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Fandom The blackening of hearts. ( OPENED)


We were children,and get taken away from our parents for this world epidemic bullshit. And like later when we become teenagers through RP we manage to escape and deal witht he world outside. What do we do after we escape? We fight off paranoid zombie human thingies that I will explain. Run away fromt he people that want get us back. Why are we fighting paranoid zombies?Because. Most likely korea decided to start a neucliar war.And the peple that took our characters as children kept a lot of people in bunkers.The people that were outside began to burn, Because the sun flared, from the o-zone bullshit.So the while radiation and nuclear thing started to make paranoid people. Their brains started to turn to animal instincts. THeir hearts got bigger and blood turned Black, Blisters formed anf their skin became leathery. people, which img onna call CMD, Made a 'cure'. But really, when they tried it, they made the virus spreadable.This was thrity years after though.So people woldve repolulated, Things would've rebuild,Then that narrowed down. Being spread, citys fell. Sand dunes formed intencly.

There are only few places that produce food and are stable enough. And weathers are more intence. So a rain would be more harsh and thumderstorms would have more of a chance to hit you. Typhoons will blow buildings away,Heatwaves will kill you, All that kind of stuff.And light blow of wind wil be a harsh gust. Sand storms will shread you. Ect. And when your half dead, infection gets in you. You don't die.

You turn into one of them. Only way to kill them is form the heart or head. How old will we be and what country does this take place? At the start, 8-12. And this takes place in China first,But they get transported to another place with some stops.TO the base. So eventually it wil be in Alaska. Because they don't move int he snow.

And in Alaska,it will be constantly snowing.But the idea is they will be moved back to Europ to have the proper cre harvested form them, Which will mostly kill them. So on one stop, They slither out of group and run away under the sun.
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Hey, uh, I don't think this rp is going to work. It is great and i'd join, but it needs people. With enough time I'm certain you will attract other people to join, but for now it needs a little more work on the plot. I have however invited others to view and hopefully join. I ain't bringing a audience since you don't like those things i think.

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