey, it'd kind of be like going back to middle school wouldn't it? Juda's chuckle resumed. Oh, the things he'd do to you.

When the man had sat back down Julia tried once more to reply to TJ. We should get one of him in here, Juda thought, referring to Mitch. Then we'd be a ball.

"Uhm," she began, finding it hard to concentrate. She noticed TJ's hand still held out to her. "I don't.." She trailed off. I don't touch, she finished in her mind. An internal scoff from Juda's side responded. Oh, but you wan- Julia cleared her throat, offering TJ a nervous smile as compensation, her foot still tapping lightly on the linoleum.


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TJ quickly retracted his hand when he realized she wasn't going to shake it, attempting to ignore Mitch's outburst. You're a psychopath? Yeah, aren't we all. He thought, slightly bitter about the situation though he couldn't explain why. Maybe Julia would have been more responsive if the so called psychopath hadn't silenced the room. He huffed slightly, trying to ignore the smallest amount of jealousy that trickled into him. He couldn't even get the team to stay quiet long enough to give a pregame speech back home and yet somehow this pathetic person had silenced the roar of the insane?

He tried to keep himself calm, to not show the emotions buzzing in his mind, and he quickly glanced over at Julia. Sending her a small smile in return though he wasn't exactly feeling peppy in that moment. He couldn't explain it but he had an overwhelming hatred For Mitch that had started even before his stupid outburst. TJ sank in his seat a bit, crossing his arms over his chest. Now he really wanted this to be over, which thankfully, it almost was. @gaia250 @PenguinFox
Mitch looked back up to the group with a small smile. "To dispel any rumors that may start, psychopathy merely means I am unable to empathize with emotions. I have done nothing illegal or 'psychotic'" he used air quotes on psychotic. When he spoke his voice was calm and proper. He left out the most crucial part of him however. He told the group he hadn't done anything illegal, but what he meant was yet. (Sorry if it's short, am on my phone. Will post properly later today)
Julia felt a slight pang at their interaction. She wanted this to be over as much as, she could imagine, the others did. This may only have been the first session but if the rest would be similar she'd have to find a way to leave. Time passed very slowly in this room and the solution she'd hope to achieve showed no prospect of arrival.

Juda, aggravated that the opportunity TJ presented was slipping away, yelled profanities that bounced off the walls of their mind, echoing in multitudes. Julia closed her eyes and focused on the gentle ticking of the room's clock, counting the seconds as they passed.

If after this meeting he goes in a different direction, I will tear you up. Juda growled, having invested herself in the night ahead. Girls who can't do as they're told deserve to be punished. The words fell like stones, leaving a heavy feeling in Julia's stomach.

She shifted, uncomfortable in her seat and turned towards TJ. "I, uhm.." She began, wringing her hands together, "Dinner." The word clothed in mumble. "What did you have in mind?"

The boy named Mitch's words made her uncomfortable where they were supposed to sooth. She looked at him as she spoke to TJ, a dreadful curiosity accompanied her thoughts. She was afraid of him, although he had given her no definite reason to be.

If I go with TJ, you'll forget about Mitch. She tried to think it as an order, but her shaky monologue came out as a question.

Oh, darling. Not knowing is half the fun.

@PenguinFox @McMajestic
TJ sat up a little at Julia's question, glad that she had asked though she didn't seem very confident in her question. "Somewhere nice. What do you like?" he asked her, trying not to look across the circle at the other guy. He made TJ's skin crawl, maybe it was the way he talked or how confident he seemed as he spoke. "I can take you anywhere you wanna go, just name it and we're there," he added, trying to pay more attention to her than the psychopath. Although despite the group silence that had fallen over, a different kind of silence, more so with him than the group, came over that made him feel antsy once more. His mind started to wonder to drugs again, and he glanced at the clock. Just a few more painstaking minutes and he could dive off and maybe get a shot or two in before he took Julia out. @gaia250

(I'm on my phone too lol)
"I wouldn't want to be too much of an inconvenience," Julia mumbled, directing a nervous smile TJ's way. Oooh so we're going with ambitious? Juda thought, shooting her down.

Her gaze fell back to the floor, a slight panic building in her chest. She was silent for a moment too long, jolted into speech by Juda's sudden screech of 'Speak!' "I think there was a Thai place around the corner." She regained her composure and cleared her throat. "If you'd like."

She'd noticed the place on her way to the meeting, her eyes drawn to the words she had only just begun learning.

GoldenChari said:

Katie blushed heavily. "I uuuh... Haven't had a ultrasound. I couldn't afford one." She whispered, not knowing if you payed for them or not. She wanted to rub her belly but didn't know if it would be alright.
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"Hey at least you didn't cough into my mouth." Matt said smiling. He felt a pang in his heart when she said her next words. He felt so bad for her. "I know." he said in what he hoped was a soothing manner as he rubbed her back gently. He laid down on the shore at a point where the waves would lap at their feet like he said. He closed his eyes for a moment, just feeling her body against his. @McMajestic

Any and all emotion drained from Mitch's face as he looked back to the counselor. "Better now that everyone knows?" He looked around the room giving a sad, almost lost puppy like expression. "They probably think I'm some kind of monster." he said quietly. C'mon, force a tear! Like we practiced! and soon enough a single tear rolled down his cheek. His entire spiel was a lie, but if the others were to trust him he'd have to make them think he was just some misunderstood kid, like his parents thought him to be.
"I've never had Thai food. Sounds like a great first date," he grinned at her before beginning to back pedal. "I mean not a date-date. Just a friend-date. That sounds weird, I'm sorry, I'm normally very charming." He looked away from her, chalking his lack of amazing social skills up to his withdrawal starting to take him over again. He sighed, drumming his fingers against his thigh, trying to regain his composure before looking back over to her with a smile that was hopefully not as forced as he felt it to be. "Although I can't help but stutter around a beautiful girl." His smile fell however, when he noticed Mitch shred a tear. He snorted, shaking his head at the obvious act. Who did this guy think he was? @PenguinFox @gaia250

Sasha pressed herself flat against him, kissing him softly. "This is the first time I've ever done something so dangerous," she chuckled, trying to divert from her last comment. She didn't know why she had said it. Maybe there was a part of here that looked for his reassurance, craved it even, but she didn't want to become a girl who had to drag it out of him. "And I've totally been the subject of a car chase before, but my heart wasn't beating this fast," she felt the cool water lap against her feet and grinned, resting her forehead against Matt's. "This is a great first date," @PenguinFox
(Gah, I was gone all day! I'm so sorry!!)

Grey sighs. "Hospital bills... They said they'd pay the hospital bills for my friend and I if I can here..." Grey reassures himself that he's not lying, just leaving things out. But that's called lying by omission, Grey.

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Serina Jade Vexx


Serina looked at her watch as she ran to her group. She couldn't be late, though she already was. "Fuckity fuck fuck!" she thought to herself as she ran. By the time she rushed through the door, she was out of breath. Serina stopped dead in her tracks, realizing that a lot of eyes were on her. She looked disheveled, and not just from running. Her thin top was hanging off of one of her shoulders, her baggy jeans had a rip in the knee, and her hair was a mess. She pushed her hair back out of her face, running her fingers through it.

"Sorry I'm late. The bus.. y'know..." Serina didn't finish her sentence, and instead went and found a seat, slumping as she sat down.
Matt laughed lightly at Sasha's words. Well you really have done something more dangerous: drugs. He shooed the thoughts that were only his by technicality and smiled at the girl on top of him. "A great first date? Well that's no good. I have to top the first date, but it's harder if it's great. Can't it just be average?" he joked. He gave her a quick peck. "What are you thinking?" he heard that line used in a romance movie once and always wanted to try it. He wasn't sure if it was all that romantic or not but figured it was worth a shot. @McMajestic
"I'm thinking..." Sasha let her words trail off, looking down at Matt for a moment, before resting her hands on his chest. "That you look really hot when you're dripping wet," she smirked, running her hands over his drenched skin to his shoulders, looking down at the most recent cut he had made but trying to ignore it. It's your fault, you know. He hurt himself because of you and yet here you are, getting off because of him. She kept the grin on her face, trying to chase her doubtful thoughts away as she raked her fingers through his wet hair. "I'm thinking that you'd look even hotter if you were working up a sweat right now," she winked at him, laughing quietly before kissing him. "Alright, you're turn. Tell me what all of you is thinking," @PenguinFox

(It's completely fine)


"Okay that's cool that your willing to do that for your friend." She says feeling like there was something he was leaving out since she had become so good at lying, she could tell when someone was lying or not saying everything. " I guess you deserve to hear about why I'm here." She says smiling ever so slightly.

"But I thought you already told us. You said you were looking for a job and you didn't need to tell us your whole life story." Grey smiles a bit. "What, were you leaving something out?" He can't tell whether or not she knew he was leaving important details out. He hopes she doesn't, as it may be harder to conceal what actually happened. That is, if the counseled didn't make him say everything.
Serina Jade Vexx

Serina listened to everyone talking, glad to see that her rushing in hadn't interrupted anyone's conversations. As she sat there, she dug the dirt from under her nails and pushed her hair back out of her face. She could tell her hands were shaking without looking at them. Serina hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and even then it was small. Clasping her hands in her lap, Serina looked around at the group, analyzing each person and wondering what they were all here for. "You'd know if you'd been on time, ya bloody idiot," she told herself angrily.

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"N-no I wasn't leaving anything out. Were you?" She says trying to ask him a question to get his mind off of the fact she slightly stuttered. "Leaving something out I mean" she says finishing her last statement.

Matt couldn't help but grin at Sasha's words. "How can I be expected to be good if you keep teasing me like that?" he said before holding the kiss with her. He had put his hands behind her head to keep her there for a moment longer. When he released her he looked into her eyes. "What all the me's are thinking? Well, it's less like thinking, more like speaking in my mind. Some of the things being said are highly suggestive." he winked. "Some are more romantic, but the core me. That's going 'How could you possibly have gotten so lucky as to score someone so beautiful and amazing as her? She is perfect in almost every way. She makes us a better person and we absolutely love being around her. We can't possibly imagine being without her now that she's here.' It's also saying 'I hope you do everything in your power to keep her around and hope to God it's enough because you can't let her go. She's too perfect." Matt smiled at her then shrugged as if he hadn't said anything. "Or at least I'm thinking something like that." @McMajestic
"No." Grey looks right into the girl's eyes and says this completely deadpan. That was a straight out lie. Grey tells this lie without blinking, without hesitating. He hears the girl who had just recently came in start talking to herself, so he looks over.
Mitch's eye twitched almost imperceptively at the arrival of someone new. She was disheveled looking, yet still oddly pretty. She deserved to be punished for it. Perhaps slicing from the sides of those perfect lips all the way up to that sculpted cheekbone. He looked to the floor realizing he was staring. He hated that those around him were going about as if everything was normal it made him want to scream, to get violent. @Kali Jade
Sasha smiled, resting her head on his chest. "Matthew, do you suppose we can get married? Wouldn't it be fun?" She asked, not looking at him. She had brought up the same idea to TJ a long time ago, when she thought he was her one and only, but after she began shooting heroin those thoughts left her mind. Now it was clear again, and she was in love again. There was a part of her that knew she was actually terrible for Matt, that he deserved much better, that she would probably die soon and leave him alone, but there was another part, a hopeless romantic that drowned in the fact she was feeling love all over again, fresh and full of life. "Could we do it before... before I get too far in my chemo?" She continued to stare at anything but him, knowing her question was crazy, was something he'd turn down. "I want to have your last name when I die, I want to be connected to you," she whispered, kissing his collarbone. She let silence fall over them for a moment, just long enough to let her words sink in to herself, before letting out a shaky breath. "I'm talking crazy talk, aren't I? Never mind, I know that's silly. We only just met, I don't want to ruin our date, never mind." She said again, before kissing him roughly, hoping he wouldn't further the topic she was suddenly very uncomfortable about. How stupid was she, to talk without a filter like that? And now she was only kissing him to stop it. @PenguinFox


"Well okay." She says. "Sorry if I pried too much um..ill just be here I guess" she says checking her phone again. 'Really, really, did you really just say that? You lied and now you sound like a complete idiot.' She thinks to herself.

Serina Jade Vexx

Serina had the sensation that she was being watched, a feeling she never liked. She looked around and the only person whose eyes she could see looking her direction were those of a guy who looked very troubled. She raised her eyebrow at him, flashing a half smile his way. Just to mess with him a little, she decided to add a wink as well. Serina went back to messing with her fingernails, trying to exude calmness while her insides were screaming at how cute this guy was. And she didn't even know his name yet.

Grey looks back to the girl. He smiles a little. "I forgot to ask you, but what's your name? It might be better to call you by something besides 'the girl.' I mean, I might even want to talk to you if I see you outside of here."
Carter's jaw clenched when he realized the girl had noticed him watching her. He was being too careless. No one would trust him if he wasn't more careful, but to his surprise the girl smiled. It brought deep hatred boiling up inside him. He didn't even know this thing's given name and already she was making him want to cut something. She began to pick at her fingernails, making Mitch want to pull them off with a pair of pliers. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, suppressing his primal instincts. He would have to talk to her, see how naive she truly was. @Kali Jade

Matt reached his hands up and put them on either side of Sasha's face, forcing her to look at him. "While you're right, it is really soon to be thinking about it, but here's the deal. I love you. I want to make you happy any way possible. I couldn't imagine being without you. If you want a marriage before things go too far with chemo then I'll tell you what. I'll seriously think about it. But for now, let's enjoy our date." he pulled her in and kissed her again, passionately. He didn't really mind the idea of marrying her, it was just as he said, it was really sudden. He knew what his answer would probably but still wanted to think about it anyway. @McMajestic

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