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Futuristic The Battle of London

Luna walked around to make sure that the Hooians were dead, kicking the body while aiming at its heart "So where exactly is the rest of the army? I can't find anyone but you, and yet no one is picking up on any frequency. Ar we what's left of London's defense ¿!?" Kicking a rock at a wall and signed, sitting down and reloaded, then did a ammo check
Tyler: "Well, We don't exist. We work for the United States Government. I assume that you and that group of soldiers are all that are left." i said, loading a fresh mag into my rifle, and Riker fed Tagger a treat.
pokemariofan64 said:
David, during the big fight, was just firing st all Hooians in sight, focusing on keeping himself alive. He just hoped he hadn't shot any of Don's guys. When the fight ended, and Don asked if the fight was impressive, he replied "Yes, very. Did I get any of your guys?" It didn't seem so. Not too far away, David could hear a lot of sounds, footsteps, whooshes, and machinery sounds. "We gotta get outta here. There are more coming. We'll go back to your base." As they began to walk. David turned his attention to Don's arm. "Don?" he finally asked "Can we talk about your arm?"
"Oh that." Don said looking koy at his shredded sleeve "That's the work of me mate, Deacon. I'll explain it to ya once we get settled at the chapel." he looked around "Lets get a head count and 'ead out." he got one of the young men to his feet. "If you're uhh... intimidated by my company moosie, I can leave you here." Changing his outward jovial demeanor for a brief moment and then smiled. "I'd of course let you keep some of your belongings as courtesy." patting the Canadian on the shoulder.

"My lord." Mecha said "The Hunter is not here."

"Well." he said lighting a ciggarette. "Sorry for the poor sods."

"Should we go after him?" Deacon inquired. "He'll come home when the bells toll."

Isacoolbow said:
Iris smiles, "Mary's a cute name, and I do have a few things I can trade," she said while flipping what side the bag is on her body, from her chest to her back. Adjusting the straps Iris kept walking with her soar legs. She had been walking since before the sunrise, now she knew it was going to be sunset soon. After walking for a few more minutes, she noticed a train station coming up soon. "Almost there," she said as her body was struggling to give her enough energy to last until she reaches this unknown safe place.
"Are you tired lady?" the small girl said, placing her hand on the scavenger's face, lifting the exhaust from her body "You could've just said so." She said. Smiling "You are a good person." Mary dozed off upon her back, causing a very confusing atmosphere within the metro.
Latorrex said:
"Are you tired lady?" the small girl said, placing her hand on the scavenger's face, lifting the exhaust from her body "You could've just said so." She said. Smiling "You are a good person." Mary dozed off upon her back, causing a very confusing atmosphere within the metro.
As Mary dozed off, Iris with a tired optimism, "I'm not that tired." She adjusted Mary on her back and kept walking forward. Her feet dragging upon the rubble with every step. They finally arrived at the station, instinctively, Iris climbs up from the tracks, attempting to keep Mary steady so she could rest. Slowly, she made it up, using more energy than she originally intended. With tired steps, she walked toward the powered down escalators and begun to climb up them, keeping her steps as steady as she could.
Luna chuckled at what Tyler said "As far as I'm aware, I'm the only soldier in the city. So what brings the US here¿?" Putting her rifle next to her leg and looking up at Tyler, taking off her helmet and ruffling her right hand through her short hair. "Kinda warm today huh"
Dave hobbled past the dead Hooians, he'd just finished grabbing what was left of the dead soilders ammo. He began to move back out into the ruined buildings searching for the shots he'd seen coming from them. He had his weapon ready, puffing out smoke from one corner of his mouth as he smoked.
David, tagging along with Don and his gang, was on his way to the chapel. It seemed that these mercs, or whatever they were, were really taking advantage of the invasion, as they had far superior tech than most of the mercs he had seen around London. That was the only possible theory David could think of. Just then, however, a black helicopter, an Earth one this time, was seen circling around their area. "Is that yours, Don?" It didn't seem so. David reloaded his C7 as the heli circled around, and began to land
Riker: "We need to know if the US should become involved with this conflict. Right now, they aren't. We are here to decide if we should assist. Right now, it looks like our best option is to level the city. possibly most of the country. That is something we are here to avoid. We have 2 weeks to call back to Washington. If not, they will level this city." i said, checking my rifle.
pokemariofan64 said:
David, tagging along with Don and his gang, was on his way to the chapel. It seemed that these mercs, or whatever they were, were really taking advantage of the invasion, as they had far superior tech than most of the mercs he had seen around London. That was the only possible theory David could think of. Just then, however, a black helicopter, an Earth one this time, was seen circling around their area. "Is that yours, Don?" It didn't seem so. David reloaded his C7 as the heli circled around, and began to land
"Hmm?" don pondered looking up to the black helicopter and then down to the youngest boy "Ey boy. Get me the spyglasses." He directed. The boy looked into his satchel "Here my lord." "Obliged." He looked through the binoculars the lad had just handed him in order to look at the identification number of the helo "U-H-6-0... huh... looks American." He took another look at the designation number "Oh it's them. This just gets better and better. First the Canadians and now the CIA have returned." He put on a pair of aviator sunglasses. "Hopefully with better news than last time."

He signaled to the group that they were moving out, Having Mecha and Deacon cover the rear, with the civilians in the center behind the armed members of the group.
"Alright Mooseknuckle, just to just cause I'm interested, how does it feel to be the ambassador of your people here?"

They continued to walk... only 7 blocks to go.

Isacoolbow said:
As Mary dozed off, Iris with a tired optimism, "I'm not that tired." She adjusted Mary on her back and kept walking forward. Her feet dragging upon the rubble with every step. They finally arrived at the station, instinctively, Iris climbs up from the tracks, attempting to keep Mary steady so she could rest. Slowly, she made it up, using more energy than she originally intended. With tired steps, she walked toward the powered down escalators and begun to climb up them, keeping her steps as steady as she could.
They were 6 blocks away when Mary woke up "We close?" The scavver collapsed under the stress and lack of rest "Oh dear. I got to fix this." the young girl pressed her hand against the tired woman's forehead and removed the pain and soreness and brought her back to a bearable strength but tiring herself out. "Hey we're almost there." "لدينا بعض الناس أكثر من هنا (ladayna bed alnnas 'akthar min huna = We have some people over here)" She looked towards the sound of the foreign language "We have to move now."

Before the war of the babalackahooians, there were cells of middle eastern extremist groups, who in the midst of the chaos, rallied islamic communities to fight back. But with that, they preyed upon others who did not share their views, were beheadings, stonings and crucifixions now common amongst old moderate communities

Nuitari said:
Riker: "We need to know if the US should become involved with this conflict. Right now, they aren't. We are here to decide if we should assist. Right now, it looks like our best option is to level the city. possibly most of the country. That is something we are here to avoid. We have 2 weeks to call back to Washington. If not, they will level this city." i said, checking my rifle.
A body dropped in the middle of the group, it was human: a Scavver. His right arm torn off and his face literally caved in with his entrails strewn around him. His left leg had his knee ripped out. It was a macabre scene of flesh and gore that painted the ground upon which they stood. The kill was fresh, recently perpetrated.

Then two gunshots and a scream... silence... they were not alone.

Broken windows. Shattered. CRASH!!! Another one lands on the ground a few feet away. Legs partially ripped and the esophagus pulled into an outward position and the back of his skull removed as if something took a bite.

There was not a sound. Only the warfare in the distance. A grim and discomforting ome.
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Latorrex said:
They were 6 blocks away when Mary woke up "We close?" The scavver collapsed under the stress and lack of rest "Oh dear. I got to fix this." the young girl pressed her hand against the tired woman's forehead and removed the pain and soreness and brought her back to a bearable strength but tiring herself out. "Hey we're almost there." "لدينا بعض الناس أكثر من هنا (ladayna bed alnnas 'akthar min huna = We have some people over here)" She looked towards the sound of the foreign language "We have to move now."
Before the war of the babalackahooians, there were cells of middle eastern extremist groups, who in the midst of the chaos, rallied islamic communities to fight back. But with that, they preyed upon others who did not share their views, were beheadings, stonings and crucifixions now common amongst old moderate communities
With adrenaline pumping through her, Iris stands back up and resumes walking, "thanks Mary." With a new rush of energy Iris was moving at double her last pace. At this speed, the small amount of distance was going to take far less time. As the gap shrunk, Iris almost started running out of excitement, even if her feet were about to start bleeding.

(sorry reply's so short, i'm exhausted and should have gone to sleep hours ago)
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David looked up at the helicopter landing, and saw some people step off. He pulled out his binoculars as the helicopter took back to the skies. There were a few Americans there, but there also appeared to be a couple of people in suits too. Taking a closer look, they appeared to be wielding modified Carnwennan 9 mils. "Appears to be some MI5 members with them, oddly. Should we ignore them, or go introduce ourselves?" David said, turning to Don
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Riker: i looked over at the aircraft that had landed, and knew immiediatley that it was not ours. "This is Delta Two in the blind. Do not trust that helicopter. The Americans do not have aircraft. I repeat. Do not trust that aircraft." One of our Soldiers said over the british frequency, broadcasting to all availible channels. "Delta one acknowledges. Aircraft is sighted. Delta one is preparing to approach." i replied. "America hasn't sent any hawks, as far as we are concerned. So these are either imposter Hoolians, or they are not Americans." i said to Tyler, and we both raised our weapons. We were less that 150 feet away from the aircraft, not taking any chances.
Luna looked at Riker trying not to laugh "And you'd think that my government would allow that ¿?" Looking over at Riker with a smirk "Besides, the US is probably going to be the next target they go after" looking down at her boots seeing a spider, she steps on it then scraps it off in a rock "So, who is in charge here, I'd like to speak to them ¿?" Getting up and grabbing her AUG and putting it on her shoulder, barel in the air
Tyler: "That would be me." i said, and the body fell in front of us. I fired two rounds into it, and then turned to the other misfigured human. "Engage." i said, and Riker fired off 4 rounds, dropping the mutant. Soon enough, there was another. Delta two, David and Sam, fired upon the Mutant. "Sir." Sam said, and they took positions, like Riker, around me and Luna.
Nuitari said:
Tyler: "That would be me." i said, and the body fell in front of us. I fired two rounds into it, and then turned to the other misfigured human. "Engage." i said, and Riker fired off 4 rounds, dropping the mutant. Soon enough, there was another. Delta two, David and Sam, fired upon the Mutant. "Sir." Sam said, and they took positions, like Riker, around me and Luna.
All was silent... as if the evening was falling down upon the group, and the setting sun bore it's weight as dusk took the sky. Flashlights were adjusted to bring ease of sight. Five lights to fight the coming night.

A jawless head rolled from a dark alleyway near the soldiers' feet, each one affixing the light onto the head. They brought their rifles up to see that the hunter was there, dragging a mauled corpse with neither its head or lower half intact. The Hunter had it's lower portion of his mask shot off by a scavver and bleeding from its recent wound, it healed it's jaw before the squad's very eyes It bore his razor teeth in a goresoaked bloodthirsty grin as his eyes began to glow a beastly bronze. his shoes and gloves were damaged, revealing talon like claws upon his hands and feet It had taken many rounds of firepower from both sides which was evident from the blood caked onto the fabric of his clothes and bullet hits that hit him. He tilted his head and stared at the soldiers.

It threw the mangled body upon the ground and, by holding it by the stump of what was left of his kneck he ripped of an arm and took a bite.

The crunch of bones echoed through the alleys

Isacoolbow said:
With adrenaline pumping through her, Iris stands back up and resumes walking, "thanks Mary." With a new rush of energy Iris was moving at double her last pace. At this speed, the small amount of distance was going to take far less time. As the gap shrunk, Iris almost started running out of excitement, even if her feet were about to start bleeding.
(sorry reply's so short, i'm exhausted and should have gone to sleep hours ago)

They ran
"Only two more lets go." Mary said to the lady. Guns were ringing in behind them and they were running on low energy. Mary could no longer give the lady any more strength to move on. They had to make it or they were dead. "Oh I almost forgot." She thought, reaching for the adrenaline needle she had scavenged earlier from a nearby hospital, she stuck it into the woman. "I hope this works." They were so close

pokemariofan64 said:
David looked up at the helicopter landing, and saw some people step off. He pulled out his binoculars as the helicopter took back to the skies. There were a few Americans there, but there also appeared to be a couple of people in suits too. Taking a closer look, they appeared to be wielding modified Carnwennan 9 mils. "Appears to be some MIT members with them, oddly. Should we ignore them, or go introduce ourselves?" David said, turning to Don

"They know where we are." Don said to the Canadian "They're funding my little campaign." his group was moving towards another metro building. "We're going to have to use the... " he saw the from behind the group, down another street. "MARY!!!" He saw that they were being pursued by the Arab Caliphate "SURPRESSING FIRE!!! GET THE CIVIES INSIDE!!!" He drew his glock and fired onto the position of the foreign invaders. His guards followed and began to unload their weapons to fend them off. "Cover me!" Mecha Sprinted to the frontline with a Pump action shotgun to extract Mary and the scavenger woman, Ripping those in range to shreds and using her ability to create cover around them. Deacon stayed upon the back line to analyze the battlefield.

"ALAHU AKBAR THIS MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!!" He yelled as he ran out of ammo from his glock, reloading it and drawing his scorpion from another holster and fired them both.
Dave was stopped crouched in some rubble as his coms crackled into life. He heard the Americans broadcasting over his frequency. He activated his comms to reply, "Who the bloody hell is this? If you're a wooly I've bloody well strangle you."

Riker: "This is Delta One. We have engaged enemy contacts. We are not the enemy." i said, and Sam fired another round into the wall, making sure if there was anything else it wasn't tempted enough to try anything.
"What's your position Delta One? This is Sergeant Dave Ackerman of the 7th paras." Dave checked over his weapon and got ready to move.
Latorrex said:
They ran "Only two more lets go." Mary said to the lady. Guns were ringing in behind them and they were running on low energy. Mary could no longer give the lady any more strength to move on. They had to make it or they were dead. "Oh I almost forgot." She thought, reaching for the adrenaline needle she had scavenged earlier from a nearby hospital, she stuck it into the woman. "I hope this works." They were so close
Iris's eyes widened, as the adrenaline kicked in. As it gave her a insane amount of energy, Iris sprinted at full speed straight, hopping over obsticals and fallen debre. She knew if she slowed at any point, they would die. Iris quickly rushed through the last two blocks almost as fast as a racing bicyclist. "Next time, no adrenaline ok?" she said as the shot wore off. Still sprinting the same speed, they arrived, "the hell is this place kid?" she asked.
Luna was listening in on her radio, bunkering down in some rubble, covering the south flanl. Looking down her scope, seeing nothing but a cloud dust, she saw a few human figures approaching, then more and more came, picking up her radio "Hey Sargent, we need to move now, there's to many coming from the south flank, I'm counting twenty already, but they keep coming" letting go of her radio, Luna started firing short bursts to conserve ammo, only being able to dropping a three or four, then heard a click "Oh this is just my day, I'm out of ammo" pulling out her side arm and waiting until they are in range of firing, seeing more and more flood out the wall of dust
Isacoolbow said:
Iris's eyes widened, as the adrenaline kicked in. As it gave her a insane amount of energy, Iris sprinted at full speed straight, hopping over obsticals and fallen debre. She knew if she slowed at any point, they would die. Iris quickly rushed through the last two blocks almost as fast as a racing bicyclist. "Next time, no adrenaline ok?" she said as the shot wore off. Still sprinting the same speed, they arrived, "the hell is this place kid?" she asked.

"This is a metro checkpoint." Mary said while laying her down, seeing the adrenaline wear off. "Nan! We need to get her heart rate down." "I got just the thing. Hey boy!" the old woman said "Give me the first aid... hurry." The youngest lad took out a red kit with a white cross. "Hold her and keep her steady. We don't want her to go into cardiac arrest." Mary held the scavver's head while Nan cut her shirt to get to her chest and stuck a needle through her heart. Her heart rate began to drop steadilly. "Now rest love." Nan said caringly "Backup's coming."

Nuitari said:
Riker: "This is Delta One. We have engaged enemy contacts. We are not the enemy." i said, and Sam fired another round into the wall, making sure if there was anything else it wasn't tempted enough to try anything.

y0k9o said:
Luna was listening in on her radio, bunkering down in some rubble, covering the south flanl. Looking down her scope, seeing nothing but a cloud dust, she saw a few human figures approaching, then more and more came, picking up her radio "Hey Sargent, we need to move now, there's to many coming from the south flank, I'm counting twenty already, but they keep coming" letting go of her radio, Luna started firing short bursts to conserve ammo, only being able to dropping a three or four, then heard a click "Oh this is just my day, I'm out of ammo" pulling out her side arm and waiting until they are in range of firing, seeing more and more flood out the wall of dust

A mutant slammed into Hunter, trying to pin it against a wall and bit down upon it's neck, mangling it within it's jaw as the black clad beast stabbed it's right hand through the sternum of it's assailant. Writhing in pain the beast reeled back and in that moment the hunter reached in the mouth of the creature and pulled out its entrails. It fell to the ground and convulsed as it bled everywhere. The hunter reached down and threw the mutant at another of it's pack, and at the same time, closing it's wound with his healing factor.

Female, carrying a small arm he saw with his intact eye with the other one just began healing. He

and began to walk towards her direction,

the spine and skull of a dead pack mutant and began to increase his speed. The hunter slung the spine at the woman and charged at full speed, taking every bullet. Smiling at the face of death with that sickening grin
Tyler: "Sam. Bring down that mutant." i said, and she grabbed a grenade launcher out of her back, and popped it onto her M16. She fired a single grenade into the charging mutant, watching it explode. "This is Captain Tyler of the United States Foreign Military Act. We are engaged with Hunters and Mutants at position 6218. Requesting immiediate assistance and exfill." i said, and continued firing into the assailants. "I'm dry!" Riker yelled. "Last mag." David yelled, tossing it to him. We continued firing. Suddenly, a fighter jet appeared, and hovered above us. It unloaded a mini-gun into the approaching mutants, watching them scatter. "Delta one, this is NATO Screamer 1. I have your position and am here to assist." the female pilot said. "Good to hear." i replied, as we began moving back from the scene.
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Dave hurried to Delta ones position hopping cover and sprinting his weapon ready. As he approached he ducked into cover to see the jet and Americans.
Nuitari said:
Tyler: "Sam. Bring down that mutant." i said, and she grabbed a grenade launcher out of her back, and popped it onto her M16. She fired a single grenade into the charging mutant, watching it explode. "This is Captain Tyler of the United States Foreign Military Act. We are engaged with Hunters and Mutants at position 6218. Requesting immiediate assistance and exfill." i said, and continued firing into the assailants. "I'm dry!" Riker yelled. "Last mag." David yelled, tossing it to him. We continued firing. Suddenly, a fighter jet appeared, and hovered above us. It unloaded a mini-gun into the approaching mutants, watching them scatter. "Delta one, this is NATO Screamer 1. I have your position and am here to assist." the female pilot said. "Good to hear." i replied, as we began moving back from the scene.
The grenade had blown Hunter into many pieces but part of his torso, his head and right arm were still intact enough. He played dead until a passing mutant started to dash and got riddled with bullets. It took this chance to rip the excess flesh off and replace his old body. Nerves connected and the blood began to flow through the new body and the wounds healed, removing the bullet wounds from the flesh.

Assimilation was complete, the hunt was on.

Hunter broke into a nearby building as the soldiers and jet were distracted, dealing with the rest of the mutant swarm he dashed up, and tore to shreds any and every mutant pack whelp in his way. The fourth floor, there were 3 dashing his way at the alarm of his presence in which he jumped up, and shattered the jaw of the first one with a knee to the trachea. Upon landing on the ground with his knee wedged into its throat, the hunter continued forward, ripping the skull and spine from its stump with his left hand and knocking the second one into a nearby wall. He followed through with a right claw through the heart. The next one flanked his open left side but hunter barred his serrated teeth upon the mutant's neck and pressed down, mangling it to a partial decapitation.

He continued as the thrill of the hunt kicked in. All he knew was glorious crimson and the macabre scent of flesh freshly ripped.
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