The Battle for FableWood


Tende altum, volare altius

Character Outline



Please use the tab system to create your character profile. I will code this when the site actually lets me.

Tab1: Basic informartion



Race: If a human from FableWood (like red riding hood) just put (FableWood human)

Gender/gender identity:

Romantic inclination: (hetero, homo, bi, etc.)

image if you have one

[SIZE=11pt]Appearance: description of your character[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Tab 2: Powers and skills[/SIZE]




Tab 3: Personality, strength and and flaws

Personality: (min 2 paragraphs)

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: minimum 1 each

Likes and dislikes:

[SIZE=11pt]Hobbies and talents:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Tab 4: Bio[/SIZE]
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Active Members

On the Battlefront

Leader of all the armies: Princess Briar - Neutral character

General of the Whispering Isles: Brenna (Ward's mother) - Neutral character

General of the magical forces: Kallin Antorfell - Silverflight

General of the werebeasts: Luness Sinciato - Lioness075

General of the rogue army: Takeo Mayumi - Peacesore

General of Oz: Panthera Leo - zCrookedz

General of the dread ravens: Nyr - DawnAntalios

General of the magical forces: Kallin Antorfell

Leia - Silverflight 

Suak - Baconhands

Quincy - Flutterby

Kalevi - GoldenBlight

(Veterans will all have the option of having one character lead a segment of the armies)

On the Quest (full)

Leader of the quest: Ward of the Whispering Isles

Arianne - Dawn Antalios

Ty - Bolts

Ember - Dominaiscna

Ian - Naloth

Kibito - Peaceswore

Leandra - Lioness075

Otto - zCrookedz

Catalina - Flutterby

Ashley - Amaterasu Kawashima
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Name: Ward

Age: 23

Race: Enchanted human

Gender/gender identity: Male

Romantic inclination: straight


Appearance: In human form Ward is tall and slender, with brilliant gold hair that seems almost iridescent in the sunlight. His face is elegant and angular and his eyes are the colour of ancient amber. He carries himself with distinction, and due to his new station is dressed in a well-fitted black tunic and matching gauntlets, a fine linen fencing shirt and lace scarf and a green cloak trimmed in gold that hands over one shoulder. In his gryphon form he is the size of a war horse with brilliant gold feathers that shimmer in any light. His lion hindquarters are slightly duller and darker, and tinged with copper. His slate-grey talons and beak are wickedly sharp. Initially he looks quite fierce, but his gentle and polite manner of speech usually dispels any air of savagery about his appearance.

Powers: Ward is not a skilled magic user, his expertise lie more in healing, but he can cast simple elemental spells like freezing a pond, charging his feathers with lighting or creating a small fireball.

Skills: Ward is an accomplished swordsman, though if forced into a fight he would much rather resort to his gryphon form. When he is a man however he retains the strength of his gryphon form, though he very seldom uses it.

Weapons: A slender longsword, given to him by Princess Briar of Branbern. It can be wielded with either one or two hands.

Personality: Ward is gentle and soft-spoken much of the time, and he is still reeling about his newly-given responsibility as crowned prince of the Whispering Isles. He is the type to take on muh too much responsibility as it was before he discovered his royal lineage. At times he can seem distant, almost aloof, but it is not hard to bring him back to earth. Ward is fiercely protective of his friends and if they are threatened one can catch a glimpse of the frightening beast that lies dormant inside him. That being said he has a much better handle on that side of himself, a gift bestowed by his love and one that he treasures as he still treasures her.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses:

Ward’s friends are a large weakness, with threats upon them he is easily manipulated, just as he is when there is mention of his love, who went missing not long ago. Ward also has an attraction to shiny objects and can be distracted by gold or jewels. Though generally mild mannered Ward can be angered, and if done in the right way the beast takes over and Ward can no longer think clearly.

In terms of physical weaknesses Ward’s feathers are like that of any bird, if they are soaked he can no longer fly, this means he cannot fly far in a deluge and swimming is rather difficult for him in either form.

Since the loss of Elena he is much more distracted, drifting off into thought oftentimes instead of focusing on the tasks at hand. His guard is very often down.

Likes and dislikes:

Ward enjoys the company of those he cares about, he loves the sun, good stories, almond croissants and tea on a warm, summer’s day. Ward is not fond of dishonesty or disloyalty, he’s not too keen on water and frowns upon unnecessary violence. Needless to say leading troops in a war effort is difficult for him.

Hobbies and talents:

When he does find spare time Ward enjoys crafting jewelry. He is well-trained in the noble arts of calligraphy and poetry and is accomplished on a ballroom floor.


One dark and rainy night, when the moon was cached behind a deep veil of cloud, a gryphoness crept up to the doorstep of a woodcutter’s cottage. This gryphoness was not really a beast of legend but a woman, enchanted by a vengeful spell. She carried with her a tiny human babe, the son of a king, and her own too, but alas, she could not care for her son in the form of a beast, and the witch who had cast the spell would be hunting the boy, so she was forced to leave him on the doorstep of the cottage, to be cared for by the kindly couple. Ward would not see his mother again for many years…

He grew well, helping his adoptive parents in their daily tasks, cutting wood and taking it to market, setting snares to catch rabbits and at dusk picking wild mushrooms for their supper.

Ward lived happily enough as a young boy, knowing nothing of his origin. It was on his 17th birthday that everything changed. The magic of the curse was in him too and one day, something triggered it. Ward became a gryphon and with no knowledge of the power or how to control it he did not know what to do. He ran to the woodcutter’s house, so frightened he could not speak and the woodcutter together with the men of the village had him driven off into the mountains, just as a common animal.

Now for creatures of legend there is a terrible illness, one that most commonly afflicts any that like to hoard treasures. The Gold Sickness consumes the creature’s mind and they are bound to the ore like slaves, defending it mercilessly from everyone and everything.

Ward stumbled upon a cave as he fled and hid in it, only to find it brimming with an unguarded pile of gold. Though not truly a gryphon his form ruled his mind, and unknowingly, Ward succumbed to the illness. He became a true beast, a monster bent on defending his spoils…and he remembered nothing.

One day, years later a knight came to the cave in search of a single gryphon feather to cure the blindness of his daughter. Ward, thinking the knight had only come to steal the gold struck him down and, upon uncovering the knight’s true intent recovered a part of his human mind. When the princess of Branbern sent soldiers to deal with the beast Ward did not resist and was brought before her. He told her of his regret for the act and asked for no quarter in his punishment. Instead of having him killed princess Briar took pity on him and apprenticed him. She began to train Ward in the ways of the court, helping him recover his lost human form. From there he was sent to Wonderland to continue under the magical tutelage of Queen Heart. A mockturtle called Montgomery and a young girl called Alice became his fast friends.

He returned to Branbern at the end of his training to act as ambassador for Branbern, travelling to other kingdoms with Briar’s words and actions. When the Shadow Wood began consuming their home Briar resorted to a spell that drew humans from the real world. She designated Ward the official protector of any who were found and bid him escort them back to Branbern. This he did and, while finding new friends along the way they managed to push back the Shadow Wood and fight the forces of darkness that were trying to swallow the land. Now Ward, being a beast for what life he remembered had never known love, and so when it came to him in a fair human girl called Elena Ward had no defense. Ward fell completely and hopelessly and as they traveled together, Elena helped him master the darkness lingering in his heart and dispelled any control it had over him.

Ward learned of his royal birth when they journeyed to the Whispering Isles, hearing tell of a plot to kill the king. Together Ward and his allies uncovered the mastermind behind the plan and also discovered the fact that Ward was the lost son of King Cedric.

Elena had left for the Sand Seas with the rest of their party while Ward remained to be crowned the prince of the Whispering Isles. On the way there she had vanished and Ward only learned of it days later, when he had joined his friends. He was devastated, it felt as if a part of him had been ripped away. But Caraboss would not wait for him to recover, and now he had an entire country to keep safe. It is with a heavy heart that Ward goes to battle, but he knows what is at stake, and as much as it pains him, finding Elena will have to wait.

Name: Kallin Antorfell

Age: 22

Race: Cursed human

Gender/gender identity: Male

Romantic inclination: hetero

Appearance: By day Kallin’s form is a rudimentary cloud of back mist wrapped in human clothing. His eyes glow yellow in a swath of black which is framed by a thick, purple scarf trailing to his ankles and a wide-brimmed hat with tears and patches covering the worn fabric. Kallin’s tunic and cloak are made of dull, brown leathers, accented with the same purple fabric as his scarf. His trousers are striped with burgundy and his boots are calf-height and also worn. He cairries a thick, oak staff which focuses his casting. By night Kallin is permitted to take his true form, a young man with a square jaw, wild black hair and intense blue eyes. Kallin’s frame is small but sturdy, with broad shoulders and a strength that would surprise.

Powers: Kallin is an elemental mage primarily and most of his skill is in casting fire, ice, earth and air spells, though he can use a little mind magic, to send people to sleep or influence their thoughts, he prefers to stay away from those spells. His cursed form augments his abilities so during the day he is much more powerful.

Skills: Kallin is a thief and though he still cannot rmember where he learned the skills of this trade, he knows how to move about unseen, pick locks, pockets, scale buildings and generally be a nuisance.

Weapons: The wood staff that channels his conjuring. He also carries a set of lock picks at all times.

Personality: A lot has changed since Kallin joined the heroes of FableWood, he is much more open about himself and his thoughts, this due in no small part to Luness. At first approach Kallin can be sarcastic or teasing but now it is frequently in good spirits, his quick wit and sharp tongue can sometimes get him into trouble. He likes poking fun at people, especially those he truly cares about. At times he can seem over-critical and is not very patient with those who don’t learn quickly. But he is a steadfast ally to all the good creatures of FableWood and is slowly learning patience. Kallin is proud of his abilities and will sometimes look for opportunities to show off, especially in front of Luness. That being said he does have a slight ego and can be goaded into unwise decisions because of it. Kallin is more determined than ever to see an end to Caraboss and takes most of his war duties with a gravity that fits the situation. Every now and then a grim mood slips over him, as he thinks of the future and what it could old for him, but he makes an effort not to show this side of himself to often. What his friends need now most of all is hope.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: Kallin can be prideful and is sometimes judgemental, though he likes his abilities, a part of him is afraid of the origin of the power, since he uncovered it in the Sand Seas. Kallin is much weaker magically in his human form, so at night ne tends to be guarded and less friendly.

Likes and dislikes: Kallin likes playing with magic, he is devoted to Luness and does his best to help her grow. He is not fond of self-inflicted ignorance or greed and because of his weakness he is not overly fond of the night.

Hobbies and talents: Kallin is a good singer, though he’ll deny it to anyone but Luness.

Bio: Kallin had to be told his name and age by the apprentices in the tower where he studied. His memory before that time two years ago is completely gone. He cannot remember his family, his friends or if he had ever cared for anyone but himself. The only possession he has before that time is the small pewter figure of a cat, which he guards more closely than anything else he owns.

When Kallin first heard of the spell to bring humans into his world he argued against it fervently, but on joining them he learned that they weren’t as corrupt and dangerous as he originally believed. Along their journey Kallin’s powers began to cause him pain, and spells began to explode in his face, he quickly learned that the source of his power was not stable.

Kallin uncovered much about the origin of his magic and his past on the last quest, when they traveled to the Sand Seas to find the last piece of the artifact fabled to be able to stop Caraboss.

He discovered that the curse placed upon him was a backfired spell, one that attempted to bind chaos magic to a workable medium. Kallin was the first test subject and the result of it was his complete memory loss, and a channel of power that was slowly tearing him apart.

The ifrits in the Sand Seas used chaos magic as it was part of them naturally, and upon freeing the ifrit king, he granted Kallin a more stable control over his abilities, stopping the pain and allowing Kallin to cast freely again. The ifrit king gave him a warning: because the power was forced upon him by Caraboss, as soon as she was defeated it was not certain how Kallin’s power would respond. It could dissipate, releasing him finally from the curse, or…it could consume him. Only his closest friends know of this, Luness included. Kallin does his best not to think about it. Whatever happens, Caraboss must be stopped.

Name: Leia Wilde

Age: 19

Race: human

Gender/gender identity: Female

Romantic inclination: Hetero

Appearance: Leia is of medium height and a lithe build from years of sports. He hair is long and silvery-blond and now it is usually tied tightly into a bun at the back of her head. She wears a custom made suit of armour which protects her while allowing a good portion of mobility. Her eyes are a gentle blue and she usually wears a friendly smile.


Powers: Since coming to FableWood Leia has caught the attention of four powerful elemental spirits. They are similar in appearance, looking like small animals, though they possess vastly different temperaments. She has given each a name and now they fight alongside her, obeying almost every thought.

Bob: Earth

Tad: Air

Lee: Water

Spark: Fire

Weapons: A long cavalry sword with a golden guard handle and a red jeweled pommel. The sword is also enchanted to teach the user proper

Skills: Leia has been training with a cavalry sword since her first visit to Branbern, she is quite an accomplished dueler.


Personality: Leia has become much more confident and friendly since coming to FableWood. There is not much that can unsettle her now and she is more than happy to be warm and welcoming to the oddest of creatures. She can be sensitive, but most often she'll wrap up an offense inside a joke and move on. If you’re in a bind there is no one better to have at your side; Leia is Stalwart and brave and the more you try and drive her away from something the more she charges to it. Leia loves the outdoors and revels in the authenticity of it as it contrasts starkly with the screens people seem to watch day in and day out.

Secretly Leia is very worried about the fact that the spell used to bring her to FableWood is starting to weaken. One of her biggest fears is that she'll wake up one morning and be back in her own bed, with no way to return to FableWood and help them end the war.

Since The Cowardly Lion was her favorite character in her favorite film Leia looks up to Leo immensely, and she has grown to accept Kallin as a (really annoying) older brother.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: Leia's teamwork ability has improved, though she can still take judgement a little too harshly. She does have a bit of a temper, and it is drawn out by injustice.

Leia has a deep-seeded fear of heights, so flying is very difficult for her. If she is in the air her focus is greatly reduced and her fighting skills and ability to direct her spirits is compromised.

Likes and dislikes: Leia likes most sports, the outdoors, befriending the strangest creatures of FableWood, annoying Kallin and working with her spirits. She dislikes flying, unfairness, laziness and things with too many legs

Hobbies and talents: Leia is great at almost any sport. At school she was on as many teams as she could be, she's a big fan of baseball and hasn't given up eventually teaching it to the inhabitants of FableWood.

Bio: Leia grew up in New Jersey, in a house that worshiped tv. Like clockwork every night her father, mother and brother would gather in front of it. Mindlessly glued to that stupid box. Leia was even named after the princess from Star Wars, a secret she will most likely take to her grave.

Her life was monotonous and mundane for as long as she could remember and the dull, grey rhythym of routine was slowly driving her mad.

Needless to say she chose something as far away from tv as she could for her general interest: outdoors. Leia took sports, she went camping as often as the school offered it and spent every free hour in the park by her house or down at the riverside.

Her parents did not approve too much of her constant need for the outdoors, thinking it was mostly unhygienic and unsafe. Instead they tried to encourage Leia to give up camping and instead apply for a more sedentary hobby. Leia felt betrayed, the fact that her family wouldn't even acknowledge such a fundamental part of her. She found herself growing more and more distant from them.

Everyday she would go for walks in the parkland not far from her house. One day she found that she had wandered right into FableWood. Since then Leia has been doing things that would give her entire family collective heart attacks...and she loves it.

When the war was declared Leia was right by her friends, willing to fight and defend them at any cost.
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Name: Takeo

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender/gender identity: male

Romantic inclination: Pansexual

Appearance: Takeo is a pretty lanky boy at the height of 5"9. His chocolate color hair is short in the back with a light mess to it. While the front of his head he has two evenly braided tails that frame his face. He prefers and averagely is seen wearing his clothes which have an eastern taste to them, unless he is wearing his armor. His skin is tan and he has a scar on his cheek that he gained in a battle when he was in the dessert. His eyes much like his hair are a chocolate brown, and most of the time look very soft, though they can look sharp when he is getting serious, or is angered by something.


  • He can summon a variety of weapons which have special powers for them, each with a different power. For him to even think about summon a weapon he has to first touch it and learn the basics of using said weapon. Having only touched/learned how to use a spear and a sword so far in his life he is capable of summoning these. Though they are very different than what he originally had. (has learned how to summon one spear which can shoot lightning bolts (lighting has a recharge time cant' be used for a long amount of time as of now) as well as act as an effect lighting rod. And he has the ability to summon one sword which hampers the effect of healing magic on the wound that it inflicts)

  • He can summon armors for combat out of a pocket dimension, these armors give him boast such as speed, power, defensive and some even give him resistance to certain attacks. Currently only has leather which makes his moves muffled and increases his nimbleness (these four are not the only armor he can get, but they are ones he will likely obtain in the future)




Armors ERIKAS - 45824_aiontowerofeternity-artwork-first-01.jpg


Martial Arts (black belt in Judo and Shoto kan, ever since he came to fable wood he has been practicing a more deadly style of martial arts. That is a mixture between Mau thai, and Krav maga)

Horseback riding (has always been a great horseback rider but now he is improving and trying to learn how to use a horse in combat)

Spear training (having practiced this on his own in his old dogo he is very good at it, but like everything else he is always looking to improve)

Agile and nimble working hard and doing constant stretches has kept him very flexible which is how he can dodge very well as well as perform cartwheel and rolls even in combat

Sword training having gotten a sword from Lela when he first got into fablewood, he began to learn how to use a blade. Even when he learned how to summon a spear he continues to practice using a sword.

Weapons: His summoned weapons (so far one spear and one sword, number will increase via story)


Takeo has always been that energetic kid you saw playing outside before going to your computer. He is very charming along with charismatic. Talking his way out of trouble could be one of his favorite pass times and is surprisingly really good at it. With his life style he learned how to be independent, from cooking for himself and really just making sure he stayed in good health. He didn't rely on his own parents and if he wanted something he would work his damnest to get it.  When it comes to others he is ify on how he acts around them. Really it matters how they are to him before he decides. If he likes you or finds you funny to hang around or just enjoys your presence then he can be nice, supportive, and plain friendly. Almost always offering a friendly smile or grin just to lift ones spirit. He will try to help you if you are down even though he isn't the best at it. However if you are the opposite of that then he will be the most sarcastic person on the planet and be slightly on the annoying side.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses:

He is too independent and stubborn, often when faced with an enemy that is too strong he will likely keep fighting unless he is pulled back.

He could have a hole in his gut and he still would refuse help till he is pretty much on the verge of death.

He can get stressed a bit easily especially if given a lot of tasks to do even if they are small.

He also is mischievous so his sliver tongue can land him in just as much trouble as it can get him out of.

A daredevil at times, willing to push him self even to the point of getting hurt if it meant he could get stronger.

Wanting to be useful his feelings can get rather easily hurt if told he was wasting time or only ended up getting in the way. He wouldn't show this would hurt him, However there would be a change in his behavior.


Being useful

Learning new summons


Cracking jokes

Hanging out with Lela when possible

Horseback riding



Getting in the way

When he puts all his effort into something but it was useless

Loosing a horse in combat


Being called weak

Needing help

Admitting defeat

Hobbies and talents


Takeo is the eldest child of huge family consisting of ten kids. Being the eldest he had the most responsibility and was the least spoiled. His family despite the number of people were actually really poor and were often struggling to get by. Takeo's family couldn't even afford to pay for his education, so he is completely self taught. One way he learned how to read was by reading countless amounts of fairy tails from almost ever culture out there. He was completely enthralled by these stories and would reread them a thousand times over. He would even like to imagine he was part of these fairy tales and with that he got very interested in horseback riding, self defense and spearman ship. Doing what he could he found a part time job and with the money took lessons on karate, how to ride a horse as well as wielding a spear.

He kept these activities a secret from his family since he would then have to tell them about his money stash, something they would take from him without a thought. Now for his family he might have told them, but he knew they would have blown it all on useless things instead of something that could help support the family. After a few years of all this secret training he was one day found out when his face was put in the newspaper after wining a local equestrian competition. When his farther discovered this he beat the ever living crap out of him, and refused to let him continue practicing. This pretty much broke his heart and he secluded himself from his family.

He did keep sneaking out to take lessons and luckily his father didn't find out about his spear or karate lessons. He lived an okay life if you include his times he spent hiding from his family just to have some fun. Well he thought he lived an okay life, really to anyone else his life was terrible, and luckily when he turned 17 someone called child services. When they came Takeo who had heard about the system wasn't inclined to join it since he was a year away from being a legal adult. So he decided to run away. He didn't even glace back as he left the small apartment he lived in before he could be taken. He just ran and ran, with absolutely no plans of what's next.

After running he ended up going through some bushes and then he remembered falling and pure darkness. Upon waking up he fond himself on a ship, a flying ship. Here he first arrived and saw fablewood for his own eyes completely surprised with what he saw he went with it anyway. Going with the group on their quest he made a few new friends and even unlocked his powers during a time in a battle in the dessert.

Now a month in since he got here and he still in love with the place. Even though the evil is trying to destroy it. Though he has yet to lose resolve and is still trying his best to fight the enemy when they appear. Only going stronger everyday and learning more and more about his powers whenever he gets the chance.
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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7c46aac0314c423d4f0fe86ce028b1e7.jpg.580711385005c1784b0037355757cff7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7c46aac0314c423d4f0fe86ce028b1e7.jpg.580711385005c1784b0037355757cff7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Ty (Tyro)

    Age: Just over 500

    Race: Golem

    Gender/gender identity:Non-binary

    Romantic inclination: Asexual (golem afterall)

    Appearance: He stands around 9 feet tall and is made of hardened stone. Over the years of slumber, nature had taken root around him causing some corrosion. At the center of his chest is a glowing aura which is given off by a magical stone. His eyes also change color depending on his mood if it is strong enough.

    -Green: normal

    -Red: angry/rampage

    -Blue: sad

    -Purple: Fear

    -yellow: Happy

    (more to come if they come up)



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  • Name:: Kibito (Ki-be-toe) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/e5357d495bba66072e68b3fe84b4724d.jpg.dc1ada3afb9158ed849b880a2381af2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/e5357d495bba66072e68b3fe84b4724d.jpg.dc1ada3afb9158ed849b880a2381af2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Age: 198 (looks 15 however)

    Race: Eastern Dragon

    Gender/gender identity: Male

    Romantic inclination: Was never taught the birds and the bees and has little clue about anything when it comes to romance... So... He's learning (pan)

    Appearance: Kibito is a small boy no taller than 5"1, he has pale skin with the lightest of light tans on him. His hair is pure white and soft beyond words, and is often tied in a small pony tail though a lot of the hair is let loose. His eyes are a gleaming ruby color which look soft and kind. He wears odd looking clothing he made himself which is far from common in Fablewood, but he likes it.

    When in his dragon form Kibto length increases dramatically. When standing or flying from head to two he is about 25 feet long. White scales cover his entire body, while his mane and tail is green fur that is soft as his normal hair. Here is eyes turn from red to a sea green, but they still have that same soft look. His legs are like skin and a tan brown with no scales on it. He has talons on each of his claws that are not easy to break as they are almost as strong as a sword, however he doesn't keep them sharp so they are very dull. He has two very long whiskers on his face that are ten feet each and about an inch and a half thick. He has completely control over the movement of these whiskers and they never touch the ground.



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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc161b4bd_LunessArmor2.jpg.b0724e015f53a20a1cbe37eb1fa20bf3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc161b4bd_LunessArmor2.jpg.b0724e015f53a20a1cbe37eb1fa20bf3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc01df241_LunessHumanForm.jpg.a1e919329d894b6ab101d9ed2c568844.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc01df241_LunessHumanForm.jpg.a1e919329d894b6ab101d9ed2c568844.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc5c70c0d_LunessArt.jpg.f2cd3acf63056f29ef253772a7b56c37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146759" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cc5c70c0d_LunessArt.jpg.f2cd3acf63056f29ef253772a7b56c37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/05c503e2866bec519912964dfc7df765.jpg.4de7740ac8cd24b8ab349800367b4df3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/05c503e2866bec519912964dfc7df765.jpg.4de7740ac8cd24b8ab349800367b4df3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Luness

    Age: 20

    Race: Werecat

    Gender/gender identity: Female

    Romantic inclination: Straight

    Appearance: In both forms, her right eye is a vivid, mossy green, the color which she gets from her father. Her left eye is golden in her werecat form and then the red pictured above in her human form, which comes from her Alpha status as a werebeast.

    In her werecat form, Luness does have the ability to stand on her hind legs like a human, though she still remains primarily an animal in this form so, for example, she'd still have paws as opposed to hands.

    Luness has numerous scars spanning across her body from years of neglect, fighting, and the recent adventures that she’s gone on. All of her scars will remain on her body, no matter what form she takes. The first notable one is a the jagged scar spanning from the top of her right eyebrow down the side of her right face to the edge of her chin. It goes directly over her right eyelid and eye, but her right eye is perfectly okay otherwise. The next one is her left ear, which is torn and now only a small stub is left of it. On her arms, her right forearm has a mangled and two inch wide scar on it that is centered between her wrist and elbow, on the topside of her arm. This scar is from three different occasions, but the second time it was also broken so she actually has a scar on top of a scar. On top of the large and jagged scar, she also has a thin lined scar running from the middle of her wrist all the way to the middle of her elbow. The first time she sustained a scar there, it was a deep bite wound from a werewolf and so the bottom of her right forearm has jagged bite scars along it. Her left side has several claw marks on it from Bigby. In fact, most of her scars are from Bigby alone. The only scar she had prior to joining the group was the scar on her face. Next scar is several burn scars on her body, which have made it impossible for any fur to grow in those places. Her burn scars are on the following places, are all about two-three inches in diameter, and all have mostly circular kinds of shapes: just above her left hip, back of her right hand, top of left shoulder, outside of left ankle, outside of left foot and then both of the bottoms of Luness’ feet have burn scars so no fur can grow on the bottom of them and the her paw pads are scarred as well. Luness also has a scar along the inside of her left ankle, from the bottom of her jutting bone, along the top of it, and then a few inches up her shin. This scar is from when she broke her ankle at one point.

    Typical attire for Luness is the armor pictured above and it covers her entire body except for her face (unless she pulls up the hood to hide her eyes, which would just glow and be seen anyways) and her back paws. Usually, Luness walks barefoot everywhere, as she's almost always in her werecat form anyways. As for her forepaws (hands), Luness has partial gloves that only cover her palms, leaving her fingers and claws free to move with ease, especially if she decides to drop on all fours and sprint.



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<strong>Name:</strong>: Arianne Lenn



<strong>Age:</strong> 11



<strong>Race:</strong> FableWood Human



<strong>Gender/gender identity:</strong> Female



<strong>Romantic inclination:</strong> Heterosexual



<strong>Appearance: </strong>Arianne has a pretty average height for her age, standing 5"1 feet tall, her body being slender and athletic. Her pale green eyes and her long, blonde hair usually captivates anyone who looks at the cheerful young girl who prefers to be seen smiling a lot. Very devoted to her new job, Arianne wears her priestess uniform almost every time when out in public, bringing her staff with herself whenever she is to hold a sermon in a church. When she uses her 'Ascension' power she transforms into her older, adult self for few minutes. In this form she becomes 5"8 tall, her eyes turn into pure golden, her locks will be silver-gold and her entire body will be covered in a golden-white garb which is reinforced with matching armor at some places. In this form she has massive angelic wings sprouting out from her back, allowing her to fly whilst the transformation is active and she carries an engraved, ancient book with herself, spreading wisdom and blessings wherever she goes. In her free time (and with her friends) Arianne uses different clothes based on the occasion. Despite sometimes confusing the staff in the castle she loves to wear a maid uniform and sometimes helps in the chores voluntarily when she does so. In other occasions she dresses up in a beautiful red-orange yukata, in which she often looks like a young princess, her smile being so radiant.


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<span style="font-size:28px;">Priestess Uniform</span>


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<span style="font-size:28px;">Ascended Form</span>


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<span style="font-size:28px;"><strong>Casual Wear</strong></span>


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<strong><img alt="YT9uoPJ.jpg" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=" /></strong><strong> </strong>


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<span style="font-size:28px;"><strong>Elegant Wear</strong></span>


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<strong>Powers:</strong> Being referred only as 'Light Sister' in the church she is working at Arianne has earned this title with her close affinity to holy and light magic. Being able to conjure small light elementals to aid her allies as living shields or sources of light and having the power to weave protective magic around her friends Arianne had learnt how to control the core of her powers through sheer will and dedicated learning. Her mysterious energies are further amplified whenever she decides to give her all... and ascends for a short period of time.



<strong>Skills:</strong> Knowledge in the ancient arts allow her to decipher rather difficult puzzles and cryptic messages, her knowledge in the arcane allows her to meditate and commune with the spirits for assistance and serenity of others. Her intelligence allows her to read and learn things at a rather accelerated pace whilst her affinity to light allows her to soothe even the most raging sword. <strong>Weapons:</strong> Her staff Aldnu'Reth, is rumored to have been carved from the very first tree in the Glade of the Moon where the goddess Mother Moon once resided.





<strong>Personality:</strong> Never forgetting her roots and upbringing in Aerios Arianne is respectful, charming and an understanding girl whose empathy embraces many - not only those who seek her counsel in the church but also those who she considers as her ally. Always wanting to learn and expand Arianne often locks herself up in libraries whilst she is studying tomes and scrolls of eras past so that her intelligence can serve as an asset to whatever adventure she is volunteering to embark on.



<strong>Character flaws and physical weaknesses:</strong> Patience is the virtue of the elderly and this is true to Arianne. Though respectful and considerate in most cases the young girl still rushes headlong into fights and arguments if it means to defend her or her friends' honor. Though her self restraint shows whenever she in entangled in topics she is really into she has the tendency to fire shots against those who dare to defy either her will - or the will of her respected Prince. Being a rather fragile little girl Arianne tends to avoid physical confrontation whenever possible for though her agility is admirable she can not really stand toe-to-toe against a powerful foe in melee combat.



<strong>Likes and dislikes:</strong> Arianne really loves sweets - and pretty dresses like most other girls. She is really the fan of free time activities, meaning that she is a rather outgoing person who enjoys spending most of her time in the outside world. She often just lies in the grass in the veil of the night, staring at the Moon and contemplating about the mysteries she had experienced. Strife and pain is what Arianne most hates for it goes against her teachings in the church and leave misery in their wake. Stormy and particularly cloudy nights when she can not catch the glimpse of the Moon is also something she finds quite depressing.



<strong>Hobbies and talents:</strong> Though she rarely shares this with anyone she really loves singing and in her free time she tried to learn how to sew and weave... with little success so far. Aside from being able to craft words masterfully Arianne really loves to read stories to other children and to teach them about the brief history of FableWood - this allowing her to help them through these dark times.







<strong>Bio:</strong> Having strange, almost too perfect memories of growing up in Aerios were the only early thoughts Arianne had when she first decided to break out from the mundane tasks she was doing in her youth and joined the spectators to watch the legendary Sky Race that had been held there few months ago. The legendary heroes of FableWood were the participants and it was pretty much there when she first felt a calling to go with these tale-like legends, to journey with them. She thought that leaving behind her supposed birthplace would make her sad and anxious - but the thrill of exploration and the calling of the world had proven to be just too tempting to refuse and all too soon the young girl realized that she had found a new family for herself. The adventures were many and the dangers great for a young girl like her but this did not deter her from sticking her nose in whatever danger they were pursuing. Throughout their journey she even managed to learn that the power of light was sleeping within her body and much to her amusement she could use these powers to aid the others - through her unrefined skills were definitely no match for the heroes' powers. These travels continued and the light-hearted girl smiled and cheered through all of them... until the Sand Seas. The perilous adventure held many dangers and through great struggles and pain did Arianne learn what it meant to lose some allies... Loss was never deterring or daunting for Arianne - it was but a teacher, something that urged her to mature before her time and to seek knowledge and enlightenment. When they returned from the Sand Seas the girl became a bit more seclusive with the intent of learning her own magical ways to better help people. Day after day she studied books, scrolls and ancient texts slowly and steadily mastering her art and becoming an adept spellcaster. In order to give aid and consolidation to others she began to work as a sister in the church so to give hope and guidance to many who suffered from the ongoing strife. She, however, never forgot that her primary duty was with the others - and her goal was to end Caraboss' tyranny once and for all. When the drums of war thunder once again the young priest shall answer the call - and the light shall beckon to her will as well.

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<strong>Name:</strong>: Nyr



<strong>Age:</strong> 22



<strong>Race:</strong> Dread Raven



<strong>Gender/gender identity:</strong> Female



<strong>Romantic inclination:</strong> Heterosexual



<strong>Appearance: </strong>The visage of the dread raven is often daunting and outright fearsome, thus Nyr chooses to spend most of her time in her humanoid form, in which she is 5"8 feet tall. Her hair is long, ebony black which complements the dark, crimson eyes she has. Her body is slender and athletic, her wings big, her feathers sharing the dark color of her hair. Though she does not like to transform to her real visage Nyr keeps her wings most of the time even in her humanoid form, allowing her to fly - albeit slower than in her true form. Though Nyr still oftentimes wear the goth lolita dress she preferred to when she first met the others nowadays she tends to wear her grey sating clothes which is the regal dress of the dread raven leaders, the Prelates. This symbolizes her undying devotion and love to her kind, bearing the message that no matter where her wayward kin is she will come and gather them to lead the avian creatures towards the right goal. Knowing fully well that the battlefield is dangerous and that her body is fragile Nyr ordered a well crafted platemail armor from the best smiths of Branbern, the girl donning the massive armor whenever the time for war is nigh. Though the gear slows her down on foot she has no issues with it whilst flying, making her a much more lethal avian fighter than on land. Transformation into her true form is rare but occasionally she does do it. In the dread raven form she is a bit more than 20 feet tall, her entire body and even her beak colored in the void-black color. Her massive body allows her to carry various troops on her back if needed, allowing her giant wings to fly much faster and fatigue much slower than in her human form. Unable to speak, Nyr communicates via a telepathic connection whenever she is a raven.




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<span style="font-size:28px;"><strong>Prelate Clothes</strong></span>


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<span style="font-size:28px;"><strong>True Form</strong></span>


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<span style="font-size:28px;"><strong>Casual Wear</strong></span>


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<span style="font-size:28px;"><strong>Armor Outfit</strong></span>


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<strong>Powers:</strong> Originally raised by the mystical moon deity, Mother Moon, Nyr used the restorative powers of the moon when she was younger, though this crude form of wielding magic taxed the girl to the utmost. Wielding light and darkness was something the girl needed to learn and balance over her adventures and while she can use both of them one after another she still needs to learn how to merge the two forces together. While the dark energies she wield still try to seduce her Nyr had remained resolute in the face of adversary and will no longer give in to such temptations - her mastery over the dark side of her soul is now absolute.



<strong>Skills:</strong> Being a raven means that flight is a natural gift to the girl. Nyr often uses her wings to her advantage and whilst she rarely shifts to her true form she can offer herself as a transporter should it be necessary. Aside from fighting primarily with magic Nyr now learned how to wield a sword skillfully to protect herself in close quarter combat.



<strong>Weapons:</strong> A finely crafted sword which resists corrosion with a heft crafted by the most skilled smiths of Aerios. The stalwart companion always stays with Nyr, serving as her defense against those who dare to sneak up on her.





<strong>Personality:</strong> Nyr went through a lot of changes ever since she joined on the adventure of the now 'Heroes of FableWood'. From a shy, introverted girl she turned into someone who would gladly sacrifice anything to save her friends... and even showed a romantic side of herself. It is true that her seclusive nature still lingers she became a much more sociable person who is willing to take matters in her own hands. Because of this Nyr usually speaks with a calm, well refined tone to win arguments quietly, trying to avoid all conflicts if possible. Her calm demenour remains apparent on the battlefield as well. Whilst she is willing to cull the forces of darkness mercy had never left her side - she offers help to those who wish to atone for their sins and she gladly help friends out in need. Though at first her burning red eyes and her ebony hair might look daunting deep down Nyr is kind and considerate - though sometimes she tries to hide it perhaps too well.



<strong>Character flaws and physical weaknesses:</strong> Though her mastery over light and darkness grew Nyr is still prone to overloading herself with volatile magic in desperate situations. Control is something the girl possesses, but she tends to throw it away in impatience or in desperation which often leads to some injuries inflicted upon herself in her reckless abandon. While she is very agile and fast she is not someone who can sustain much injury, her figure is not bulky nor tough thus she needs to avoid direct contact. Aside from this, much like all birds, her feathers are vulnerable to water and will make it very difficult if not outright impossible for her to fly when she contacts with a large amount of water.



<strong>Likes and dislikes:</strong> It is not a well known fact but ever since Nyr tasted a good looking cake in Aerios she realized how much a sweet-tooth she was and that she likes most of the products a bakery could offer. Whenever she has the time she races in the sky, flying freely, oftentimes just staring at the Moon while she is still at it. Though she knows that is is vacant and empty she still visits the Glade of the Moon, hoping that her beloved Mother Moon would return one day. Hating things is a harsh thing to say but Nyr definitely hates Caraboss for what he had done to not only Ward but to herself as well. She managed to overcome her hatred towards her father who was deceived she now holds a grudge against the minions of darkness who are threatening FableWood and she will surely unleash her ire upon them. On a much smaller scale she admits to dislike hot places (though if it is for a mission she tolerates it). She also prefers not to eat pickles and eggs if she can help it.



<strong>Hobbies and talents:</strong> Aside from being an ace flyer Nyr tried herself at fashion once... with not much success. After the war is over she definitely wishes to expand her knowledge and try herself out in many forms of art - whilst she was writing a small diary for a short period of time she wishes to try and write poems later, practice painting - and perhaps to try an instrument as well.







<strong>Bio:</strong> That the life of Nyr was a turbulent one is an understatement on many levels. Abandoned at her birth the little girl was brought up by the strange deity only called as Mother Moon. The goddess nurtured the little raven back to life and raised her as her own, always teaching her how to use the blessed powers of the Moon to heal and protect instead of utilizing the surge of darkness slumbering within her for destruction. For many years Nyr did manage to follow her mother's guidance and began to explore the world on her own - that is how she met the now prince Ward who guided her - and many other brave heroes - to countless adventures. The trials they faced were far from easy but little did the young dread raven know about the tests she must face during their adventures. When Branbern was under siege by the nefarious forces of Caraboss the girl did join the fray to fight - which resulted in the death of her own father who revealed the truth behind her abandonment. Trying to secure a life free of corruption and deceit her father made the ultimate sacrifice to throw his daughter away - so that she could offer redemption and a brighter future for their own kind. Mourning the now hero in her hands Nyr had sworn to find her corrupted kin and to rally them under the banner of the good side. This shock was not to be the last, however. In addition to the internal struggle between light and darkness within the girl she had to discover that her beloved Mother Moon one day vanished. Though she felt the connection ever so slightly she still could not contact with her and presumed the beloved deity to be gone fore good. Losing both of her parents was a great shock - a shock which was only bearable because she managed to find something she never imagined to do: love. The heroic feline warrior Panthera Leo managed to win the heart of Nyr. Respecting the great warrior for his devotion to his past love Ruby and cherishing him for his love for her Nyr had sworn to bring happiness everlasting to them after this war will be over. Nyr knew that after returning from the Sand Seas that she had work to do. Whilst the armies of FableWood were preparing for battle she felt the calling of her own kin and decided that it was time for her to go find her wayward brothers and sisters. Being unveiled that she is the Prelate of her kind the dread raven now scours the land of FableWood, searching every corner for brethren uncorrupted... for she knows that this battle will be something that decides the fate of this world... and shapes the future for all of them.

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    Name:: Leandra Forrester

    Age: 21

    Race: Real World Human

    Gender/gender identity: Female

    Romantic inclination: Homosexual

    Appearance: Ignore the iceball she's controlling in the picture above and just focus on the appearance aspect. Leandra's eyes are both an icy blue, and seem to have a slight glow to them, especially in dark lightings. Her hair is white due to the fact that both her brother and herself are albinos. Despite being albinos, neither of the twins have ever suffered any side effects from it beyond the white hair and pale complexion. She also has several slash scars lining the underside of her right wrist.



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Panther Leo

Art By Silverflight

Name: Panthera Leo, aka The Cowardly Lion

Age: 116 Human Years

Race: Panthera

Gender: Male

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

Appearance: Leo is what he refers to as a Panthera. He stands on two large legs at just about 8' tall, with the body of a man, but the head of a lion. He is mostly dressed in robes and cloth, but his shoulders are covered in gold pauldrons known as The Mantle of the Guardian. His mane is a golden white color that he keeps nice and clean looking with braids. He sports a single scar across his left eye that has rendered the eye useless. 

Powers: Leo is a natural Healer. Calling on the powers of the forest he can heal simple wounds to severed limbs. He also has an unparalleled knowledge of medicinal plants and poison. In a fight he uses his strength and his double bladed war ax which he has recently had modified to break away in the middle of the shaft and turn into duel wielded axes. During his previous adventures in Fablewood, Leo lost his Forest Spirit, Lilly. She sacrificed herself to preserve Leo's memories and abilities by combining herself with his mind. Though the ward he had been sworn to protect his now gone, her influence and energy flows through Leo like a river through the forest itself.

Weapons: Leo has a double sided Axe Staff that had a disconnection on the center. This allows him to wield two singular axes at once for much quicker movements, or a staff for longer reach.

Personality: In a few short words, Leo can be described as stern, loyal, trustworthy, and strong. In a bit more depth, Leo is very reserved, keeping to himself to focus on tasks or thoughts that he feels need focusing on. His will is strong, and he keeps a constant vigilance over those whom he has deemed friends or allies. He keeps secrets for those that are privy to them, and uses his abilities for the good of Fablewood and all its inhabitants. Though his outer form can be somewhat intimidating, Leo is soft at heart. He feels for the land and its people, continually trying to find a balance between the two. He fears for the growing tide of Carabosse and her horde, but it puts his faith in the good that still inhabits Fablewood, and those that have been summoned to protect it. 

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: Physically, Leo is in peak condition, even in his semi advanced age. The only physical hindrance he has obtained is his missing left eye he obtained during his flee from Oz. Emotionally, however, Leo fears his past. His time before joining the Heros of Fablewood, he was known throughout Oz as "The Cowardly Lion" after fleeing from Ruby and leaving his friends behind. While Oz and the Ozites no longer revere him this way, he still clings to his failure and uses it to help keep himself strong.

Likes and dislikes: Leo likes friendship and the bonds that he has created with so many during his travels through Fablewood. He cares deeply for the forest still, and enjoys peaceful moments sitting and relaxing in them. Anything that would disrupt that peace, or harm those whom he considers friends, he does not care much for. He also has a extreme aversion, bordering on disgust for the undead. While in the shifting sands, Leo found the living dead to be an affront to life and all things life stands for. Those who tamper with life, are not ones that Leo considers in high regards. 

Hobbies and talents: Leo likes to read about the many flora that inhabit Fablewood. Generally anything that could further his knowledge holds interest to him and he likes to learn about it. His natural talent is for making things grow. It has been joked that "even in a desert, he could grow a rose."

Bio: Leo was born to a race called Pantheras. A wild and savage race that made their homes over the great expansive plain of Fablewood. They were primate in their nature, but still resembled clans of a civilization untouched by the modern world. Leo, born the smallest in his clan, was left to die on the edges of the clan's territory, as was custom for the tribes, only a few days after his birth. His tiny wails pierced the night of the territory that was border to a mysterious forest none to those in Fablewood as, The Forest of Reflection. The tiny wails and cries in the night sturd the forest, as if a gust of wind had rustled the glass like leaves of the entire forest. By daybreak, Leo was gone. He had been carried off by a very unsuspecting creature named, Bruin. A large bear with black tribal marks across his face and chest, Bruin took the young cub into the heart of the forest where he lived. The forest had told him to take the young Pantheras under his wing, that in dew time, he was to replace Bruin as its Guardian. Bruin, a devout and respectful Guardian, began training Leo and guiding him to his destiny. After many years, Bruin began to feel the pull of something dark shifting in the world. He, and several other guardians left their posts under the guidance of their wards to learn of what darkness had begun to shift in the world. With fear of never returning, Bruin passed on the Guardianship of the forest to Leo, still quite young. Bruin never returned. Leo was left in the world alone more. Though his solitude did not last long. He once again found friendship in a young woman named Ruby who had stumbled into his forest looking for help. A great and powerful witch had taken her kingdom, and she required brave warriors to help reclaim it. Leo, despite the warnings he received from the forest, traveled with the girl to a land called Oz. There, he and Ruby met many mighty warriors to help destroy the evil witch. Though despite the many brave and strong warriors they acquired, the battle was for not. After the apparent defeat of the witch, Ruby was possessed by her spirit, turning her friends against Leo with dark powers like he had never seen. Leo fled from Oz barely escaping alive. He returned to his forest, branded a coward, and once more took up his mantle of Guardian. He had lost friends, his confidence, and most of all, a woman whom he had loved. Years passed, and Leo grew older and wiser from his past mistakes. He took up his position with the utmost seriousness and watched over the forest and it's inhabitants. But the darkness spreading through Fablewood did not stop at its borders. The darkness took hold in the forest despite Leo's bravest efforts, bringing with it a band of heroes that had been sent to bring down the darkness spreading with the help of the most powerful beings to ever grace Fablewood, Humans. During his time with the group, Leo spent his time absorbing energy from around Fablewood and the many places they journeys. He channeled the energy into the spirit of the forest, Lilly, who had taken up residence within Leo. Over time she regained her strength and help bolster Leo. The largest boost to Leo's strength however came from the love he found in the young Raven girl Nyr. Her love for him gave him something personal for him to fight for, which carried him through some of the hardest battles with the Hero's. The hardest being after Lilly sacrificed herself to keep Leo from losing his memories during their adventure in The Whispering Isles. Leo felt the emptiness of his mind like a gaping hole in his very being. But the battle continued on, his friends and his love keeping him. After a reunion with his former master's spirit Bruin, Leo and the group continued on to find the missing pieces of a key said to be able to aid in the defeat of Carabosse.

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Otto Human form


Otto Wolf Form


Otto Feral Form

Name: Otto

Age: 18 

Race: Werewolf

Gender: Male

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

Appearance:  Otto is a skinny young man, barely standing at 5 1/2 feet tall. He has black shaggy hair and a face that usually has a smile on it. Though he may look normal enough from far away, he has three defining features that set him out from most teenage boys. The first being the two large black ears that stand on either side of his head. The second, is his long tail the color of his hair. The final feature is only visible when he is in wolf form or without a shirt, a long jagged scar that runs from his right shoulder to left hip. A token from his long deceased father.

Powers: Otto is a werewolf and thus can shift into a wolf form whenever he pleases. His wolf form as a small and innocent looking little black wolf with remarkable speed. Since joining Ward and the heros of Fablewood, he has discovered a second transformation that turns him into a bipedal figure with razor sharp claws and wolf like features. While not as fast as his wolf form, he is considerably stronger and fiercer.

Skills: Increased speed in wolf form Increased strength in Feral form The ability to make people smile and laugh.

Personality: Otto is nothing short of a giant goofball. He loves to have fun and figures out a way to do that just about anywhere. Otto can have a hard time paying attention. It usually takes a very serious tone, or a glare from Luness to make him sit up and listen to what's going on.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: Mentally, Otto lacks discipline and an attention span. Physically, Otto is only as strong as a normal 18 year old when he is not transformed. He is not an adept fighter, mostly improvising where he can.

Likes and dislikes: To list out all the things that Otto likes, would take to long. The one thing he is most partial to in the entire world, other than his half sister Luness and his friends, is bacon. His second favorite thing in the world is a spot just behind his right ear that is the best spot to scratch in the whole wide world. His dislikes are much shorter. He doesn't like Carabosse, he doesn't like Witches, and he doesn't like the color orange.

Hobbies and talents: Otto has a knack for making people happy. His bouncy and energetic attitude bring life to even the darkest moments. If he had to choose a single hobby, it would most likely be chasing his tail.

Bio: Otto grew up in a small pack along the border of Fablewood. His mother being his only direct family that he knew of, he lived a simple life with them and the rest of the pack. It wasn't until his tenth birthday that things changed. One night, the pack was attacked by a large alpha wolf that Otto had never seen before. Otto's mother sacrificed herself to get Otto to freedom, but not before the Alpha wolf gave Otto the jagged scar that now runs the length of his torso. He escaped while the rest of the pack kept the alpha back, running for miles before collapsing into a heap in the forest. He was found the next day by one of the elders of the village who had managed to escape. She healed his wounds the best she could only for Otto to run away the first chance he got. He couldn't stay, he had to get as far away from his home as he could so his mother's sacrifice would not be in vain. He ran until he was met by two strangers making their way to a land called Oz. Ruby and Leo took Otto along into Oz, Otto keeping his past well hidden from them. The events in Oz however, proved to be a wrong decision for Otto. He was taken after the witch possessed Ruby, as her slave of darkness. Ripping the humanity from him, Otto became a beast the likes of which had never been seen in Oz. For eight years he roamed the lands of Oz doing his master's bidding, until Leo returned with a band of Heros and released him from his shackles of darkness. After Leo and the hero's rid Oz of the dark witch, Otto stayed behind with Hungry Tiger and the rest of the Ozites to help rebuild Oz. It took some time, but eventually Otto was allowed to join Leo and the others in The Whispering Isles. While in the Isles, Otto discovered his Feral Transformation and soon after that discovered a secret to his lineage from Alta, the old werewolf who had healed Otto when he was a pup. The alpha that attacked Otto's pack and killed his mother, was Otto's father. A large and brutal Alpha named Bigsby, Alta also revealed that Bigsby had another family before Otto, which resulted in his half sister Luness.
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  • Name: Ariella Elisabeth Hope

    Age: 21 years old

    Race: Modern-Day Human

    Gender/gender identity: Female

    Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

    Appearance: Miss Hope stands at five feet. Her green-hazel eyes are quite expressive, usually expressing emotions that she feels genuinely despite how she may appear on the surface. Miss Ariella Elisabeth Hope has light, wavy, brown hair that flows past her chest. Her porcelain, pale, white skin is usually seen without any blemishes, though, she does have pink, rosy, cheeks from time to time because of her sensitive skin. Nevertheless, Ariella Elisabeth Hope is without any scars or bruising. Ariella takes care of her skin and her health so well that she avoids tripping over thing air or bumping into objects that may cause her arm. She's quite hygenic, keeping up with her daily needs of lotioning her skin, washing her hair and body often, and keeping herself fit. Ariella is a runner and does yoga quite often which helps her stay toned. With a cute button nose and soft, smiley side lips, Ariella is usually always seen with a grand, genuine smile.

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  • Name: Ian Kovaski

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Gender/gender identity: Male, He, him

    Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Picture25.jpg.649c3e39cf02b15bd8c69681b67a58f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Picture25.jpg.649c3e39cf02b15bd8c69681b67a58f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Appearance: Ian is a man of a large size, being almost six foot and having lean muscles. He has messy black hair and slightly tanned skin. He always wears a bandana on his head, as a way to keep his hair out of his eyes. His daily outfit includes a green shirt, tucked under some baggy black pants. He wears a torn, white cape and he wears black shoulder guard armor with matching gauntlets over his outfit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c38c1e1c9f7c819f6a1b730ca7f3c343.jpg.9e3f562243c016a8c4c590ca9351fddd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145392" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/c38c1e1c9f7c819f6a1b730ca7f3c343.jpg.9e3f562243c016a8c4c590ca9351fddd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • "I am the flame; the fire of the Crown of the Whispering Isles."


    Name:: Ember

    Age: 21

    Race: Fablewood Firebird

    Gender/gender identity: female

    Romantic inclination: heterosexual

    Appearance: Ember has a handful of striking features, the most striking being her bright blue eyes. Each orb appears luminescent and they seem burn into anyone she so much as glances at. Her fair face in gently angular with a dust of freckles over her nose and cheeks. In contrast to her pale skin, she has a head of various shades of red and brown hair that shine gold at the edges in bright light. To match, she wears a sleeveless, tailed, red tunic trimmed with gold with the royal coat of arms printed across the back. Under her shirt, she wears a black, figure-hugging, long sleeved, shirt that gives way to black, gold-trimmed pants. On her hands and feet, she sport gold braces with black gloves and boots.

    In her firebird form, Ember is the size of an ostrich with a wing span exeeding the average height of 3 humans. When she was younger, she had a brilliant plume of red and orange feathers only, each of which gave off a faint glow, but as she grew, she developed platinum feathers along her wings, torso and tail. She has a small crest of feathers on her head with a single, almost-peacock-like feather trailing out from among her tail feathers. Her feet are golden scaled with a sharp talon on each toe.

    When she changes from either human to firebird or vise versa, the transformation is always accompanied by a burst of flames as one form desintegrates into the other in the blink of an eye.

    She can only set herself alite when she is in firebird form. Her human form would burn to ashes.

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  • </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Ashe_0.jpg.55cbb0f426dcfbd6811ff4a1ab2f975e.jpg" data-fileid="146181" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="Ashe_0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="146181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Ashe_0.jpg.55cbb0f426dcfbd6811ff4a1ab2f975e.jpg" /></a> </p> <p> <strong>Name:</strong>: Ashley <strong>Age:</strong> 22 <strong>Race:</strong> Fablewood Human <strong>Gender/gender identity:</strong> Female <strong>Romantic inclination:</strong> Heterosexual <strong>Appearance:</strong> Ashley stands 5 ft. 7 in. Tall and weighs roughly 110 pounds. Originally, she had Red Hair, but has since dyed it White as Snow and now wears a wizard-like hat in place of an extensive ponytail when she first started traveling with Ward a few months ago. Rather then wearing loose dresses, especially while she was pregnant, Ashley has changed her wardrobe quite a bit and now wears shorter dresses and no longer wears Long Sleeves. The only things she retains from her old attire is her dark cloak and her Quiver. New additions include her shoulder pads, gauntlets and Knee High Boots. Ashley retains no distinguishing physical features, like Scars, Birthmarks or Tattoos.


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Name: Catalina

Age: Physically, about 20. Has been in existence for nearly 400 years.

Race: Djinn

Gender/gender identity: Nearly always female

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual, but not afraid to pretend otherwise

Appearance: Catalina's most common form is a beautiful young woman. She has deeply sun kissed skin, with an olive undertone, free of blemishes except for the freckles across her nose. Her hair is thick an difficult to tame, but it's shiny black color makes up for all the trouble it is. She is a slim but not weak, and stands about five and a half feet tall. She prefers to dress as seen above, but for the quest at hand she has chosen more appropriate attire. Most of her form changes tend to be animals with darker coats, even though she could be any color she wants. Her eyes are a bright golden brown, and they almost never change hue.


 Powers and abilities

Powers and abilities: Catalina is able to change forms at will, to any being she can see in her minds eye. It is an enchanting ability, but has its limits. Too many form changes, or changes between very large and very small beings, will tire her. Sickness or injury can also weaken her ability to change form. She has noticed in recent months that the Shadowood seems to affect her as well.

Weapons: Catalina carries a pair of dependable and distinctive swords:



Personality: Catalina is an individual that loves to keep others guessing. She is innately prideful and secretive, but has a fiery passion for things important to her. She often portrays herself as very flirtatious and feisty, finding that it makes it easier to get her way. She has grown to really like the compliments and attention being physically attractive can earn her. But, she is not just a pretty face; she is plenty clever and a fair fighter with her choice weapons.

The Djinn is prone to wandering, and some assume this means she doesnt care for home. But that couldnt be more wrong; she deeply loves her desert home, and every step away from it makes her love it more. She simply has always had a very strong curiosity of what was beyond the next sand dune, even when she wasnt in the desert anymore.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: She has grown a little vain over the years, and can fall into laziness from time to time. She is smaller than many Fablewood creatures, and her ability to shape shift has limits. An injury to her right shoulder tends to grow sore after too much exertion.

Likes and dislikes: Catalina loves to feel desired, and enjoys dancing, especially around a blazing bonfire. She loves to laze about in the sunshine eating sweets occasionally, but it's not uncommon to find her also enjoying sparring sessions. In a perfect world, she would be completely free to travel wherever the wind took her, but the creeping darkness has taken that from her. Her pride is easily offended, so she doesn't take well to insults or oversights. She hates foods that are sour or bitter, and feeling too cold is torture for her. Above all else, she hates when she is stuck in one form for too long.

Hobbies and talents: Catalina is a fair fighter with her two swords, and she is a graceful dancer when given the right tune. She enjoys making her own jewelry, the kind that makes noise when one walks.


Catalina spent her youthful years in a small Djinn settlement closer to the edge of the desert than most. She didnt seem to have any interest in learning from books or her elders, but preferred to wander away and learn from outsiders. Many took this as an oddity, but few ever thought much about it beyond that.

She spent stretches of time exploring different areas of Fablewood, even as far as the frozen lands belonging to the Snow Queen (as unpleasant as they were), returning to her home when she felt like it. For a long time, she almost ignored her own kind because she was so interested in other beings and their lives. Elves, dwarves, were-creatures, dragons, she tried to learn as much as she could about as many of them as she could. At one point, she sought to understand this thing called "love," but it was a messy and confusing affair, and she was glad to wash her hands of it. She did not, however, leave behind her liking for attention, and her human form began to appear dressed more proactively. But as she saw the darkness spreading across the land, her attention returned homeward and inward; she wanted to know about her own kind, if they were to be wiped from the earth. She traveled to the bigger Djinn settlements, eventually finding her way to the same one that the Fablewood heroes found themselves in. Their fight was inspiring, and it fueled a passion in her that she had never known before.

Who was she to turn down such an adventure, and one with such a noble cause? And so, she took on a new purpose: to help save Fablewood.
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Name: Quincy

Age: Unknown

Race: Kelpie

Gender/gender identity: Female

Romantic inclination: Heterosexual

Appearance: In human form, Quincy has mousy brown hair that falls in sea-sprayed waves to her shoulder blades. Her eyes are light gray, often appearing slightly green. She has a stronger build, with fair skin that seems to always be a little damp. She wears a thin leather strap around her neck.

In her true form, she is a white horse with pale eyes. Long, muscled legs enhanced with a little natural magic make her a great swimmer even in this form. Often, there is a piece or two of kelp in her mane or tail. She always wears a leather bridle.

True Form

Human Form



Credit for images goes to their respective artists

Powers & Abilities

Powers and Skills: As a kelpie, Quincy is able to change from horse to human. In her horse form, she is much stronger and faster than an average horse. If someone tries to ride her without permission, they will become stuck to her back until she decides to release them (traditionally, kelpies drown these people). As a human, she has quite a bit of skill with a bow and arrow.

Weapons: Bow & arrows


Personality: Before her quest with the others, she was angry with herself, and came off as a little abrasive in most interactions. At best, she seemed shy and evasive. She kept her more playful side hidden, and was prone to snapping at humanoid beings. Making friends was next to impossible.

But during her time of question, she learned to like others again. Although she is uncomfortable with command, she appreciates that she is needed. The responsibility helps distract her from her sad, nostalgic times. She is precise but considerate with others, and she seems to really enjoy teaching.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses: Quincy has an obsession with water, understandably so, and often becomes distracted by it, and grows weak without it. Her leather bridle, if taken from her, becomes a contract with the person who holds it, binding her to their will.

Likes and dislikes: Quincy loves to eat sweets and go for swims. She recently grew to like flying, but cant enjoy it anymore.

Hobbies and talents: The best swimmer out there, and very good at braiding hair.


Quincy started off as a run-of-the-mill kelpie. She shared her kind's liking of human flesh, but there was something different about this one. When she changed into human form and wandered into the town, she noticed the hateful and fearful stares from the other creatures. And, for some reason, it affected her deeply. She went to a witch, who helped her curb her appetite, first in human form, and then in her true form. It was a long, painful process, and the witch refused to create a spell to do it instantly. Instead, the witch simply provided enchantments that made the behavioral conditioning a little easier to handle. Eventually, it worked. For as long after her change, that was her happy existence, deep in the woods.

That is, until a young elven commander named Lorence stumbled onto her pool and took an interest in her. She began spending time with the elves, falling for her soldier. They were engaged, but one tragic day he was killed by a ground of bandits. Heartbroken, the kelpie returned to her pool to live out her days. They were mild, uneventful days until the darkness came. The nymphs and fish that had been her company could not escape. Vowing to avenge them and stop what was happening, the kelpie left her former home and started looking for someone to help her in her quest. Along the way, she found she had a knack for the bow and now carries on with her everywhere.

She crossed paths with the heroes on the border of the Mirror Forest, and joined the merry band. It was difficult for her, especially when Caraboss targeted her and used her dead love against her. And even more so when her current love chose to stay behind after finding his home again. But, she cant afford to look back now. Fablewood and the other heroes are her family now.
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    <strong>Name: </strong>Suak



    <strong>Age:</strong> 68 (Her human form appears 17)



    <strong>Race:</strong> Basilisk



    <strong>Gender/gender identity:</strong> Female



    <strong>Romantic inclination:</strong> Heterosexual but not looking for a partner



    <strong>Appearance:</strong> Suak has two forms: her human appearance and what she calls her <em>true appearance.</em> Her human appearance is that of a young woman in her mid to late teens, taller than average and slender. Her features can be described as innocent, curious and inquisitive, more like a child's than a woman's. Although her pupils are slits, perhaps her most remarkable feature is her irises, which slowly change colour over every hour. These colours tend to be random and have no consistent pattern. In this human form, she has medium-length auburn hair that, some have remarked, remind people of Autumn. Typically, Suak will wear long, green robes and a black cloak with a hood. She often wears this to hide most of her features from site. However, due to the start of the war, she has <em>acquired</em> a pretty basic breast plate to help her protect herself and not arouse suspicion. Suak's other form is that of a giant snake, as would be expected of a basilisk. 30ft. long, Suak's snake form is a glossy black. In the sunlight, this can often be, and has often been, mistaken for a dull silver, and needless to say many people have been shocked to discover that the "precious metal they found on the surface" was actually a snake. She has a piercing, almost constant glare while in this form. Suak is surprisingly quick in this form, and before her prey normally realize what is happening, she has already bound them in her coils and subjected them to one of two lethal poisons: her venom, or looking her in the eye. Needless to say, her irises change colour in this form as well.

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  • kale_small__by_goldenblight-dabxfy0.jpg

    Name:: Kalevi (Kale)

    Age: 124 years (of the approx. 500 years of a Wyvern's lifespan). Appears 20 in human form.

    Race: Wyvern

    Gender/gender identity: Male

    Romantic inclination: Biromantic

    Appearance: As a wyvern, Kalevi has a body length of an estimated 20 feet (6 meters) and a wingspan of 26 feet (8 meters). He is characterized by protective dark grey scales, markedly rough in texture, spanning the entirety of his body with exception to the expanse of his leathery orange wings. He is largely adorned by vicious spikes along his spine and skull, where the bony structures extend into a crown of coriaceous protrusions. His underbelly is a lighter grey that extends as a row of thick, wide scales towards the end of the tail, finished by a cruel-looking barb not unlike those that tip his wings, although larger. Unlike that of a dragon, his reptilian body is far more slender, slightly smaller, generally weighs less (1.2 tonnes) and, most apparently, lacks the forelegs typical of his more common relative. The 'arms' of a wyvern instead extend back into huge wings, upon the framework of which foreclaws extend. This alteration in anatomy devotes to Kale much stronger and swifter flying capability and agility, making up for the deficit in brute size and strength.

    On the other hand, Kalevi's human form is much less intimidating. A young man standing at 5'8'', pale, with deep-set rustic eyes a similar hue to those of his wyvern form and often obscured by thick, borderline fluffy charcoal hair, you would not take him for much else. Regardless, it is apparent by his athletic and toned build that he would be proficient in combat, and his sharp features and expression do not betray any obvious weakness. His body is unmarred for the most part, give for numerous shallow scars. With regard to equipment and clothing, Kale makes up for lack of iron scale in war gear he almost always dons (collected from numerous exploits typical of wyverns). Generally clad in thick steels and leathers, he is always presentable before others, although it is no secret of his that he prefers his wyvern form and will revert to it given the opportunity, leaving his true form only to speak or associate with others depending on what is required.


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    Name:: Irina Peltaviskiy

    Age: 28

    Race: Human

    Gender/gender identity: Female

    Romantic inclination: Pansexual

    Appearance: Short, platinum blonde and with sharp blue eyes Irina is hardly your average soldier. She is a mere 5'5 give or take an inch. Her skin is pale, but is not quite pale enough to cause problems in the sun, this showing off her true Northern pride. Her hair is unkempt and long, extending just below her shoulder blades but is usually in a loose ponytail so the wind does not catch it and obscure her vision. She holds herself like she is much larger than she really is, having quite the Napoleon complex. She has muscle mass but is well hidden underneath the thick riding clothing, the boot sof which give her an extra two inches of height. She has a large scar running from the inner left corner of her left eyebrow, vertically down along her nose before cutting at a slight angle to the corner of her lip on the left side.



Name:: Lamen Tvalhal, the phantom amalgamate

Age: 59 (looks 20-30)

Race: Fablewood human-ish

Gender/gender identity: Agender (Most characters would call them "she" after hearing them speak)

Romantic inclination: Unknown


Lamen is rarely seen without a heavy grey cloak and half of their face shadowed by a hood. Their hair is similarly a homogenous mid-tone gray, and their eyes as well, though they may glow white or blue at times (ex.: while casting spells). While they are rather gender indistinct by appearance, they do have a female voice in everyday situations. They carry a scent of old dust and books, and the air grows colder around them. The usual outfit underneath the grey cloak is a grey overcoat over a dark blue tunic bound by a white sash, and under that, a white shirt and pants. All of Lamen's clothing is embroidered and made of good fabric, a tell-tale sign that they are from a rich merchant family, though one is more likely to find their appearance reminiscent of a sorcerer, especially given the creepy vibe those with sensing abilities might get from them.

Powers & Abilities

Powers: Among various necromantic skills that they have spent a long time studying and practicing, Lamen can raise the spirits of the dead and has a body that can act as a possession sink for them. They do not generally use any powers that would override a soul's own will, however; their command over myriad ghosts is a product of their relationship to those ghosts.

-In addition to this, Lamen is an adept of ice and wind magic, though how much of this they can cast is limited to the pool of mana accessible by their human body (which isn't more exceptional than any other dedicated mage). They could hypothetically drain the souls within them for mana, but is incapable of doing so, since their will is Lamen's own. Their strength in magic is versatility and creativity rather than power.

-Something which could be considered a power is the result of the amalgamation of souls within her; soul or mind-affecting magic has little effect on her, unless it is powerful enough to affect a several hundred-fold concentration of souls and minds.

Skills: A wealth of knowledge and memories, most of which are not the original Lamen's own, makes them capable of practising many skills- though those requiring muscle memory or a specialised physical aptitude will be limited to a theoretical understanding of the skill. Their main skill is that of a scholar.

Weapons: A magic tome is usually carried on their person, serving as a focus/control for their ice and wind magic. They are not incapable of those spells without the tome, but their accuracy and mana efficiency is lessened by half.



Lamen is, for the most part, a contented being. They cherish life like no other and seem to find pleasure in every experience, be it good or bad, as evidenced by a consistent good mood and calm demeanor; admittedly, it comes off as... a little creepy. They do not shy away from people or conversation, and seem genuinely fascinated by everything and everyone. They have a sense of humor (which sometimes consists of giving others a fright, alas) and, if one looks past their prejudices about necromancy, may find them to be a compassionate, principled and gentle person, open-minded and full of interesting stories of what would seem countless different lives. Punishment, justice and death mean little to Lamen; they see them as faulty and discompassionate systems. They are by nature pacifistic and seek a mutually beneficial resolution wherever sentient life is involved.

They are not without their fears; the initial human's personality is in control, but their sense of identity has been slowly eroding over time as a result of the melting pot of souls within them. The longer those souls stay in the same body, the more they melt together, and the more difficult it gets for them to differentiate between their individual thoughts, feelings and memories and those of others. Lamen's sense of self was originally very strong, but when the lines blur, it can be disorienting. It goes both ways, however. Aspects of their personality have influenced the souls still residing within them.

Character flaws and physical weaknesses:

- Though it is human, Lamen's body has contained so many souls long enough that some aspects of it have begun to change, halfway between living and undead. As such, holy magic or other types of magic that harm or purge the undead will weaken Lamen physically, albeit not do as much damage as for a full undead; at most it would not purge them, but rather cause them to fall ill.

- Necromancy is considered taboo. As such, Lamen is subject to many prejudices and can be the subject of dislike, attempts to 'stop' them, and finding oneself on the opposite side of a law or... twenty. Because of this they try to pass themselves as a mere druid or mage depending on the context (though virtually any serious investigative effort will reveal that they are a necromancer, and it isn't that hard to find someone who would begin to suspect. Bummer.)

Likes and dislikes: They have superficial dislikes; for instance, for emotional or physical pain and other bad experiences. While their reaction to these things is initially negative, the influence of the amalgamation of so many souls once deprived of life and craving even those experiences overrides that initial reaction with a sense of fulfilment, resulting in a ridiculously wide range of things which Lamen likes; people, life, weakness, strength, good, bad, interesting, banal, humanitarian, petty, goodness, cruelty, successes, failures, challenges... The entirety of life experience, it would seem. What Lamen can maintain a total dislike for are things like permanent stasis and ultimate entropy.

Hobbies and talents: Necromancy, essentially. Spends a lot of time doing research on souls/spirits and their associated problems to explore the best ways to achieve a working dynamic between corporeal life and incorporeal unlife; for instance, to study how to inhibit the corruptive influence of regrets and social isolation of incorporeals. Lamen travels between remote locations, creating 'lands of the dead' so to speak, where they try interesting approaches such as community ecosystem possession. ...Which is absolute gibberish to anyone else, especially since most necromancers just wanna turn into a lich and get rad skeleton armies, which is far less interesting to Lamen :V




Bio: Once upon a time, there was a meeting of nobles and merchant families at a distant villa. During this meeting, grave new arrived that a nearby town had been attacked and burned down; it was deemed unsafe to travel back to their own towns for the time being, so they would all stay there for awhile until the situation calmed down. The curious children gathered and went out to play, and at the suggestion of one of them, climbed a nearby hill that overlooked the valley so that they may check out the carnage; there, in the distance, one could see the town still burning and smoking. Only, one of the children trembled at the sight. The anguished voices of the burnt town echoed at her and clenched her heart, even though they should have long been quieted. That night, she could not sleep. She had to help them. As if guided, she escaped the villa and its posted guards, then walked hours into the night until her feet were torn. Finally she arrived to the rubble of the town. All around her, the crying and wailing voices were loud and strong; spirits too attached to the world to depart, full of anger and sadness over the life that was stolen from themselves and from each other.

Lamen called out to them with all of her heart, tears pouring down her face. She too, loved this world. She, too, would not wish to leave it, and felt every bit of their grief as her own. If they needed a body, she had one still. Together, they could live in this world again. They could all find a way together. And so a thousand ghosts poured into her body in a storm of spirits that would not calm until weeks later, when an order of sorts would have established itself in the phantom amalgamate, under the leadership of their benefactor whose will represented the will of their collective. The missing child returned to the villa, strangely calm and content. They would pursue studies in magic... and necromancy. Occasionally, those around them would behave like a different person and then have lapses of memory about it, as if they had been possessed. After some political intrigue and a story for another time, Lamen understood the risks of staying too close to society; it was like dangling a meal in front of a starving dog. They set off to decades of travelling, gathering necromantic knowledge, raising the dead, often rehabilitating them, and creating new homes for them in the aforementioned experiments. Near every land of the dead they have their own residence hidden in some nook, where they can spend years doing research. 
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