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Colosseum The Assassins' Plight

MorsArena said:
I'll just stab you in the back while you're scanning away. Speaking of scanning abilities. Do passive skills/spells like that exist? Or do they have to be activated? If they can be passive then Ambivalence has a pretty hefty skill available to her his with that 10 mi. radius.
@Ambivalence Better? xD
SachiGrl said:
I thought you gave up the award of being 2015 GM of the year. >.>
Death... death to you, my friend...
Maybe you should stop being so slow. Not going to win with that level of speed.
Ambivalence said:
I will stand by Sachi, we already have 4 pages of messaging and it's been a day.
We bonded man.
xD Fiiiine, guess I'll let the dictatorship fly.

SachiGrl said:


Attention assassins,

Get your first posts ready. Once @Iconic Astronomy fixes her stats, the role play begins...​
Great to hear that, ready to go.
Ambivalence said:
I will stand by Sachi, we already have 4 pages of messaging and it's been a day.
We bonded man.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

If we somehow all end up nowhere near anyone or if people start dying and we have to move around the city to get to the next target, how will those posts be handled?
Well, everyone will start out in there own personal choice of location. Everyone should end up in the slums. I expect some people to attack someone before they even reach the Slums and if they don't they will inevitably attack someone in the Slums. Let's say if there are 3 people left alive, you are to meet and kill each other off (we are assassins, not cowards, so no one should be playing hide and seek unless they want someone to kill the other off then kill the other guy while he's weak). Your goal as a assassin is to kill your targets. I doubt we'll have any distance problems.
SachiGrl said:
Well, everyone will start out in there own personal choice of location. Everyone should end up in the slums. I expect some people to attack someone before they even reach the Slums and if they don't they will inevitably attack someone in the Slums. Let's say if there are 3 people left alive, you are to meet and kill each other off (we are assassins, not cowards, so no one should be playing hide and seek unless they want someone to kill the other off then kill the other guy while he's weak). Your goal as a assassin is to kill your targets. I doubt we'll have any distance problems.
Mmk, I was just wondering how movement around the city as we approach the slums would work. We wouldn't know when/where we'd encounter someone until after the first post so if we just made them walk into the slums at first post then there would be an issue with potentially missing out on fights. That would mean we'd have to wait until after first post to know if we'd encounter someone as we moved.
No, I wouldn't allow people to automatically walk to the Slums on the first post, unless they want it to be their starting point.

I'll add that in the 'In Character' thread.
MorsArena said:
Everything is explained in the overview concerning combat. What is it that is confusing you?
You know... I just want to kill you because I like you so much.

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