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The Big Bad Wolf (DETAILED)


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a host of magical and mystical creatures known to the Mundane World as Fables. Some were known for their interesting adventures while others boasted terrifying abilities. Then, of course, there were the lesser known Fables that went about their lives with little recognition. And everyone lived happily ever after.

Well... that's not entirely true. It never was. People like to keep their fairy tales happy and distant. But now it's no longer "once upon a time" and that land "far, far away" is much closer to home. Fables, famous and infamous alike, have been uprooted from their homes in the Old World and transported to the Mundane World. No one knows how. No one knows why. In fact, no one knows when. The memories of the Fables were shrouded in a strange spell that replaced them with memories of a Mundane life. The town, presumably protected by the same spell, was kept in a bubble from the rest of the Mundane World. Now, the spell is broken and a new story has started to be written. And, for once in their lives, the pen is in the hands of the Fables.

I'm looking for someone to play a werewolf character that is very Bigby Wolf-esque. If you are not familiar with The Wolf Among Us (you don't have to be!), Bigby is an aggressive, standoffish, and moody character who secretly has a heart of gold. It's cliche, but I'm a sucker for cliches. You can also play more than one character but I'm primarily interested in you playing the Wolf. I'm looking for someone who writes well and typically writes upwards of 3 or 4 paragraphs. I'll be playing Red Riding Hood whose personality and backstory is outlined below.

Loosely based on the characters and environment of Once Upon a Time and The Wolf Among Us, more heavily influenced by TWAU

Red's Character Sheet



Little Red or just Red is notorious for her baked goods. Back in the Old World, she was known for her extreme kindness despite the circumstances in which she had grown up in. Many thought she was ignorant girl due to this kindness though it was rarely said to her face. In the Mundane World, she is known as Ruby Red. Her personality starkly contrasts that of her old self. Ruby is standoffish and manipulative, even aggressive at times when she doesn't get her way. As Red's memories return to her, she has to deal with the consequences of the actions of her Mundane self along with struggling to continue avoiding the Big Bad Wolf. When she inevitably finds herself in over her head, she might not have a Prince Charming to bail her out.

Red's parents were killed by the Wolf when she was a teenager. The Wolf continued to make nightly visits to her town. Her grandmother was determined to keep her safe, laying out a strict set of rules and investing in precautionary measures to prevent the Wolf from even laying his eyes on Red again. Both because of her loss and her grandmother's rules, Red became reluctant to befriend anyone.

Eventually the fear of the Wolf existed only in her nightmares. With the help of her grandmother, Red opened a bakery. To forget her gruesome past, she threw herself wholeheartedly into the bakery. If she wasn't locked away in her grandmother's house, she was in her bakery. Red still generally kept to herself, saying very little to even her customers.

Little else is known about Red's past following the death of her grandmother. The Woodsman, celebrated as a hero after the presumed death of the Wolf, was the last to see her. The untrusting few believe he is to blame for her disappearance. Everything she owned, bakery included, was left untouched and abandoned.




Red is a generally happy girl, preferring to see the best in others rather than seek out the worst. She has often been called oblivious, ignorant, and stupid for this attitude, but she doesn't let the insults bother her. She avoids things that remind her of her past seeing as she already struggles with recurring nightmares.

Despite her often bubbly personality, Red doesn't shy away from a fight if she deems it necessary. She has few fears other than the Wolf which can lead her into some troubling situations. However, she abstains from violence as much as possible, preferring to talk her way out of her problems.

After her disappearance, Red became even more so antisocial. She keeps to herself the majority of the time, keeping a close handful of friends. She fears bonding with someone due to her past of losing people close to her. Continuing to go by her Mundane name, she prefers to keep her true identity under wraps for fear of the Wolf finding her.

Red's Story


My story doesn't go quite how they tell it in the Mundane World. They don't call me Red because of some stupid jacket. It's not all sunshine and flowers. It never was for me.

All Good Things
We didn't always live in fear of the Wolf. There used to be times when children would going running in the woods at night. Well, really I was the only one with an interest in the forest. I found typical town life dull and tedious. My parents gave me a red riding cloak to wear when I went out. They said they would be able to see me no matter how far I went when I wore it.

I spent every minute every hour I could in the woods. I was absolutely fascinated by the solidarity and silence. It was like an entirely new world. Everything moved like clockwork. I could time myself by how many birds how flown overhead. I knew exactly how far I was from home by how many trees I had passed along the way. I felt like I ruled my own little kingdom in the woods where I could escape from the dullness of the town life.

Eight. That's how old I was when I met the Wolf. He was at least twice my size and as dark as a moonless night. I can't explain the terror that I experienced when I first saw those glowing yellow eyes on my way home. Gleaming teeth were the next feature I could make out as I stumbled backwards and tripped over a rock.

He paced toward me, careful and determined. I was certain that I wouldn't be in good shape if I managed to be alive after the Wolf was through.

"Pl-please. I just want to go home..."

He stalked toward me for a moment, his eyes scanning me up and down. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. But, when I opened them, he was gone. I quickly returned home without a word to anyone.

The next day, I returned to the woods, still fearful of the Wolf. Timidly, I stepped through the forest, scanning even bush for a sign of his glowing eyes. The silence that had once been so calming was now incredibly unsettling. Then, I saw him. I inhaled deeply.


I was still a safe distance away and he turned to face me with a growl. I fumbled with my folded red cloak in my shaking hands. Scraps from my last meal fell to the ground and I spoke softly, stumbling over my words.

"I br-brought this for you. I kn-know it's not much, b-but..."

I lifted my gaze back to the Wolf. His fur was raised and he was baring his teeth but still I stood my ground. I was determined to coexist with the Wolf like I had with the others creatures in the woods. This was my sanctuary just as much as it was his.

"L-look, I come here a lot and I just... I don't think anyone should go hungry."

The Wolf snapped at the air, lunging forward slightly. I stumbled back, falling backwards and raising my arms to cover my face with a small shout of fear. The Wolf settled slightly with a tilted head. I scrambled to my feet, wiping my eyes.

"Fine then," I said sharply before heading home.

I returned the next day, again with the remnants of my most recent meal. The Wolf was where I had found him the previous day. He reacted similarly to my presence.

"I-I'm not scared of you," I asserted as I approached him with my folded cloak. It was a blatant lie. We both knew it. I swear I saw him crack a smirk.

"An-and, you're not taking these woods from me," I stated as firmly as I could manage with my shaky voice as I knelt down slightly closer than the day before. I unfolded the cloak carefully.

"This is the only place where I have friends, okay? You're not taking that away from me. I'm getting tired of being lonely. Aren't you?" My voice was quiet and slow as I spoke every once with the greatest care.

"I feel so... I don't know the word. I feel important out here, like I matter. If I ran away, I don't think anyone back there would care. They don't pay attention to me. I'm not a princess." I wiped the tears from my cheeks and sniffled.

"But, you don't care either, do you?" With that, I stood up and left the Wolf alone.

The next day, I returned once more with scraps. Silently, I dumped them out from my cloak and left. This continued for years. Sometimes I would stay for a few moments, but I never said a word to the Wolf and he never ate until I had gone.

I was fifteen when the pattern was interrupted. I had arrived at the usual time in the usual spot, but the Wolf wasn't there. Cautiously, I knelt and unfolded my cloak. Suddenly, I felt a nudge at my side and I leaped away with a scream.

I sat, panting as I tried to recompose myself as I stared bewildered at the Wolf who looked, in my opinion, only mildly concerned.

"You can't do that to me!"

It came as a sudden realization what exactly had occurred. I laid down on the ground, laughing breathlessly. The Wolf approached me and I sat up, still a little wary. There was only a small amount of distance between us.

"You can't do that to me," I reiterated softly with a small chuckle. There was a long silence between us before I reached out slowly and carefully. He growled slightly and I retracted my hand quickly. I waited a moment before throwing my arms around his neck with a laugh. He snapped at the air, more as an instinct, I thought.

"Oh, shut up," I teased him.

Again, I began spending hours on end in the woods. The Wolf and I became nearly inseparable, but I never spoke a word about him to anyone. I knew what would happen if I did. I didn't want to lose the only friend I had ever had because for the first time in my life, I was happy.

Come To An End
He laid curled around me and I laid with my head on his stomach, looking to the stars. We often spent nights like this before I had to begrudgingly drag myself home. I would talk about my day, my dreams, my fears and he would listen. Then we would sit in silence. And it was my favorite part of my day. But this was the night everything we go to shit.

"Honey? Dear? Where are you?"

"Shit..." I mumbled as I jumped to my feet. The Wolf started to growl softly.

"I didn't bring them, I swear. I wouldn't do that." His growling increased slightly as he got to his feet.

"I'm not lying. Now, go. Go!"

I tried to look as innocent as possible as my parents pushed through the brush in front of me.

"Oh, thank goodness! We were so worried, dear. Someone said they saw a wolf out here," my mother wrapped her arms around me.

"Yeah, a real big, nasty one," my father added, scanning the area.

"Wow, that sounds terrifying. We should leave. Now." I started toward the town, pulling my mother along. She stood firmly, grabbing my arm.

"You haven't seen anything like that, have you, sweetie?"

"Of course not, mom. I would have definitely said something if I had, wouldn't I?"

"Well, I just don't know with you, dear. You have this whole... nature thing going on. You used to tell me how you'd talk to the animals."

"Well, I don't do that anymore. Let's go." There was a rustle in the bushes and I pushed my parents along even harder.

"What was that?" My father asked raising an axe that I hadn't seen before.

"Nothing! It's nothing. Let's go."

"Wait, I see it! There!" My mother shouted, pointing into the darkness.

"No!" I tried to step in front of him but my mother caught hold of my wrist and held it tightly.

"Stay there," my father added gruffly, walking toward the noise. I broke from my mother's grasp, running toward him. He turned on his heels, landing a hard slap to my face.

"Why don't you ever fucking listen? I said stay. there." I opened my mouth to warn him, but it was too late. The Wolf took advantage of the distraction and jumped for my father. He pushed me aside roughly - whether it was for my safety or not was uncertain - swinging wildly at the air as the Wolf snapped and tore at him. It was too late to do anything. The Wolf was determined.

My mother screamed for help, backed against a tree as the Wolf approached. Sore, I stumbled in between them. I didn't want this. I never wanted anyone to get hurt.

"Don't do this!"

He lunged for my mother and I stepped in between them. His teeth found my arm, sinking deep into my skin before he could realize what had happened.

"This is your fault! You killed your father! You killed me!" I could hear my mother screaming frantically but I was far too dizzy to focus on her. I stumbled sideways before falling down, unconscious. When I awoke, I was beside my parents, soaked in their blood. I couldn't hardly remember what happened. I didn't even remember my name. So they called me Red.

I lived with my grandmother following the murder of my parents. She was certain he was after me. She told me stories of how she would watch the Wolf pace round and round the house as I slept. I didn't believe her in the slightest. Every child had a horror story that their parents told them to prevent them from going out at night and I had lived through one. I didn't need my grandmother's imagination.

I was running late that night. The bakery was across town and someone had come in at the last minute with a large order. I should've listened. All the stories, the things I had seen... I had grown ignorant over the years. If I was there, maybe I could've have stopped it.

There was blood everywhere. It was all too familiar. The trail lead to her room. I followed it for a moment, walking cautiously. I had to see it. I had to be certain. Suddenly, the Wolf darted past with a man immediately behind, axe in hand. Neither took notice of me as I jumped out of the way. The memories came flooding back in waves.

The struggle was short-lived. The man sliced and cut at the Wolf with the axe. I screamed and begged for him to stop. But only when he was finished did he seem to finally see me. I struggled to find my voice, trying to wipe the sight from my memory. I stood silently, staring at the Wolf.

He told me his wonderful tale of heroism, how he was just strolling by and heard the sounds of a struggle, how he was just barely too late. I had to get away from it, from the Wolf, from the blood. I had to return to my sanctuary. I hurried out the door, ignoring the shouts from the man that had identified himself as the Woodsman.

My rapid steps quickly transitioned into a sprint. I couldn't think. I couldn't stop. I ran for what had felt like forever. I ran until my legs refused to cooperate any longer and I collapsed in the woods. Finally, the tears could run freely and I could mourn in peace. I didn't want anyone's sympathies. I just wanted peace.

A rustle in the bushes roused me from my sobs. I caught sight of the creature. I couldn't believe it. I surely thought he was dead. It was him, the Wolf. I wiped my eyes and stumbled to my feet. Surely, this was it. The Wolf would finally get what he so desperately wanted.

Blood was such a common sight, that the red in the snow hardly was as bright to my eyes as it used to be. The trail lead me to him, but he was different - a man with claws and glowing eyes, naked and bleeding. I was angry, terrified, confused but still my steps continued steadily toward him.

"I didn't know you were..." The surprise was clear in my voice.

His gaze snapped to me and he let out a deep growl. There was a certain numbness that propelled me forward, an unusual desire to expedite the inevitable. He tried to stand up but his body wouldn't allow it quite yet.

"I hate you, you know."

My voice carried no emotion as I stared down the Wolf. I was just a few feet from his reach. His panting filled the silence between us as I continued to approach. He swiped at the air which evidently caused him a lot of pain to do.

"I hate you a lot. Just as much as you hate me."

I untied my my riding hood and pulled it off of my shoulders.

"Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I am as stupid as they say I am."

Now within reach, his claws cut at my leg. As the pain jolted through my body, I clenched my jaw and fell to the ground beside him. It stung and burned but it appeared to hurt him a lot more than it hurt me. As I stared him down, it appeared that he had given up fighting and accepted his fate.

"I could kill you right now if I wanted to. I should kill you after all you've done. Then, I would be a hero."

I tore a strip from my cloak, using it to gently wipe the dirt and blood from his face. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks but I made no effort to hide them.

"I hate you," I said softly over and over as I did my best to tend to his wounds. When I was finished, I stared at him a moment. I reached out and cupped his cheek, gently running my thumb along a cut under his eye then I stood up silently, sending a burst of pain running up my leg.

"Don't ever come back, Wolf."

I walked into the woods without even a glance back. Once again, I was alone.

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