

ᴡɪꜱᴇ ᴍᴇɴ ꜱᴀʏ ᴏɴʟʏ ғᴏᴏʟꜱ ʀᴜꜱʜ ɪɴ
*taps mic*

Testing... testing... does this thing work?

*a tumbleweed rolls by*

Right... good to know. Anywho, I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to start this. So please excuse me if this whole post seems a little dry.

Alright, so greetings everyone!
I am (clearly) very new to this site but I'm not a young green bean to roleplaying.
However, I've never participated in forum(?) roleplaying, so this is a bit of a learning curve for me. This whole place is a lot bigger than what I'm used to so it's a tad daunting. I have no idea where to actually begin and how it works around here, so if anyone would be willing to lend a bit of insight it would be very much appreciated!

As this is a roleplaying site it'd probably be useful to talk a little about my roleplaying style.
I'd like to consider myself a more "detailed" roleplayer (as in, I'm allergic to oneliners) but looking at the size of this text box, perhaps I'll need to brush up on some skills.
I also tend to lean more towards the fantasy/supernatural/romance end of the spectrum, but hey, I'm open to pretty much anything!

Hmmm... I guess I shall conclude with some general questions?
- What is the typical reply length? A bit of a stupid question as it'll more than likely vary from post to post
- How does one actually apply for roleplays here?
- Is there a certain character format that is preferred across all boards or does it vary from roleplay to roleplay?
- Out of group roleplaying and private, which one is more likely to actually survive and is one currently more popular?
- How do I make friends here T^T​

Hey, welcome to RPN. I’m Yukio, this sites (favorite) gay fetus. I see we have some similar interests, so I’d be glad to roleplay with you sometime. If you have any questions, want to roleplay, or just chat, dont hesitate to contact me.

I copied and pasted this oops haha I’m lazy
Happy roleplaying!
( ̄∇ ̄)

(I’ll be your friend :>)
Welcome! I love your avatar! I'm new as well :ghostuvu:

I think all of the questions you posed vary from thread to thread... Don't be shy to ask questions in the out of character chats, that's how rps stay alive!

When we're able to send pms, I'll be sure to shoot you a hello! lol
@Yukio: Hello there, stranger! I'm glad that someone actually took the time to read this shamble of horrible awkwardness. I do apologise that you had to read that.
Anywho, I'm pleased that my post is thoroughly oozing my Britishness... but I must point out that you spelt "foetus" wrong.
I hope it's clear that I'm joking, I become a little over-concerned about how I come across over the internet >.<

88monster 88monster : Whoo! A fellow newbie. It's nice to meet you!
I must say that I adore your avatar too - the pink background really makes it pop ^^
Have you ever done forum roleplaying before? :ghostv:
the ghost emojis are too cute
@Yukio: Hello there, stranger! I'm glad that someone actually took the time to read this shamble of horrible awkwardness. I do apologise that you had to read that.
Anywho, I'm pleased that my post is thoroughly oozing my Britishness... but I must point out that you spelt "foetus" wrong.
I hope it's clear that I'm joking, I become a little over-concerned about how I come across over the internet >.<

88monster 88monster : Whoo! A fellow newbie. It's nice to meet you!
I must say that I adore your avatar too - the pink background really makes it pop ^^
Have you ever done forum roleplaying before? :ghostv:
the ghost emojis are too cute

Doing worry, my account screams "Asian" over and over again with my constant posts about ramen...ah, ramen.
You seem nice, though. Probably the first Brit I haven’t pissed off (yet).
@Yukio: Hello there, stranger! I'm glad that someone actually took the time to read this shamble of horrible awkwardness. I do apologise that you had to read that.
Anywho, I'm pleased that my post is thoroughly oozing my Britishness... but I must point out that you spelt "foetus" wrong.
I hope it's clear that I'm joking, I become a little over-concerned about how I come across over the internet >.<

88monster 88monster : Whoo! A fellow newbie. It's nice to meet you!
I must say that I adore your avatar too - the pink background really makes it pop ^^
Have you ever done forum roleplaying before? :ghostv:
the ghost emojis are too cute

Oh, thank you for the compliment! And I have forum roleplayed before! I started as a forum roleplayer, though not on this site. There are a lot more rules here than I'm used to, but the community is very pleasant!
Plus... The ghost emojis are to die for (heh) :ghostxx:
@Yukio: Ooo ramen~ I can't say I've ever indulged in its pleasures before, though I've only ever heard good things about it.
Oh dear. What did you do to my fellow Brits? Insult our tea?

88monster 88monster : Indeed the community does seem to be very pleasant, which is especially nice as I find that in most places it takes a bit of work to establish yourself in a way.
Ah, so you do have some experience. I have to admit, I think it'll take me some getting used to with this format as I started on a Facebook game of all places. Though I love how everything seems so much more "fleshed out" on these forum sites, showing that the roleplaying community is still alive and kicking. Still not exactly sure where to start though or what the expectations might be - aside from the community guidelines, of course.

I've also just noticed the little cookies on the side. So besides from feeding hungry users, what exactly is the purpose of these 'Likes'?
@Yukio: Ooo ramen~ I can't say I've ever indulged in its pleasures before, though I've only ever heard good things about it.
Oh dear. What did you do to my fellow Brits? Insult our tea?

88monster 88monster : Indeed the community does seem to be very pleasant, which is especially nice as I find that in most places it takes a bit of work to establish yourself in a way.
Ah, so you do have some experience. I have to admit, I think it'll take me some getting used to with this format as I started on a Facebook game of all places. Though I love how everything seems so much more "fleshed out" on these forum sites, showing that the roleplaying community is still alive and kicking. Still not exactly sure where to start though or what the expectations might be - aside from the community guidelines, of course.

I've also just noticed the little cookies on the side. So besides from feeding hungry users, what exactly is the purpose of these 'Likes'?


I made fun of how this one guy said "cheerio" every five seconds.

(but he made fun of my eyes. win-win.)
Last edited:

I made fun of how this one guy said "cheerio" every five seconds.

(but he made fun of my eyes. win-win.)

Well, in that situation, it's certainly fair lol
Though it's undeniable that "Cheerio" is a very good expression to use and everyone should adopt its usage. The world would benefit greatly.
Apologies if this is too nosey, but what is your timezone? It's currently 2:22 as of the time I'm typing this and I'm contemplating whether or not I actually need sleep at this point.
Well, in that situation, it's certainly fair lol
Though it's undeniable that "Cheerio" is a very good expression to use and everyone should adopt its usage. The world would benefit greatly.
Apologies if this is too nosey, but what is your timezone? It's currently 2:22 as of the time I'm typing this and I'm contemplating whether or not I actually need sleep at this point.

Ah. It's 9:22 where I'm at. I should be asleep; my parents only let me up because I needed to finish this bloody essay. It's a week late, woop de doo.

Get some sleep, hun. I'll speak to you in the morning. Or afternoon. It'll be around 11 am for you when I wake up to go back to my hellhole.


....I'm the only asian there smh
hello there! welcome to RPNation! thank you so much for taking a chance on our community! it definitely is daunting at first, but trust me, you’ll definitely mesh in perfectly well here in no time! everyone’s definitely here to have a good time and everyone’s definitely willing to help each other out! don’t be afraid to ask questions and reach out to others! it’s sounds easier said and done, but a little risk is all it takes to get something done, i believe!

so forum roleplaying is a little bit different because you’re roleplaying on threads! on these threads, such as this one, you’ll be able to get notified when someone has responded to the said thread! i absolutely like forum roleplaying because it’s much more manageable to have threads for organisation sakes, especially in a roleplay that’s build around world building and a lot of lore contents!

there’s a few different forums for different topics such as the general discussion threads , partner searching, group interest check, and then the actual roleplaying threads that included the ooc, character threads, extra pages, and in character thread!

i would first recommend getting your 10+ post! to do that, you can post in any threads that says “post reply” to get that 10+ post ! the 10 post requirement doesn’t mean you have to make 10 different threads, you just have to answer different threads as to not cause spam or anything along those line! i recommend the general discussion forums because the threads are organized by categories depending what you’re looking for! the general discussion threads are a great way to bond with people in the community, make new friends, and discuss with others your interest and all of that jazz!

whoa, that’s a lot of text, now it’s time for deep breaths! inhale and exhale! hehehe.

moving along, i could answer some of your questions based on personal experiences!

What is the typical reply length? A bit of a stupid question as it'll more than likely vary from post to post
- So, this actually is subjective! It really depends on your partner - if you’re comfortable with one x one roleplays! As for group roleplays, usually in an interest check or the rules, the GM usually would tell you the post lengths that they’re looking for! However, I have a feeling with the influx of new members who love detailed roleplaying, I believe the roleplays would be looking for at least 1-2 paragraphs or more for a replies!

How does one actually apply for roleplays here?
- So, depending if you’re looking for a partner or you’re looking to get into a group roleplay, usually, there’s interest checks for different genres! The GMs would usually write out what their roleplay is about, the synopsis, and their rules. Depending if the roleplay is first come first serve, not first come first serve, or there’s no acceptance process and everyone is welcomed, there’s usually there’s a character creating thread that the GM would post up and it would be up to them to decide on how they are taking in characters!

Is there a certain character format that is preferred across all boards or does it vary from roleplay to roleplay?
- In private roleplays, I have found that character sheets that includes the basic characte sheets : basic information, personality, and history aren’t as necessary as it is in group roleplays. In group roleplays, the GMs usually would give you a format / guideline to follow in your character sheet!

Out of group roleplaying and private, which one is more likely to actually survive and is one currently more popular?
- I believe, in my personal opinion, neither of them as it depends on the experience and situation. I believe group roleplays are much more popular, however, some are venturing into partner roleplays now as some group roleplays die quicker due to the different time zones and activity levels of all the players in said groups. I think, it’s personal preference!
i’m currently folding laundry and got distracted so i’ll be on my laptop in no time and perhaps add some images when i get the chance agshsjsks
eeep! my apologies !
i should’ve brought in an image but alas i’m on mobile eeep
Aw! I think you did amazing :ghostv: you explained everything perfectly! Even without images, it's super helpful

Chione Chione Sleep well! And I dish out cookies/hearts for pretty much anything that makes me laugh or smile. I think they're just for fun
Afternoon everyone! I would say "Good afternoon" but weekdays are never good - you actually have to get up and do something productive.

hello there! welcome to RPNation! thank you so much for taking a chance on our community! it definitely is daunting at first, but trust me, you’ll definitely mesh in perfectly well here in no time! everyone’s definitely here to have a good time and everyone’s definitely willing to help each other out! don’t be afraid to ask questions and reach out to others! it’s sounds easier said and done, but a little risk is all it takes to get something done, i believe!

so forum roleplaying is a little bit different because you’re roleplaying on threads! on these threads, such as this one, you’ll be able to get notified when someone has responded to the said thread! i absolutely like forum roleplaying because it’s much more manageable to have threads for organisation sakes, especially in a roleplay that’s build around world building and a lot of lore contents!

there’s a few different forums for different topics such as the general discussion threads , partner searching, group interest check, and then the actual roleplaying threads that included the ooc, character threads, extra pages, and in character thread!

i would first recommend getting your 10+ post! to do that, you can post in any threads that says “post reply” to get that 10+ post ! the 10 post requirement doesn’t mean you have to make 10 different threads, you just have to answer different threads as to not cause spam or anything along those line! i recommend the general discussion forums because the threads are organized by categories depending what you’re looking for! the general discussion threads are a great way to bond with people in the community, make new friends, and discuss with others your interest and all of that jazz!

whoa, that’s a lot of text, now it’s time for deep breaths! inhale and exhale! hehehe.

moving along, i could answer some of your questions based on personal experiences!

What is the typical reply length? A bit of a stupid question as it'll more than likely vary from post to post
- So, this actually is subjective! It really depends on your partner - if you’re comfortable with one x one roleplays! As for group roleplays, usually in an interest check or the rules, the GM usually would tell you the post lengths that they’re looking for! However, I have a feeling with the influx of new members who love detailed roleplaying, I believe the roleplays would be looking for at least 1-2 paragraphs or more for a replies!

How does one actually apply for roleplays here?
- So, depending if you’re looking for a partner or you’re looking to get into a group roleplay, usually, there’s interest checks for different genres! The GMs would usually write out what their roleplay is about, the synopsis, and their rules. Depending if the roleplay is first come first serve, not first come first serve, or there’s no acceptance process and everyone is welcomed, there’s usually there’s a character creating thread that the GM would post up and it would be up to them to decide on how they are taking in characters!

Is there a certain character format that is preferred across all boards or does it vary from roleplay to roleplay?
- In private roleplays, I have found that character sheets that includes the basic characte sheets : basic information, personality, and history aren’t as necessary as it is in group roleplays. In group roleplays, the GMs usually would give you a format / guideline to follow in your character sheet!

Out of group roleplaying and private, which one is more likely to actually survive and is one currently more popular?
- I believe, in my personal opinion, neither of them as it depends on the experience and situation. I believe group roleplays are much more popular, however, some are venturing into partner roleplays now as some group roleplays die quicker due to the different time zones and activity levels of all the players in said groups. I think, it’s personal preference!

Thank you very much for your help - it certainly cleared up some things for me ^^
Though I think I need to learn the terminology around here, I don't think I've ever heard the host being called a GM. What does it mean exactly? :ghostv:
Chione Chione ; you're welcome ! I apologise if there were any grammar mistakes!
Ah ! GM stands for Guild Master I believe? But they're the creator of the roleplays!
Chione Chione ; you're welcome ! I apologise if there were any grammar mistakes!
Ah ! GM stands for Guild Master I believe? But they're the creator of the roleplays!
It's actually Game Master, and they're the person who runs the game, basically. Like, direct the plot, introduce conflicts and basically give a very loose "path" for the players to follow in most roleplays.

Edit: Guess I should also give my welcomes to Chione Chione since this is an introduction thread... Well, I kind of lost my welcoming copypasta already, so I'll just say "Welcome~" and go back to my reading.

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