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Fandom The Abyss and Sky: A Percy Jackson rp

TheGodSnake said:
Kevin smiled, "oh, so the great horse whisperer can now read minds?" He joked. As the arrow rang out farther behind him, he had an idea, "let's change our approach and be less direct." He said as he pulled her into the brush.
Noah scrunches her nose up at him as she grinned a bit before giving a slight yelp in surprise as he pulled her into a bush, this had surprised her and caused her to lose her footing and caused her to crash into the Athena boy, knocking them down to the ground and in the bush, she gave a slight grunt as she pushed herself up and noticed that their faces were dangerously close, she quickly scrambled back. "S-Sorry. I uh Yeah..." she said as she got off him and stood up. (@TheGodSnake)
As Noah crashed into him and their faces were incredibly close, time seemed to stop as he looked into her eyes. As she backed away, he noticed his heart was beating incredibly fast and loud, and hoped Noah didnt hear it. "i-it's alright noah, people trip all the time." he said quietly.
Noah brushes herself off before offering him a hand. "C-Come on let's get moving before we get spotted and knocked out of the game." She said while controlling her voice to hide the nervousness and fluttery feeling she got from his eyes.
Nicole gazes around sensing that the flag was not far away, but she also sensed a fight before she could get to it. She takes a few steps backwards, distancing herself from whatever the blue team had set as a defensive wall in between them.
Collin was ducking behind the wall he made, holding all three vials of Greek Fire. He heard foot steps, and got ready. Who? Ares kid, probably, he thought, tensing up. He knew the Ares kids were powerful, so he would play to his advantage.


Brendan nodded. "Alright, I have a plan," he told her, grinning wickedly at the plan. Alright, let's see. Chiron did say all magic, he thought, sticking out his hand and murmuring a prayer, raising his hand up. Out came three skeletons in Spartan armor. They could easily be defeated with one swipe of a sword. He then got ready to send them out as soon as Anastasia was ready with her plan.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Cherry's stomach growled "man I should have eaten something more than that pizza. Geeze when is lunch?" Bored she used her telekinetic powers to move some rocks in a circular pattern. She yawned "defense is so boring." she knew the red flag was somewhere near, not exactly but somewhere. She looked up to the sky an let the stones dance around her.
Reese watching boredly, not too interested in participating, sitting in a tree while surveying the entire field from one of the tallest trees in the forest.
Kate walked around and she came across red flag "i wonder why thats there " she says curiously and walked around it

@Soul OMU
Kevin was about to pull himself up when he heard a noise from the creek, it was voices. he put his finger to his lips and signaled to Noah that he heard someone.
Dakota rolls her eyes slightly as she sighs. "Right... Just pick a color. Red or Blue."

Noah looks at him and nods as she keeps quiet and ducks down so she's hidden once again.
Kevin quietly moved to the edge of the brush and saw two demigods and three skeletons, and realized they were weak and expendable. he looked back at Noah and used a type of sign language to relay the info, then he moved back to her. "We should move together and quickly, the skeletons will be easy to take out and with the water there, you'll be mor powerful. I saw one of them digging, which means there may be traps. Can you flood the shore from here?"
Noah glances over and notices Anastasia. "...daughter of Demeter..." She signed softly but nodded. "I could but they probably planted traps." She said while looking at him.

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