Terrestrial and Celestial Shards; Underworld "Terrestri

Oz Tan

New Member
Alright, first topic up for discussion. The difference between Terrestrial and Celestial shards. Now, as it seems to me, after years of playing this damn game, that Celestials, of any type, definitely have shards, the core component of their patron god's blessing to them the device from which springs Exaltation. Furthermore, this system is independent of those deities, and can carry the remnants of memories and experiences to the next poor sap who finds himself glowing like the sun.

Now, the Dragon-Blooded breed like animals, making lineages and all that fun genealogy crap a big deal. The higher the concentration of blood, the better chance of Exaltation. But if it's in the blood, latent and waiting, is there a shard? If there is a shard, does it come only to those who show the traits worthy of it, with the blood, and more to those with better blood? Or is the shard IN the blood, and forms once a high enough level of blood comingles in a human's veins?

Second thing. If the Underworld is a dark mirror of Creation, does it have Elemental Poles? And if so, how hard would it be to make Underworld Terrestrials. I mean, there are no greater elementals of the Underworld elements. Or are there? Are there even spirits? Or just ghosts?
There are no Terrestrial shards. DBs are closer to super-charged God-Blooded than Celestials.

And the Underworld has no Poles. See the "End of the Underworld" thread.

Underworld Terrestrials?

How about a Malfean Elemental based Terrestrial Lineage made of Semi-infernal DBs.  All of them serving DLs, but still having their own free will.

Lieutenants for the Abyssal armies.
But, the Underworld does have elements. I can't find them anywhere else, perhaps cause im too tired to search, but read the description of each Abyssal Caste. Under their associations are different Underworld elements. Terrestrials based on those may be creepy.
Elements of the Underworld? Huh, don't remember those at all, read the books front to back. But, if you're looking for them, some ideas.

Void: Obvious, they are the Earth Aspects of the Underworld, centered on the Isle of Stygia where the Mouth of the Void lies.

Ash: Not ash as in embers, but ash wood. Eastern provinces, the ghost empires and what not. The River Styx has a strong connection to souls, Wood Immaculates...you get the idea.

Just some ideas.
pg 137-146 of the Abyssal book...

the different abyssal castes and their associated elements, kinda similar to Solars and their elements. Not integral to their power, just what they tend to like. Would be fun to base underworld terrestrials or something equivalent with them though

Dusk:Element of Ghost Flame

Midnight:Ghost Element of Jade

Daybreak:Element of Bone

Day:Element of Blood

Moonshadow:Corpse-Element of Prayer
Hmm Coolies, good stuff. Blood Aspects would be neat, like Blood Elves in Earthdawn. Pyre aspects, I think something like Ghost Rider, hell even Hexus out of Ferngully in his last form. Bone that one's a little harder to put a finger on. Jade, an interesting thought, something in tune the Jade guardians. The Prayers...huh, that'd think on for a bit.
Dude, I completely forgot about Hexus...that movie was freakin awesome back in the day...still is, been debating a Wyld encounter based on that
Well, I wanna stab you for your ideas, yet use them at the same time. That's genius at work, my friend.

Anywhoo, back onto topic. At least somewhat. What about my fiery solar cannon? :P
xD Im messin with you...

Anyways, converting terrestrials to underworld elements. I suppose just changing over charms to match a new element would be the easiest.

Hmmm, Ghost/Pyre flame would be sweet. Charms akin to regular Fire aspects? Maybe even the same anima?

Jade you can probably correlate to Earth

Blood with water

Bone with wood, perhaps? Although I think Prayer would be better for wood, but does air really match Bone well?
I would say for Pyre animas, make the fuckers nasty. Agg all the way.

Blood...I dunno, I think I'd have a special place for them, I already have great ideas for how to use 'em.
pg 137-146 of the Abyssal book...
the different abyssal castes and their associated elements, kinda similar to Solars and their elements. Not integral to their power, just what they tend to like. Would be fun to base underworld terrestrials or something equivalent with them though

Dusk:Element of Ghost Flame

Midnight:Ghost Element of Jade

Daybreak:Element of Bone

Day:Element of Blood

Moonshadow:Corpse-Element of Prayer
Fire -> Pyre-Flame

Anima effect shreds the soul.

Earth -> Underworld Steel

Anima effect chills the body.

Water -> Blood

Anima effect calls the blood, pulling it from the body.

Wood -> Bone

Anima effect tears at the bones, splintering them inside the body.

Air -> Void

Anime effect calls the soul to the Underworld, trying to rip it from the body.

No armor soak on any of them.
pg 137-146 of the Abyssal book...
the different abyssal castes and their associated elements, kinda similar to Solars and their elements. Not integral to their power, just what they tend to like. Would be fun to base underworld terrestrials or something equivalent with them though

Dusk:Element of Ghost Flame

Midnight:Ghost Element of Jade

Daybreak:Element of Bone

Day:Element of Blood

Moonshadow:Corpse-Element of Prayer
Fire -> Pyre-Flame

Anima effect shreds the soul.

Earth -> Underworld Steel

Anima effect chills the body.

Water -> Blood

Anima effect calls the blood, pulling it from the body.

Wood -> Bone

Anima effect tears at the bones, splintering them inside the body.

Air -> Void

Anime effect calls the soul to the Underworld, trying to rip it from the body.

No armor soak on any of them.
Eh, all well and good...but they're boring. They're all the same damn thing with just a different look.
Internal damage as opposed to the external whirlwind of damage from the Creation Terrestrials.

It's a mirrored thing. :?
It is cannon that there are living people in shadowlands, serving along side the dead in hopes of being 'reborn' as a high level ghost as a reward for a life of service.

It is also cannon that if there was a Dragon-Blood in your lineage, you have a chance to Exalt sometime down the line.

Also, the Deathlords have the ability to corrupt a Solar shard to serve the Malfeans.  I can see the possibility that there is a Void level ritual to 'taint up' a DB and allow the use of Soulsteel armor and weapons in place of Jade.

In my world, there is a small number of DB's serving the Deathlords.  Exalts looking for power and glory, and leading a legon of war ghosts and zombies for First and Forsaken Lion seems a good route to that.

Of course, this falls back onto the most important rule of Exalted: If you like it in your game, use it.
Well of course, I've tampered with the idea a number of times. Just never had the push to finally go through with it.
Well, I'd experiment with it as a story arc by itself. Most likely if I ever run my DB school game. The students get up to their neck in a plot where inexperienced DB's are being sold out to a deathlord for experiments
Fuck that, that's what my myriad of species are for. Creation's gonna see some craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy shit comin' from underground. Hoo boy.

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