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Realistic or Modern The Always Open High School

View attachment 178228    View attachment 178229

callum wright     ||   kingsley wright

OUTFIT       ||       OUTFIT

Callum got to class, and was currently sitting in the back. He couldn't comprehend the situation with his family. His father... He was having an affair. Callum held a pencil in his hand, tapping it rapidly on the wooden desk to keep himself from punching a wall. He didn't care if it annoyed his peers. They should be annoyed by the boy with a naked torso who kept saying "Yo."

Kingsley walked through the front entrance, keeping her head lowered to hide her tear-stained cheeks. Small sobs racked her body, but didn't leave past her lips. Her hold on her bag was slowly slipping. Kingsley found the girl's bathroom at the end of the hall. She pushed the door open, rushing to the handicapped stall. From what she could see while rushing to the stall, nobody was in the bathroom. Thank God. Kingsley locks the stall door, turning to face the mirror over the small sink in the corner. Her mascara clouded her eyes, dulling the grey colour of her irises even further. Kingsley swipes under her hand, smearing the mascara, and staining her hand. She sighs, grabbing a few of the brown paper towels.

After she's cleaned away the makeup and has calmed down, Kingsley exits the bathroom. The bell rings right when she does, signifying the students to go to their first period. "Shit," she whispers, rushing to her class.

(Callum and Kingsley are in the same class as Drew and Gareth.)
"Hmmm, detention I can deal with," Gareth said, he leaned back on his chair, "it's not like a detention can affect my college entry now eh?" He chuckled at his own joke. Gareth stopped laughing and cracked open a book he was reading. "Tap tap, tap tap," the pencil continued, "tap tap." Gareth found it difficult to read, and his anger was rising. "Hey want to keep that down?" Gareth asked aggressively, "I'm kinda doing something productive here, unlike your pencil tapping." Gareth sat straight in his seat putting his arms out in a "what the heck" position.

Alice Hunter

Alice sighed as she made her way into her new school. Since moving from London she was not that excited about starting in a new school.

Making her way to the main office, she sat herself down.

After a few minutes, she was told by the vice principal that a student was on their way to guide her to her first class of the day. Sighing quietly again,

she sat in the office waiting to be collected like some child.

(leaving this open to anyone)
Gareth stood up about to get into a confrontation, "You wanna go?" Gareth said, "I warn you, I'm practiced in the art of crime and business law." Gareth was offended by the other teen's silence, he started to march up to him. Gareth reached his arm out, until a meek looking sophomore tapped him on the shoulder.

     "Excuse me," the boy announced to the class "the vice principal wanted me to ask if anyone from this class wanted to guide a new girl." Gareth stared at the scared boy, his face softened, and nodded walking out the door. He brusquely walked to the office, still shirtless, he saw the girl sitting there. "Hey, are you the person they wanted me to pick up?"
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Alice turned to the voice and nodded her head, standing from the seat as she lifted her bag.

"That would be me, my names Alice nice to meet you"

She kept her english accent, she had more or less hated the move to the states so she wanted

to make a statement of where she was from and where she wanted to be.
"Okay, so do you want me to show you your classes?" Gareth asked, "or do you just want me to show you everything?" Gareth started to rummage through the lost and found box in the office, finding one, he put on a black t-shirt. "Nice accent by the way," Gareth commented fixing the wrinkles in his clothing.
(Coming back to this with a different character)


Eliot flew across the parking lot, he was so going to be late. The shirt that draped loosely over his body flapped behind him as he ran. The school doors came into site and he skidded to a halt momentarily to open it, only the return to his sprinting once inside. Turning a corner he almost ran directly into some blonde and another guy.

   "Woah!" His shoes squeaked as he stopped just inches away from the girl, almost falling forwards with the momentum he'd built up.     "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He straightened up, collecting himself before noticing who the other guy was. He'd seen him around before, Eliot thought his name was Gareth. 

    "Sup, Gareth." He gave him a nod of acknowledgement.
"Hey Elliot," Gareth greeted, " I'm just guiding this new student around." Gareth held out his hand, "How're you doing?"

Alice had gone quiet after nearly being bowled over.

Instead of standing uselessly, she began to check her timetable.

Looking at the next class she was supposed to be in since the ongoing class was nearly over.

Looking at the two boys she spoke up

"Can you tell me where the gym is?, I might as well get to my next class early"
"Ha, early," Gareth chuckled, "the bell already wrung, well I'll guide you either way." Gareth started to walk, but turned around, "You wanna come Elliot?"

Eliot took Gareth's hand and shook it, returning one hand to his pocket soon after. 

    "I'm good, homie. My sister decided she would leave without this morning so I had to run all the way here....but I'm good." He turned to the blonde girl that Gareth had said was a new student

    "New student, huh? The names Eliot Smithe. You are?" He offered the girl his hand, a toothy smile spread across his face. 

    "Oh, and the gym is down that hall and too the left. Double doors, can't miss it." He turned to Gareth,"Sure thing, homie."

Alice began to walk with the two boys, content to let them chat to themselves, hearing the question she turned to Elliot.

"My names Alice, nice to meet you"

She gave a smile as they continued on their path, they had time to kill so why not she thought to herself.

She actually found herself liking the two guys.
"So Elliot are you set for the future after high school?" Gareth asked, "I'm guessing you don't Alice." Gareth had already had his near future set out for him, but he was worried about the others.

Alice smiled and threw her eyes up in a dramatic way

"Model in the making right here, have to finish up with high school and get a degree though

Show the importance of an education and all that"

She looked to Eliot and Gareth, letting the two lay out their plans for school and beyond.
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Eliot smiled at Alice and nodded his head at Gareth,"Nice to meet you, Alice. And yea, man. Planning on heading to community college for my first years and then going to Med school." He shoved both of his hands in his pockets as they walked,"My dad wants me to keep playing football, but it's not my thing." Eliot was pretty good at the game but he just didn't enjoy it too much.

Alice looked thoughtful for a moment as they walked.

"What if you got a scholarship for football?, I mean a scholarship would be a good thing right?"

She looked to Eliot as they walked on down the corridor. She knew more than likely she would end up alone in gym class just

as she was getting along with the boys.
Gareth nodded, "Either way you guys have a plan in mind, that's good." Gareth patted the two on the back, "I was accepted to a pretty high ranking college, I want to get into architecture, but the old man I work for part time at this flower shop actually wants me too take over, I felt bad saying no to him." Gareth stopped at a two door entrance, "This should be the gym, do you want us to show you any other classes?"
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He shrugged, running a hand over his head,"Yea, I guess so. But, football is just a sport, it's not something I wanna do the rest of my life." He sighed and let his hand drop,"My old man tried and it didn't work out to well for him. He's trying to live through me."

(might be AFK for a while, driving.)
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Alice nodded, she could understand pushy parents.

Shaking her head slightly and with a gentler voice she answered

"And sometimes we have to live for ourselves and nobody else, even if we appear a small bit selfish"

She rest a hand on Eliots arm.

(aawwwwwh cute :3 )

Turning to both boys she held out her hands

"hand over your phones, I cannot have you not having me as a contact"

She gave a playful grin to the boys.
Gareth thought of things he could say that could help. "Well if you could get a scholarship for community college then you could play college while getting an education, and if you do that you can lie to your dad afterwards about not being able to go pro and pursue your medical dream." Gareth rambled his ideas, while handing Alice his flip phone.
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Eliot grinned and Alice and thanked her for reassuring him, his brown eyes glancing down at her hand on his arm for a second. He then looked to Gareth as he yanked out his smartphone and handed it over to Alice,"Yea, but I don't wanna lie to my old man. I don't like lieing." He shrugged as he awaited Alice to hand his phone back 

Alice took both boys phones and saved her contact info on them both before sending a random text so she could save their numbers.

Once she did this she grinned and looked at both boys with a smile

"so what will we do now?"

She asked as her hand lingered slightly on Eliots arm
Gareth felt odd as he watched Alice's hand touch Elliot, him look at it then it lingering. He thought it was some strange hand flirting, "Well we could check out our History class, wanna see that?" Gareth offered.

bobby shmurda.jpg


Keith Griffin


Keith made his way to his first class (uh . . . my character needs some interaction, so I guess he's in Drew's and Gareth's class). He was about three minutes late, but his teacher didn't seem to notice so he quickly took a seat at a random free desk. Keith was new to the school. He recently moved to *insert state or city here* from Brooklyn about a week ago (anyone get the pun and/or reference?).  Keith made a few friends, but none of them were in his first period class. 

[SIZE= 16px]If you knew Keith, he was a very loud person. But when he was sort of an alien, he kept quiet. He wanted to meet his classmates, maybe make a few more friends. But he didn't know what to do.[/SIZE]

Eliot shrugged at Gareth's offer as he took his phone back from Alice,"Sounds, Gucci." He said jokingly, he'd almost completely forgotten about being late. He looked over to Alice,"What'dya say, Alice?" He questioned, smiling over at her, white teeth contrasting greatly against his dark skin.

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