~The 54th Annual Hunger Games~ (Sheet Thread) ♥

What do you like better - the movies for the Hunger Games Trilogy, or the books?

  • The books are way better! ♥

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  • The movies are much more amazing! ♥

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  • I don't like either of them. The series sucks! XP

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Favorite color: Black & White. I thought I did something seriously wrong and I freaked out...
Name: Bee 'Honey' Makrins

Age: 17

Gender: Female

District: Two

Reaped or Volunteered: Reaped

Skills: Communications, Stealth, Steady Hands

Weaknesses: Easily Deceived, Puts her emotions in everything, Cries easily.

Personality: Bee is very guy like, someone who you can breathe around. She is usually calm ,but always has her mother's voice nagging her to act more feminine, so she pulls herself in weird situations and acts girly.

Biography: Bee always lived the blind life. She never knew how bad the world she lived in, was controlled by peacock enthused idiots. She was raised as a woman, being polite. Using her gender as a weapon, she would get money, and help her family out. But she never really liked it. Her father would always bring back some clay, so she could sculpt different flowers she saw in old painting at the commoner's market. She loved her father dearly, and would help him out anyway he could, but when he grew sick. Bee's world slowly fell apart. She would work at the factories at night, bringing in the income, without her mother knowing, only because her mother did not approve of a lady working. Since her mother was old fashioned, she could not do many things, and this fueled her anger. The day she denied her mother's opinion was when father left them to go live in the skies. Her mother would still function, but knowing she HAD depend on her daughter working sickened her. But, this is what had to be done.

Bee's life got better and better. She had an accepting mother, a job she loved, and the community would welcome her anywhere. And this was the year, she was reaped. The day when everything was right. Life was cruel, sick, and twisted. ( Favorite color: Gunmetal Gray)



((Sorry about her background being short, I want to reveal it throughout the story. If I live xD ))
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Can i reserve a girl in district 12 please?
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
Can i reserve a girl in district 12 please?
Yes, you may. ^^ Don't forget to read the rules before you post your CS. ♥
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Verrici said:
Name: Bee 'Honey' Makrins
Age: 17

Gender: Female

District: Two

Reaped or Volunteered: Reaped

Skills: Communications, Stealth, Steady Hands

Weaknesses: Easily Deceived, Puts her emotions in everything, Cries easily.

Personality: She works hard, and gets punished for it. Her mother wanted a daughter, but her family needed a worker. So she has to act like a lady, yet she has her mindset of guy things. Though she can be herself, in the back of her mind, is her mother telling her to at least fix her posture.

Biography: Bee always lived the blind life. She never knew how bad the world she lived in, was controlled by peacock enthused idiots. She was raised as a woman, being polite. Using her gender as a weapon, she would get money, and help her family out. But she never really liked it. Her father would always bring back some clay, so she could sculpt different flowers she saw in old painting at the commoner's market. She loved her father dearly, and would help him out anyway he could, but when he grew sick. Bee's world slowly fell apart. She would work at the factories at night, bringing in the income, without her mother knowing, only because her mother did not approve of a lady working. Since her mother was old fashioned, she could not do many things, and this fueled her anger. The day she denied her mother's opinion was when father left them to go live in the skies. Her mother would still function, but knowing she HAD depend on her daughter working sickened her. But, this is what had to be done.

Bee's life got better and better. She had an accepting mother, a job she loved, and the community would welcome her anywhere. And this was the year, she was reaped. The day when everything was right. Life was cruel, sick, and twisted. ( Favorite color: Gunmetal Gray)

((Sorry about her background being short, I want to reveal it throughout the story. If I live xD ))
Actually... I can't accept you quite yet. One, your personality is a little off. It doesn't even have much to do with her as a person. Mainly it seems to be how she was raised - those things could have added to her biography. I'd like just a little more detail, please. Also - she couldn't have been reaped if she's apart of District 1, 2, or 4. Those are career districts. Oh, and please fix your picture - I'd prefer it to be in the actual photo format. ^^
Well, it says in the book they they usually have volunteers in the first two districts. They go in waves, so when there isnt a female who is ready, that one will be reaped.
Verrici said:
Well, it says in the book they they usually have volunteers in the first two districts. They go in waves, so when there isnt a female who is ready, that one will be reaped.
Like in the book, they usually have volunteers. Therefore, the first two districts - as well as fourth - are going to be volunteers. Career volunteers, since they're career districts. If you don't want to be one, then change your district. This is the way I have it set up - everyone else has went by it. xD You're no exception, sorry.
Hey @Crystalline♥ and @Bree sorry for not posting/replying faster, things have been crazy at my first week of work. I'll try to get something up by later tonight/tomorrow. <3 Sorry again. Also sorry for posting here, I didn't notice I was in the sheet thread not the ooc, I'll move this comment if you'd like.
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Then I have to change my bio, and yet I can't volunteer. Haymitch said himself that there have been hesitations among the three districts for volunteers
I'm almost done with mines! :P <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/images.jpg.2fb124b67f4eb3965e16efde426dd26f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/images.jpg.2fb124b67f4eb3965e16efde426dd26f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • images.jpg
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Verrici said:
Then I have to change my bio, and yet I can't volunteer. Haymitch said himself that there have been hesitations among the three districts for volunteers
I'm not changing my mind. ^^ I'm sticking with the traditional ways - 1, 2, and 4 are career districts. Volunteered. Everyone thus far that's joined and been apart of those districts has followed these rules and standards. You aren't going to be an exception. Either change it, or don't. But if you don't, I can't accept you. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I'm sticking with this. xD

If you really want to stick with her being reaped against her will, just change the district.

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
I'm almost done with mines! :P
Can't wait to meet her~! <3
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Yay! :P  
Fav color : ALLL! i don't hav eon but i hate pink...but mostly Blue! ))

View attachment 23112

Name: Alyson Breenner

Age: 15

Gender: Girl

District 12, mining, very poor, lack of food.

Reaped or volunteered:Reaped

Skills, She knows how to survive alone, because she's alone most of the time, she does alot of reading and drawing and poetry, Because she reads alot she knows alot about surviving , she knows how to use the bow and arrow, hunting, She has psychical strength but she doesn't really use it alot.

Weaknesses Big crowds, speaking to any one she's not familiar, she freezes up alot and get's nervous.

Personality: Alyson is really shy but yet, brave but she doesn't know it she just has to gain the courage, and work it up to do something,, she is sweet and is in touch with her feminine side of herself, she is book smart not street smart, she is a book worm, loves books and being outside, She loves animals and has a special connection with animals.

Biography: Alyson grew up in the poorest district, she grew upw ith 3 sisters and 1 brother, the oldest sister got reaped in the hunger games, she didn't come back.. after that her family was crushed, desperate for food, she had to ask for food from other people, to help them, so when it was time for the reaping ceremony she was called, she was really shocked, And then the other boy was called, her mother was in peices. Alyson really didn't know what to think she was in complete shock.

Fav color : ALLL! i don't hav eon but i hate pink...but mostly Blue! ))

View attachment 23112

Name: Alyson Breenner

Age: 15

Gender: Girl

District 12, mining, very poor, lack of food.

Reaped or volunteered:Reaped

Skills, She knows how to survive alone, because she's alone most of the time, she does alot of reading and drawing and poetry, Because she reads alot she knows alot about surviving , she knows how to use the bow and arrow, hunting, She has psychical strength but she doesn't really use it alot.

Weaknesses Big crowds, speaking to any one she's not familiar, she freezes up alot and get's nervous.

Personality: Alyson is really shy but yet, brave but she doesn't know it she just has to gain the courage, and work it up to do something,, she is sweet and is in touch with her feminine side of herself, she is book smart not street smart, she is a book worm, loves books and being outside, She loves animals and has a special connection with animals.

Biography: Alyson grew up in the poorest district, she grew upw ith 3 sisters and 1 brother, the oldest sister got reaped in the hunger games, she didn't come back.. after that her family was crushed, desperate for food, she had to ask for food from other people, to help them, so when it was time for the reaping ceremony she was called, she was really shocked, And then the other boy was called, her mother was in peices. Alyson really didn't know what to think she was in complete shock.

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
Yay! :P  
Fav color : ALLL! i don't hav eon but i hate pink...but mostly Blue! ))
View attachment 23112

Name: Alyson Breenner

Age: 15

Gender: Girl

District 12, mining, very poor, lack of food.

Reaped or volunteered:Reaped

Skills, She knows how to survive alone, because she's alone most of the time, she does alot of reading and drawing and poetry, Because she reads alot she knows alot about surviving , she knows how to use the bow and arrow, hunting, She has psychical strength but she doesn't really use it alot.

Weaknesses Big crowds, speaking to any one she's not familiar, she freezes up alot and get's nervous.

Personality: Alyson is really shy but yet, brave but she doesn't know it she just has to gain the courage, and work it up to do something,, she is sweet and is in touch with her feminine side of herself, she is book smart not street smart, she is a book worm, loves books and being outside, She loves animals and has a special connection with animals.

Biography: Alyson grew up in the poorest district, she grew upw ith 3 sisters and 1 brother, the oldest sister got reaped in the hunger games, she didn't come back.. after that her family was crushed, desperate for food, she had to ask for food from other people, to help them, so when it was time for the reaping ceremony she was called, she was really shocked, And then the other boy was called, her mother was in pieces. Alyson really didn't know what to think she was in complete shock.

I think she's alright, but do you think you could add a little more detail to her biography? For some reason, with the way you put it, it seems so cut off. I also see a ton of grammatical mistakes with bug me a bit.. xD But, other than those details, she's fine.
I have a question about the end of her biography. When it says that the other boy was called and her mother was in pieces, did you mean Vincent? If you did, then that's wrong. Vincent wasn't called, he wanted to be in the games, so he volunteered. He did try to get called, but it didn't happen. So, he went with traditional volunteering and gave all that excess food to the district.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I have a question about the end of her biography. When it says that the other boy was called and her mother was in pieces, did you mean Vincent? If you did, then that's wrong. Vincent wasn't called, he wanted to be in the games, so he volunteered. He did try to get called, but it didn't happen. So, he went with traditional volunteering and gave all that excess food to the district.

Ah, yes. That, too. That confused me a little bit. x)
Gah sorry I never posted I got really busy but I will post today of this is still going on. I honestly love this rp

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