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Realistic or Modern THE ABYSS (WIP)





Dark. Cold. Empty.

You see nothing but darkness around you when you wake up. Reaching out with your bare fingertips,you linger in the emptiness for a moment letting everything sink in. Then all of a sudden you feel like your body is on fire as a voice takes control of your blank mind.

Do you remember?

Nothing flashes in your mind. Not a name. Not a face. Not a voice. Your mind is empty and dark as your surroundings...which probes you to wonder where exactly you are.

You are floating in the prison between life and death.

The voice pierces your mind, mocking your confusion and panic. You just want to escape out of the darkness in to a warmer safer place or at least a state of mind where you don't have to feel anything.

Ah. So you want to run away again?

You can't understand the little spurts of sentences that the voice in your head whispers. But you feel mocked. As if the voice knew something that you didn't...as if the voice knew exactly why you were dangling in the darkness and laughing at your stupidity for not knowing how to escape.

You are in the Abyss my darling. The hell that people who were careless with their precious life fall into. The only way you can escape

is by remembering.

But remember darling...memories come at a cost.

And if you do succeed in remembering everything, will you still want to go back?

Some things that I didn't explicitly state in the starter above is that your character is in the state of a coma. They are trapped in an Alice in Wonderland type of world where they gain back their memories at the cost of others' lives. If one dies in the Abyss, they die in the "Real" world and they have no more chances in returning to their true lives. Once the character gains back all of their memories, they are given two choices. One is death, if they do not want to return to the life they were originally living before they fell in to a coma. The other is waking up in the real world. However, every player in the game of the Abyss has a time limit and they have to retrieve all of their memories before the end of their time limit which isn't too far away. If they don't finish on time, they cease to exist in the Abyss and will die in the "Real" world without a choice.


(You will be given 3 chances before your character is kicked or killed off)

1. No God Modding unless the RPer of the character you are using is okay with it. (Only GM if you guys just want to brush through unnecessary events. I understand that sometimes it gets difficult to have to wait for each person to reply for trivial shit.)

2. Don't get salty if your character gets killed. None of the RPer's characters will most likely be killed, but if the circumstance comes please be understanding. Also in turn, don't go killing off other characters at random.

3. Good grammar, formatting, spelling, etc. (VERY IMPORTANT)

4. Please respect all RPers

-- this is a detailed RP

if you want short responses, there's a casual section

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