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Realistic or Modern The Always Open High School


Magic Eight Ball
(Don't post CS or sign up, just begin! (: )

   Avery got up, dragging herself through her daily routine. She dreaded school but she was happy this was her last year. She got almost all her credits in over the summer, meaning her schedule is cut in half! She took a hurried shower and got dressed. She quickly did her hair and makeup.

   Just as Avery was about to leave, she got a text message. Her ex boyfriend. They broke up about a week ago, right before she moved here. Avery ignored it, holding back a few tears. "He's trash. Its all good now." She whispers to herself. She grabs her

keys and goes to her car. She starts to drive to the school.




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Ailish McGovern woke up from a dream that she couldn't remember. Perhaps it was a dream about school. Or maybe her future. Whatever her dream could've been, she stretched her arms and slowly got out of the bed in a sluggish way. She had to get used to waking up early again, but at least this was her last year at high school.

She quickly ate her breakfast of the usual butter on toast, and put on comfortable clothes to go to school. Her mother told her to put on make-up again. Ailish was not a fan of make-up, and has never worn it in her life. But that just caused her mother to say, "Ailish, be more of a girl, would you?"

Her high school was only a ten minute walk away, and she walked out of the house just a little bit later than normal. But since it was the first day back, it should be fine.

Walking up the pavements, she saw a car passing by her. "How nice it could be to have a car...," Ailish thought to herself. She always longed for one. 


Drew Saviorre 

[SIZE= 14px]..awoke in a cold sweat after a hellish nightmare around 5:03, a few minutes before his ex-girlfriend, Alicia, and sat up, running a hand through his hair which he could still feel a trace of gel in, and grabbed up his phone, sliding it to unlock it and clicking the "dismiss" button on his alarm clock. He opened his conversations up and grimaced as one of the most recent ones was her. He shrugs. "What's the worst that could happen? I should try to be her friend, at least." He clicked on the conversation and ruefully read the last words they had said to one another. He shook his head softly to himself as he read her last quote to him.[/SIZE]

"Well then why don't you just go and put some loving on Kaylie and leave me the FUCK alone?"


 Drew sucked a deep, shaky breath, into his diaphragm and texted something up. 

"I know I fucked up, okay? You don't have to remind me. It's not like I don't still care about you. I'm a horrible person, I'm aware. "


Kaylie Eaton was a friend of his who he tended to get a bit too friendly with in-front of Alicia when he had her. He took her for granted and he didn't realize how much she had meant to him until she had told him that she was upset and thinking about leaving him. 

"Drew I don't think this is working out...It hurts so much every time I see her." 


"It's okay, baby, she's just a friend, relax."

That's what Drew had always said, every time. But she had finally done what was probably right and just left him. And he knew that he had been the bad guy and he knew that it was his fault and he knew that he could be mad at no-one but himself, but honestly, he just wanted her again. But he refused to beg. He refused to be so pathetic. He put the phone down, and heard it ping. She had responded. He grunted and just got up, beginning to get ready for school.

   Avery sped past a girl walking, she felt kind of bad for her. Oh well.. she thought to herself. She found a perking spot right in front of the tall glass doors. She sighed, one more year. Avery grabbed her bag from behind her seat and got of her car. She locked it and slowly started her way to her first class. English. Yay.

   Avery walked in her class and it was empty. Even the teacher wasn't there. She found a seat in the far back next to the window. She glared at the cliche motivation plasters that covered the room. 
Joe hit in the air, running along the sidewalk. Her fists knocking pretend enemies down, her mind were far away from the running andbecause she had been training as much as she was able to the whole summer hermuscle memorie took over. The chain in her black jeans moved with her hips and her combatboots stomped silently into the ground with her fast and rather light steps. First day back to school, first day of her last year. She had promised her dad to get through this year, before she dropped out. Joes biggest dream was to become a professional boxer. Up the stairs to the school she started humming, running Rocky in her mind before she throwed the glassdoor open, watching a teatchers silent scream as it banged into the wall. Joe hit a locker and turned to the classroom she would have her english lessons in. Shelocked her eyes with the only person in the room and headed for the seat next to her. Almost shouting Joe greated the girl with; "yo gal! Time for a new year, yeah? Feels neat, yeah?" Throwing her but down on the seat and her boots onto the table she smiled big at the girl. "Name's Joanne, call me Joe though!"

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callum wright     ||   kingsley wright

OUTFIT       ||       OUTFIT

Madness was the first thing they saw when the siblings woke up that morning. The night before was somewhat calm. Kingsley had been out and about with her friends, while Callum went to football practice. They got home at the same time, both having missed curfew. They made a deal to not rat each other out to their parents. They quietly walked in, locking the door behind them. Their parents were sitting in the living room, talking so quietly that their words weren't audible to the siblings. Callum walked in front of Kingsley, both keeping their eyes on Mariette and Dakota Wright. That's when Kingsley tripped over her feet, falling face first onto the hardwood floor.

Callum had rushed over to her, trying to help her up. Then, their parents were in front of them in a flash. They both had amused looks on their faces. They didn't even question the siblings about their whereabouts. Mariette told them to go sleep, and Dakota sent them his love. It was too calm in the household. And the calm was an eerily clam.

Kingsley was the first to wake up, like always. She dismissed her alarm before she woke up, and went to go take a shower. Callum, on the other hand, was a heavy sleeper. His alarm went off, and Callum snored his way through it. It wasn't until the youngest Wright in the household, Maxine, banged on Callum's door to wake him up. Callum groaned, turning his alarm off, then went to go take a shower in his bathroom. With the siblings taking a shower, the hot water only lasted a few minutes. When the water went freezing cold, they got out, screaming at each other through the thin walls about wasting the hot water, then they solved their conflict and got dressed.

When the two walked downstairs, it seemed that they weren't the only ones that had been arguing. In the kitchen, Mariette had her hands on her hips, and she was glaring at Dakota. In between the two, laying on the kitchen island, is Dakota's phone. It's lighting up every few seconds. With the look on her parent's face, and the buzzing phone, Kingsley knows exactly what is going on. She grabs Callum's hand, and drags him out the kitchen, leaving their parents to argue. Kingsley grabs Maxine's hand when they reach the front door, and she leads the two out.

"Kings, what's wrong?" Maxine asks, peering up at her older sister's saddened expression. Kingsley sighs, shakes her head, and looks down at her younger sister. "Nothing Max. Let's get you to school."' The three walk to Kingsley's cherry red Jeep. Kingsley sits in the driver seat, Callum in the passengers, and Maxine in the back. Kingsley turns the vehicle on, backing out of the spiral driveway, and she drives to Maxine's school. Usually, the siblings would be joking around, talking about anything. Instead, the ride was filled with an awkward silence. Callum didn't even notice that Kingsley was wearing his sweater.

Kingsley pulled into Maxine's middle school. They said their goodbyes, then drove off to high school.

A pair of wide, big light grey eyes opened to see a slightly cluttered room. The room was so tiny it might very well have been a closet, containing a small metal-framed bed with a blue comforter across it a wooden dresser painted a chipping green, a large pile of books and paper and crayons everywhere. The owner of the gray eyes, an eleven year old named Ciel Fray, climbed out of the bed and walked over to the old dresser and swapped out his white matching pajamas for a blue shirt, a grey hoodie and some slightly faded jeans. He made no attempt to look nice, even though this was his first day of high school. Yes, high school, not middle. He'd been able to skip three grades due to his high academic performance. He'd always been smart, even as a baby. Walking out of the room, making sure his bare feet didn't step on any scattered objects, he went downstairs to the considerably larger bathroom.

After taking a quick, cold shower, Ciel looked at himself long and hard in the mirror. He was a small and skinny young boy, with chalk white skin and hair caused by his albinism. He didn't look like the rest of his family because of this condition. His family, consisting only of his mother and sister since his father died last year, were all blondes with bright blue eyes like the ocean. He looked nothing like them.

His mother was already in the room. She was a stiffly poised woman with a tight white dress, red lipstick and curly blonde hair that was so perfectly styled it looked like a wig.


Her red heels clacked across the linoleum floor as she prepared two plates of bacon and eggs, one for herself and one for her son. Ciel sat down in his usual wooden ladderbacked chair as his mother placed the food on the table. Using a small, thin fingered hand, he signed 'thank you' to which his mother did not reply. The tall blonde woman harbored some unfriendliness towards her son ever since his father passed.

After breakfast, it was time to leave. Grabbing a worn out grey backpack and his tattered red sneakers, Ciel walked out the door to go catch the bus. As soon as he boarded the yellow vehicle, the occupants of it burst into quiet giggles. Of course. He must look like a midget to them... they were all so much older. The eleven year old  sighed heavily, sliding into an empty seat for the long ride up to the school.
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Indiana Croft

Indiana nodded her head along with the music streaming through her headphones, her hands shoved into the pockets of the leather jacket draped over her shoulders. The seventeen year old mouthed the words to "She Ain't You" under her breath as she walked. Getting out of the house that morning had been nothing short of hell. Her father had been out god knows where, her mother passed out in the couch, a beer bottle clutched to her chest. So, in light of both of their parents being oblivious her brother, Saint, who should be living on his own by now, had decided it would be funny to throw a broken bottle at her. As a result, there was a cut above her right eyebrow where the bottle had hit. Not that she cared. Indiana could care less about her appearance, it just made her morning that much more sucky.

The rush of wind as a car sped by her caused Indiana to look up. A small yellow car flew past her, she shook her head, idiot. The school came into view and she sighed, another year of hell away from hell. 

The glass doors opened easily against her palms and she stroad down the all the happy hallways and into an even more happy classroom. There were only two girls inside, one seemed just as happy as she was to be here, she thought it was the same person that had been driving that car, the other seemed a little too enthusiastic for her tastes. Indiana slid down into a seat in front of the girl by the window and placed her Converse clad feet on the chair in front of her desk.

Mentions: Avery @Panic! and Joe @Neastlarsson
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Ciel got off the bus, nervously walking through the swarm of students into the school. He looked around in wonder at the pristine building, untouched by students since last summer and never before seen by his own light gray eyes. He tugged his backpack higher up on his shoulder and walked forward, searching for his first classroom. His first class was History, apparently. He always found that subject intensely boring, as it was so easy. The only thing to it was memorization of events and names and dates. He cautiously entered the classroom, sitting next to a much taller brunette girl with a leather jacket on. She was older than him, naturally. Everyone was. He was only eleven. He sighed, taking out his textbook and pencil and waiting for class to begin.
   Avery's thoughts were interrupted when another girl came into the room. She quickly turned her attention to her. Her eyes followed the cute girl. Avery chuckled at the girl shouting.

   She raised an eyebrow at the bold girl. "Avery. Nice to meet you, Joe." Avery flashed a warm smile, her eyes sparked with curiosity. Another girl walked in, she looked a little familiar. Avery cleared her throat awkwardly.
Indiana turned her head around at the sound of a throat being cleared. Blue eyes landed on the brunette girl behind her,"You clearing your throat at me? Sorry, not one for introductions. I'm Indiana." Her voice sounded more raspy than usual, it was still heavy with sleep. "Just kinda tired." She scratches the back of her neck awkwardly.

interacting with: Avery @Panic!
   Avery turned a rosey colour. She smiled at the girl. "Beautiful name, suites the girl." Avery winks semi jokingly. "Avery. And don't worry, were all beyond tired." She chuckles to herself and looksat the gal.
Indiana chuckled, turning sideways in her seat so she could look at Avery without having to strain her neck,"Well, thanks. While we're in the act of complimenting each other...your eyes are gorgeous." She winked right back, running a hand through her hair.

Interactjng with: Avery @Panic!
Joe smiled big at Indiana as she introduced herself, and Joe was juat aboit starting to lean a bit forward toward Indiana to explain that Joe herself were not tired when Indiana mentioned Averys eyes. Joe smiled big, using her hands when she again started talking. "Oh girls, did you know that the eyes are the window to the soul? That you can read anyone just by checking their eye? That because of them we will never really be able to keep secrets?" Her hands pointing at her own eyes, her heart and her brain. She abrupt stoped after she got the hang of what she was saying. "But yeah, both of you got seriously gorgeous eyes though!"
The other people in the room started talking. Assuming they wouldn't want him to join in the discussion, he remained silent, flipping through his text book. He silently cursed the fact that he was mute and so much younger than even the other freshmen. It was going to be nearly impossible for him to make friends.
   Avery turned rosey pink again. "Thanks love." She looks down, slightly smiling. Avery looked at Joe as she was talking and chuckled. She talks with her hands more than her mouth, but that's okay. "Eyes are my favorite thing about a person. They never age, or change. They hide all your fears and show all your deepest emotions. I agree with you, Joe. Eyes really are the window to the soul." She muttered, realizing she was probably rambling and getting too personal and deep for these new people.

   "So, how was your guys summer? Spent with all them hot boys down at the beach, or maybe even a few nights that you just cant remember?" Avery chuckles and stares at the two girls, enchanted by both of them. Avery feels her phone vibrate and checks it once again. She quickly dismissed it as it was her ex, Liam. 
Ciel blushed, looking down. He had no one to talk to ask usual. He hardly expected anyone else to even consider talking to him, seeing as he was so much younger and mute besides. He continued to idly flip through his textbook, twirling a strand of silky white hair between his fingers.
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callum wright     ||   kingsley wright

OUTFIT       ||       OUTFIT

Kingsley pulled into the school parking lot. The ride from the middle school to the high school remained silent. Callum was on his phone the whole time, occasionally letting out breathy chuckles, but he didn't breathe a word to Kingsley. Likewise, Kingsley was too focused on driving to check her phone. Students were walking to the building, dreading the first day of school. This year, Callum and Kingsley were in their senior year. They'd gotten their schedules online, and had both been content that they had few classes together. It was enough that they saw each other home, they didn't need to be in classes together.

Kingsley drives around the parking lot, looking for an open spot. She finally finds one, way in the back. She pulls in, and turns off the car. The two sit in silence for a moment, until Callum asks, "What happened?"

Kingsley sighs, bringing her legs onto the chair. She tugs her knees into her chest, hugging them. Tears brim her eyes as she thinks about her father's affair. Who was it even with? Just the night before, her parents were perfectly fine. Kingsley glances at Callum through the corner of her eye, and whispers, "Dad's cheating."

The tension in the Jeep shifts from awkward silence, to anger. Callum's head whirls towards the side, facing Kingsley. "How long have you've known?" he asks. His voice wavered slightly, as he was trying to control his anger. The last thing he needed was to punch the car window in.

"This morning. That's why they were arguing."

Pissed, Callum opens the car door, steps out, slams it shut, and makes his way to the school. Kingsley stays in the Jeep, the tears falling past her cheeks. Her parents had the twins when they were young. Mariette was 17, and Dakota was 20. The first few years of life together--all four of them--was hard. They lived in a small, shitty apartment, struggling financially. That was until Dakota got his dream job as an author. The family moved from Newport, Oregon to their new home, and things were going better. Then, Maxine came along four years later, and everything was even better. Her parents treated each other with such love. When Mariette walks through the door from work, she gives Dakota a big kiss. Why would he cheat on her?

Kingsley gathers herself up, swiping under her eyes to rid of her tears, then grabs her bag, and steps out the Jeep.
A big and bright smile covered Joes lips as Avery talked, Joe liked girls who knew how to talk. She listened and nodded to almost every word she said and when the question come, Joe was eager to talk.

"Oh my summer was such wounderful, yeah? I have been getting into our local boxing studio, and I love it there! Trying to learn how to fight fair though, only been fighting on the streets before, yeah?" She said boxing the air and throwing her hands everywhere. "Oh, and I've tried getting into a band..if you know one who needs a trummer I'm real good, yeah! Been playing seens I've been like 5!" She almost stood up on the last part and hit the desk, as if she tried to make the words bigger, brighter. "I loved this summer, didn't get to see much people though, almost no partying. But oh my" she made a fake pause "what hot dudes I've seen all summer long, gym's full of 'em!" Joes eyes turned dreamy by the thought, turning herself to the memories brought silence to her mouth.
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Drew Saviorre 

Drew walks out of his door with a backpack slung over his back, a blue-white striped collared shirt on his torso, a red beanie on his head, and jeans on his legs, along with a pair of beat up converse sneakers. Red earbuds were implanted into his ear and his phone was in his backpack's side-pocket, the earbuds being built in to the backpack. Drew walks over to his skateboard, grabbing it and flipping it expertly with his toe unto the road a few feet away, before running up and hopping onto it, zipping toward the school which was just around the corner from his house. As he drifts away from his house he puts his hand downward into his phone, unlocking it with his pass-code without looking, and clicking onto social media to see what had been going on. He read something about a fight that had taken place the day before between two potheads, something about a manhunt for an armed robber going on in a nearby town, some weaboo had put a list of her favorite pairings on Instagram for some reason. Basic teenage stuff which Drew lacked an interest in, however he had to do something to occupy his mind. As he slid into the parking lot of the school he ollied over a bicycle rail before stomping on the front of the skateboard whilst it is in motion, flipping it backward and smashing into the railing. Not bothering to fix anything or prop it up, he just continues walking toward the school, leaving the skateboard there. 
The sun hadn't broken the horizon, yet Gareth was already up. He rushed to put on his white shirt, black jeans, socks, and runners. Gareth was in his final year, college, future job, and housing all planned out this year he was going to have fun. But still, he wasn't going ruin his perfect attendance. The seventeen year old hopped into the kitchen, prepared lunch for four people, and took one himself. "Done," he whispered to himself, the sun rising behind him. He grabbed his leather accordion folder and walked out to his bike. "One day I'll get a car," he smiled, "but for now you and I are gonna go far!" Gareth affectionately pat the red bike seat before getting on, he started off with a shout and burst off.

     About half an hour later, Gareth arrived at the school entrance a glare on his face. His thin cotton shirt getting caught on a branch was ripped off his body and if he turned back he would be late. "I'm sure I'll be fine," he assured himself stepping through the doors, he never heard of a dress code. He walked down the hallway and entered the door to history. "Yo," he greeted the class, and plopped himself next to the youngest looking kid there. "Yo," he greeted and stuck out his hand, "nice hair."
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Keith Griffin

Keith woke up. It was around 7:15, he was late (not for the first time) and had only about twenty minutes to get ready. "Shit." he mumbled to himself. 

By the time he was ready, he had only about ten minutes to get to school . . . it takes him about fifteen minutes to get to school. "For real?!" he yelled in irritation. Keith threw his things into his car (formerly his dad's  1994 Chevelle Malibu SS).  

[SIZE= 16px]He finally arrived to school (in about eight minutes, note he disregarded two red lights). "Finally." he sighed in relief. He wore a pair of Air Force 1's and some Khaki joggers and a white Polo tee. He listened Chicago drill rap through a small iHome speaker which was in his left pocket. As he walked to his class, he met his friends. "Wassup, homie?!" his friend, Darnell, greeted Keith. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"Wuss crackin'?" Keith replied. [/SIZE]

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Drew Saviorre 

Drew walks through the halls as the bell stating a five-minute warning to get to their class sounds. "Alright.." Drew says, reaching into his pocket and grappling with a bunch of shit in there, and finally recovering his schedule. He pulls it out, checks first class, and nods to himself before putting it away and beginning to walk through the halls toward first class. He finally gets there about two minutes before the bell sounds, and sees a friend he hadn't seen in a while. Gareth. He was more of an acquaintance, but he didn't feel like talking to no one else - he was the sociable kind of guy and he tended to be pretty popular if he wanted to be, but it was wayyy too fuckin' early. So he sat down next to Gareth, greeting him. "Ay. How you doing, Gareth?" 

[SIZE= 10px]Gareth @The Hero[/SIZE]
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Gareth turned around and looked at the guy, recognizing him. "Hey Drew, nothing much," Gareth responded, "got an extra shirt?" He referenced his naked torso. "I got into an accident my way here," he chuckled rubbing his head. Gareth considered Drew a friendly acquaintance and was confident he would offer him one.

Drew Saviorre 

"Dude you're literally autistic..Stop by the gym later, they've always got clothes in the commissary for kids who forget their clothes. You'll get a detention when the teacher comes in, though." Drew responds, chuckling. "And you ain't impressing no one with them weak ass abs." He pokes fun at him, sitting back in his chair and taking his phone out, reading through Instagram for some more teenage bullshit while listening to Hollywood Undead in his earbuds. 

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