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Futuristic The Battle of London

The sound of dozens of boots marching along on a war-torn street awoke and alarmed all in the vicinity of Beverly Park, only two blocks away from the Chapel. Beverly Park was occupied by a score of raiders, not well armed or armored, led by a man named John. No, a boy named John, fifteen. His group consisted of other young men from twelve to fifteen, along with a small group of older men from a militia formed before the invasion that provided them safety. However, John had a problem with not keeping his mouth shut, and he had threatened scavengers belonging to one Marcus Reggiedo, when they came around to Beverly St. in search of supplies. In retaliation, Marcus Reggiedo and a large group of sixty raiders armed to the teeth marched on Beverly Park, shredding any one or thing in their way. Finally, they reached the park, and John and his militia of nine came out to meet him.

"What the bloody fuck is this?" John asks, angered.

"Your surrender. Give it 'ere, now!" Marcus orders in a soft Afro-Anglo accent, presenting his highly customized AK-47.

The militia of Beverly were armed with handguns and maybe the occasional SMG. They were no match for the Gatlings. John himself brandished a double-barrel shotgun. He raised the weapon to Marcus, the Beverly Militia however retreating. John was left alone, quivering, before shots were even fired.

"Leave us be! I warn you!" John shouted to Marcus, his weapon still aimed at Marcus.

"Not possible. Sorry, young blood." Marcus consoled.

A cacophony of gunfire broke out, but after six seconds, it was silent in Beverly Park.
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In the midst of all the fighting and the Hunters and mutants and stuff, David had lost sight of Don and his group. He stumbled around, grumbling. This had all happened before when he had lost sight of his squad when his plane went down when he was first deployed to London. Not too far away he could hear gunfire, but it wasn't anything he wanted to investigate. He suddenly felt tired. He figured he would board himself up in some stable building, and sleep until the next morning. It was getting dark now, and the sun was beginning to set across the ravaged skyline. He must have been in Southwark now, having crossed the Thames with Don. He found a tallish skyscraper there, St Olaf House, and walked up 2 or three floors. He found a nice place to set up camp, iin an office cubicle, and started grabbing whatever he could find to begin fortifying it. When his small shack was done, he made his way to a nearby vending machine, and to his surprise, found there was still stuff in it. He sat back with his haul, and was violently shook from his chair by and explosion two stories down.
Marcus lowered his AK-47, but still held it at low-ready. "Let's move!" Marcus ordered, as the raiders walked on through the gunsmoke. Marcus and his raiders had shot down John in a brutal volley of automatic gunfire, leaving him dead before he hit the ground. John's head was blown open, his chest with eight holes in it, right arm shot off, left hand's fingers blown to bits, and his legs were damaged beyond repair. Blood coated the grass of the park where John lied, a few yards out from John's camp, which was truly just a circle of tents and a barely-made fence. As Marcus moved, he fired nine rounds into the air, and then had a raider to his left with an FN SCAR with an M203 GL Underslung light up the fence with a salvo of sixteen rounds from the battle rifle, knocking down a portion, and then launch a grenade through the window of a larger tent which acted as a command center and armory of the Beverly Park Settlement, blowing to shreds the tent, the spare guns, and anyone in there. After the gunfire, Marcus himself lead his men through the knocked down portion of the fence, his AK-47 rested on his shoulder, other raiders following him in. He launched two more rounds into the air, and had the grenadier load another rifle grenade into his weapon. "We demand your surrender!" He calls out. Civilians and Militia alike of the Beverly Settlement walked out to meet Marcus, hands in the air and guns either holstered or dropped.

Only one had to be killed to take the settlement.
KurtH6355 said:
Marcus lowered his AK-47, but still held it at low-ready. "Let's move!" Marcus ordered, as the raiders walked on through the gunsmoke. Marcus and his raiders had shot down John in a brutal volley of automatic gunfire, leaving him dead before he hit the ground. John's head was blown open, his chest with eight holes in it, right arm shot off, left hand's fingers blown to bits, and his legs were damaged beyond repair. Blood coated the grass of the park where John lied, a few yards out from John's camp, which was truly just a circle of tents and a barely-made fence. As Marcus moved, he fired nine rounds into the air, and then had a raider to his left with an FN SCAR with an M203 GL Underslung light up the fence with a salvo of sixteen rounds from the battle rifle, knocking down a portion, and then launch a grenade through the window of a larger tent which acted as a command center and armory of the Beverly Park Settlement, blowing to shreds the tent, the spare guns, and anyone in there. After the gunfire, Marcus himself lead his men through the knocked down portion of the fence, his AK-47 rested on his shoulder, other raiders following him in. He launched two more rounds into the air, and had the grenadier load another rifle grenade into his weapon. "We demand your surrender!" He calls out. Civilians and Militia alike of the Beverly Settlement walked out to meet Marcus, hands in the air and guns either holstered or dropped.
Only one had to be killed to take the settlement.
A dispatch of seven was sent to a nearby settlement in order to meet with the leader in order to discuss trade route between the Beverly and the other settlements under the Don's protection. All of them clad in black armor, they had a variety of weapons of different properties.

There was a scout returning with some grave news
"Captain, A large bandit platoon is attacking the settlement, how should we do this?

The Captain, wielding a Bow and arrow with a sword sheathed to his back; with the blade shorter than his forearm, gave his order.
"I'll take four of you up on top of the north building so that we can get the height and flanking advantage. Lieutenant Dagon will take the direct route. and Rosalia will flank the south"

Dagon was armed with a claymore which he wielded on his shoulder. He wore a mask and was covered from head to toe in heavy armor with a red stripe down his right eye, which both glowed with an amber hue. Rosalia was a short and slender woman who also wore a mask but wielded a sub machine gun and a collapsible spear. Her mask was more regal, as if it were to be worn to the opera.
"We will go." Rosalia said, dashing off to her designated position. "Good luck." Dagon spoke as he walked towards his destination.

The rest of the squad along with the captain headed up the north building to get a vantage point.
"A lot of darkies." the captain said in his observation. "That one must be King Louie."
"Aye Boss! We got this dude in a bunch of armor strapped with blades comin' up the street!" A black man, Konroy, informs Marcus. "Awe shit! Ight, get our boys to surroun' the perimeter in'case we see more of them, and get our LMG trained on that mo'fuck." Marcus orders, before walking out himself, and pointing to a nearby group of seven heavily armed raiders. "Yo! Quit dickin' around, you wit' me!" He says. The ten raiders, including Marcus, walk out onto the road, the rest keeping an eye on the perimeter. Two large guns are set up on a large monument which was in the middle of the park, able to swivel three-hundred and sixty degrees if needed. They looked like they were medium or general machine guns, couldn't be identified from so far out by any of the Don's men whom were encroaching on the raider-held park. However, it was clear that those razor-wire rounds would shred any armor used by the Don's operatives. "Yo! What'chu want, soldier?" Marcus questions, his assault rifle lowered, along with the other raiders. They didn't seem hostile - moreso neutral. "We was just settling a beef. These guys threatened to cut us up. We don't want any trouble with you guys."
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KurtH6355 said:
"Aye Boss! We got this dude in a bunch of armor strapped with blades comin' up the street!" A black man, Konroy, informs Marcus. "Awe shit! Ight, get our boys to surroun' the perimeter in'case we see more of them, and get our LMG trained on that mo'fuck." Marcus orders, before walking out himself, and pointing to a nearby group of seven heavily armed raiders. "Yo! Quit dickin' around, you wit' me!" He says. The ten raiders, including Marcus, walk out onto the road, the rest keeping an eye on the perimeter. Two large guns are set up on a large monument which was in the middle of the park, able to swivel three-hundred and sixty degrees if needed. They looked like they were medium or general machine guns, couldn't be identified from so far out by any of the Don's men whom were encroaching on the raider-held park. However, it was clear that those razor-wire rounds would shred any armor used by the Don's operatives. "Yo! What'chu want, soldier?" Marcus questions, his assault rifle lowered, along with the other raiders. They didn't seem hostile - moreso neutral. "We was just settling a beef. These guys threatened to cut us up. We don't want any trouble with you guys."
The lone swordsman strolled up the center of the street noting the placement of the heavy weapons. "Two swivel guns center. Ten with big boy." he softly spoke into his comm, having his mask cover his mouth so that he couldn't be seen speaking. "I'm here to speak with the leader of the settlement. My boss had made a deal with him." He looked and saw the body of a person, fair skin... or what's left of him. He gestured his claymore to the body "One of yours?" he affixed his gaze upon the mercenary.

The squad of five had made it up the north building, being careful not to be seen
"Affirmative Dagon." he signed for one of the accompanying soldiers, the scout, to take up a sniper's position within a far window and not to make himself seen. Silently, the Captain and his men spread themselves along the top floor, affixing their weapons upon the warband.

Rosalia positioned herself in a backstreet alley positioned south of the raiders and hunkered down behind a dumpster and placing her had on the ground and closed her eyes.
"In position."
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Still reeling from the shock of the blast, David pulled himself to his feet, grabbed his rifle, and ran towards the source of the blast. As he reached the staircase, he was amazed to see and entire section of the building had been completely blown out. Looking down, it seemed like the hole made from it reached down, even lower than the buildings basement. At the very bottom, he could see something, possibly a piece of whatever caused the blast. The stairs had gone, so it would be pretty hard to descend. He put one foot on one of the few remaining stairs at the top of the case, and the other on a small gap between the floor and ceiling. He could see a ledge nearby that looked stable enough to sit on. He gained a bit of momentum, pushed himself off the ledge, collided with the deceiving ledge, which broke into numerous pieces, and fell down into darkness...
"No, that'd be the leader. We came to try and settle the beef peacefully, ready for what he threw at us. He threw a double-barreled shotgun at us." Marcus said, spitting to the side, his AK47 readied. To his right was Konroy, armed with his FN SCAR-H with an M203 Underslung GL. The rest of his warband consisted of heavily armored raiders, one with an improvised shoulder-fire projectile, another with a pneumatic incendiary bomb launcher. A few seconds later, someone from atop the monument, which was their only real vantage point, called out - "We got five more shady-looking fuckers on a buildin' to our north!" In retaliation to the spotting, Marcus' warriors that were with him on the road leveled toward Dagon, but Marcus held a lone fist up, calling for a hold of fire. "We do not wish for a fight, but we won't back down." Marcus said, standing strong. The swivels both concentrated on the five men in the northern building, and several marksman set up keeping their rifles trained on the sniper, their fingers on the trigger. Beverly and it's vicinity were suddenly locked into a vicious stand-off. Marcus, his hand held high in the air, was the only thing keeping the raiders from lighting the Captain's squad up. "You really wanna do this, be my guest. No need for any of us to die, though." Marcus said to Dagon, calmly.
Latorrex said:
"This is a metro checkpoint." Mary said while laying her down, seeing the adrenaline wear off. "Nan! We need to get her heart rate down." "I got just the thing. Hey boy!" the old woman said "Give me the first aid... hurry." The youngest lad took out a red kit with a white cross. "Hold her and keep her steady. We don't want her to go into cardiac arrest." Mary held the scavver's head while Nan cut her shirt to get to her chest and stuck a needle through her heart. Her heart rate began to drop steadilly. "Now rest love." Nan said caringly "Backup's coming."

Iris stared breathing slower, .as the shot started to take affect. She started to unwanted doze off, but shook it off. Iris sat up, still resisting the incoming sleep. "For God's sake, stop putting needles in me," she said while still slowly drifting asleep. With a tired slur," keep my shhheeit near me," unable to resistors the upcoming sleep, iris falls asleep sitting up. Her sleeping body fell backward and iris kept sleeping.
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