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Fandom The Batteries CS

Name & Age: Katya (Kat) Kovalenko, 17
DOB 2/06/2019

Gender & Race: Female, Caucasian/Slavic (Ukranian-American background)

Height & Weight: 5'0", 102 lbs

Physical Description: Short, thin and a looker. Katya draws the attention of most men in the area and is often the first hard crush for some of her peers. She has a mature, well rounded face with sharply feminine features. Slender neck and this shoulders, low BMI, an overly developed chest, thin waist, good hips, and slender legs. The overall highest complicity for feminine grace and charm. Her hair was changed in two fashions after becoming a Magical Girl, both turning a pale green in color and receiving two 'drills' on the sides of her head, not unlike pigtails. Her eyes are a natural reddish-brown, a T12 on the Martin Scale.
Her primary plug suit color matches her hair, white secondary color, and gray for fine detail.

Personal/Family History: Mother passed away at age 3, Father/Daughter relationship strained after short period of physical/sexual abuse. Father is still alive, however. Katya's family moved to the US immediately after her birth, meaning she grew up with the local dialect and little to no accent. Her parents suffered from a strained relationship, her Father was a nervous man and lacked self-confidence, while her Mother had always been the one with the spine in the family, however she struggled with severe depressive disorders and several public exposures of poor behavior as both a parent and a woman. After a particularly nasty fight with her husband, she attempted and succeeded at a suicide attempt. Her life continued as normal for a few years, moving closer and closer to Zauber HQ as her Father accepted jobs around the US, until he was finally given a coding job at Zauber HQ. During this time, he became more reclusive and short-tempered until he finally hit a snapping point and took advantage of his daughter under the premise of needing 'emotional support and human comfort'. This situation resolved itself in two short weeks as Zauber removed her from her home and gave her temporary domicile off base until her status as a pilot was confirmed. Katya ,during all this, was going to school and was a B Average student and much more of a social butterfly, trying to move on from that event and continue with a normal life, to the best of her ability.

Personality/Psychological Profile: Outgoing and talkative, she usually finds common ground with nearly anyone who comes into contact with her, striving to create and maintain social contracts with several people. She has a natural knack for remembering things other people say, either out of empathetic tendency or just a high capacity to recall minute details. She is very distrusting of adult men, usually seeking to avoid their company altogether. She has a natural inability to teach other people things and is often considered over-critical about other people performance, but has the tact to keep these feelings to herself. Still, if a line is crossed or the right button pushed, this will come out as an avalanche of critique for the other individual and this anger can be easily redirected towards others. She can take hours to calm down but struggles to hold a grudge. She suffers from a sort of hyper-sexual disorder, a rare disorder contracted by women who have been sexually assaulted or abused in some complicity. She prefers women when it comes to her own sexual desires and will openly flirt with women of nearly any age, with an obvious distaste for the elderly in a sexual manner. She is not overtly hostile to boys her own age but shows little interest in them outside of casual conversation. In dire circumstances she has a tendency to become volatile and make poor decisions. If she knows she's in the wrong after a decision she will admit guilt and show remorse. She is rather well rounded mentally after everything that has happened, but can be triggered in close proximity to adult men or talk of her Mother. She has seemingly taken a deep interest in the military, citing she admires the bravery and discipline that it instills in people. This adulation has led her to develop towards a career in the military along with a hidden hobby of military knowledge and paraphernalia. However, this interest could be seen just as readily as her wanting both a built in support structure for herself as well as her seeking something she can use to define herself outside of her sexuality.

The Wish that makes Your Soul Gem shine: Wish for a Talent/Skill (Firearms). Her love of all things military made her wish to be a more capable marksmen, hoping to be able to assist in other capacities outside of her MADO. Weapon is musket with bayonet. Magic is Celestial.

Assets & Drawbacks:

Love Me (+2 Corruption) -20 Depth
Damaged Goods (Permanent 25 Corruption) -15 Depth

Captivating +5 Depth
Military Nut (+1 Strength, +1 Mind) +10 Depth
Driven (Strength +1) +15 Depth
Extrovert +5 Depth

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 3

Heart: 4

Mind: 5

A.T. Field: 25

Mana Pool: 40

Corruption: 25


Short Written Introduction:
Katya was never the tallest but she had come to terms with that. Her body had matured faster then many of her classmates, not only in her elegant face, with it's sharp features, but also in her sizeable bust. Her thin frame was set off by her womanly proportions but in a way that made her seem more like a model then a high school girl. Despite the obvious maturity of her figure, she was only 17, though many times people thought she was perhaps 18 or 19.

She could be singled out from any crowd with ease on account of her pale green hair. She stood out even more, literally to the left and right, thanks to the twin drill-like ponytails that dangled from the sides of her head. She gave a pleasent aura, like a calm meadow. Any boy that entered was greeted with a soft smile, a casual and wordless hello. And any girl was met with a wide smile and roving eyes, learning everything she could about the physical form of any potential suitors. Her large and expressive eyes enhancing just how probing her hunger was.

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Theme song:

Heavy Frame
Health: 120

Cost: -1 Magic Points/ + Corruption Points to Summon; -4 Magic Points/ +2 Corruption Points to Shoot
Damage: 10 (energy yield ~46 GJ)
Range: Unknown (Beyond current methods of measurement)
Speed: ~200km/s
Closest Human Weapon Comparison: Plasma Railgun/ GBU-43
Assessed Collateral Damage per Shoot in City: Mild

Enhanced Targeting/Visual Array
Effect: Increase the accuracy of all ranged weapons for the MADO, and allows for additional information on the target to be displayed, assuming that Zauber had seen something similar and been able to collect data. Allows for better accuracy at range as well with obviously no use in melee combat. Can also be used to transfer target data to military units on the same system, allowing for more accurate fire support. Additionally upgrades the MADO visuals to include thermal and hyperspectral imaging.

Ablative Absorbers
Effect: The MADO is outfitted with a complex but fragile system of shock absorbers, high energy capacitors and ablative structural supports. This system may absorb and negate the damage from any one area effect or instance of falling damage, no matter how much damage that attack would have done. It always absorbs the first possible attack that overcomes the MADO's AT-Field, and afterward is rendered useless until it can be repaired and vital parts replaced. (Can only be equipped by the Heavy Frames)

Celestial Magic
Level Three Spell
Droplets of Light:

Cost: -7 Magic Points/ +3 Corruption Points
Description: The MADO can summon a heavenly rainstorm that heals other MADO within 300ft if the casting MADO. The water from the rain has a complex and little understood chemical and radiological make up. The liquid even glows with a soft light. All MADO that are hit by the strange droplets are healed a quarter of their health; the casting MADO is not healed by their own spell. The storm lasts for two minutes and during that time the casting MADO cannot move.

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Name: Warren Novack

Age: 16

Birthdate: September 9

Gender: Male

Height & Weight: 5'9"/160 lbs

Physical Description: Warren is far from the friendliest person in the world, everything about how he looked seemed to be designed to keep everyone at a distance. His black hair is wild and messy, seemingly unkempt beyond the most basic of combing down and flattening it atop his head, his gray eyes seem to glare out at the world as if he was staring daggers at everyone he met, while his mouth seemed to never quite leave the scowl that was probably a permanent feature by this point. He carries himself with utter disregard to anyone else's opinion of him, often times coming off as cocky or disrespectful. Warren stands slightly taller than average and remains in good shape, though his thin build detracts from that somewhat. His upper torso carries a number of scars, the majority of which are thin, clean, and precise, hinting at past surgeries, though a fair few are a fair bit rougher and are more than likely from fights the boy has gotten himself into. A set of small metal ports seem to rest on his upper back, lining his spine, while other implants can be seen beneath the skin of his back when he shifts and bends, jutting out ever so slightly like a series of tumors or growths just beneath the surface.

Personal/Family History: Many people talk of Second Impact as if it was one singular event. While it is true that the 'meteor impact' nearly wiped out humanity all by itself, reconstruction did not start immediately after the end. What spawned in the aftermath was a long series of wars and battles and mankind struggled to pick up the pieces and survive by whatever means necessary. There is no place on Earth that was not marred by human conflict of some kind. Warren's father was a soldier, fighting for his nation in this time of conflict, and though he barely remembers it, as a child he was dragged from refugee camp to refugee camp by his father as he sought a safe place for his son to stay until things could finally return to normal. When his father died in combat, and with his mother dead long earlier as one of the first victims of Second Impact, Warren was left to fend for himself in the slums of still recovering cities.

As one of many lost and forgotten children, it was astonishingly easy for Durandal, an American military contracting company, to snatch the boy up, among many others, to be used in their Paladin program. With MADOs in such short supply, and fear of the ever growing Angel threat, the US was eager to find other potential alternative projects to Zauber and their Incubator sponsors. Durandal was one of these alternatives. Promising mass produced war machines that would not match a MADO pound for pound in terms of power, would not need magically attuned pilots, and still carry all the agility and dexterity of the MADOs, combating Angels through massed firepower rather than the magical scalpel that was a MADO unit. Durandal was given the freedom to do whatever was required to further their project, including the kidnapping of easily molded and manipulated children in what was essentially a child soldier program. After all, Zauber was essentially doing the same thing, and by snatching up street urchins, really, Durandal was just helping to clean up the streets.

Lacking the full knowledge and capabilities that Zauber had, Durandal relied on less elegant methods, preferring quantity over Zauber's quality. With a large pool of manpower easily accessible, the training regimes of the Paladins was tough, almost cruel even. Warren himself wasn't even one of Durandal's better 'products', falling more into the average category. When Durandal attempted to mimic the seamless control of MADO units by designing a crude mind-machine interface, Warren found himself as one of many testers for the prototype machines. Subjected to a number of surgeries for implants and the like, when the day came for actual testing, the MMI was found to be a complete and utter failure. The MMI was found to kill the vast majority of its users through brain hemorrhaging, the survivors escaping with chronic headaches and a susceptibility to bleed from their nose, ears, and eyes that can be triggered by physical or mental stress. It was here when an Incubator found Warren, struggling to fight through the pain of the test, and clinging to life. He made an entirely selfish wish to live, to be taken away from here. His wish was granted, but not without consequences. He still suffers from the side effects of being a survivor, and finds himself with Zauber instead of Durandal, the Paladin program being shut down and all assets taken by various other government entities. There was never a chance for Warren to be saved, and he continues to find himself in a position where he must fight to survive.

Personality/Psychological Profile: It'd be rather simple to describe Warren in just a handful of words. Sarcastic, cynical, and misanthropic, Warren not the easiest person to get along with. His experiences at Durandal have left him rather jaded and distrusting of people in general, and as such he prefers to keep his distance. Not necessarily physically, but emotionally. He's entirely capable of holding a conversation, if you're willing to put up with him for some reason, but everything about him is designed to keep people at arm's length, tending to deflect personal questions with sarcastic remarks and flat out attempting to drive people away if they insist on digging. He enforces manner of controlled disdain, keeping a tight hold on his emotions and only ever showing a sculpted face of his own design, and he views any lapse in this as a sign of weakness in himself, something that cannot be tolerated. Even so, it can be rather easy to push Warren into doing something, if you know which buttons to push. Warren has a slight competitive streak, often eager to show himself off as better than other people. It's less arrogance, and more a drive to prove something to someone.

The Wish that makes Your Soul Gem shine: Wish for Something Temporary

Assets & Drawbacks:

Damaged Goods
Depth value: -20
Effect: The pilot has already suffered a traumatic and bloody tragedy that has left them deeply scarred. Begin play with 25 Corruption. Your Corruption can never purify below 25.

Every Magical Girl for Herself
Depth value: -10
Effect: The character suffers from an incredible lack of trust in... well everyone and everything, human, Magical girl, or alien...which is not entirely undeserved. -2 Heart

Depth Value: -15
Effect: You feel very, very, confident about who you are; and about how great, amazing and perfect you are. Whenever this is in question is proven wrong by anyone, you are insulted and take +3 Corruption.

Depth: -15
Effect: The female physiology is better at producing the magic to fuel a Soul Gem. You were not born with this physiology, but still managed to catch the eye of the Incubator. There is an exception to every rule and you are one of them... for better or worst. Every point in Heart is lowered to +7 in the magic pool instead of the standard +10. However gain +1 to Strength.

There is Only War
Depth Value: -5
Effect: The Magical Girl was not born and raised as an innocent child; but trained and forged as a child soldier. This character is forced to perceive most subjects or situations in a military context, such as suspecting that simple bad luck may be enemy action, or that the person before you is probably a spy. Everyday normal activates of their peer group often confuse them. -1 to Heart.


Depth Value: +20
Effect: Your time as a Magical Girl has shown you some horrors, and you have decided to cast off any illusions about what you are or the nature of the work you do. Upon reaching 50 Corruption points your Purification is not half; upon reaching 75 you can still purify as normal.

Military Nut
Depth Value: +10
Effect: You are obsessed with wars, war games, and the machines of wars. Your knowledge of modern weaponry is so great in fact, your voice and opinions are respected when planning for missions involving the military. Not to mention you even PT on the weekends. +1 Strength and Mind.

Depth Value: +15
Effect: You have some prior experience with combat, and have fought battles outside of a MADO before coming to Zauber. +2 Strength and Dexterity.

Depth Value: +15
Effect: The pilot is in a unique position where they and their MADO are backed by a party outside of Zauber. While this does mean that Zauber does not have to pay for them or its repairs, it also means that Zauber has less control over how those resources are spent. The player decides what upgrades can go into their MADO's slots. At the start game-play they begin with their preferred MADO type and may spend 6 FA on their MADO immediately. This Asset requires special permission to be purchased from the GM. Only one player can have this Asset.

Break In
Depth Value: +5
Effect: So maybe it’s not exactly “legal”, but there is a lot you can learn from desperate criminals while living on the street. The Magical Girl can pick the locks of any non-military or equally secured facility. +1 Dex.

Final Stats:

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 5
Heart: 2
Mind: 5

AT-Field: 25
Magic: 14
Corruption: 25

Code Name: CHELA
Cost: -2 Magic Points, +1 Corruption Points to Summon Shield
Damage Of Shield: 3
Description of Weapon: A surprisingly effective MADO weapon with excellent offensive and defensive uses. Worn on the forearm of the MADO they can be used to block attacks and strike with a bladed end that can effectively pierce AT-Fields. Most minor attacks from Angels can be parried with the shield, more powerful attacks can be blocked, limiting damage.

Teleportation Magic
Level 1 Spell
Flash Step:

Cost: -4 Magic Points/ +3 Corruption Points
Description: The MADO can instantly teleport 120ft in front of itself or behind itself. Effective for surprising and Angel with an attack or dodging a strike. If the MADO teleports into matter however it damages the internal integrity of the MADO depending on the density of the matter.

Mado Type: Medium Frame
Health: 75
FA: 12

Cost: 1 Funding Allocation (FA)
Effect: The MADO has been equipped with a short-burst, high energy rocket thruster, useful for propelling the MADO upwards a fair distance. (Can only be equipped by the Light and Medium Frames)

Natural Weapon:
Cost: 6 FA
Effect: The MADO’s biology is alters to unlock a primitive form of melee attack. This natural weapon goes through AT-Fields to some degree, and often take the form of claws or a spiked tail.


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  • f827a740cec1e9df58fe2b2f3adb22bb.jpg"I am a ray of hope for the people of this world, and out of all of them; Sayaka is the only one who really believes in me."
    Name: Taichi "Chrystal" Nozome (Meaning of Name: "One Hope")

    Age: 16

    Birth-date (Start of story will be 2036): 2020

    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Previously a sickly child due to the after events of the second Impact, Chrystal had to be hospitalized. With no appearant way to help her be fully recovered, her parents were told she would die by the age of 11. However, things would turn out differently than declared....
    Nationality: Japanese

    Height & Weight: 5'2 ft, 85 lbs

    Personal History:
    (Continued from previous spoiler)
    2031, Chrystal would be in the hospital as she heard rumors of the angels appearing from the sky and destroying cities. One of them would be on its way to Japan, as the medical officials would escort their patients to safety, unexpectedly leaving Chrystal behind. Being left behind to die, alone in the hospital, Chrystal would start to cry, when she felt someone hug her.
    "You feel scared... I understand how you feel. I have to go fight that thing, but I don't know if I can be able to do so..."

    "I-I don't understand why I was left behind! I understand I don't have much longer to live, but this is just wrong! "
    The stranger petted her head, before smiling.
    "I do. They just had been too busy to notice... What is your name? "
    "Taichi Nozome... Your eyes, they shine like Sapphire! "

    "Tee-hee, you look a little like me when I was little.... And your eyes, they sparkle like Sapphire."
    "T-Thank you."

    "Taichi, I have my reason to fight now."
    She then leaned in to kiss Taichi, before the white haired girl felt different, both physically and internally.

    "Am I.... Cured?"
    The girl would start to leave, answering her question.
    "Yes. It's a power I have."
    This girl... She's like a goddess...
    "Um... Can I please know your name?!"

    The other girl would stop and look at Taichi. "My name is Sayaka. If we end up crossing paths again, I'll take you out for a date, okay?"
    She would ask, smiling warmly.

    That date would never end up happening. The same day that Crystal had traveled on foot to reach a shelter, after getting some clothes and emergency provisions, She would be in a public shelter watching the end of the fight Sayaka, who was piloting a MADO, defeated the multi tendriled Angel of Jakarta, but died dealing the final blow by initiating a Core Detonation.

    Taichi had seen everything, even the part where the pilot's identity was revealed after the angel tore open the chest of the MADO to reach the pilot...

    2036, Taichi had met an Incubator, who had accidentally confused Taichi for Sayaka, who believed she survived without him knowing. After the misunderstanding was resolved, the Incubator would ask her if she wanted to become a MADO pilot, explaining humanity needed all the pilots they could get.

    With mixed feelings, Taichi would struggle to answer, until the Incubator would tell her he can give her any wish, no drawback on her certain wish.
    Taichi would immediately answer, not hesitating on it.

    "Bring her back! The girl who helped me be able to live again! I want you to Revive Sayaka!"

    Personality Profile:
    Taichi has known herself as Chrystal ever since Sayaka had died, in order to remember her and those words that made her feel special. Her life had changed partially for the better thanks to meeting the girl she loves. Seeing her again, She took it upon herself to protect the girl and prevent her from piloting a MADO again by becoming a pilot herself. She considers herself the hero the world needed, and alongside her MADO, and her girlfriend's faith, she fights until the bitter end, never giving up. She finds it odd how other people except her girlfriend would stay away. She is exceptionally protective over her girlfriend, and will fight anyone who tries to hurt her, and if anyone tries to flirt with her, Chrystal will kindly (Reread: Threaten) talk the person out of it.

    The Wish that makes Your Soul Gem shine:
    Wish to Reverse Death.

    Passive: Your eyes have an unnatural color or iris shape. Normal civilians often struggle looking into your eyes...they just seem...too unnatural.

    Magic: Light
    Weapons: Scythe

    Strength (3)
    Dexterity (3)
    Heart (3)
    Mind (4)

    Assets & Drawbacks:

    Duty of Care

    Depth Value: -25
    Effect: The Pilot has someone they treasure above all others. They will do everything in their power to care for this individual and will never willingly put anything one or thing above this treasured person. When this person is in life threatening danger or seriously distressed the Pilot takes +5 to their Corruption pool. If their cared for person is killed they take +30 Corruption. Permission must be given from the GM to take this Drawback. Chrystal views Sayaka as her whole life, and will risk everything to protect her.

    Honest Soul
    Depth Value: -5
    Effect: The character is simply too honest to pull the wool over the eyes of others, either by will and by choice or by simply being a terrible liar who has no aptitude for deception. -1 Mind

    Depth Value: -10
    Your character prefers action, and not in a good way. The Pilot's fighting style is "run at it and hit with something", in any and every situation. In combat the Pilot gives little to no thought on strategy; someone better try to convince them not to run towards the giant alien shooting lasers.

    Depth Value: -10
    Effect: The character has an irrational fear of some specific thing, causing them to shake uncontrollably. When exposed to the thing that they fear, the character immediately gains +5 Corruption. Dexterity lowers -1 when this Drawback is taken.
    In this case, Chrystal fears of Sayaka's death happening again.

    Drawback Value: -50

    Depth Value: +5
    Effect: This character is the reason why Pilots have the nickname Magical Girls. Absolutely adorable. The personnel at Zauber love having you around! The therapy they are going to need when they send you to your death is something they try not to think about.
    " Have some chocolates. No, it's not what you think! I only have eyes for my girlfriend you stupid idiot!"
    Depth Value: +15
    Effect: You character refuses to surrender, even in the face of adversity. You are still able to Purify when a character reaches 75 in Corruption. Strength +1.
    "If I give up now... The one person I love will die. I must continue fighting, no matter what!"

    Magical Girl Prodigy
    Depth Value: +10
    Effect: Your natural talents for magic are impressive even to the Incubators. You gain one additional magic.

    Thrill Seeker
    Depth Value: +10
    Effect: Your character is undaunted in the face of danger and the unknown. You do not take Corruption from near death events. Reguardless of the Corruption level they may be at. +1 Mind.
    (Creator Note: I realized some assets can actually counteract certain drawbacks. Impetuous and Thrill Seeker are just one such example.)

    Asset Value: 40

    Magic Pool: 30

    AT-Field: 20

    Character Theme:

MocaPoka MocaPoka Take a look. :)
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Kristi Carr


April 12th, 2023



Height :

Personal/Family History:
Kristi's family is part of the elite her father is part of the government and her mother was/is a socialite. Kristi was mostly always stuck at home. She didn't go out much and when she did she was only allowed to stay in a certain area never knowing what poverty laid further down. She only saw what her parents allowed her to see and was blind to a lot of things. But as she got older and came to learn she realized things weren't as great as the optimism the U.S tried to push. She would hear the servants in her home talking whispering about what was happening.

Kristi's parents were hardly ever home and when they were paid little attention to Kristi but did buy her things and take her out though it was very rare she ever left home. The only person Kristi ever really talked to was her nanny and thought for them to be close until that is she heard the woman one day talking bad about her to the other servants. The nanny didn't even like Kristi and called her a spoiled brat and that only reason she stayed was because of the pay. It was then Kristi realized she really was alone. Did anyone care for her? Did anyone truly love her? She didn't think so. As time went by Kristi continued to get more and more depressed and started staying in her room more never leaving unless it was to see her tutor or eat. One night while she was sitting her room she watching a tv sitcom about this family. She wished more than anything she was surrounded by love like that. Though she couldn't help but wonder if her wish was selfish compared to what other people were going through. Suddenly she heard a voice "There's nothing wrong with wanted to be loved." Kristi turned to her window surprised to see an incubator.

From then on her life made a big change. She was now apart Zauber and it's a big change for her but she can't help but feel somewhat fulfilled and excited what's to come.

Personality/Psychological Profile:
Kristi's parents never really paid much attention to her instead, they spoiled her and bought her things. The only people she was around were the servants and the nanny. With her having no siblings and her parents having no time for her she was very lonely and didn't feel like her parents or really anyone actually cared for her. She didn't even have any friends cause she was homeschooled and wasn't allowed to go out much. Kristi always had everything done for her, which she didn't like, she likes to try to take care of herself and do things independently though she is willing to get help from others. Kristi is stubborn and aggressive but she also posses her good qualities like bravery, honesty, hard work, and affectionate. Though she looks sweet, she can be hard to deal with. Kristi has an uninhibited personality she is also a bright girl with a strong sense of justice. She is very bold and dislikes underhanded tactics, believing hard work and effort must be put into things to get them right. She also dislikes losing and can be hot-blooded, but she is friendly and usually means well. She also succumbs easily to loneliness, and is naive and has an unpretentious nature. Kristi loves eating, being especially weak towards sweet things.

The Wish that makes Your Soul Gem shine:
Wish For Love - With her being part of Zauber she gets to meet new people and create the friendships and closness she's always wanted.
Light, Bow and Arrow

Assets & Drawbacks:
Love Me -15
Gullible -10
Lonely -15
Threads Of Fate +25
Pure of Heart +5
Cute +5


Stats for GamePlay:
Magic Pool
Corruption Pool
MADO Type:
Medium Frame

MADO Upgrades:
Escape Plan
Coolant Vent

Code Name: ROSEBOW
Cost: -2 Magic Points/ +1 Corruption Points to Summon; -1 Magic Points/ +1 Corruption Points to Shoot Arrow
Damage: 4 (energy yield: unknown)
Range: 14 kilometers
Speed: ~250km/h
Closest Human Weapon Comparison: Compound bow
Assessed Collateral Damage per Shoot in City: Mild
Light Magic
Level Seven Spell
Halo's Edge:

Cost: -10 Magic Points/ +5 Corruption Points
Damage: 25
Description: The MADO is able to create a powerful disk of white hot burning matter 15 meters wide. The disk rotates at speeds a fraction of the speed of light and glows a near blinding white. The MADO can telekinetically control the disk with precision. The disk is greatly destructive to normal matter, Angels, EVA, and AT-Fields. The MADO can only maintain the disk for 30 seconds before it dissipates,
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mado [/div] [div class="hometab unclicker"] home [/div] [/div] [div class="contentbox"] [div class="content basicsinfo"] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] basic information [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] name [/div] [div class="answer"] Catherine Fitzgerald [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] nicknames [/div] [div class="answer"] Cathy, Catty, Rin [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] age [/div] [div class="answer"] seventeen [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] race [/div] [div class="answer"] Caucasian [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] d.o.b. [/div] [div class="answer"] 6/4/2019 [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] role [/div] [div class="answer"] Pilot [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] gender [/div] [div class="answer"] female [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] appearance [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] height [/div] [div class="answer"] 5'4" (164cm) [/div] [/div] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="question"] weight [/div] [div class="answer" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] 110lbs (~50kg); [/div] [/div] Rin carries herself with a certain eloquence, doing such by maintaining perfect posture and a calm composure. Skin like porcelain, it emphasizes the fragility of her whole being. Rin’s long, lustrous hair complements the illusion of maturity she gives off to her fellow pilots. Everything about her practically screams “regal." Never is she seen with so much as a grin or wide smile, she remains as vigilant as ever to her own facial features. Personally, she believes that the eyes are the window to the soul, hence why she refuses to show any emotion whatsoever through them (though, that may fail at times). Yet, behind those gorgeous purple pupils, similar to the dusk skies of the evening, hide behind them many doubts. Either a slight eyebrow quirk, vague frown, or an even vaguer smirk may be visible on her face. To retain her current body build, she often works out by completing a multitude of tasks. How else is she able to continually exceed expectations in physical-stress tests? Her firm, athletic body exemplifies both her determination to do the previous and her own haunting insecurities she has about herself. [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] personality [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] [Outer] Personality: On the surface, Rin is a very practical and sophisticated individual. She is very methodical in her approaches and (seemingly) rarely becomes indecisive when faced with problematic situations. To others she may come off as a cold, aloof young girl but Rin genuinely cares about her peers. She may not show in in affection or through words of affirmation, but does so in little, “insignificant” acts of kindness. She is known to scoff and sigh when confronted with things or persons she deems irritating. In the face of danger, she is nonchalant with a calm disposition. Rin is a girl of few words and does not see the worth in long, structured sentences where the muttering of one word can suffice in its stead. All of which would make sense since Rin heavily dislikes loud and obnoxious noises (which does indeed encompass other humans’ voices). She is not one to initiate conversations, neither is does she possess the inclination to continue them. Overall, Rin takes care in revealing the better sides of herself, despite the social distancing it causes.

[Inner] Personality*: Rin is prone to emotional distress and even more susceptible to the opinions of others. She is prone to the doubts that constantly appear in her mind and the insecurities she holds close to her heart. She is not orderly in her approaches, quite rather the opposite. Rin is as disorganized as one could be, unable to gather herself up in the toughest of situations; ever-so susceptible to the loosening strands keeping her own sanity together. Oh how she wishes to escape from the world and retire to the safety of another reality. The coming of the angels only served to exacerbate her cowardly tendencies. In spite of all the trauma within her, she absolutely refuses to show this side of her to the public. No, she will hide it away, tucked in the darkest corners of her mind. She will let it whisper those insecurities into her head, hell she’ll even feed into the darkness that is slowly enveloping her mind. Yet she will never allow this abomination of feelings to escape her grasp. Who knows what the others will think of her? Rin already built the perfect, imperturbable girl—her own ideal self. If only there was a way she could monitor the how her peers think of her (even though they may say their view of her is positive). Maybe then she’ll be able to shape herself into the perfect image.

*This side of Rin only shows when her corruption level is above 75 [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] preferences [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] [div class="listwrap"] [div class="column"] LIKES
- Her MADO/weapons
- Painting/sketching
- Quiet environments
- Sweet foods
- The sunset
- Having a purpose
- Winter

[/div] [div class="column"] DISLIKES
- The Angels
- Authoritarian officials
- Her wish
- Physical affection (very foreign to her)
- Loud noises
- Losing battles
- Breaking down emotionally [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="spacer"] [/div] [/div] [div class="content historyinfo hidecontent"] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] background [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] Catherine and her twin sister Octavia were born on the night of June 4th 2014. Their parents were wealthy in the aspect that their father was the CEO of a successful company. Their mother being a trophy wife, which in return, changed her into this materialistic monster Catherine and her sister knew her as. Before the twins were born, their father was obsessed with the idea of having a son to take over the business and continue his legacy. Of course, their mother was in agreement with him, or else he would easily replace her with one of his co-workers. Not only was he disappointed to know he was having a daughter instead, but two daughters at that. Nevertheless, his utter obsession with finding a worthy “heir” was much stronger than his own sense. Even the coming of the angels and the meteor that devastated the Earth, their father still did not falter (he believed he could still rebuild what was lost in Zauber City). When the girls became of age (5 years old to be exact), he tested them in problem-solving, creativity, and overall intelligence. Catherine only scored higher than her sister in the creativity category (but only by so little). Therefore, Octavia was treated with a higher regard than Catherine, who was then ignored by both parents and left to be taken care of by the nanny. As Catherine grew up, however, she became increasingly more thankful of what she lacked. Octavia was subjected to intense exercises (mentally) and harsh criticism by their father in order to better ready her for reality. Catherine was Octavia’s only support system and repeatedly withdrew herself to Catherine’s room in order to heal from the emotional stress forced upon her. Their father, however, saw Catherine as an obstacle for Octavia’s growth and banned any contact between them. With this rule in place, Octavia’s mental health and stability worsened. By the time Catherine turned 12, Octavia made the choice to commit suicide via the drugs she found in her mother’s purse. Catherine was devastated by her sister’s death and more devastated at the fact she was never able to say goodbye, nonetheless, see her sister years before her death. The death of Octavia was unfortunate to say the least for their father, who saw it as more of an inconvenience. All of that hard work spent on Octavia only to lose it. No matter, Catherine will just have to do.

After that, Catherine despised her sister for leaving her to the wolves. Her once peaceful life with the nanny was soon disrupted by her father who also subjected her to the same treatment Octavia received. As if he did not learn from the last time. In the next few years, Catherine would have learned how to survive her father’s toxic behaviors and abuse when she failed at a subject in school or general task. It was then when she developed her expressionless façade, a mask that both lent her power and destroyed her with every passing day. She appeared unfazed by her father’s ruthless yelling and insults, but inside she was quaking in fear and unable to move from that very spot. One could also say that it was then that those same insults, merciless criticisms, and threats made a dent in Catherine’s way of thinking. When her insecurities began surfacing. When doubts about her own ability poked their disgusting heads out.

Catherine did not mourn when her father lost his life in a car crash, neither was she depressed when her mother left her behind after losing her one main source of money. As an orphan, and virtually no hope in any future, Catherine sought out Zauber HQ in the hopes of being recruited for a quick, inevitable demise. [/div] [div class="spacer"] [/div] [/div] [div class="content abilityinfo hidecontent"] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] Assets [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] Level Headed Depth Value: +10 Effect: The character possesses the mental fortitude to stay functional even under extreme mental stress. Functioning as if at level 25 Corruption at 50 Corruption, and functioning as if at level 50 Corruption at 75. Level 25 and 100 Corruption are unaffected. These only account for the behavioral changes in the Corruption levels. Not the affects on Corruption points.

There are Many Others Like it... Depth Value: +15 Effect: You understand your summoned weapon. It wasn't chance this one is yours. It mirrors your soul and is a reflection of your strength. You are able to summon another copy of your weapon. If you already have two copies of your weapon you can now summon a near unlimited amount, however this does cost more magic. +1 Heart.

Creative Depth Value: +10 Effect: You show a natural talent for putting together new and unique pieces. Some useful, others not. When finished with an artistic piece that takes at least four hours of work you Purify -2 Corruption. +1 Heart. [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] Drawbacks [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] Love Me Depth Value: -15 Effect: The pilot’s sense of self-worth is overly influenced by the opinions of others. They seek approval whenever possible, and if a person ever openly scorns the pilot, they gain +2 Corruption.

Every Magical Girl for Herself Depth value: -10 Effect: The character suffers from an incredible lack of trust in... well everyone and everything, human, Magical girl, or alien...which is not entirely undeserved. -2 Heart

High Strung Depth Value: -10 Effect: You have always been a little tightly wound, prone to dramatic breakdowns whenever the situation gets out of control. You gain +2 Corruption points for normal everyday events that are stressful and out of your control, in addition to the normal amount. [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] Final Stats [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Heart: 4
Mind: 4

AT-Field: 20
Magic Pool: 40
Corruption Pool: 10 [/div] [div class="spacer"] [/div] [/div] [div class="content madoinfo hidecontent"] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] Mado Stats [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] Code Name: "The W.A.S.P" aka the "Weaponized Attack-Suit Prototype"
Type: Medium-Frame
Upgrades: Thrusters (1 FA), Drag Breaks (2 FA), Escape Plan (3 FA)
Cost: -2 Magic Points, +1 Corruption Points to Summon 1 or 2/; -2 Magic/ +1 Corruption Points Corruption to Summon Any Additional Number at the Same Time of Existence as the First Two
Damage Per Sword: 4 (Energy Yield Unknown)
Range: Swords Can be Controlled as Long as Pilot has Visibility of the Weapons or they are within 50 meters of MADO.
Speed: 300mph When Shot
Closest Human Weapon Comparison: Techno Blades / Drone Swarm
Description of Weapon: Individual purple swords appear to be made of unknown metal for hilt, blades appear to be made of a type of glass (with the look of an computer interface). However this glass does not appear on any forms of notable energy readings to include a temperature of only 21.111°C. The blade and hilt do not interact with normal matter, passing through objects, expect for damaging magical beings (MADO and EVA.) The blade cuts magical beings however does no notable temperature damage. The hilt appears to burn magical beings to include the MADO summoning the weapon. Sword or swords float and circle around the MADO at a rapid speed, and fade after hitting a magical being. [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] Magic/Spells [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] The Wish That Makes Your Soul Gem Shine: The Wish For Knowledge
Catherine is very distrusting of others (including their own opinions of her). Rin's father had pounded into her head that anything less than perfect is imperfect, and therefore insignificant. If her peers thought of her in a negative light, then that would heavily affect her (and she would try and fix these imperfections, even if they are beyond her control). Reading minds would help her either ease her suspicions about others or worsen them (by learning that they dislike an aspect of her).
In short, by being able to read minds, she has put upon herself a curse. This wish takes the form of the ability to learn about what others think of her. She could learn something that can boost her self-confidence (a compliment or maybe even a positive opinion of her) or something that can absolutely decimate it (insults, constructive criticisms, etc.). Especially since the wish says that her "target" will know when she reads their mind, it can ruin her relationships as well (since this immediately alerts her peers of Rin's distrust in them).
All-in-all, Rin strongly regrets this wish.

Time Magic
Level Four Spell
Time Stop:
Cost: -10 Magic Points/ +10 Corruption Points
Description: The MADO is able to freeze time for 15 seconds. The MADO cannot interact with other MADO or Angels directly. The MADO is able to manipulate normal matter while in the time freeze. Example: [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] gallery [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox" style="text-align: left;"] *Only purple blades
Image result for anime mecha conceptImage result for purple holographic sword [/div] [div class="categorywrap"] [div class="circle"] [/div] [div class="category"] Theme Song(s) [/div] [/div] [div class="categorybox"] Battle Theme Song:
General Theme Song:
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code by @Nanox
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Name & Age/Birth-date: Steve Freeling/April 4

Gender & Race/Nationality: Male, Caucasian/American

Height & Weight: 6' 3½" (1.92 m)/160 lbs.

Physical Description:
He's tall and slender. His brown hair has a slight red tint and he has blue eyes. He is most often seen wearing either his school uniform, his Zauber uniform, or a T-shirt and blue jeans and he typically wears sneakers.
Personal/Family History:
Steve was born and raised in the city with his twin sister and their younger brother. While not the richest, he and his household also aren't in the poor house and are mostly satisfied with their lot in life while also helping out the homeless when possible. He was only two years old when the Second Impact happened so he doesn't remember anything about it, though his parents have told him about the Second Impact and what the world was like before Second Impact. His childhood was about as normal as a childhood could be in the wake of such a monumental disaster. He went to school where he learned things and made friends. His parents taught him to always do his best, to always treat others the way he would want to be treated, and to never run away unless it was absolutely necessary. He was 11 years old when five girls fought and defeated the first wave of Angels. It was a day he'd never forget. He'd never forget how those girls lost their lives and how he felt his heart drop knowing that they weren't much older than himself and feeling that their families must have felt terrible. As he grew older, he noticed that everyone around him was changing. By the time he was 13, he found that his family had much less time for him than they used to. His twin sister spent the vast majority of her time with a boy from school. His younger brother mostly hung out with friends since everyone in the family was so split up. His parents spent all of their time with each other. He found that even his friends had no time for him since most spent their time with girls from school. Feeling like he was at the end of his rope, Steve made a wish to fall in love and saw an Incubator after a few minutes. Before long, Zauber came and conscripted him as a pilot. From here, he would undergo rigorous tactical training and become the leader of his team, making a vow to win the war against the Angels so that the previous pilots would not have died in vain. During this time, things changed and he noticed that different girls just listened to him without actually listening to what he was saying, but it felt like none were actually interested in him. One girl was different, though. This girl, Wendee Glass was genuinely interested in Steve himself, she listened to his problems, he listened to hers, and eventually, they became romantically involved. Wendee has come to mean everything to Steve, so much so that he's decided to protect her forever at all costs.
Personality/Psychological Profile:
Steve is about as friendly, kind, and selfless as a person can be. He's also adept at reading people and he doesn't like to see anyone suffer. He is very much an extrovert, seeing no problem walking up to anyone just to say "hi," or "See you tomorrow." Ever the optimist, he always tries to see the best in people and he's well-known for his never-say-die attitude. He has vowed that he and his fellow pilots will win the war against the Angels, that the pilots who came before them will not have died in vain. While he doesn't like running away, he will give the order if he has to since he sees it as better that he and his fellow pilots live to fight another day. He takes his job as Team Leader very seriously since he knows he is responsible for safeguarding not only his own life but the lives of his fellow pilots. He maintains a calm and collected demeanor most of the time as is pretty much necessary given his responsibilities. He knows panicking won't help the situation in any way and he also knows that if the leader falls apart in front of everyone else, it's a possibility that the mission itself will also fall apart. His girlfriend Wendee means everything to him and it's best not to insult or threaten her because while he may not blow up as such, he will calmly disabuse someone from such behavior. Attempts to make a pass at him will result in him calmly making it known that he's taken and walking away. While generally calm and coolheaded, he does have a bit of anxiety about not wanting to fail the pilots under his charge and after work, he often listens to the same mixtape repeatedly on a tape player, both formerly belonging to his late grandfather, to assuage this anxiety. He also takes extra care of his MADO as some have caught sight of him cleaning and polishing the mecha. He is also very tech-savvy and he more than knows his way around a computer.
The Wish that makes Your Soul Gem shine: Love

Assets & Drawbacks:
Male (-15)
Memento (-10)
Compulsive Behavior (-5)
Duty of Care (-25)
Team Leader (+20)
Empathetic (+20)
Extrovert (+5)
Mr. Wizard (+5)
Pure of Heart (+5)

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 4
Heart: 5
Mind: 4

Stats for Gameplay:
AT Field: 20
Magic Pool: 35
Corruption Pool


MADO Type: Medium Frame

Code Name: Highlander
Cost: -1 Magic Points, +1 Corruption Points to Summon Sword
Damage Of Sword: 1.5 (Significant Piercing Effect Against AT-Fields)
Closest Human Weapon Comparison: Rapier
Description of Weapon: A very simple weapon as far as MADO summoning weapons go. The metal of the rapier is part biological; allowing it the ability to affect Angels and go through AT-Fields with ease. Overall a simple, reliable melee weapon that allows the Pilot to attack, block, and parry with skill, speed, and accuracy that few Pilots could ever hope to come close to matching.
Light Magic
Level One Spell

Cost: -3 Magic Points/ +3 Corruption Points
Description: The MADO's body bursts into intense, blinding light. Angels that are exposed to this light with 50 meters are momentarily stunned for 10 seconds.
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Jeanne de CampoJeanne de Campo [class name="loveContainerMajor"] --accent: #aecc42 [/class] [div class="loveContainerMajor"] [div class="loveImageContainer"] [div class="loveMainImage" style="background:url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/8df9d378b763c7c765b576c109e11933/tumblr_oz3i6k8xdY1qb77xco1_400.jpg)"][/div] [/div] [div class="loveRightContainer"] [div class="loveTitleContainer"] [div class="loveStudentProfile"]Operation Officer[/div] [div class="loveStudentName"]Jeanne De Campo[/div] [/div] [div class="loveTabbedcontent"] [div class="lovePageContainer"] [div class="lovePage pageOne"] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]nickname/title[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]Campo, Jeanne D'Arc (by Gilles)[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]age[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]32[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]d.o.b[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]8th of August, 2004[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]gender[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]female [/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]sexuality[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]bisexual[/div] [/div] [div class="pageOneFlex"] [div class="pageOneList"] likes
  • pocky
  • practising martial arts
  • joyrides
  • gathering scrap junk for her sculptures
[/div] [div class="pageOneList"] dislikes
  • alcohol
  • smoking
  • fish/any seafood
  • guns
  • the coffee at Zauber
[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="lovePage pageTwo"] [div class="pageTwoText"] [div class="loveHeader"]Persona[/div]

An unlikely sprout of colour amidst the barren landscape of drab hopelessness; that is the essence of Jeanne. Jovial and unreserved the vibrancy from her petals appears delicate at first glance, yet she persists. Holding on in the tenacity of a patient kind rather than battling what will pass on its own accord much like the blossoms awaiting spring. Seemingly lacking in seriousness and urgency some might perceive her as naive; someone detached from the reality of defeat and unable to sympathise with it. She appears to be living in a world separate to reality, a world where worries are as bleak as the sun's last wavering rays at dusk and the consequences, mere ripples in the lake surface, soon to be calm once again.

"What use is there in overthinking it?", "That's just how it is", "But, we cannot give up right?".

In reality, she's just someone who has mastered the art of letting go and of never harbouring any expectations from the beginning. Detached like this, she lives her days only acting out of self-preservation.

[div class="loveHeader"]Personal history[/div]

Jeanne's struggle started at birth as the illegitimate child and product of a famous researcher's love affair with a prostitute; their relationship ill-fated for disaster as the researcher never had any intentions to take responsibility from the beginning. Her mother, on the other hand, smitten with the man and his promises of rescue from her poverty-stricken life never came to realise the deceit she had been subjected to. As a child born in the fissures of need, in the slums of indifference, Jeanne came to see, taste and experience more than most; the extent of her experience settling in the crevices of barbed-wire walls towering shut around her heart. Berated and ignored at home and denounced by the public due to her origins her general perception of herself began to dwindle and she lost interest in trying to project a socially acceptable image. Instead, she gave after to the world's expectations, leading her down a road of self-destruction.

For Jeanne, the second impact was a blessing from the heavens, a chance to start over and flee from her hometown. Without ever looking back, she signed up to join the army and was quickly relocated as a medic in training to the rearguard on the battlefield. Once there she would meet and promptly become acquainted with a fellow medic by the name Gilles who would come to take her under his wing.

When the wars and riots started to diminish Gilles was recruited for a job at Zauber. Reluctant to part with Jeanne he vouched for a position for her as well and she ultimately accepted and left the battlefield behind. Her job at Zauber would become another new beginning for Jeanne as her life finally seemed to take a turn for the better. She excelled at her job and while she still had her reservations about people she would grow increasingly sociable as the years passed on. However, as fate would have it this happiness was short-lived and her promotion to the rank of Operation Officer would come accompanied by devastating news. [/div] [/div] [div class="lovePage pageThree"] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]height[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]5'10"[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]weight[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]160 lbs[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]figure[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]athletic, mesomorph[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]markings[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]her scarred hands,
stray bullet wound on her left cheek
(just a white line)[/div] [/div] [div class="pageThreeContainer"] [/div] [div class="pageThreeSelect"][/div] [div class="pageThreePage friendsPage"] [div class="pageThreeText"] [div class="loveHeader"]Physical description[/div] Jeanne is an intimidating sight of muscles and bones, weathered bronze skin stretched taut over scabbing knuckles and shoulders steeled in a raised position. Her trimmed body being the result of her years as a soldier, yet still feminine due to its ample curves. In contrast to her body her face is soft and petite, cheeks childlike in their roundness and eyes wide but lined by heavy eyebags which betray a weariness. The mousy brown hair is suppressed in a messy updo, fallouts of stringent locks falling down her shoulders. She keeps her attire clean-cut and ironed smooth, buttons polished lustruous. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="pageThreePage othersPage"] [div class="pageThreeText"] [/div] [div class="pageThreeText"] [/div] [/div] [div class="lovePage pageFour"] [div class="pageFourFlex"] [div class="pageFourInfo"] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]hobbies[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]reading, working out,
sculpting[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]fav. color[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]silver/gray[/div] [/div] [div class="loveInfoBox"] [div class="loveInfoTitle"]family[/div] [div class="loveInfoText"]Felicia De Campo
(mother)[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="loveMusicContainer"] [div class="loveMusicSquare"] [div class="loveMusicSymbol"][/div] [/div] [div class="loveMusicBox"] [div class="loveMusicHide"] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="pageFourLeft"][/div] [div class="pageFourQuote"] I'm going Mother
take care. [/div] [div class="pageFourRight"][/div] [div class="pageFourImages"] [div class=" pageFourImage " style="background:url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DoMmS6TUcAAOSGV.jpg)"][/div] [div class=" pageFourImage " style="background:url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DYAkms-VMAEYyOL.jpg)"][/div] [div class=" pageFourImage " style="background:url(https://i.redd.it/w7cadbbf2mz31.png)"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div style="color:#555;padding-left:10px"] [div class="loveIconTabs tabOne"][/div] [div class="loveIconTabs tabTwo"][/div] [div class="loveIconTabs tabThree"][/div] [div class="loveIconTabs tabFour"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [class name="loveContainerMajor" minWidth="820px"] width:800px; background:#fff; padding:10px; border:0.1px solid #f1f1f1; margin:auto; position:relative; display:flex; height:520px; [/class] [class name="loveContainerMajor" maxWidth="819px"] width:calc(100% - 20px) background:#fff; padding:10px; border:0.1px solid #f1f1f1; margin:auto; position:relative; display:flex; 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display:flex; justify-content:space-between; border:1px solid #f1f1f1; margin-bottom:5px [/class] [class name="loveInfoBox" maxWidth:"819px"] padding:10px 20px; display:flex; justify-content:space-between; border:1px solid #f1f1f1; margin-top:5px [/class] [class name="loveInfoBox"] padding:10px 20px; display:flex; justify-content:space-between; border:1px solid #f1f1f1; margin-bottom:5px [/class] [class name="loveHeader"] width:fit-content; padding:0px 10px 0px 10px; border-bottom:0.1px solid #f1f1f1; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; margin:auto; color: var(--accent) [/class] [class name="loveSubheader"] padding:5px; text-align:center; text-transform: uppercase; font-size:10px; letter-spacing:1px color:#555 [/class] [class name="loveMusicContainer" minWidth="820px"] border:1px solid #f1f1f1; display:inline-block; padding:0px 15px 20px 10px; [/class] [class name="loveMusicContainer" maxWidth="819px"] display:none; [/class] [class name="loveMusicSquare" minWidth="820px"] padding:20px; pointer-events:none; height:80px; width:80px; [/class] [class name="loveMusicSymbol" minWidth="820px"] box-sizing: border-box; height: 50px; border-color: transparent transparent transparent var(--accent); transition: 100ms all ease; will-change: border-width; cursor: pointer; border-style: solid; border-width: 25px 0 25px 40px; pointer-events:none; position:absolute; z-index:2; margin:25px 0px 0px 25px; background:#fff; [/class] [class name="loveMusicBox" minWidth="820px"] width:40px; height:40px; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; margin-top:-68px; margin-left:45px; z-index:1; cursor: pointer; border-radius:100% [/class] [class name="loveMusicHide" minWidth="820px"] width:100px; height:100px; position:absolute; margin-left:-10px; margin-top:-10px [/class] [class name="pause" minWidth="820px"] border-style:double!important; border-width: 0px 0px 0px 40px!important; [/class] [class name="pageOneFlex"] display:flex; justify-content:space-between; [/class] [class name="pageOneList"] border:0.1px solid #f1f1f1; 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[div style="max-width:800px;margin:auto;width:100%;font-size:8px;text-transform:uppercase;opacity:0.6;text-align:right"]cheers, koschei[/div]

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