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Fantasy The Break of Dawn - The Four Elements Sequel (OPEN TO ALL)

Church418 said:

The deep thump of his own heartbeat was all he heard as Min Lao Shi sat meditating, with legs crossed, on the edge of the tallest branch of the willow tree. Min was unsure of how long he had been there. Ones perception of time grew unreliable when the mind attempted to attune with the spirit world. The world was like a vast spectrum of color. Complex on all sides. In the middle of this spectrum lay the spirit world. Min had never seen or touched this world....but he had felt it....he had heard it....

He could, faintly, hear it now. "The shadow nation rises Lao Shi."

Min Lao Shi softly grunted in acknowledgement. That is all he had heard for the past few days. The Earth was very selective with the information it provided mortals. Humans had proven, time and time again, that they were irrational and destructive. The Earth had been scarred many times from the acts of humanity. On selective occasions, the Earth had made known to Min Lao Shi a fraction of it's pain. Min had sometimes awakened from meditation in tears, with burns, with scars and scratches, or any combination of the three. In fact, he was certain that the child he heard crying the day of the attack was the Earth's way of expressing it's sorrow in what it had witnessed.

"The shadow nation rises Lao Shi." Min continued listening, patiently, for anything else the Earth would wish to say. "Rise......Lao Shi."

Min Lao Shi awoke to a rising sun and faint murmurs beneath him. It was time for the scouting run. Min Lao Shi let himself fall from the tree, for several meters, before landing hard on the ground, in a squat, before the group, dust rising from the impact. Min rose and smiled at the young group warmly. "Shall we depart?" He asked softly.
Clara Clara bowed at Min Lao Shi as a form of respect, and nodded. "I am, at least." She looked over their group as she held onto her staff as she started walking toward the gates. She was finally going out! For her, it was like a bird being freed from it's cage. Clara watched as the steel gates opened for the group, and smiled. "Which direction are we going?" It wasn't like the Shadow Kingdom was across the street---she wondered how long it would take for them to get there. Either way, she didn't want to be seen as the weak one of the group.

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CrazyNotChaotic said:
(Could I get a quick review of what happened since my last post? Sorry; had a huge school project and ended up spending the entire weekend working with my partner.)
The group is going on a scouting mission (Aeson, Min Lao Shi, Clara, Tai, and Isaac) while the others guard the kingdom ))
Moon sighed and pulled at his hair. It was an insane thing, he a non elemental was going on a scouting mission to the shadow kingdom. He who only wanted to study medicine, but he had seen the attack, had been with the group during that time. He hated bullies, and this was a chance to be useful to these people, as their medic.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He mumbled to himself as he readjusted his bag's strap on his shoulder and pushed his hair out of his face.


The young air general was so nervous for the others that she now unconsciously finished all of Clara's food, upon realizing it she asked one of the teachers to get her some again, She looked at them nodding at what the Earth representative had said:
''Just.... Just don't get yourself killed'' she sighed Or worse... Aria thought to herself then shook the thought away watching as they started walking away

@TeaLeaves @Mr jake
@Church418 @HaruAketchi
Jake noticed the group was about to leave he threw the box on the ground, "gear up everyone" He made enough gillie armor for everyone but he was only able to build one crossbow in the time he had, there were nets and a net launcher that's all he had at the time.
"Gear up?" Moon looked startled as he unconsciously reached to touch the silver daggers that hung at either sides of his waist and the long sword that slung across his back. Both had been gifts from his mother, along with lessons in how to use them, still he had never actually fought with people, he learned early on that it was easier to let the bullies hit him and throw things than to pull out a dagger.
Aur0ra said:


The young air general was so nervous for the others that she now unconsciously finished all of Clara's food, upon realizing it she asked one of the teachers to get her some again, She looked at them nodding at what the Earth representative had said:
''Just.... Just don't get yourself killed'' she sighed Or worse... Aria thought to herself then shook the thought away watching as they started walking away

@TeaLeaves @Mr jake
@Church418 @HaruAketchi
Thea Thea saw Aria's uneasiness, and rested her hand on her shoulder. "They will be fine. Let's keep our attitudes positive, Aria." She gave her a small smile, and looked around. "Where's Lyra? She's always around you." Thea asked as she watched the group walk and saw Jake with gear for them. "Make sure to gear up."
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Tai, his hands gently trembling. Unoticeably. He silently watches every make their entrances, and eagerly awaits the departure. Tai smiles at what the Earth leader says, and this further influences his desire to fight for peace, and to prove his strength.

"Ah, that's cool." Tai steps forward, and equips the ghillie that looks the coolest in his opinion, still unsure of how this would help him slice and melt demons. But anyway, Tai still enjoyed cool looking things. He looks around at the group again, and tightly grips his sword handle, "Ready when you all are. "
Moon shrugged and shook his head when the pile of armor and weapons was offered to him. "I've got my own, thanks." He silently prayed. I hope I'm not the only one who's nervous as hell, am I the only non elemental? Will I slow them down here? He began to panic at that idea. What if I'm not good enough for this?
Isaac took a deep breath; He had wanted to decline the offer of such weapons, the wind bearer did not need such things. He had Venus after all, there was nothing else that could compare to the power his Djinn friend had. But after some seconds of pondering over it, Isaac took a short, simple looking sword. He had remembered that Venus had quite the long cool-down, and even if he could defend himself with his raw fists and strength…you could never be too safe.

He retreated once he took a hold of what he wanted and waited on the sides, watching the others pick their weapons and armor. As for armor…Yeah no, Isaac didn’t use that. He felt like it only slowed him down despite the safety.

‘You think that this will work?’ He sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment, I hope so
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Min Lao Shi frowned as he felt the tension in the group. The young fire bender's hand shook subtly, and the green haired human appeared quite sheepish. Aria had even verbally expressed her concern as they left.

A man named Jake was passing around suits designed to blend in with the environment and weapons to arm themselves.

Min Lao Shi's gaze shifted to the air bender as he grabbed a sword from the pile. Min was unaccustomed to being around all of these elements and all of their negative emotions. After all, he had spent the last few years in solitude. In an effort to calm the group, Min dug his toes into the dirt. He closed his eyes until he could feel the trees around him. Until he could feel the roots beneath. With a silent request, Min Lao Shi willed the trees around the group to bow toward them. Min Lao Shi smiled and faced the group.
"It appears the forest is with us." Min spoke softly. He smiled and faced forward once again, as the group continued their way forward.
"How far are we travelling?" Moon asked. "I don't mind long trips, I'm just planning on whether or not I'll need to restock on some things as we travel." He pulled out a book, and unfolded one of the pages to reveal a map. "What's the plan anyway?"
Irene watched as everyone started to gear up and get ready for their quest. She kind of waited to go but she knew it would be best if she stayed in the city, though she didn't know what she was going to do exactly and it wasn't really the best time to flirt it up with Thea. she'll think of something. "Well good luck Everyone." She said watching them go. She looked at Aria before saying. "So what now oh great leader."

A boy walked into the around the town, looking for a certain place. He looked observant as he continually looked at a small, crumpled piece of paper with an address on it. He turned his head, finally making his location at a old, worn down house. A smirk entered his face, and he looked around to see if anyone was watching. In an instant he got into a panic, he quickly ran to the door, knocking repeatedly for someone to answer. Finally, a middle-aged man open the door with confusion, "What's all the ruckus about!?" The man spoke, dazed and confused from the panic boy. "Sir, you gotta help me please! Bad people are after me-- I don't know what to do! I need to hide! Please!!!" The man, still confused, peeked out his door to see if anyone was around. Quickly, he ushered the boy in, opening the door widely as the boy ran in. The man slammed his door shut, locked it, and quickly went to his windows to pull down the shades. The man started to speak again, back turned, "Alright, you should be safe in--" The man was suddenly cut off by a strong force that had entered his back. The man collapsed to the ground, knees on the floor, using his hands to keep his head from the ground. The man turned his head to the boy, whom was laughing. "Hahaha, didn't mommy ever tell you never to talk to strangers?" The boy had a smirk on his face, a glare of determination. The man had a look of absolute horror, What's going on!? Who are you!? Why are you doing this!?" The man cried, with the boy replying, "Killing you, Hakog Hangin, and I'm going to make a decent profit from killing you." The man, continued to panic, spoke again. "But why!?" Hakog slammed his heel down on the man's back, he grin as he did it, "Well, since you're about to die, I'll tell you. You owe massive amounts of money to a shady group. I don't care what they do, why they do it, or what's the repercussions. All I care about is making a profit." The man was collapsed to the ground his head on the floor, tears streamed from his eyes as he was still in a panic. "Please, I've stated I'll get the money, don't you see what kind of house I live in!? DON'T YOU!?" The man, shouting as loudly as possible in hopes someone would hear him. But, the man felt weight lift from his back, he looked up and stared at Hakog with confusion as Hakog spoke, "You know, you're right, this group shouldn't be treating you like this, you live in this abomination of a house... go on, run away, I got you covered." The man looked up, tears continued to fall from his eyes as he tried to run away. Hakog looked as the man started to flee in an annoyed look, "What, no 'Thank you'?" Hakog asked, jumping up to hit the man one last time. "LEARN TO HAVE SOME MANNERS!" Hakog shouted as he slammed his foot down on the back of the head of this man. There was a loud thud... then silence.


Hakog walked out of a shady alley way with a medium sized bag, chuckling as he remembered remembered killing the man. But he looked at the bag of money and gave out a large sigh of disappointment. "I really wished that guy said thank you..." Hakog smirked once he remembered the thought. "I was going to say, 'Jokes on you, I had my fingers crossed!" Hakog looked away from the bag with a smug look, and continued to walk away, not regretting a single thing.
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(Irene, Thea,Jake,Llyria, and Aria so basically the gang's all here)
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Tai smiles so widely when Min Lao Shi bends the will of the trees, it reminded him very much of his home in the Earth Kingdom.

"With you're force of Gaia, and Isaac's Djinn Venus, i'm not worried about anything." Tai exhales a large cloud of steam from his nostrils, inhaling immediately after.

He looks toward moon. "I'm unsure of where we're going...but him," Tai gestures toward Min, "And that one," he shoots a glare at Aeson. "Are leading the troupe. It's just a scouting mission, we're gonna learn about the shadow kingdom. Then seek revenge.." Tai revels in his sick dimention and enjoyment of battle that hides in every fire bender, just for a few seconds.

He looks toward moon again, "Your name, and affinity?" He extends his hand, "I am Tai, the blacksmith. Fire."
Jake stayed long enough to see everyone off, He needed To have a head count of the town but before he did that he went under the willow tree and sat under there to think. "The first thing we need to do is fix the town to a suitable condition, Then we will work on the hard stuff" Jake gets up form his spot under the willow tree, "Ok everyone this is going to be a team effort, First we need to get a head count on the towns people, Then we need to start rebuilding the town but not completely just to a suitable enough to live in, Then we work on a security system/Protection thing" Jake walks over to some rubble and starts organize it, Jake can not stand messes.
Moon stared at Tai, and ignores his extended hand. "Moon, and none. I got the luck of the draw and came up powerless. Tai? That's a familiar name, but I don't know why. If you're a blacksmith what're you doing on a scouting trip? Seems sort of unusual, although I guess I don't really belong here either." He sighed and pulled at the strap of his bag. "What sorts of things do you do as a blacksmith?"


Aeson simply followed the group out of the gate, though he listened closely to the conversations that the group shared.
What a waste of time, gearing up with clunky weapons that will only slow you down, he thought, his annoyance growing as more were invited to join the group. and the suit... What makes you think we are going to be in that specific environment?

Somehow managing to ignore these factors, he turned towards the direction of the new comer and the blacksmith.
"We don't have time for chit chat," he growled in a stern tone before pointing towards Moon "and you..." he took a small pause to analyse his, rather small physique, though he decided not to comment on it, dropping his hand and turning back around.

@CrazyNotChaotic @HaruAketchi
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Tai slowly retreats his extended hand, while maintaining eye contact with moon.

"I am a warrior at heart," He says with a fist pounding his chest. "I'm not here for smithing, and i promise," Tai looks toward his blade. "I can use this better than I use a hammer."

Tai gently closes his fist, and turns his head forward at the comment from Aeson.

"Yes sir.." He mutters under his breath in a mocking tone.

Tai keeps up with the rest of the group, occasionally picking at some of the fabric on this uncomfortable ghillie. He remains in thought, mostly fantasies of slaying the shadow lord. And small daydreams of battle that will take place today, or maybe soon after.


The sun rise in the upper kingdom was watched with disgust by a demon who floated in the air guarding the gate which led to the shadow realm.

Lucifer always hated the sun for his own reasons, mostly because it didn't shine upon the shadow realm, then again it wouldn't be called the dark realm should sun grace it with it's appearance.

The demon's bright eyes flickered as they reflected the rays, he sighed crossing his arms bored at the slow day. So far, he only tortured six people for not being able to answer his riddle, killed two girls and a boy, then drank their blood out of a goblet made of crushed molded teeth that one of the demon's had carved especially for him.

The composed look on his face wouldn't really give away the madness in his soul from the first look, it wouldn't take long for his visitors though to realize that he is, in fact, a psychopath

@the expedition group


The young general waited till everyone was off, she looked at Irene: ''we reinforce our defenses, and secure the kingdom, then rest a bit'' she didn't mind the sarcasm in Irene's voice, in fact she missed it along with the old group, smiling she said: ''let's just hope the world doesn't end this time, it tends to do that every time we all meet. I'll check on Lyra'' she then went to the fire representative's building, she asked the guards to lead her to Lyra's room upon hearing that she was sick. Aria looked really concerned, just yesterday her friend was as happy and as active as usual, what could have happened. The young air general always had a tendency to expect the worst, something that helped her greatly when it came to war planning but didn't really help ease her mind when it came to social stuff. Sighing she knocked on the door to Lyra's room

@Robyn Banks @Aelos
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