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Fandom The Angel Experiment


Boink Bean

  • Many long, miserable years ago, Scientists created several different types of 'super-humans'. One class was an Avian hybrid, these hybrids were gifted with massive wings that sprouted from their backs. They were also gifted with hollow bones that made them incredibly light, and heightened senses.

    The next Type was a 'Canis Hybrid' This hybrid is quite unique, as the only way for one to notice they are no human is if they look into the hybrid's mouth, that is where their incredibly sharp and durable fangs reside, yet some hybrid's do have tails even in their human forms. This specific hybrid is able to shift into their canine form. They are only mixed with a single type of canine, such as a dog, jacket, coyote, or wolf. They are typically rather large, and often referred to in size as a "small bear", Yet there is a few hybrids who are larger than average, yet none top the ever elusive Reaper, who is known for his massive size, hot temper, and incredible strength.

    These experiments were created in a science lab, and were tested, and experimented on for their entire lives, now they are newly escaped and don't know where or what they are doing. Yet they all know they must run far, far away before they are captured and killed.


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