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Fandom The Angel Experiment


Boink Bean

Character Sheet

Full Name :

Byname :

Age :

Gender :

Avian or Canis :

Likes :

Dislikes :

Strengths :

Weaknesses :

Crush :

Mate :

Offspring :

Kin :

Additional Information :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/bw_dark_by_chouette_e-d79ds4x.jpg.8251064bb73c7e487f6825282ce9c2e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/bw_dark_by_chouette_e-d79ds4x.jpg.8251064bb73c7e487f6825282ce9c2e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Reaper Lahote

Byname : Reaper

Age : Nineteen Years

Gender : Male

Avian or Canis : Canis

Likes :

○ Leading

○ Protecting his group

○ Loyalty

○ Blood

Dislikes :

• Traitors or Liars

• Having his fur wet

• Those who harm his group

• Backing down

Strengths :

• He is incredibly nimble

• He is much larger than any of the other Canis hybrids

• He is a skilled fighter

• He has telekinetic

Weaknesses :

○ He refuses to leave any of his group behind

○ He is quite hard headed and wants everything done his way

○ He cannot harm a young or innocent person

Crush : Not applicable

Mate : Not applicable

Offspring : Not applicable

Kin : Draco Lahote

Additional Information :


Reaper is the leader of the small group of hybrids, Reaper almost always wears dark clothing and always seems to be sneaking up on his subordinates due to his ability to basically disappear into darkness by just staying incredibly still and silent. He has dark hair and eyes with olive skin. He is believed to have DNA of the largest wolf known to man the tipped he scales at 190lbs. Reaper' pelt is a dark black without a hint of white or any other color despite the purplish shimmer on his fur whenever he is in direct sunlight.

The leader stands a bit over six foot in his human form, and weighs about 198lbs. In his wolf form he stands 5'9 and weighs the same.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45421652_.jpg.b34028a5ce03ad05c24bce7e09af8499.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c45421652_.jpg.b34028a5ce03ad05c24bce7e09af8499.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Draco Lahote

Byname : Draco or Drake

Age : Reaper Lahote

Gender : Male

Avian or Canis : Avian

Likes :

• Flying

• Reading and writing

• Being the best

• Leading

Dislikes :

○ Reaper

○ Being second best

○ Showing weakness

○ Losing

Strengths :

• He has incredibly powerful wings

• He is the more intellectual of the twins

• He can incredibly manipulating

• He is Pyrokinetic

Weaknesses :

○ He is always over powered by his twin

○ He hears a voice in his head that can change his opinions and views in seconds

○ He often overthinks situations

Crush : Not Applicable

Mate : Not Applicable

Offspring : Not Applicable

Kin : Reaper Lahote

Additional Information :

Draco is a tad bit shorter than his Canis sibling, and he is also the second born. Making Reaper a natural dominate over Draco, which has sparked a deep hate in his chest that is fueled by the need to be first. Draco stands just barely under six foot, and weighs barely 110lbs due to his hollow bone, and that he is mainly muscle. He is believed to have DNA of a raven because of his black wings that have a purple shimmer. He has a fourteen-foot wingspan and he is one of the stronger Avian hybrids.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/collab__portrait_by_am_markussen-d6s4f05.jpg.5ebe00410e2ab98a22f6a665441e573f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/collab__portrait_by_am_markussen-d6s4f05.jpg.5ebe00410e2ab98a22f6a665441e573f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Ivy Marble

Byname : Ivy

Age : seventeen years

Gender : Female

Avian or Canis : Canis

Likes :

• Sprinting

• Helping others

• Defending those she loves

• Honest people

Dislikes :

• Useless killing

• Lab rooms

• The "white coats" (Scientists)

• Those who disrespect the leader

Strengths :

○ Shes incredibly stealthy

○ She is also quite convincing, especially since not many have the guts to go against this hot-headed hybrid

○ She acts upon the best way she thinks possible for every decision

○ She can control nature

Weaknesses :

○ She can be clumsy when she is nervous

○ She hates being incredibly hot, and prefers cold regions

○ She cannot swim

Crush : Not Applicable

Mate : Not Applicable

Offspring : Not Applicable

Kin : None she knows of

Additional Information :


This rough exterior hot-headed hybrid is know as Ivy. She wears mainly light gray or dark blue colors, and stands 5'8, weighing a muscular 136lbs. When in her wolf form she stands a tad bit taller than normal hybrids at 5'3, weighing the same.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Lost_Angel_by_Sugargrl14.jpg.103d933a6f98410e3f6658d5c86e534d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Lost_Angel_by_Sugargrl14.jpg.103d933a6f98410e3f6658d5c86e534d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Angelica Amberdeen

Byname : Angel

Age : Seventeen years

Gender : Female

Avian or Canis : Avian

Likes :

• Being up in the air

• Peaches from a can

• Making new friends

• Doing her duty to the group

Dislikes :

• Useless fighting

• Those who mindlessly put others in danger

• Those who try to control others

Strengths :

• She is an incredibly quick flier

• She is strong and quite hardheaded

• Angel is skilled at entering another person's mind and reading their thoughts, communicating with them, and even controlling them.

Weaknesses :

• She can't swim

• She's not quick on her feet

• She doesn't often think her actions out enough

Crush : Not applicable

Mate : Not Applicable

Offspring : Not Applicable

Kin : None she knows of

Additional Information :

Angel has beautiful wings, they are a snow white yet as they reach the tips they darken to a beautiful crimson that matches her hair color. She stands 5'5 and weighs just under 99lbs, yet she can carry half her weight.



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Full Name

Hidden Rahgot


Hidden, Rah





Avian or Canis





Human - 5' 7"

Shifted - About 3'


Human - 130 lbs

Shifted - 45 lbs

Written Appearance


Hidden has lean frame with little to no muscle, shaggy, dark brown hued hair, hazel eyes and a pale complexion. He is usually seen in deep greens and browns.


When in his wolf form, Hidden has the same none muscular frame as he does when human. Along with that are his eyes that remain their bright hazel. His pelt is a rust red on the upper half of his body and white on the underside of his tail, belly, inside of his legs, neck, and lower jaw due to being crossed with an Ethiopian wolf.


Hidden is generally a pleasant person to be around. Social, he always loved to meet someone new. A bit humble, thinking himself to be no better then that guy over there. Intelligent, not rushing into things blindly. Calm, not one to get riled over a small dispute. Yet, despite these traits, Hidden has a backbone. He can and will defend himself and those he cares for whenever possible and hopefully without physical action.


>The scent of rain

>Those close to him

>Weaving through a dense forest


>Unnecessary Violence

>Being treated like a child



>Being smaller than the average Canis

>Due to his size Hidden's faster than most as well

>He's quite intelligent


>No combat experience

>His size makes him less likely to over power a larger foe

>Weaker then most due to his size when shifted

>He has a tendency to overthink situations to the point of where he confused himself









Additional Information

Hidden is is able to use plants for healing various injuries and commune with them.
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Stands a measly 5'5" when human. But one of the larger ones when morphed.​

Full Name : Connor McKinley

Byname : Connor.

Age : 18

Gender : Male

Avian or Canis : Canis

Likes : Winning. Getting things done. And oddly enough reading.

Dislikes : Losing. Taller people. Those that think less of him because of his size.

Strengths : Can easily switch from being quick and nimble, to strong and fierce.

Weaknesses : Has what is known as a Napoleon complex. He's small, so he goes out of his way to prove himself.

Crush : N/A

Mate : N/A

Offspring : N/A

Kin : N/A

Additional Information : N/A
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Full Name: Lewis Nanon Flicker

Byname: Lewis

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Avian or Canis: Avian

Likes: Cherries, light, and laughing

Dislikes: Being sad, cherry pits, and complete darkness.

Strengths: Isn't afraid to stand up for others, will follow his ideas all the way through, encouraging, friendly, fast, can flap his wings fast enough to get him to a building in a few seconds, he's intelligent, and he knows a little bit of close combat.

Weaknesses: Wings are fragile and can't withstand much wind, wings are sensitive and a few punches to them can knock him down, he doesn't understand sarcasm, he doesn't know how to deal with emotional stress, he can make the worst comments at the worst times (saying a joke when in captivity), he isn't that strong physically, and he has horrible eyesight and thus horrible accuracy.

Crush: None

Mate: None

Offspring: None

Kin: None known.

Additional Information: His favorite color is light blue and he can strengthen his wings to become as hard as steel but as fast as lightning for a few minutes. During this "hard winged" stage, his wings have a faint gold glow around them.

Appearance: He has short light blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a beige suit with a white inside, a black tie, a back hole for his wings, light grey pants, and dark orange shoes.
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All finished forms are accepted.

Beowulf said:

Stands a measly 5'5" when human. But one of the larger ones when morphed.​

Full Name : Connor McKinley

Byname : Connor.

Age : 18

Gender : Male

Avian or Canis : Canis

Likes :

Dislikes :

Strengths :

Weaknesses :

Crush :

Mate :

Offspring :

Kin :

Additional Information :
Reminder c:

First post has been created, so everyone who is accepted may begin role-playing,

Full Name : Janice Chaplin

Byname : Jan


Age : 17

Gender: Female

Avian or Canis : Avian

Likes : Open Spaces, Playing guitar, Trying new things, Doing her duty to the group

Dislikes : Indoors, Fakes, Mindless following, Liars

Strengths : Can fly for longer distances then most, has a higher carry weight then most due to the avian DNA that was used (Andean Condor), extremely observant

Weaknesses : She would die for any member of the group without hesitation, pretty much can't deny anything that Ivy wants (see crush), large wingspan makes most indoor space uncomfortable and tight space unbearable

Crush : Ivy

Mate : NA

Offspring : NA

Kin : NA

Additional Information

The majority of Jan's mass is from her massive wings that make up the majority of her body weight. The color of her wings goes from very dark almost black brown where it connects to her body, all the way to a very vibrant tawny brown at the tips. They also seem to shift colors a bit in the light but no one is quite sure to what or if they were just seeing things. She has scars on her forearms and wrists from restraints during the experimentation that she tries to cover up with brackets and things as she was prone to hiding how much pain she was caused before they managed their escape. In her mind she figured if they knew it would only make it worse on them and the scientists interpreted that as a high pain tolerance so saved some of the their unsavory experiments for her as they felt her "constitution was one that made the likelihood of her survival higher".​
JustKay said:

Full Name : Janice Chaplin

Byname : Jan


Age : 17

Gender: Female

Avian or Canis : Avian

Likes : Open Spaces, Playing guitar, Trying new things, Doing her duty to the group

Dislikes : Indoors, Fakes, Mindless following, Liars

Strengths : Can fly for longer distances then most, has a higher carry weight then most due to the avian DNA that was used (Andean Condor), extremely observant

Weaknesses : She would die for any member of the group without hesitation, pretty much can't deny anything that Ivy wants (see crush), large wingspan makes most indoor space uncomfortable and tight space unbearable

Crush : Ivy

Mate : NA

Offspring : NA

Kin : NA

Additional Information

The majority of Jan's mass is from her massive wings that make up the majority of her body weight. The color of her wings goes from very dark almost black brown where it connects to her body, all the way to a very vibrant tawny brown at the tips. They also seem to shift colors a bit in the light but no one is quite sure to what or if they were just seeing things. She has scars on her forearms and wrists from restraints during the experimentation that she tries to cover up with brackets and things as she was prone to hiding how much pain she was caused before they managed their escape. In her mind she figured if they knew it would only make it worse on them and the scientists interpreted that as a high pain tolerance so saved some of the their unsavory experiments for her as they felt her "constitution was one that made the likelihood of her survival higher".​
accepted. You may post.

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Full name:

Adrian Carver


Adrian though certain people can get away with calling her Addie






Meat, gymnastics, taking things apart, the idea of family,


Things that are too sweet, homophobes, tight spaces


•Adrian is the strongest avian there

• Her talons are wickedly sharp due to her being combined with the DNA of a African Crowned Eagle

• She's incredulously charismatic

• She's electrokinetic


Adrian doesn't think about consquences of any situation and often rushes into things with no sort of plan

• She accidentally crushes or breaks things due to her strength and talons. Don't trust her to hold anything delicate or important unless it's incredibly durable

• Her talons are hard to break and she'll have to work very hard to clip them because there are only so long they can safely grow

• Bright colors are annoying to even painful to her eyes.









Additional Informaton:

Adrian's wings are a dusty grey with the occasional charcoal grey and off white feathers scattered along . Her hair is in fact naturally white because the genetic combinations got wonky. Addie stands at 5'7 with a curvy, almost voluptuous build. Thankfully, she can retract her 6 inch talons back into her cuticles until they are only 3 inches but they are still almost fatal.



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Full Name :Aaron Gallen

Byname :Aaron/ Airo

Age :19

Gender :male

Avian or Canis :Avian

Likes :Aaron is very interested in books and drawing having a very high I.Q takes orders very well and as of recently grown a bigger interest in the outside world around him. Airo on the other hand is alot harder to control having a sort of hatred towards his creators and humanity as a whole he is a very violent side with little care of those he hurts managing to keep Aaron somewhat unaware of what he has done and guiding him at times.

Dislikes Aaron isn't a big fan of being left alone Aaron get very frightened around authority figures (guards higher ranked generals visiting to see how progress how there weapon is going) His can back down from most conflicts his other half more likely to take control if this happens,

Strengths : Aaron/Airo show a high I.Q as well as enhanced strength along with the Crow DNA in him he has grown a set of very sharp talons over his nails

Weaknesses : Prone to massive headaches that can completely stop him in his tracks he is in a sort of conflict with himself one side fighting for control over one body.

Crush :none

Mate :none

Offspring :none

Kin :was born via surrogate mother records of her have been removed for security considers the doctors he has grown up with and treated him a sort of family

Additional Information :Aaron suffers from an extreme split personality disorder Aaron as he has been called (also going by them name Subject 223) is fully aware of his second personality as of recently even be able to contact and speak to it . He is able to work with his other side well it giving him information on the world outside (note one side can take more control of the other leaving the other psyche in a sort of coma)


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