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Fandom The Batteries World Lore



Everyone shall be friends...
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"The Batteries" Introduction/Background

In A.D. 2022, the Earth was suddenly devastated by a small meteorite traveling at near the speed of light. The resulting disaster would be called the “Second Impact” by the surviving members of the human race. Humanity's then unknown care takers; a hyper advance race of small cat like creatures, would appear as if by magic and offer salvation. Humanity would call their rescuers Incubators, as the friendly alien race would help humanity continue growing its needed food, and nurture the horrifically damaged Earth back to life giving support. Most importantly they would care for humanity's youngest; often far too fragile to survive in the post-impact world. Orphans were numerous, and humanity itself likely would have went extinct with the post-impact children's deaths, were it not for the help of the Incubators (or affectionately called Kyubey by the newest generation of humans.)


In A.D. 2029 new mysterious aliens would come from the stars and destroy much of the recovered Earth. The Incubators would warn humanity that these beings were enemies that only sought to destroy them and humanity; a giant violent race of aliens, that feasted on destruction, and had power over life, death, and magic. Humanity would call these destroyers from the heavens, taller than all but the grandest of man's creations, Angels. Four would land on the Earth, destroying the works of man and Incubator. One defiling the North American heartland, one would wander the shores of the Mediterranean, another would fly above the skies of Russia, and the last would consume all living things that it could rip from the Earth in Asia.

(Denver-Angel Combat 1)

(Cyprus-Angel Combat 2)

(Moscow-Angel Combat 3)

(Jakarta-Angel Combat 4)
In A.D. 2031 these invaders would be destroyed by five unexpected heroes. Five young girls; piloting giant robots gifted to them by the Incubators. Powered by the magic dwelling within their souls, the machines gave mankind their victory over the Angels. These young heroes would die from their battles against the invaders, the last girl perishing after defeating the last Angel. The Incubators would gift man with more machines and warn that more invaders would come. The Incubators would take a backseat to humanity's affairs from then on; only appearing to choose Pilots for their machines, and giving occasional advice to humanity's leaders and Magical Pilots.


In A.D. 2032 the U.N. funded paramilitary and magical development organization Zauber was founded. Dedicated to the acquisition, training, and Anti-Angel combat support of Pilots of the machines named Massive Aura Development Organism or MADO. Mechanical and biological cyborgs reaching a height of 73 meters, covered in armor plates meters thick. Humanoid shaped is the only shared characteristic of the machines; as they are changed by their Pilot when a Contract is made by an Incubator. The machines are dull gray humanoid blocks until they are activated by placing the source of magic created by a Contract into the machine; the source of magic coming from an object called a Soul Gem. The palm sized jewel like ornament is only held by it's creator once before it is taken and placed inside of a MADO.


The Soul Gem is created from the honest wish of a magically gifted individual and the Incubator's magic. A non-reality damaging or paradox creating wish is granted to the pilot before they dedicate their lives to fighting the Angels. These wishes are always limited to altering the reality of the individual or close family and friends. The stronger the magical potential in a future pilot is said to lead to more powerful and reality bending wishes. However this has not been proven. Known side effects of becoming a pilot include; a cessation of physical aging, the inability to travel more than 33 kilometers from a pilot's MADO, and other various strange magical phenomenon and mutations. This had lead to the nickname Magical Girls for the MADO Pilots. However they cannot actually transform, make weapons appear, or fly as their fictional counterparts do. These feats are only possible when a “Magical Girl” is piloting her MADO.

Teams of Pilots are found, raised, and trained to protect fortress cities; the last peaceful and safe respites of mankind. The Pilots are heavily monitored by Zauber and are called upon to defend the cities from Angel attacks. The reason for the attacks are unknown to man, with only the Incubators saying that the invaders simply wish for death and destruction. Some note that the Angels are getting stronger; luckily so are the MADO. It is feared however that soon the Angels will completely exhaust the number of Pilots ready to defend mankind. The causalities of Pilots are high and with every Pilot death, the human race's hope of survival grows dimmer.


Inspired Opening Theme Song for"The Batteries" : Asu e no Houkou (The Scream Towards Tomorrow)
By: JAM Project
Original opening for MuvLuv Alternative

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The Batteries World Background
The Batteries World Background
Current Earth Profile (2036):
It has been 14 years since Second Impact (2022.) An explosion in Antarctica vaporized the entire continent. The resulting tidal waves killed billions worldwide (50% of humanity) and flooded coastal regions of every continent. Worse yet, the very axis of the Earth itself was permanently shifted, causing a global climate change that devastated crops and added incredible strain to already decimated regions. In the following devastation, many countries and governments collapsed entirely as the United Nations struggled to hold humanity together. Rioting and war became common as vital resources disappeared virtually overnight. The months following Second Impact left no one unscathed, and all told only half of the human race survived the disaster and following wars. It was years before the situation stabilized enough for the UN to mount an expedition to ground zero to investigate the explosion. A report was published, proving that Second Impact was the result of a 4-inch meteorite traveling at 95% of the speed of light, much too small and traveling far too quickly to have been detected before its devastating collision with the Earth’s South Pole.


Massive tidal waves radiated out from the former continent of Antarctica, smashing entire cities to splinters and drowning virtually everything in all but the highest or most secluded areas of South America, Africa and Australia. The tsunamis even reached as far as the British Isles, and though significantly reduced by the intervening distance, still caused massive devastation. Many cities in the Northern Hemisphere (such as virtually every city on the East Coast of North America) experienced destructive flash flooding. Even worse than the tidal waves was the shock to the planet from the explosion itself. The force of the blast shifted the Earth, slightly changing its axis. While the environmental repercussions of this would not be felt for some time, the geological consequences were almost immediate. Mere minutes after the instant of the explosion, the stress suddenly placed on the crust and mantle from the South Pole caused Earthquakes across the globe, ranging from minor disturbances to massive catastrophes. Even worse were the frequent volcanic eruptions both during the Impact and for some months afterward. Special mention goes to the Yellowstone Caldera, which ejected some 47 cubic miles of rock and dust into the sky, which plunged North America into chaos. Optimistic geologists however claim that the Second Impact spared the human race a cataclysmic repeat of the last time the Yellowstone Caldera erupted by setting it off early. On its previous eruption 640,000 years previous, the Yellowstone super volcano spewed approximately 240 cubic miles of rock into the sky.

Much of this catastrophe was healed with the appearance of an advanced alien race know as the Incubators. The mysterious race using unknown technologies realigned the Earth's axis, lowered tidal levels, and nurtured devastated ecosystems back to stability. Sadly another alien species would come with the opposite agenda, the Angels. These aliens would wage a genocidal crusade against humanity; destroying cites and killing another 25% of humanity. Ironically enough the appearance of the Incubators and Angels were likely the only reasons why the devastated nations of the world haven't destroyed each other completely in protracted wars, having been gifted or cursed with a common friend and foe.

Current North America Profile:
The North American Union is, technically speaking, still the two separate nations of the Unites States and Canada. However, due to the events of Second Impact, these two countries have become so interdependent that neither is capable of surviving without the other. The United States was without a doubt the worst hit of the two during Second Impact. With massive devastation to all of its coastal cities, as well as the catastrophic eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera, the nation was suddenly thrust into dire straits. Worse yet, while the Head of State was safely evacuated prior to the tsunamis reaching Washington D.C., an undisclosed incident occurred not long afterwards. Officially, Air Force One crashed as a result of aeronautical complications resulting from the Second Impact, though the scientific basis for that claim has since been disproved by Russian scientists.

Regardless, Martial Law was immediately declared within the United States of America by the remaining Chiefs of Staff as they scrambled to maintain control of the United States military and industrial assets and quell rioting across the nation. The situation only became more unstable as refugees from central America flooded the United States, overwhelming the border and spilling into the South Western United States. Military forces were deployed to the border with orders to shoot on sight, however the sheer number of bodies proved too strong and the refugees flooded the into the United States. A great feat to perform in the best of times, the U.S. was in no position to deal with this sudden influx and was forced to settle for setting up large camps to house the refugees away from American cities and towns for the sake of maintaining the peace. Meanwhile on its Southern border, Mexico itself collapsed into little more than a coalition of militias.

After control was reestablished, the United States found itself lacking the industrial support of its overseas allies, and was on the very edge of collapse. Desperate to become more self-sufficient as well as rebuild its ruined cities, America experienced a heavy shift from a service based economy to an industrial one. Making use of the sudden influx of cheap labor in the form of Mexican refugees, the United States set to work reclaiming and rebuilding its coastal cities. As a result, for the next twelve years of heavy reconstruction the American economy boomed, to the point of allowing it to establish a modest military of its own again while still supporting the forces that it had signed over to the UN. However, in 2030, the reconstruction finished. Suddenly the United States economy, which had built itself around the rebuilding of its cities, plummeted into a massive recession as nearly 22% of its population found itself unemployed within the span of a few months despite attempts to channel the industrial workers into other fields. This blow to the United States economy has yet to balance itself out, and while the United States is still one of the more powerful nations in the world, its economy is among the worst and is desperate for jobs.

This economic downturn was a major shock to the Canadian economy as well. As a result of Second Impact flooding that never truly receded, as well as increased rainfall, much of Canada has become wet marshland. Prompting a major changeover to wetland crops, Canada supported itself post-impact through massive food exports to still-devastated regions of the world, though its primary buyers was always the United States to the South (whose own agricultural capability was dealt a massive blow by the Yellowstone ash cloud, even with Incubator support.) When the American economy crashed, Canada desperately sought out other buyers. However, the UN’s tight control over both sea and air travel made such exports prohibitively expensive.

While intertwined, the United States and Canada provide two very different halves of the North American Union. The United States is known for is fantastically reclaimed and rebuilt cities, especially on the East Coast. Rebuilt almost from scratch with modern technology, aesthetics, and Incubator support, many of these cities are near representations of certain “cities of the future” depicted by Pre-Impact visionaries. Only important landmarks of the various cities have been spared, instead being restored to something approaching their original appearance when possible. Despite rampant unemployment, the States has gone through great efforts to keep the streets of its great cities clean of unnecessary refuse, including the homeless. However, the farther you travel from one of these cities the more obvious the effect of the United States economic situation is. All of the homeless and poor that would be normally expected in the cities have been instead forcibly removed to towns or camps on the edges of the suburbs. While encouraged by the government to form self-sufficient farming communities where possible, these areas serve as a primary recruitment pool for government funded manual labor and its small but growing military force.


The atmosphere of the United States is very much one of enforced patriotism and optimism, though amounts of both decrease the farther you get from the pristine cities. Canada, on the other hand, adapted to the results of Second Impact rather than recovered from it. Many Canadian cities have been reclaimed, but have been rebuilt piece by piece over time by the cheapest means available as opposed to the United States massive reconstructive push. Both more rural and more liberal than the present-day United States, Canada has been forced recently to request that the United States tighten its security on its northern border as poor Americans continue to flow into Canada looking for work. Canada is unable to perform such an action itself, lacking any substantial military force of its own after the signing of the Valentine Treaty. It is likely that if Canada and the United States were not so co-dependent that Canadian resources would be under threat of seizure by force from their Southern neighbor. Perhaps luckily for the world, recent Angel attacks have also kept the once greatest world power in check. Forced to focus its efforts on anti-Angel technology and the defense of its cities, rather than expansion and resource plundering from other weaker countries in order to return the great power to its former glory.


Current United Nations (UN) Profile:
Previously a decision making body rather than a power in its own right, post-ratification of the Valentine Treaty; the United Nations of 2029 is unlike anything that could have been expected before the traumas of Second Impact and Angel invasions. With the signing of the Valentine Treaty, the United Nations gained control of the major military assets of many of its member nations, including Russia, China and the United States. With this combined military power it was more than capable of establishing order in chaotic regions by force, and forming a token resistance to Angel threats. However, who exactly has this power is a matter of some debate.

The United Nations Secretariat Building and the UN headquarters built around it were lost with the rest of New York City during the Second Impact. Between this critical loss and the ensuing battles against the Angels that engulfed the planet, the decision making body that used to be the UN did not officially meet until the signing of the Valentine Treaty, by which time the UN itself was already acting independently. While the United Nations is undisputedly still a multinational organization, exactly how it survived through Second Impact and the Angels to achieve its current power is far from clear. Nevertheless, even armed with decade old weaponry from a dozen different countries, the United Nations still represents the dominant military and economic power in the post Second Impact world.

In addition to this military power, the United Nations maintains a stringent regulation of overseas transportation that adds to its influence and power. Post-Valentine Treaty, the United Nations has the only official navy left on the planet, made up of ships forfeited by its member nations. While initially of little worth due to a lack of standardized resources and ammunition, this previously engorged navy has since been reduced to a much more manageable size and its ammunitions requirements standardized for better resource management. This navy leaves the United Nations the masters of the sea, and they may restrict its use as much as they wish. That said, many can and do travel outside the UN regulated waters, but at their own peril. With equally strict UN regulation of air travel, many previously flown resources are forced to travel by sea instead, which has resulted in an increase in pirate activity. While the UN takes efforts to find and eliminate these pirate elements, they make use of them to punctuate the importance of using UN regulated trade lanes.

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Zauber Overview
Zauber Overview
Zauber is a paramilitary special agency nominally under the control of the United Nations. Zauber's purpose is to lead the defense of mankind against the Angels through use of the MADOs which they receive from the Incubators to maintain, equip, and support. Officially Zauber is a private organization under the direct supervision of the United Nations with limited authority over local administration, and to an extent United Nations military forces. However, Zauber is essentially an independent organization from the United Nations apart from matters of funding. As a result of conventional military forces' inability to defeat Angels, the effort to combat them is often left at the discretion of Zauber's highest ranking personnel without direct external interference. The organization is best and most publicly known for the MADO Pilot program which includes the selection, acquirement, and training of pilots for combat against the Angels.


Zauber HQ Overview
Zauber HQ is currently located in the mountains South of NORAD Strategic Command in Colorado, USA. The HQ building is located 500 meters below surface level, a mid-way point between it and it's bottom section. This is a GeoFront, one of several underground domes naturally formed into the ground by outside forces. Zauber HQ is a pyramid shaped building residing in the center of the GeoFront.

To it's south is a large opening in the ground, known as Central Dogma, which leads to the bottom of the GeoFront. To the west is a large (roughly 90 Square miles) man-made lake. It houses one island 1 nautical mile off the coast which is used for MADO training, and is off limits to civilians at all times. It is considered a level 2 area. To the East of HQ is a small city (Zauber City), designed to house the majority of Zauber staff (overflow for extra staff is provided in Colorado Springs). To the north of HQ is the primary entrance to the GeoFront, the railyard. There is a roughly half mile exclusion zone around HQ, with only one footpath in and one footpath out. Any vehicle approaching the fence from any direction will be considered hostile. In the case of emergency, this entrance will be closed off and any attempt to force the door open will result in detainment, arrest, or possible execution.

The entrance to HQ is almost the size of a football stadium, allowing for a large mass of people to enter through. The entrance is made up of two sections, the guard booths and the Security wall. The guard booths are manned booths, with armed guards. They are the first line of defense to HQ, with the right to close the blast shield at any time. There are 24 guard booths, allowing for expedient entrance to the facility. Past this is the Wall. Concrete bunkers with firing slits where On-Site Control (OSC) can fire at nearly every inch of the entrance. The main doors to HQ are flanked by these bunkers, each equipped with a M61 Vulcan rotary barrel cannon, designed to destroy armored vehicles approaching HQ.

Zauber City is a collection of apartments, convenience stores, grocery stores, and restaurants. Every building is considered property of Zauber and does not require a warrant for investigations. In the case of an attack from an enemy army, OSC will deploy units to slow or destroy enemy forces before they can get through the city. It, like any city, has a wide collective of support and non-Zauber personnel. Pilots who choose to live off base will find themselves lodged in an apartment complex here. It is considered the best place to keep the pilots for the sake of disrupting their personal lives as little as possible, but in the case of an emergency, there are dormitories in HQ for them. Zauber City has a homeless problem, nearly all of them members of the organization that have fallen from grace.

The rail-yard is the only entrance to the GeoFront. It connects to both Colorado Springs and a series of helipads and runways on the surface level. No train runs directly to the command structure, instead going to the far side of the city. The trains run through the day and night, never ceasing their service.

The Training Island is seven miles wide and ten miles long, considered a rather recent addition to the facility. It is man-made, just like the lake. It has connections to the main facilities MADO cages to allow for direct deployment to the training island. There is also a land bridge to allow for driving VIP's to the island for demonstrations. It is also where new technology and gear are tested on a MADO unit.

Zauber Command Structure Overview
The facility has two command layers; one for Combat Operations and one for Peacetime Operations. Each is control by the OCS and SCS respectively depending on the situation. In most situations the SCS is in command of running the PCC and all operations relating to it. Their primary purpose being management of basic staff, facility management, functionality, and internal security. During combat or emergencies this control is handed over to the OCS. Their primary purpose being battle tracking and management, MADO employment, and Angel engagement.

Combat operations are run by the Operations Combat Staff (OCS), headed by the Operations Officer (OO). Staff personnel of note include Combat Technician Analysts (CTAs), Sync Board Specialists (SBSs), MADO Pilots, and U.S. military liaisons.

Peacetime operations are somewhat jointly run by the Site Command Staff (SCS) and Technology Department (TD); headed by the On-Site Control Staff Commander (OSCSC) and Technology Department Director (TDD). However final authorization authority and control is given to the OSCSC. Personnel of note include On-Site Control Operatives (OSCOs), Special Investigations Task Force Officers (SITFOs), scientist, engineers, basic staff, and the Nero-Science Officer (NSO).

On-Site Control Operatives Overview
The OSCOs are a selection of U.S veterans, U.S service men and women, and civilian contractors hired by Zauber to provide internal security. At any time they may perform an inspection of persons, carry bags, and vehicles, regardless of badge or security clearance. Refusal to follow commands from an OSCO will result in detainment, arrest, or possible execution. These individuals have Level 3 Clearance.


Special Investigations Task Force Officers

The SITFOs are a selection of former U.S FBI, CIA, and uniquely qualified individuals hired by Zauber to provide external force and security. Their duties include; intelligence gathering, security and monitoring of Pilot's outside of Zauber facilities, investigations of crimes committed to or by Zauber employees and Pilots, and recruitment/investigations of potential employees and Pilots. Refusal to follow directions or answer questions from a SITFO will result in detainment, arrest, or possible execution. These individuals have Level 3 Clearance.

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Massive Aura Development Organism Overview
Massive Aura Development Organism (MADO)


Although the weapons of the Incubators appear to be giant humanoid robots, the MADO are actually cyborgs integrating a mostly biological being with a substantial mechanical infrastructure and flexible polymer sheathing and armor plating. But like the Angels, their real defense is the Aura Tirtha Field (AT-Field). AT-Fields are almost invulnerable to conventional weaponry, but can be neutralized by a MADO's summoned weapon, allowing MADOs to fight the Angels with greater effectiveness than even the mightiest of humanity's conventional armies and weapons.

Entry Plug:
The entry plugs are long, cylindrical structures with rounded ends which contain the cockpits for the MADOs. A pilot enters a plug through a hatch in its center; once the hatch is
sealed an airtight environment is created within the MADO. The internal environment of the MADO conforms to each individual Pilots preference of temperature, air quality, and smell. Each MADO has a socket in a cervical vertebra in its upper spine, covered by a retractable plate; the entry plug is inserted into this socket, the hatch closes, and pilot control of the MADO is established. Newer MADO have had their plugs heavily armored and equipped with parachutes and rockets to aid in an escape from a lost battle against an Angel.

Soul Gem:
The Soul Gems are the primary energy source used to power MADO, allowing it to stay operational indefinitely. The small hand sized gem is located in the solar plexus region of the MADO inside a large spherical organ of the same color of the Soul Gem. Despite attempts, the Soul Gem and Incubation Organ it is inside of, cannot be removed from the MADO or moved to a different area of it's body without causing severe harm to the Pilot. Destruction of the Soul Gem leads to deactivation of the MADO and the death of the Pilot. The emotional state of the Pilot has significant effect on the Soul Gem and it's synchronization with the MADO. The exact science (or magic) behind the synchronization with the Pilot, Soul Gem, and MADO are primary research interests for Zauber.

MADO Types
Light Frame MADO:
Structural Integrity (Health): 30
Upgrade slots: 6
Armor Level 1: 1 meter of plate armor on head 3, meters on chest, 2 meters on rest of body.
Max speed: 145 MPH in ideal conditions.

Description: The light frame MADO is meant to be used for scouting, skirmish, and mobile combat. It is the fastest MADO type, but is wearing next to no armor. This was the original MADO variant gifted to humanity and has an infamously high mortality rate. These MADO move quicker then any other MADO Type, but are "fragile" and are more easily knocked out. However lack of armor allows for more upgrades to be installed onto the MADO, making it more of a walking tech prototype rather then a straight combat unit. Additionally it is the easiest and most "natural" MADO to pilot.


Medium Frame MADO
Structural Integrity (Health): 75
Upgrade Slots: 4
Armor Level 2: 6 meters of plate armor on head, 5 meters armor on chest, 4 meters on rest of body.
Max Speed: 95 MPH in Ideal conditions.

Description: The Medium Frame MADO was made after the first generation of Pilots defeated the first Angels. After billions were spent in research and development; humanity was able to provide the machines of the Incubators with greater defenses and increased Pilot survivability. It is designed to be the catch all, jack-of-all trades combat suit with the ideal balance in armor and maneuverability. These units can stay in the fight much longer than the Light Frames; however they are described by Pilots as "awkward and clumsy." Few Pilots can use they units with anything close to approaching "grace" and MADO on MADO combat trials have shown almost any Light Frame Unit Pilot can easily beat a Medium Frame Unit Pilot in close combat. Despite this; most Angels engagements do not require fineness and precise movements. Making the Medium Frame the mainline combat unit and most widely used MADO type.


Heavy Frame MADO
Structural Integrity (Health): 120
Upgrade Slots: Two
Armor Level 4: 8 meters of plate armor on the head, 9 meters on chest, 7 meters everywhere else. (Half damage to wide area effecting attacks)
Max speed: 40 MPH in ideal conditions (Runs the risk of losing balance when moving at top speed)

Description: The Heavy Frame was the response to Berlin-Angel combat 55, where all primary MADO were destroyed within the first ten minutes of engagement. This accounted for the loss of seven MADO units and their Pilots. The heavy frame was developed to combat and survive against an Angel for an extended period of time, but were still capable of deploying and supporting Medium and Light Frame MADO. The thicker titanium-tungsten steel of their armor plating, mixed with ceramic anti-heat plates makes them capable of withstanding a greater deal of both physical and energy based attacks, creating a living tank. However, the MADO's biological components were never meant to hold this much weight and as such it pays the price with it's speed and maneuverability; the unit cannot even run with risk of falling. The heavy frame additionally sticks out like a sore thumb on a hand that has no other fingers; leaving the unit too wide to hide behind or maneuver effectively around most buildings and even some natural terrain. Testing at Mercury Site showed that it can withstand several Nuclear blasts, 10 kilotons in ordnance per bomb, and lose little combat efficiency.


Research and Development
Zauber is constantly trying to improve the MADO with various upgrades. These upgrades do require signification funding for installation however, the OO may spend Funding Allocations (FAs) to upgrade the MADO. At the start of game-play the OO receives 2 FA for every active MADO in their control. More FAs are received for completion of missions involving MADO and/or Pilots, stopping Angel attacks, and acquiring more funding from outside resources. FA can be taken away or lowered from failed missions, severe destruction to cities during an Angel attack, and costs to repair damaged MADO.

Players may have their characters request a certain MADO type during start of game-play, and request specific upgrades to the MADO further on. However, all final decisions regarding MADO development are with the OO. Unless of course a Pilot has the Sponsor Asset; in which case they start game-play with their preferred MADO type and may spend 6 FA on their MADO immediately.

MADO Upgrades

Cost: 1 Funding Allocation (FA)
Effect: The MADO has been equipped with a short-burst, high energy rocket thruster, useful for propelling the MADO upwards a fair distance. (Can only be equipped by the Light and Medium Frames)

Drag Brakes:
Cost: 2 FA
Effect: Sections of the MADO’s armor are designed to flip up at a moment’s notice, slowing it during a fall. (Can only be equipped by the Light and Medium Frames)

Unrestrained Jaw:
Cost: 6 FA
The MADO's powerful jaw and fierce fangs can be used to bite through an AT-Field.

Acid Blood:
Cost: 6 FA
The MADO's blood is a corrosive acid that can burn through an AT-Field.

Ablative Absorbers:
Cost: 14 FA
Effect: The MADO is outfitted with a complex but fragile system of shock absorbers, high energy capacitors and ablative structural supports. This system may absorb and negate the damage from any one area effect or instance of falling damage, no matter how much damage that attack would have done. It always absorbs the first possible attack that overcomes the MADO's AT-Field, and afterward is rendered useless until it can be repaired and vital parts replaced. (Can only be equipped by the Heavy Frames)

Ablative Shield:
Cost: 8 FA
Effect: The MADO is granted an advanced armor plate of ablative armor, grafted to their arm. This shield may absorb and negate the damage from any one non-area of effect attack to the MADO if it has time to block the attack. The shield has a Structural Integrity of 15 for Light Units, 20 for Medium Units, and 25 for Heavy Units.

Cost: 8 FA
Effect: A series of small missiles carrying harpoons attached to high-tensile cable have seen installed in the MADO's torso. The MADO may now Climb.
In addition, the MADO may choose to fire these Anchors at the ground or at an enemy. If fired at the ground the MADO is rooted in place and only the most extreme of forces would move them against their will. If fired at a specific enemy, the MADO is tethered to the target.

Coolant Vent:
Cost: 3 FA
Effect: The MADO diverts coolant and purges it, flushing the outside of its body with inert and super cooled gases. This easily puts out fires, and can possible damage an Angel with no AT-Field.

Dynamic Balancers:
Cost: 20 FA
Effect: The MADO is equipped with a dedicated balance and control system, making the MADO able to take extremely dexterous actions that were previously impossible. Light Frames can the ability to dodge any melee attack two times in a single combat. Medium Frames can now be controlled with the finesse of a Light Frame and can sprint with the same speed as a Light Frame (however this may cause some structural damage). Heavy frames can run without the risk of falling over and control with only slightly more difficulty than a Medium Frame.

Eject Limb:
Cost: 5 FA
Effect: The MADO is designed to jettison damaged parts when they impede the MADO's functions. The Pilot can choose one arm or one leg to jettison. While this does deny the MADO future use of that limb until repaired, this ability can be useful for removing dangerously infected areas, and additionally may be done to automatically escape from a Grapple. (Can only be equipped by the Light and Medium Frames)

Escape Plan:
Cost: 3 FA
Effect: The MADO was built to prioritize the safe removal of the Pilot in the event of a terrible malfunction, a useful feature in combat as well. The Pilot, or OO of this MADO may attempt to eject the Entry Plug. Shooting from the MADO with attached rockets and parachuting to safety.

Natural Weapon:
Cost: 6 FA
Effect: The MADO’s biology is alters to unlock a primitive form of melee attack. This natural weapon goes through AT-Fields to some degree, and often take the form of claws or a spiked tail.

Winged Form:
Cost: 25 FA
Effect: The MADO can sprout glowing, insectile, translucent wings. This, in addition to allowing the MADO to fly at a speed equal to their land speed, also acts as a powerful A.T. Field extending array and allowing it to pick up an additional MADO unit to fly along side it. If a Heavy Frame MADO unit is chosen to be taken, the Winged MADO's flight speed is reduced by half. (Can only be equipped by the Light Frames)
Active Camouflage:
Cost: 15 FA
Effect: The MADO's armor has been coated with a reactive substance that changes color depending on what electrical frequency is running through it at the time. This can be used to help your MADO temporarily match the color of its surroundings, greatly enhancing its stealth capabilities.

White Noise Generators:
Cost: 5 FA
Effect: The joints of the MADO have been outfitted with a subtle but powerful white noise generation system, softening the noise created by your movement and footfalls, enhancing stealth.

Enhanced Targeting/Visual Array:
Cost 6 FA
Effect: Increase the accuracy of all ranged weapons for the MADO, and allows for additional information on the target to be displayed, assuming that Zauber had seen something similar and been able to collect data. Allows for better accuracy at range as well with obviously no use in melee combat. Can also be used to transfer target data to military units on the same system, allowing for more accurate fire support. Additionally upgrades the MADO visuals to include thermal and hyperspectral imaging.

Hold Out Weapon:
Cost 4 FA
Effect: Gives the MADO an electrical shock weapon in one of its arms, allowing for the MADO to deliver a high voltage/high amp shock to a target to help escape a grapple from an angel attack. This form of attack usually only leaves an Angel dazed for a moment or two, just enough time to slip away from it. Allows for an automatic escape from a grapple if the effected arm can be used to make contact, but deals no damage.

Over-clocked Actuators:
Cost: 8 FA
Effect: Allows the MADO's arm systems to go into a state of overdrive, allowing for stronger arm strength. The system is on the fragile side, however, and burns out after only a few uses, depending on the MADO type. Allows the MADO to automatically succeed at one action that requires strength, be it grappling with an Angel or lifting the MADO up over a ledge, however it must cool off for some time after each use and can be broken. Even if the system can handle multiple uses during deployment, it does not mean they can be used in quick succession.

Morning Doves:
Cost: 10 FA
Effect: Retrofits a MADO with a shoulder mounted launcher, about the size of a compact car, that launches an 190 decibel sound emitting disk (an airplane engine is at 118 decibels). This disk will travel at 145/mph, while emitting a high frequency shriek. This shriek is a recording of the same wavelength sounds picked up by Angels and recorded by MADO units, then altered in a computer to sound randomly at higher and lower frequencies, sometime distracting an Angel for a few minutes at a time. The system is far from fool proof, with some Angels simply ignoring the device and others following nearly ever disk fired. (Can only be equipped by the Medium Frames)
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In-Game Acronyms
In-Game Acronyms
Aura Tirtha Field (AT-Field)
Apocalyptic Causing Information (ACI)
Combat Technician Analyst (CTA)
For Your Eyes Only (FYEO)
Heavy Frame Massive Aura Development Organism (HF-MADO)
Light Frame Massive Aura Development Organism (LF-MADO)
Massive Aura Development Organism (MADO)
Medium Frame Massive Aura Development Organism (MF-MADO)
Nero-Science Officer (NSO)
North American Union (NAU)
On-Site Control (OSC)
On-Site Control Operative (OSCO)
On-Site Control Staff Commander (OSCSC)
Operations Combat Staff (OCS)
Operations Officer (OO)
Primary Command Center (PCC)
Respectfully Controlled Information (RCI)
Safe For Public Disclosure (SFPD)
Site Command Staff (SCS)
Special Investigations Task Force (SITF)
Special Investigations Task Force Officer (SITFO)
Sync Board Specialist (SBS)
Technology Department (TD)
Technology Department Director (TDD)
Uniquely Menacing Enlightenment (UME)
In-Game Classification and Clearance Guide
In-Game Classification and Clearance Guide
Level 1: SFPD (Safe For Public Disclosure)
Description: Information release will not harm Zauber in any foreseeable manner. Meant for public consumption. Requirements for clearance; no serious criminal or foreign entity ties. Individuals may tour Level 1 Zauber facilities with tour guides. (Often used for family members of Pilots while visiting facilities.)

Level 2: RCI (Respectfully Controlled Information)
Description: Information release could cause harm to Zauber. Meant to protect private information of Pilots, and personnel. Requirements for clearance; employment or Pilot ranking in Zauber. Individuals are cleared for most Zauber facilities without escort. (70% of Zauber staff have this clearance.)

Level 3: UME (Uniquely Menacing Enlightenment)
Description: Information release would severally damage Zauber personnel and organizational structure. Meant to protect; tactics, procedures, Pilots, MADO, and higher command personnel. Requirements for clearance; uniquely skill and trusted Pilots, scientists and engineers, OCS, OSC, SCS, SITF. (Primarily used for anything regarding MADO or Pilot safety and employment.

Level 4: ACI (Apocalyptic Causing Information)
Description: Information release could destroy Zauber or drastically reduce likelihood of humanity's survival. Meant to protect [Redacted] Requirements for clearance; trusted and proven OO, OSCSC, TDD, NSO.

Level 5: FYEO (For Your Eyes Only)
Description: [Redacted} Requirements for clearance; Commander of Zauber, Deputy Commander of Zauber. Unique need to know situations for humanity's continued survival.

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