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Realistic or Modern The Agony of Claire Atwood

Heart of Glass

Life is only pain

Name: First and Last

Age: 16-18 (If you want to make a character older/younger, talk to me about it in the Overview before you fill out the form).

Personality: At least one paragraph (5 sentences minimum).

Appearance: Description (5 sentences min.) and/or photo(s)

Style/Usual attire:

So this is to give me some insight on how they feel/what they think about the general situation pertaining to Claire's murder as well as the character's current relationship with the rest of the group ( 5 sentences min.).

Bio/Backstory (Optional): At least one paragraph (5 sentences minimum).


Update: If I LIKE your post, you're accepted
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  • Name: Shane Westfall
  • Age: 18
  • Personality: Shane is typically laid back. She has the appearance of your typical jock, with the personality of a someone completely opposite. Unfortunately, she's mostly known for her unwillingness to be in a stable relationship. She is known for being irrational and hard-headed, but usually kind to most people. She never holds her tongue, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's a sucker for a pretty face and extremely flirtatious. She gives off a 'mysterious' vibe and it makes her very popular with the ladies, also because she looks and acts almost exactly like a boy.

Thoughts: Shane was devastated at hearing about her friend, Claire's death. She was always flirting with Claire and messing around with her. Shane had a playful relationship with the group and was definitely more of a boy than anything. She would playfully flirt and wrestle with her friends whenever they were really bored, and they would attend her boxing matches when they were able. Shane was an incredibly dependable friend and losing one of the group members took a toll on her that she never seems to show.

Bio: Not much can be said about Shane as she was raised quite normally. She is an only child who lives with a quite successful Drag Queen for a father. When her mother found out about her fathers habits, she didn't think she could handle it and left. Since then, Shane has been overly attached to her heterosexual, but feminine, cross-dressing father. She tells him all of her secrets and although she doesn't ever speak of him, she wouldn't be able to go on without him. She holds no grudge against her mother, as this experience taught her to be more open minded.

  • Likes: Girls (obviously), singing, playing her ukulele, playing video games, and sleeping.
  • Dislikes: Being told what to do, not having at least one smoke break, revealing clothing, and guys who are persistent.

Rysen Lional

Age: 17


Rysen is..unique to say the least his personality changing depending on the situation and where he is. To most he is a loner, the quiet boy In the back of the class who finishes his work dutifully, sometimes though when to bored or lazy he slacks off or ditches ruining his good student image. Though his teachers don't protest as they are to charmed with how polite and respectful he is. Around his friends though he becomes a chatty ball of energy showcasing his strange, mostly brief, obsessions and tends to spoil and be loyal toward those that gain his trust. He is undoubtedly lazy though and tends to stick to those he knows otherwise being a recluse. One that avoids new situations that involve talking to others if he can. However despite all this, he is a good listener smart and has a talent at tuning into his friends emotions though tends to pick up there habits along the way.


Style/Usual attire:





Claire's death hit Rysen hard. She was the one who first brought him out of his shell and through her he met the rest of his friends. Without her he would still be the friendless recluse who liked being alone because he didn't know any better. With her he gained friends who he can share his ideas and obsessions with. One's who indulged his rants and theory not to mention random midnight calls or text when he can't sleep.

Bio/Backstory (Optional):

Rysen had a normal childhood. Normal for him anyway. His mother was a single mother who worked as a waitress and was tough as nails as a result of a hard life where she dealt with more problems then most know what to do with. Including depression, bi poler disorders, unruly kids, and deadbeat baby daddies. She was constantly working to keep them above the poverty line and as a result was never home.

Rysen and his five half siblings raised each other and as a result of seeing most of them turn to drugs, drinking, and law breaking to deal with their life he became untrustworthy of most and became determined to keep himself and his younger brother clean. He wanted to make a decent life for himself. This untrustworthiness made him push others away and he became a shy recluse. At least until his freshman year in high school when he met Claire. After that he found himself being willingly dragged out of his shell.

Name: Arielle Glass (like the Disney princess Ariel, but with some extra letters)

Age: 17


She is what you would call a "girly nerd". Arielle is studious and get good grades but not to the point of being antisocial. She loves to read, write, create art and she is naturally philosophical and curious, always wondering about life's deeper meaning. While Arielle is friendly to basically anybody, if somebody gets in the way of me or any of my friends, expect the worst storm to come, aha. While popular at school, her major downfall is that she is a chronic liar, even when some people think of her as honest and transparent as her last name; Glass, she is far from so and is hiding many secrets inside. She can also be a bit competitive at times, demanding to be the best academically and at everything else. She was never the type of person to date around, but there were always people out there that fell for her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Beautiful-girl-blue-eyes-dark-hair-Favim_com-464476.jpg.8343383c35b4348e16962a1c45fc5892.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Beautiful-girl-blue-eyes-dark-hair-Favim_com-464476.jpg.8343383c35b4348e16962a1c45fc5892.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Style/Usual attire:

Arielle is a very traditionally feminine person when it comes to style and looks, so she naturally prefers something casual like a hoodie or a big sweater and leggings to a flowery skirt and lace top. A common pattern with Arielle is usually comfortable feminine clothes such as skirts, lacy tops, golden necklaces, light denim, etc. so anything really goes for her.


Like many of Claire's friends, she was indeed close to everyone in the group. She was the type of girl you could count on for a lean on the shoulder or a clever little joke or to share something stupid with. Arielle has a goofy and sarcastic sense of humor and loves to play piano and sing to her friends. Naturally, Arielle is a huge romantic, showing all of her best friends romance movies to sit through. Arielle is a social and considerate person to the people she loves and is always the person to call whenever you need to bring up a gloomy situation, but when she found out about her friend's death, she tried to distract herself from the problem, turning to new friends and a new life, hanging out with the superficial, popular "preps".

Bio/Backstory (Optional):

Also known as Arielle Angelica Glass, she was born with the infamous strict, traditional parents and one much older twin sister and brother (Juliette and Peter). The way she was taught always fueled her high expectations for herself and for the people around her. She lived in a high income household, living in the huge mcmansion style houses and was taught to always hold her true feelings and to act courteous and polite almost every single day. Her parents wanted her to be the perfect child, to get straight A's and dress nicely, teaching her how to play piano.


Arielle has many little quirks such as that she ambidextrous, loves to collect vinyls and old vintage books and furniture. She also has a habit of fidgeting, and organizing everything alphabetically.



  • Beautiful-girl-blue-eyes-dark-hair-Favim_com-464476.jpg
    876.1 KB · Views: 45
Name: Karl Wolfram

Age: 34

Personality: He is proud and sly, sometimes even aggressive - especially when someone's getting on his nerves. Karl likes shiny black cars, perfect suits, going to casino and just looking good. He sees almost everyone as low beings, and respectively acts, too. Through he can be very show-off. In summary captain Wolfram is not the guy you wanna mess with.


Karl is bright-eyed, with brown hair and in great physical form. His green eyes perfectly match with his uniform. 6,23 feet tall he can impress only short persons. Karl also has many tiny claw marks all over his arms, sometimes even face. Some might find it suspicious, but he doesn't want anyone to know where they come from.

Style/Usual attire: Always seen wearing army uniform (I couldn't find suiting uniform pictures without humans inside).

Thoughts: He doesn't have any relationship with them. He only have seen them few times. Annoying. Annoying little brats - that is what Karl thinks about ''the group''. The same disinterest goes for famous murder. He might have seen in on TV or newspaper, but doesn't care.

Bio/Backstory (Optional): -

Other: Military rank is captain, owns a tabby cat named Purr, but doesn't want that anyone knows it.

@Heart of Glass is it accepted?
[QUOTE="Heart of Glass]I already gave your post a like. That means you're accepted.

Okay, I just wanted to confirm.

Sooooo when will RP start?


Alana Riggs




Most people, when asked to describe Alana Riggs, would probably say that she is a shallow, egotistical bitch, and its not hard to see why. She appears to only be concerned with outer appearances, how popular she is, and whats "in". She's your typical "popular" girl, in with the "wrong" crowd. Incredibly insecure and desperate for acceptance, Alana tries find her self confidence in the compliments of others rather than in herself. The people she hangs out with at school, her "friends", are all secretly insecure douche bags who gossip, do dangerous drugs, and bully anyone who isn't in with their little "group". Although she tries not to participate in these activities that go against her morals, she wants to fit in, thus causing her to be very suspectable to peer pressure. She's also a bit of an attention seeker, basking in all the positive attention she can get. Due to this, she often comes off as overdramatic.

However, there's some meaning to the old phrase "there's more than what meets the eye". Most people wouldn't know it, but Alana really likes science and math. Unlike her fellow "groupies", who have a "school sucks" attitude, she actually tries very hard. Well, she used to. Recently, her GPA has dropped due to her being more concerned with her popularity and fitting in rather than actually doing well in school, a choice she has started to regret looking at her college options.

When she's not in her little "group", she's actually nice. She has a big heart, and sometimes she wishes that she could be brave enough to tell off her "friends" when they're being assholes. However, due to her unassertive nature, she usually just stands back and watches, which she knows makes her just as bad as them. She's afraid of being the one on the receiving end of the bullying like she was in middle school. She doesn't even know if she really likes them; she's just trying to fit in.



Style/Usual attire;

She wears a lot of name brand outfits, although she tries to mix fashion with comfort. She's most likely to be seen wearing an oversized sweater, leggings, and hunter boots.


Claire's death absolutely devastated Alana. Claire was the first one to stand up for her in middle school and she introduced Alana to all of her other friends. They were all so close; they all supported one another and were there for each other. She would share random science facts with the group, passionately explaining her latest discovery. They were the only people she could ever really be herself with, the only people who she ever really laughed with. She loved cheering them all on and all of their diverse interests; she loved all the inside jokes they shared. Claire's kindhearted nature and willingness to help is something she will miss greatly. In a sense, she feels responsible for the way they all grew apart. She feels guilty for ditching them and finding new "friends" who aren't even as cool as they had originally appeared. Alana wouldn't blame the old group if they all hate her at this point. She feels like she shouldn't even be allowed to mourn Claire's death, after all, she had practically left the group out of her own will. She's afraid of facing all of her old friends; she's afraid of what they would think of her now.

Bio/Backstory (Optional);

Alana's home life was pretty normal; her parents were divorced but happy. They both loved her, and she would live with each one every other week. Sometimes she would feel a bit left out when she saw her father and step-mom doting over her baby step-brother, but they always tried their best to make her feel loved. Home life wasn't the problem. School life, however, was a different story.

While Alana may be pretty now, she used to be bullied for her appearance. As a middle schooler, she was a naive, chubby, and bushy browed girl who was energetic and nice to everyone she met. However, middle schoolers could be evil, and kids would often pick on her for her weight and appearance. At first she could ignore it, but the more insults she heard, the more she started to believe it, thus causing her to have self-esteem issues. However, she will never forget the time that, when she was at her lowest point, Claire Atwood stood up for her. The gesture meant a lot to Alana, and the two became instant friends. From there on, hearing all the insults became a little easier for her. Claire introduced Alana to some of her friends, and the connection was almost instant. They all spent a lot of time together, and Alana felt safe when in their company. However, highschool was soon approaching, and Alana started to fear that they would all grow apart. Realzing that she couldn't rely on her friends forever, she decided that she would make a new name for herself. She worked incredibly hard and she lost a lot of weight. She started focusing on her appearance and applying makeup. By the time she got into high school, she was the girl she thought she always wanted to be. But, for some reason, she still felt unfulfilled. No amount of makeup could change her low self esteem. Still desperate to fit in and make high school the best time of her life, she started getting involved with the "wrong crowd", looking for acceptance from other people. At first, she tried to still keep in contact with everyone, but as time went on it grew harder and harder; she had new friends to hang out with, and her old friends all seemed to be busy with their own things. Eventually, they seemed to have lost contact all together, something that she had been so desperate to avoid.

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Name: Spencer Yauch

Age: 18

Personality: Looking at him from the outside, Spencer doesn't seem like much. He's not one to open up to strangers or to speak out of line. Around his friends, however, it's clear that he's easygoing and can be playful at times as well. He tries to keep his emotions inside, never getting too excited or depressed. This doesn't mean he doesn't have a sense of humor though, being one to poke fun at others occasionally. He has a deep interest in art and architecture and can be found more often than not doodling something on a pad of paper. While some some people get the impression that he's on the quieter side, it's not necessarily true, as he can be quite talkative at times when around his friends.

Style/Usual attire: He can usually be found wearing some T-shirt with a light jacket on top and a pair of jeans. It's fairly rare for him to have much of a deviation from his regular attire.

Spencer was always thankful for having the group of friends that he did, finding them easy and entertaining to talk to. For the most part, he enjoyed all the activities that they dragged him into and the time that they spent together, though his relationship with them would get a little rough later on. While Claire's death did come across as a shock to him, his initial feeling was more so guilt than sadness. Despite having a close relationship for years, he'd gotten into a number of arguments with Claire towards the end of her life. A large amount of these arguments were about college and the future, which was no secret to the rest of the group. As a result, his relationship with the others was certainly made more tense and awkward. Having never resolved the issues between them, he gradually began to speak less and less with the group before stopping altogether.

Bio/Backstory (Optional): Spencer's early life wasn't particularly eventful and lived much like any other regular person. He was an only child and both of his parents worked office jobs. In fact, a lot of his life was filled with mediocrity, never excelling at anything particular. Of course, this would change once he became acquainted with Claire, who he had somewhat warmed up to. Eventually, the two became good friends and she encouraged him to do some soul searching, which led him to discover his interest in art in the first place. Along with this, she introduced him to a lot of her other friends, who would become some of his best friends as well.

In a sense, Spencer owed a lot of his happiness to Claire and his other friends, always being there for him. However, the friendship between them became more and more distant and he had to worry moving on towards college. He had considered putting it off for a while, and was the cause of a lot of disagreements between himself and Claire. While these fights never got too heated, it did put a dent in their relationship and eventually drove him to avoid his old friends.


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