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Futuristic The Black Dreadnought (Characters)



Cuddly enby auntcle
Character sheet:

Clothing/Clothing style
Alignment (The Alignment System)
Possible preferred weapons/Combat specialization


Personal quarters (how your characters quarters looks like)
Name: Vial Kind
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black hair, Pale skin, a bit fat and has bags under his eyes.
Clothing/Clothing style: Wearing military camouflage t-shirt, green pants and green combat boots. He also seemed to wearing a full metal combat helmet with a visor to hide his face. Seems to be like he is trying to recreate a game character.

- Simulation Military Games.
- History.
- Simulation games.

- Constant nagging.
- People who said playing video games amount to nothing.

Goals: To find the reason why the ship was here and what is the ships purpose.

Alignment: True Neutral

Possible preferred weapons:
- M1903 Springfield rifle.
- Trench shovel.
- Two clubs.

Combat specialization :

Marksmanship : Been practicing on the MMO the use of a rifle and has gotten decent at it. Wouldn't say he can hit a head shot every time but he is more likely to hit the chest more likely.

Improvised close range melee weapons : Not physical strong so he tends to utilizes improvised weapons to assist a fight and quite literally fight dirty.

Personality : Mostly quiet and shy. Does not talk much until there comes a topic he likes and only then would he try to say something.

Background : He lived a mostly normal childhood and had managed to pass college and was looking for a job.
Tired after trying to find a job on most days so he decided to play some video games, he was just an introvert playing video games and enjoying his time but then the aliens came and ruined his relaxing video game day. He was among the people that tried to run away only to discover this ship. While everyone was praising this ship, he was curious why a ship was even here in the first place. Then the reconfiguration happened and he just never felt the same again.

Personal quarters: The walls are bared and no carpets or anything on the ground. It has a small single bed, table and a chair.

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