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Realistic or Modern TETRIS * OOC

Jiro Tanaka
(田中 二郎)
Squad A Leader: Mister Number One

Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Aromantic Pansexual
Age: 17
Class: 5A
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Gold/Hazel
Roommate: Andrew Seeger, class 5A
Dorm number: TBD​

Saturday. Jiro's favorite day. It was a day he could laze about as he pleased and do homework... that was to say, play video games all day while stuffing his face with assorted junk food. He woke up around 1pm, the blinds pulled closed tight. Jiro had insisted his roommate took the top bunk - less work getting up and down the thin metal ladder. Jiro didn't like the way the bars felt on the soft bottoms of his feet. In return, the roommate agreed to let him sleep in on the weekends, leaving the windows shut and blinds closed. It stifled the air and kept the sun's rays at bay, allowing the room to become something of a cave. Jiro always found his blankets in a knot when he woke on the weekends, if only from the heat of the room.

After a good half an hour laying in bed, staring at the bottom of the bunk above him and counting the support bars crossing under the mattress, Jiro decided he should probably get up. His bladder and stomach were protesting in unison, which was never a good sign. Pulling on a pair of gym shorts, he shuffled to the communal wash room, returning quickly to his room. Jiro tended to only sleep in boxers, and while he was quite comfortable walking around the boys' dorm area shirtless, he at least wanted to maintain some dignity. At this point in the school year, it had become routine, to the point where all the dressed and bustling students in the dorm wing hall didn't bother stopping to gawk at Jiro as he shambled to the washroom and back like a zombie. They simply made room as he walked. Jiro always assumed it was because they didn't want to be bothered with him, much like Jiro didn't want to be bothered with them, but he would never guess it was because of his fame within the school, the levels of respect held for him parting crowds as he walked. But that suit Jiro just fine. Less people to interact with.

It wasn't until Jiro was standing in front of his desk that he actually woke up. Staring down at the drawer that usually held his snacks, the pro gamer cursed himself. It was empty. What happened to slowly storing them over the course of the week? Thinking back, Jiro tried to recall what had caused this deficiency. He grumbled to himself, realizing he had overindulged last weekend, causing his food balance this past week to be unusually low. He'd have to go out and buy snacks for this weekend, or simply go without until next weekend. A dry, almost painful sound started in his throat as he weighed the pros and cons of leaving the room again. The pros included food, which his stomach agreed with. The cons included getting dressed, going outside, spending extra money, and having to carry snacks back into the room.

The biggest hurdle had to be the getting dressed bit. Glancing towards the closet, Jiro glared at his half. The roommate always kept their own clothes clean and orderly, and did their best to tidy the room when Jiro made a mess, but apparently they drew the line at doing Jiro's laundry. Jiro had already been wearing the same uniform for five days in a row. Heck, he practically slept in that thing now. There was only two sets of clothes left - a clean uniform and a simple striped tank top with a pair of shorts. Was that appropriate to walk around in? Jiro only had seen kids in uniforms on campus. Would he make it to the snack bar and back unnoticed? His glare melted into a grimace. Perhaps it was actually time to do the laundry… Yes, he'd set the clothes in a communal washer while getting snacks. Hopefully he'll remember to pick them up this time instead of leaving them in the lost and found for a week. Or perhaps he'll just buy a new uniform…

Growing tired of the decisions he was dwelling over, Jiro sat down at his desk and booted up his computer, deciding he'd decide after completing a quest or two in the latest MMO. The pain in his stomach subsided, but he knew that it'd come back in full later… But what could a couple minutes hurt?​

Jiro stopped. His jaw came to a halt, mid-bite into his lunch as he strained his ears. Blinking, Jiro pulled the sandwich out of his mouth, and placed it back into the plastic bag, dropping both the bag and his book bag onto the ground. He could have sworn he heard someone call for help… Normally, Jiro wouldn't care. He would continue on his way, keep his nose out of other people's business. Usually one didn't need to call for help on a school campus. Usually, Jiro never walked near the shadier points on campus, but the crowd at his usual lunch table was getting a bit too thick for some reason. So here he was, exploring the back halls and store rooms out behind the main building. That's when he heard a voice, a girl's voice, call for help. What made this different from all the other times someone called for help, was that there wasn't anyone else around to take care of the situation for him.

There was some murmuring, and just barely, Jiro could pick up the direction it came from. Turning this way and that, he walked along until he reached a fence at the edge of campus and a plastic shed that had been bleached by the sun. Pushed up in the corner the fence and the outer wall of the shed was a girl, an underclassmen. Perhaps first or second year. New enough to not know how secluded this location is from the rest of the school. Jiro started his approach, squaring his shoulders and puffing up his chest. Jiro wasn't the sporty type. He spent little to no time exercising, and avoided actually putting effort into gym class. The only thing he had over the guy threatening the girl was maybe seniority, and maybe height.

That's when he caught a flash of something metal in the guy's hand. A knife. Immediately the situation changed. It was less about doing the right thing and now more about making sure none of them got killed. His stance changed, and he broke into a full sprint, closing the gap between the attacker and himself as quickly as he could. Grabbing the wrist of the hand that held the knife, Jiro smacked the hilt and managed to knock the weapon out of the other student's hand, using both the force of the hit and the surprise he created by intervening. Immediately, the girl took the opportunity to run off, while the mugger twisted and fought against his grip. Jiro kicked the knife away, before attempting to pin the student delinquent's arm behind his back, pushing the attacker up against the shed wall. Hopefully the girl would come back with a teacher.​

"Mail for you," Jiro's roommate stated, dropping a letter on Jiro's head.

With a heavy sigh, Jiro paused his game and tilted his head forwards, catching the envelope as it fell. Probably his sister, sending him a letter again… he loved his little sister, truly he did, but she could be a handful even at this distance. He frowned when he saw the address on the envelope. With half a mind to tear it up, he glanced to his roommate, who was looking to him expectantly. Grimacing, Jiro broke the seal on the letter and started reading aloud.

"Congratulations, Jiro Tanaka of class 5A, you've been selected to participate in the Tetris Academy Annual Squad Competition." Jiro skimmed through the rest of the letter. "I didn't sign up for this," he mumbled, half as a joke and half as a truth.

"Well, it's a school event, so I doubt you can actually back out of it," Jiro's roommate stated, tilting their head to one side.

Jiro shook his head, tossing the letter onto a free space on his desk. "If it's school related, and a gaming competition, I'll be all for it. Until I get some more details, however, I won't bother." He hesitated, looking to his roommate, before continuing. "I'm expecting some new games to come in the mail, by the way. If you see those, wake me up, okay?" With a nod, Jiro's roommate left and allowed him to return to his game.

- Always oversleeps but somehow managed to be on time for class?
- Loves spicy food
- Needs his morning coffee on weekdays, takes it black
- Night owl
- Procrastinator
- Has a little sister in middle school
- Will pay someone to do his laundry or any other chore
- Snack-a-holic
- Will 1v1 anyone in any game
- Enjoys FPS and MMO's
- Weakest at rhythm games​

Oh hai there! >v>7
Oh hai there! >v>7
NAME || Lilith Aderyn
GENDER || Female
ORIENTATION || (´・ω・`)?
AGE || 16
HEIGHT || 5'4"
WEIGHT|| 114lbs
HAIR COLOR || Dark Blue


Lilith's day off begins with a period of silence and pure peace. Tucked under her covers, she sleeps happily - dreaming of whatever nice dream she may be dreaming. The sun barely peaking through her blinds, the seconds afterwards are when her day truly begins.

A loud alarm starts blaring - throughout her room and possibly throughout the entire dormitory, Lilith and her roommate nearly fall off of their beds in surprise. "SHUT IT OFF!!!" her friend screams desperately, covering her ears in pain. Lilith obliges, masterfully pulling the plug on her alarm clock. The minutes afterwards are filled with the various scoldings Lilith receives from her roommate for:
a) putting the alarm at such a high volume
b) turning her alarm on a weekend in the first place.

Lilith chuckles nervously, wishing for her friend's rage to subside. Eventually it does and the roommate begins to rest again while Lilith begins to prepare for her day. After brushing her teeth, taking a quick shower,
fiddling with her phone for ~20 minutes, and applying minimal amounts of makeup, she is ready to begin her day.

Lilith's first destination is her parent's bakery for breakfast. Stuffing herself with various baked goods and sweets, once she is satisfied she begins to wander through the streets. This section of her daily routine may go any one. Lilith may go shopping, visit the arcade, relax in a park, or she would call upon her sidekick to be a traveling companion. Whichever path Lilith chooses, she soon finds herself munching on some lunch before hiding in her dormitory.

There the school queen engages in her "Period of Pure Productivity". Thoroughly going through class notes and finishing any homework that may have been given the day before, Lilith uses this time to stay on the top of anything that may have happened. Of course, some days the raven-haired girl may "forget" of this period and instead skip to her allocated gaming time, though Lilith thoroughly denies this fact.

The rest of Lilith's day is her "throwaway" period. She does anything she would like, unbound from any sort of schedule. Whether it be gaming, another visit to town, or talking to friends, Lilith does anything until she flops onto her bed, ready for the day to start anew.

Lilith, whistling a tune in the middle of the morning, suddenly stopped once she heard the cocking of a gun. Jerking her head to the left quickly, she saw a man. Face full of desperation and insanity, he aimed a presumably fully-loaded towards another man. Lilith stood their shocked amongst many others whom had stopped to see what had happened. All of them stood there dumbfounded, watching the two as if it were some sort of show - the bystander effect taking over everyone.

The man, noticing the crowd, began waving his gun towards them, stating simply, "Leave." Lilith's heart skipped a beat at that moment. She, currently, was closer to death than she could've ever been. Lilith wanted to help yet she was too weak. Her interference would only lead to a new casualty: herself. Knowing this, Lilith began to walk away, heart still pounding and guilt splattered across her face.

God save that man.

Making her daily rounds on campus, Lilith eventually gathered her mail -
stopping only when she found a letter from the school itself. Narrowing her eyes in slight confusion, she carefully opened the seal with one finger, unfolding the paper with the other. The contents of the letter gave Lilith a rather comical face.

She was accepted into a competition of which she had never signed-up for: The Tetris Academy Annual Squad Competition. Lilith's initial emotions were rather negative. She wanted to stomp over to the office and demand answers for this mistake, yet in the midst of her flurry of thoughts, a shimmer of happiness came.

If I win this, I could show my superiority over the #1! Yes...I will win this competition, whether it be working with a team or not! VICTORY, HERE I COME!

Lilith's face was plastered with a drunkingly happy facade. Deciding to not report the mistake, Lilith happily strolled back to her dorm, ready to discuss her plans with her roommate.

Jealous School Queen

- Lilith has an excessive love for sweets, only rivalled by her equally as excessive love for holidays

- Her roommate is more like her mother than a roommate
- Lilith harbours an intensive fear of cats
- Lilith is an avid follower of #1, being the first to like any post under a fake account
- Lilith's alarm situation is caused by her gleeful smile as she turns up the alarm volume the night before. What she always forgets is that this prank is pulled on herself

Oh hai there! >v>7

*Code by Pyosimros - don't be rood and steal <.3


Because when I read his post, he mentioned a friend as his roommate which I thought was me

I'd love it if you could make it official and stuff!
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