The Beachhouse [Inactive]

Lillia nodded. She thought about her own laptop. Even if she couldn't find any kind of internet access there were a few games she could play on it. She wondered if the house had anything. She saw mention of entertainment on the website.

"Probably pretty plain if rich. I mean the guy who owns this place has to be loaded to just rent it out for the summer." She looked around the beach and sighed, smiling. "I'm going to change as well. I'll meet you at the beach in ten."


Jace got off the boat grinning wide. He noticed Harvey shouting that he got onto the dock first. There sure were a weird bunch of people. He strolled over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Congrats. But I think the real challenge is getting to the rooms first." Jace winked before turning to Poppy. "I'm going to go and drop my things. Maybe we can hang out some more afterwards?"
"Probably." Amanda said to Lilia as she walked off the boat and onto the dock. "See ya in a bit." She said to Lillia whilst carrying her suitcases and laptop. She heard Harvey boasting about being first on the dock and believed he was immature. She walked towards the house with the intention of going to her room.
Wanting to get some fresh air, Preston just slapped on a pair of Black Basketball Shorts w/ Pockets, a Waterproof Sports Watch, White Sweatband, a Black Tank-Top, a Black Snapback, Sunglasses (Picture Below) and a pair of Blue Basketball Shoes. As he left his room, he smiled brightly before walking towards the beach, where everyone was. However, he had the intention of enjoying the view of the sea.

The Snapback

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1355493252.jpg.b59bada77c0a49b816414ec4d9928940.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/1355493252.jpg.b59bada77c0a49b816414ec4d9928940.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How he wears it

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tumblr_l5blcaCsjh1qavxu0o1_400.jpg.7ebbdd0f4f70adebcff45156bedb14a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tumblr_l5blcaCsjh1qavxu0o1_400.jpg.7ebbdd0f4f70adebcff45156bedb14a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Taylor walked off the boat frowning at Harvey's outburst and then shaking his head. He knew he shouldn't be so uptight. If the guy was enjoying himself it wasn't harming anything. He carried his own things into his room. He had already been dressed for the beach. He lived only a few cities away from where they took off.

He stretched making a mental note to check the kitchen later. He wasn't sure how many of the others knew how to cook or bake or anything but he wouldn't mind being the house chef. Especially if it meant getting out of other things. And he liked cooking and baking anyways.

He stepped back onto the beach. He approached one of the people on there wearing a hat. Why not be friendly?

"Hey. I'm Taylor."
Amanda walked towards the beachhouse and entered it before walking up to her room. She opened the door to it and placed her suitcases on the floor next to her bed before placing her laptop bag on the bed. She closed the door to ensure she had privacy and stripped down to just her red bikini. Afterwards, she left her room and walked towards the beach.
Lillia walked by Jace and Harvey and the others. She glanced over all the guys she walked past. It seemed her and Amanda were the only girls. Maybe. She thought she might have spotted another one.

Lillia didn't mind the lack of other girls. She was already becoming friends with Amanda and she really only had an interest in guys for now. So it all worked out. She dumped her things on top of her bed knowing she could take care of it later. She stripped out of her jean shorts and white t-shirt to reveal a dark orange bikini underneath. She adjusted it, smiling at herself in a mirror. She looked good.

She headed outside and waved at Amanda. "Looking good." Lillia ignored the fact she left her inhaler in her room.
Poppy gathered her things and got off the boat. She smiled at Jace and went to find her room. She set her things down on the bed, looking around. She would unpack later. For now she changed quickly into her bikini, a light purple one, and threw on her cover-up. It looked like a light, simple red dress. She walked out barefoot and smiled when she reached the beach. She deftly pulled her hair into a ponytail. This was going to be the bet summer ever. Even if it seemed like there were far more guys than girls. Who cared? That was more of a bonus anyway.
Preston turned over as he saw Taylor saying greeting him. "Oh, hey, how's it goin'?" He asked as Taylor greeted him.
"See ya at the beach!" Amanda said to Lillia as she waved back. She walked towards the beach and sat down. She would wait for Lillia.
Jace stood in one of the bathrooms. He eyed the shower in the room but went to the sink instead. He checked himself over before examining the medicine cabinet. Didn't hurt to know what they had available. There was mostly bandaids and pills for headaches or cramps. Common enough stuff. At least no one could complain about not having advil.

He stepped outside the room to head to the beach. He smiled when he spotted most of the people outside already and moved next to Poppy. "Gorgeous. And I don't just mean the island."


Lillia sat down next to Amanda. "Hey. Wow we are good looking girls. I'm sure the boys will be flocking over us soon," she half-joked. Amanda was pretty. Also she wouldn't mind that last part. She scanned the beach and noticed that there was another girl. One of the guys was talking to her.


"It's going well. Was just about to go for a jog. Maybe see the island a little bit more. Looks like there are some trees over there." He pointed towards the back of the house. The island wasn't too big but he looked forward to exploring it.
"Yep, just us two beautiful girls. They'll be unable to resist us." Amanda joked back to Lillia as she watched the sea. She saw another woman on the beach and saw that one of the guys was talking to her. "That sea looks very inviting. I think i'll take a dip soon." She said to Lillia as she laid down on her back.
Lillia looked at the water, staring it down. Did she want to swim as well? It might be fun. Maybe they could find a beach ball and toss it around. She nodded laying down as well.

"I think I might sunbathe for now. Start working on my tan. Although I can't stay here too long. I burn easily." She hated that but there wasn't much to do unless she avoided the sun enough to prevent it.

"So see anyone cute yet?"
"I'll keep you company." Amanda said as she placed her hands behind her head whilst laying on her back. "No. but you're the only one that i've spoke to so far so i may end up finding myself a cute guy." She said to the other woman. "You?" She asked her.
Poppy had been so focused on the view that she hadn't heard someone come up behind her. She jumped a little before looking over to see Jace. Then she felt her face get warm. She'd never actually experienced anyone coming even remotely close to flirting with her and she wasn't sure what to do. How exactly was she supposed to respond exactly? All of this made her thoughts so weird that she wasn't able to really respond.
After chatting for a bit with Taylor, Preston just went for a walk down the Beach. While walking, he just put his hands in his Pockets while looking out to sea. He didn't exactly talk to anyone, since he didn't know any of the people there, let alone he himself is socially awkward.
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Lillia thought about the guys she had seen. "The one talking with that girl is cute. So was the weirdo on the dock. I think we got lucky. Hopefully." Hopefully none of them were creepy or assholes. Weird she could handle but she didn't want to get stuck with people who made her uncomfortable.


Jace gave Poppy a small smile. "You going to be okay? You face is a little red. The sun isn't bothering you already is it?" He looked up at the sky and then shrugged. "So you want to head into the water? Maybe take a stroll?"
Poppy managed to nod a little. "Yeah, I'm okay." She said with a smile. "I kinda wanna look around more." She added. "Get a feel for the place and stuff."
"Yep and it's a good thing we're the best looking girls here." Amanda told Lillia whilst looking at the sky. "Hopefully, we'll find love here and discover what we want to do with our lives." She told the woman as she smiled and picked up some sand before letting it fall through her fingers. "Want to enter the water?" she asked Lillia a few minutes later.
"Do you want to go for a walk together then?" It was the perfect chance to get her alone. He wasn't sure yet if he'd make a move. He had no real interest in a serious summer romance. Short simple flings would be nicer. Mostly because he'd never see these people again. So why put too much effort into it?

But he liked Poppy enough for now and she was cute. He would see,


Find love and discover themselves? It sounded nice. Really nice. Lillia hoped it would be so. She was sure this summer was going to be fun none-the-less.

"Totally," Lillia replied, staying and stretching.
Poppy smiled at the thought of it. She hadn't come looking for any sort of love-relationship but if it happened, it happened. "Sure, I'd love to." She said. She pushed her bangs out of her face as they often got in the way of seeing.
Amanda sat up and stretched her arms. She brushed some sand from the back of her arms and stood up. "Think the others will join us?" She asked Lillia as she started to walk towards the nice cool ocean waters.
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