~The 54th Annual Hunger Games~ (Sheet Thread) ♥

What do you like better - the movies for the Hunger Games Trilogy, or the books?

  • The books are way better! ♥

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The movies are much more amazing! ♥

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like either of them. The series sucks! XP

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How long will you be waiting till you start the thread? Or will you be waiting until all of the districts get filled up?
[QUOTE="Toaster Muffins]I'm going to create my charrie tomorrow if that's alright with you.

It's fine by me, just make sure you read the Info & OOC Thread before you create it. c: Important details in there. ♥
FAV COLOR BLUE and This blue








3, Electronics

Reaped or Volunteered:



Ronan is amazing with the bow staff. His father would train him with it due to his grandfather leading a training facility. He surpassed his father with the staff quickly, some people believe it to be a weak weapon but it's truly amazing, he self trained himself how to use close combat and has his own style, mixing many fighting styles and learning through books. As well as complex traps and electronics due to his fathers shop. His light motor skills are well since always dealing with wired and small electronics. He knows he'll have to pick a sharp weapon as well in the games bow staff can be hard to kill with but if strong enough it can crack some skulls.


Ronan has a slight fear of sharp things, basically why he sticks with the bow staff, he knows that he has to fight them some day so he tries to cover his fear. He fears dying and not returning to his father, he does not want to break his promise with him but this is also his strength. He doesn't like being super dirty, he can be a neat freak and clean freak at times but that's because of his mother. Water seems unnatural to him but he learned to swim from his mother slightly. He isn't that good though.


Ronan is a quiet boy at first. He is shy when he first meets people but very polite. He would talk if you asked him or it was necessary, he was usually like this since he was schooled by his father at the shop. Homeschooling wasn't common but he felt that he learned many complicated things. He can be curious but knows when he should be, he likes to be safe sometimes and protect others. He still doesn't know if he'll be up to the challenge to kill someone, but he may have to try


Ronan had always been close to his parents. Some teens may find it lame or babyish but Ronan didn't care. He loved his parents and cared much about them. His mother was an elegant woman, tall, graceful and pretty and his father was an intellectual man and very good with words. Ronan learned everything he knew from his father, the man seemed to know everything, from battle tactics to common mathematics. He has always been surprised by his father and he bonded with him very much through his life. His love for his father is what makes him want to return. His mother had taught Ronan manners since he was young, to be an exemplary boy since a young age. He referred her household as a kingdom and Ronan was her little prince. Even though it embarrassed Ronan slightly he didn't mind it.

Being around his parents most of his life brought some trust issues and friendship issues with others as well. He is extremely responsible and well taught but his social skills are sort of lacking so he can be a bit awkward. The first time he had employees in his dads shop which opened around when he was 5 he asked if they were his friends. His dad sighed and excused his son and apologized. Now he tries to treat people nicely and polite when they come into the shop.

The day Ronan was reaped before the ceremony his father had told him that he didn't have to worry. They would always be together, Ronan nodded. He was close to never going to those games until..His name was called and he couldn't help but be paralyzed. His eyes wide as he walked down, looking at the girl who is going with him named "Serenity" his father screamed out from the crowd he was in "My Son! Please It's a mistake! Don't take my SON!" he tried running towards Ronan but the Peacekeepers held him back. Ronan looked at him and smiled "I'll be back. I promise." he thought. His father seemed to understand by Ronan's look and settled down. Ronan stood on the stage, he had never mentally prepared himself for this but the promise and his father seemed to keep him from screaming in frustration and crying. Wanting to take one of the announcers hair pins and stab himself with it. But that was just silly.


Bree said:
How long will you be waiting till you start the thread? Or will you be waiting until all of the districts get filled up?
I plan on creating it soon. c: I'm just going to wait until the people that reserved spots create their characters. ^^ 
@Cressy ; You're accepted! :D Thank you for joining. <3
(Psssst... this is my favorite color...)


Jayden Tookie. He goes by Tookie.






District eight

Reaped or Volunteered: Reaped


Tookie is an amazing weaver and can stitch very quickly. He could make an outfit of practically nothing within an hour. He is very dexterous and rather flexible. He is rather graceful and plenty coordinated.


Tookie is ridiculously weak. He cant climb very well and never claimed to be very intelligent. He can be very over confident.


Tookie is rather stand-offish and rather rude. He tends to look down upon people and tends to develop an "I'm better than you" attitude. Despite this, once you get to know him he tends to be more friendly, but not much.


Tookie always knew he was different. He never played or acted like a boy. He never wanted to do boyish things and certainly was never attracted to females. He knew he was different but never knew what the term for it was or what made him different. Over the years Tookie began to discover who he was. Not only was he gay, but androgynous. He was, in fact, a male, but looked and acted like a striking young woman. He was often teased and called all sorts of names like he-she and teased about his leaning towards the same gender, but he always stayed true to who he was. He wasn't always so cold. It was just the way people treated him that made him put up such a huge wall. He was happy with himself and didnt need anyones approval. In fact, he loved when people thought he was a girl. He blurred the gender line.

Appearance: Tookie is 5'11, Thin and has a feminine shape. He weighs more than he looks because of his height and naturally wider hips.



Last edited by a moderator:
Jayden Tookie. He goes by Tookie.






District eight

Reaped or Volunteered: Reaped


Tookie is an amazing weaver and can stitch very quickly. He could make an outfit of practically nothing within an hour. He is very dexterous and rather flexible. He is rather graceful and plenty coordinated.


Tookie is ridiculously weak. He cant climb very well and never claimed to be very intelligent. He can be very over confident.


Tookie is rather stand-offish and rather rude. He tends to look down upon people and tends to develop an "I'm better than you" attitude. Despite this, once you get to know him he tends to be more friendly, but not much.


Tookie always knew he was different. He never played or acted like a boy. He never wanted to do boyish things and certainly was never attracted to females. He knew he was different but never knew what the term for it was or what made him different. Over the years Tookie began to discover who he was. Not only was he gay, but androgynous. He was, in fact, a male, but looked and acted like a striking young woman. He was often teased and called all sorts of names like he-she and teased about his leaning towards the same gender, but he always stayed true to who he was. He wasn't always so cold. It was just the way people treated him that made him put up such a huge wall. He was happy with himself and didnt need anyones approval. In fact, he loved when people thought he was a girl. He blurred the gender line.

Appearance: I had trouble finding an attractive anime boy who looked like a girl so i settled for these, hope there okay.Tookie is 5'11, Thin and has a feminine shape. He weighs more than he looks because of his height and naturally wider hips.



There are two reasons why I can't accept this sheet - one, the pictures are supposed to be anime, and apparently you haven't read the rules in the Info & Sheet Thread. I suggest you read up a little more and try re-creating your sheet. ^^ I can help you find a picture, if you'd like.
Oh, silly me i forgot the... ya. Alright and ill find a picture, its fine.

Viola, fixed!
[QUOTE="любить]Viola, fixed!

Alright, you're accepted. c: Thank you for fixing your sheet. ^^ & @paipai900 ; You're accepted, as well. <3 Thank you both for joining!
Thank you very much, it's much appreciated! 
Okay, I finally found a good anime form of Andrej Pejic. Yay! I can now sleep tonight. And yes, its actually a guy, it works perfectly <3 <3 xD
[QUOTE="??????]Okay, I finally found a good anime form of Andrej Pejic. Yay! I can now sleep tonight. And yes, its actually a guy, it works perfectly <3 <3 xD

The picture link is broken, I believe. I'm sorry, but you have to change it. :o I can't see it. 

Perhaps this is better? c: I just copied the URL link. Is this the picture you meant?
yeah, it didnt show before when i tried to use it but, hey, you made it work, so yay!
[QUOTE="любить]yeah, it didnt show before when i tried to use it but, hey, you made it work, so yay!

Actually... Apparently it stopped working again. Hold on, I'll just download it and upload it. xD
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Afuro.jpg.e6ecb047823b01bc7030a81af649773d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Afuro.jpg.e6ecb047823b01bc7030a81af649773d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

There you go. c: Shouldn't break now. ^^



  • Afuro.jpg
    250 KB · Views: 40
[QUOTE="Toaster Muffins]I think I'm gonna have to withdraw since I just made a new RP and stuffs. Sorry >.<

That's alright. ^^ Thanks anyways!
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]The odds will forever be in my favor...
I'll take either District 11 or 12, if I may do so.

Of course you may! c:
Name: Vincent Cleverose

Age: 16

Gender: Male

District: 12

Reaped or Volunteered: Volunteered. When people hear of a boy from the curses twelfth district, they often assume he did it for someone else. These people could not be farther from the truth. Vincent was by no means a stupid kid, he could clearly see where everything was heading. No matter how it happened, his future would end in a young and dull death. So, why not go out with a bang? Although he was a volunteer, he didn't go about it in the traditional method.

Skills: Vincent has a sharp mind and a large intellect.

He is proficient in the use of weapons.

He has impressive skills with agility and speed.

He has heightened senses and a keen eye for detail.

He's a good deceiver when he wants to be.

A pretty good survivalist and cook.

Weaknesses: Since District Twelve was short in the food department, Vincent hasn't gotten proper nutrition, which is the reason for some of his weaknesses.

As a result of malnutrition, Vincent lacks muscles and upper body strength, which is why he prefers to rely on speed and agility.

He suffers from these 'blackouts' at certain times. His vision goes dark and he is unable to see for a period of time, which is partly the reason for his heightened senses.

Vincent doesn't always take proper care of himself, whether it be with eating, injuries, or other things.

Personality: Vincent is kind of hard to put into words. He can't really be defined as a single personality, since that tends to very depending on his situation. Although, it's not as if he changes dramatically or anything.

Vincent is a very nonchalant person. He doesn't really react to things as much as one should. Even the subject of his own death is something he doesn't really care about. If he dies, he dies. If he wins...he doesn't really know what to do then...

Although Vincent goes with the flow of things, there are some things he will never be okay with. One of these things include in unsatisfying endings. Wherever it be in books, plays, or films, he doesn't like endings that don't give a feeling of satisfaction. In fact, that's the entire reason he volunteered. Go out with a bang. It wouldn't be a very satisfying end if he simply died of starvation.

He does as he pleases really. One minute, he could be helping others and the next he can completely ignore them. It all comes down to what he feels like doing. Although, this doesn't make him a stubborn child. Logic overtakes desire. If what he wants to do is analyzed as a poor decision in his mind, he won't do it. However, if he sees no red flags, he's all for it.

Vincent will never change himself to please others. What you see is what you get. Whether it's his personality or even his clothing choice, he will not become a different person that what he is to meet another person's tastes. He sees it as a form of lying. Not just to the world, but yourself as well. He doesn't lie, unless he seems it necessary. In that's case, he's a great deceiver.

Despite what you might think, he's actually not a bad guy. He doesn't judge people and will treat them like he would anyone else. Even if you hate him with a burning passion, those feelings will never be reciprocated. He treats everyone how he feels like treating them.

Biography: From a young age, Vincent was by himself. His small family was taken by starvation and he was forced to raise himself. He didn't show any remorse on the outside and kept all his feelings bottles up. After his last known family member died, he stopped using his last name. A last name was a family name and he had no family.

Over the years, he was seen as a bit of a problem child. He didn't really listen to the rules and did his own thing. Of course he would get punished, but that never swayed him from doing what he wanted.

Certain things interested him, such as the outdoors and weaponry? How did he get weapons? Don't ask. No seriously, don't ask, he could probably get arrested...

Although many other people struggled to survive and complained about their situation, Vincent didn't. He knew from a young age that he was going to die young one way or another, so he really didn't see the point it struggling or complaining. He often went without eating, even when he actually had food. This was a major contributor. Although he obviously needed food, he never really felt hunger.

As he grew into his teens, he really didn't care anymore. He had done everything he could with weapon practicing and he went to every exploitable part of the outdoors. He did go past the boundaries, but he didn't get much time there.

However, despite his nonchalant attitude towards everything, there was one thing that he wasn't content with. An unsatisfying death. He was always displeased with endings in films, plays, and books that didn't give that feeling of satisfaction. Death was the end of life, so the feeling naturally carries over.

So, he began looking for something that would bring a satisfying end. He didn't like the idea of decaying after starving to death or any other mundane death. It was during this time of reflection, that he remembered the Hunger Games. He found something that would add excitement to his dreary existent and found that it would be a good way to die. It was something he was actually looking forward to for the first time in his life. After looking everything over, he began planning his entrance into the games. It didn't take long, before he came up with an idea.

Every time you entered your name into the drawing for the games, you got a portion of food. Knowing this, Vincent entered his name an insane amount of times. He didn't want to deal with all the dramatics that came with volunteering. However, by some impossible chance, another unfortunate soul was picked. In the end, Vincent had to go with the traditional volunteering. The food he obtained, he just gave to the district. After all, he didn't need it.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.68d688e8a8f091cc85ef9ce33be88ddb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.68d688e8a8f091cc85ef9ce33be88ddb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
    87.5 KB · Views: 19
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]
Name: Vincent Cleverose
Age: 16

Gender: Male

District: 12

Reaped or Volunteered: Volunteered. When people hear of a boy from the curses twelfth district, they often assume he did it for someone else. These people could not be farther from the truth. Vincent was by no means a stupid kid, he could clearly see where everything was heading. No matter how it happened, his future would end in a young and dull death. So, why not go out with a bang? Although he was a volunteer, he didn't go about it in the traditional method.

Skills: Vincent has a sharp mind and a large intellect.

He is proficient in the use of weapons.

He has impressive skills with agility and speed.

He has heightened senses and a keen eye for detail.

He's a good deceiver when he wants to be.

A pretty good survivalist and cook.

Weaknesses: Since District Twelve was short in the food department, Vincent hasn't gotten proper nutrition, which is the reason for some of his weaknesses.

As a result of malnutrition, Vincent lacks muscles and upper body strength, which is why he prefers to rely on speed and agility.

He suffers from these 'blackouts' at certain times. His vision goes dark and he is unable to see for a period of time, which is partly the reason for his heightened senses.

Vincent doesn't always take proper care of himself, whether it be with eating, injuries, or other things.

Personality: Vincent is kind of hard to put into words. He can't really be defined as a single personality, since that tends to very depending on his situation. Although, it's not as if he changes dramatically or anything.

Vincent is a very nonchalant person. He doesn't really react to things as much as one should. Even the subject of his own death is something he doesn't really care about. If he dies, he dies. If he wins...he doesn't really know what to do then...

Although Vincent goes with the flow of things, there are some things he will never be okay with. One of these things include in unsatisfying endings. Wherever it be in books, plays, or films, he doesn't like endings that don't give a feeling of satisfaction. In fact, that's the entire reason he volunteered. Go out with a bang. It wouldn't be a very satisfying end if he simply died of starvation.

He does as he pleases really. One minute, he could be helping others and the next he can completely ignore them. It all comes down to what he feels like doing. Although, this doesn't make him a stubborn child. Logic overtakes desire. If what he wants to do is analyzed as a poor decision in his mind, he won't do it. However, if he sees no red flags, he's all for it.

Vincent will never change himself to please others. What you see is what you get. Whether it's his personality or even his clothing choice, he will not become a different person that what he is to meet another person's tastes. He sees it as a form of lying. Not just to the world, but yourself as well. He doesn't lie, unless he seems it necessary. In that's case, he's a great deceiver.

Despite what you might think, he's actually not a bad guy. He doesn't judge people and will treat them like he would anyone else. Even if you hate him with a burning passion, those feelings will never be reciprocated. He treats everyone how he feels like treating them.

Biography: From a young age, Vincent was by himself. His small family was taken by starvation and he was forced to raise himself. He didn't show any remorse on the outside and kept all his feelings bottles up. After his last known family member died, he stopped using his last name. A last name was a family name and he had no family.

Over the years, he was seen as a bit of a problem child. He didn't really listen to the rules and did his own thing. Of course he would get punished, but that never swayed him from doing what he wanted.

Certain things interested him, such as the outdoors and weaponry? How did he get weapons? Don't ask. No seriously, don't ask, he could probably get arrested...

Although many other people struggled to survive and complained about their situation, Vincent didn't. He knew from a young age that he was going to die young one way or another, so he really didn't see the point it struggling or complaining. He often went without eating, even when he actually had food. This was a major contributor. Although he obviously needed food, he never really felt hunger.

As he grew into his teens, he really didn't care anymore. He had done everything he could with weapon practicing and he went to every exploitable part of the outdoors. He did go past the boundaries, but he didn't get much time there.

However, despite his nonchalant attitude towards everything, there was one thing that he wasn't content with. An unsatisfying death. He was always displeased with endings in films, plays, and books that didn't give that feeling of satisfaction. Death was the end of life, so the feeling naturally carries over.

So, he began looking for something that would bring a satisfying end. He didn't like the idea of decaying after starving to death or any other mundane death. It was during this time of reflection, that he remembered the Hunger Games. He found something that would add excitement to his dreary existent and found that it would be a good way to die. It was something he was actually looking forward to for the first time in his life. After looking everything over, he began planning his entrance into the games. It didn't take long, before he came up with an idea.

Every time you entered your name into the drawing for the games, you got a portion of food. Knowing this, Vincent entered his name an insane amount of times. He didn't want to deal with all the dramatics that came with volunteering. However, by some impossible chance, another unfortunate soul was picked. In the end, Vincent had to go with the traditional volunteering. The food he obtained, he just gave to the district. After all, he didn't need it.

Appearance:View attachment 22682

Have you read the rules on the Info & Sheet Thread, Lucem? :o

I don't believe you have, which is why I can't accept you just yet. ^^''

You're missing one tiny, tiny detail~

Other than that, he's perfect!

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