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Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

Aine took the bow carefully and placed it inside of her case alone with her violin. "There we are Sir Vio." She said before securing her case with the locks on the outside. Once she was done she walked away quickly with her violin case and bag on her back. "Thanks." She mumbled a bit knowing he wouldn't be able to hear her from across the school grounds and inside.

Looking over to the lockers she walked pass each one looking at them for no reason. She never used the lockers but it was nice to look at them knowing they are there. Noting that she needed to practice her violin she ran towards the music room fairly fast a small smile on her face thinking it would be the place where she can be alone and play music calmly. It surprised her that she had made contact with three others at this school.

When she's just outside of the music room she stretched outside of the room as if she was going to run a race in there. After she was done she opened the door to the music room noticing two others in this room. One of them was a girl and the other is the one who gave her the breakfast bar. She quickly grabbed out the untouched breakfast bar in her gloved hands before walking in slowly as if trying not to be noticed.


Yoki couldn't help but laugh along with her. "It's a pleasure, Miss Fukui!" He reached up and felt the scrape on his face. "Huh, so I do. Nothing to worry about, I've had worse happen before. So I'm assuming you must be fairly musically talented, judging by your case and sheet music." He said, making casual conversation. "I've noticed this place has a lot of people who play instruments..."
The guy she was sitting next to didn't seem to notice her or hear her. She then heard the door open and saw a girl walked in. She looked at the girl had came and smiled and said "Hi"
Yuki smiled bright towards Yuko.

"I wouldn't say talented, I play the flute quite a lot. But mostly because I just live the sound when a flawless tune comes out." She said with sparkling eyes. "Well, I've only met two people today, you and Aine, she plays the violin right?" Her smile was almost up til her eyes, why she smiled she had no idea about but she couldn't help it. "Do you play anything?"
Without peering away from the book Kimirou answered the girl in a giggle like manor, "Trust me, You don't want to know." He then closed the book and shoved it back in his pocket. Still not looking in the girl's direction, he leaned down and opened his case. Inside glistened a dark red wood cello. Kimirou pulled the instrument out ever so delicately. He then reached back into the case and unlocked the latch at the top of the case. Out slid a compartment from the same latch. It contained a bow that matched the cello in the same color and wood but the strings on it were deep black in color.

Once he set up correctly, Kimirou closed his eyes. He sat for a few moments and then took a slight breath. Still with his eyes closed he began to play. The sound was so elegant to peaceful. It filled the room as if it was a theater with no one in it. Kimirou pictured a peaceful meadow in his mind as he played. He then quieted his playing and spoke to the young lady sitting next to him. "I just want you to know that I am not playing to drown out the sound of you voice. I am not rude. Feel free to talk if you have the need." A smile appeared on his face as if he was at a peaceful state. Somehow playing music allowed Kimirou to not be sarcastic as he usually is. It seemed he had more human like qualities when he played his cello.
"Wha- oh, no. I don't..." He said kind of embarrassed. "I've always wanted pick up guitar though, so maybe this will be the year? As for Aine, she does indeed play Violin. She must be pretty invested in it if she named her instrument! But I understand the feeling you get. It's what happens to me when I draw something that has no flaws." He realized that this was not the best time to bring up drawing, as he didn't want to seem like he was bragging.
Raini waited for the girl to answer then she heard the guy answer her question from earlier. "Oh" She said in response. I still wanted to know she thought to herself. Hey then took out his cello and started playing. "Wow" He was really good and he was so into it too. Then he said to her that he wasn't trying to drown out her voice. Taken out of her trance of his playing "Huh? Oh no that's ok your really good."
Aine stopped walking in hearing the girls voice. She turned her head making sure she can see her with her left eye. She didn't speak but waved the breakfast bar at the girl before slowly turning back around seeing the male playing the cello. It would be rude to interrupt with my violin. She thought before standing outside of the room with one hand over her chest hearing her heart beat faster. "That was scary though." She said quietly to herself before sitting on the ground outside of the music room.
"You draw? That's amazing! I want to see it!" Yuki said, overly excited as she grabbed his wrists in joy. "You will have to show me sometime, weither you want it or not" She giggled and flung her blue hair over her shoulder when it was all in her face. When she took a closer look of him, he actually seemed like quite an artistic type, one who is good with the pen. She smiled at her realisation and looked around herself.
"A-alright..." He said to Yuki, a bit red in the face. He'd never had someone so excited about his work before. "Actually, I brought my sketchbook to school- that is, if you want to see it!" He pulled a dark lavender notebook out of his backpack. "This one's fairly new, so it has some of my better stuff. They're not FANTASTIC, but I think they're pretty okay..."
"Oh, don't be shy. Of course I want to see you work!" She said happily as she quickly took the book from his hands and started to scroll through it. Her eyes flickered through every drawing, slightly widened, and if you really listened you could hear her mumbling things.

"You are amazing! This one. And this one. Oh and that one." She said while pointing at different drawings. "You really are talented, I hope you know that" She looked at him with a meaning expression and slowly gave him back his scetchbook while debating in her mind if she should steal it from him or not. But since she barely knew the guy, she decided not to.
"Thank you, that really means a lot!" He said happily. His family never really compliments him on his art, so this was a first. Yoki takes the sketchbook and puts it back in his bag. "So, what class do you have first? I have creative writing, Mr. Tokuri." He glances at the schedule again. "Room 125."
"Oh.. I have uhm.." She began as she searched in her bag for her schedule. Once found, she searched it through for her lesson. "I have.. Uh.. Creative writing." She exclaimed, happy that she wasn't the only one in that class. A wide smile appeared on her face as she looked at Yuko. Almost as wide as the cheshire cat himself, and while smiling, her eyes closed slightly in the process "We should get going, I don't really like to hurry"

(I'm sorry, I have to sleep, it's really late here. Timezones are the worst 3: )
"I don't really think I am that good. But I do appreciate the compliment." He stated as he continued to play. Still not opening his eyes he spoke, "I wonder why she ran out like that. I would have loved to hear her add on to my cello. By the way what do you play?" He asked with a smirk on his face. He then put his bow back to his instrument and continued to play quietly as he awaited the response of the girl, still not knowing she looks like.

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Peachypants said:
"Oh.. I have uhm.." She began as she searched in her bag for her schedule. Once found, she searched it through for her lesson. "I have.. Uh.. Creative writing." She exclaimed, happy that she wasn't the only one in that class. A wide smile appeared on her face as she looked at Yuko. Almost as wide as the cheshire cat himself, and while smiling, her eyes closed slightly in the process "We should get going, I don't really like to hurry"
(I'm sorry, I have to sleep, it's really late here. Timezones are the worst 3: )
Understandable. Just send me a message whenever you are free. Looking forward to continuing! :D
Adriana hopped on her Moped, rearing it up. Once running Adriana took off, her green bandanna with mustard colored stripes was whipping out from behind her and her gray eyes which were hiding behind sunglasses were trained on the road so she could dodge cars and other bikes while she traveled to school. She also had a blue and green beaded necklace and a white summer dress with puffy sleeves followed by white heels. Her brown bag was dangling on her shoulder, threatening to fall off but never actually doing so. Eventually she made her way to the school, parking her bike near the entrance and hopping off the bike. From behind her sunglasses Adriana glared at the school, her disdain for it clearly evident. Just great, another year at this d*** place.

With her heels clicking against the cemented ground and then the tiles once she entered the building Adriana pulled out her schedule. Looks like I have music first, why did I even sign up for that class? I don't even like playing the d*** piano, my cousin was the one who made me learn it in the first place.

Soon she was near the music room and saw a girl with silvery long hair which had ribbons in it. She also had a deep green eye, the other one hidden by her bangs and her skin had a pale complexion to it.

"Hey kid, what are you doing sitting outside? Let me guess, don't want to attend some dumb class? If it is than I feel ya,"Adriana commented to the girl before sitting next to her.


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Aine would stretch her legs out more having had them close to her chest. She turned her head to the side, towards the door, wondering if she should go in or not. A small yawn had escaped from her mouth hiding out in the hallway next to the room she wants to be in. Maybe I should go in it was a bit rude of me... or maybe not. She thought to herself. Maybe playing in the hallways would be a nice change... no what if I disturb someone.

Her attention being taken away from music she'd look next to her hearing a female speak to her. Odd day... or am I dreaming of people talking to me? She shook her head from that thought thinking that was a terrible thought and that would never happen. Her attention was grabbed away from her thoughts as a female had spoke to her. She pulled her legs back up bending them at the knees and her feet planted on the ground while still seated on the floor. It was a bit uncomfortable for her to be talked to so many times today but it was rude to not answer.

"Music's my favorite..." She quietly replied to the other female while picking up her violin case. "I assume you don't?" Aine tilted her head to the side looking at the female slightly.
Adriana could barely hear the girl, she was so quiet and timid that she had to strain her ears to catch what she just said. The girl also seemed a bit uncomfortable as she drew her legs up and looked like she was trying to make herself smaller, even though she was already a dainty little thing.

"Nah I hate music, well I don't hate it, it's just a can't stand playing it. I only play the piano cause' my freaking cousin made me, I love him but sometimes he can be so demanding," Adriana complained, stretching out her legs and leaning against the wall while letting out a sigh. "Oh and speak up will ya? I can barely hear you...hey speaking of hearing mind if I hear you play? What's in that case anyways? Wait what do you even play?"

Adriana was firing question after question at the girl, she didn't really think about how the girl might be feeling uneasy and all around troubled by Adriana’s sudden appearance and numerous questions. It's just the girl was kind of peaking her interest and Adriana couldn't help but bury her with questions and remarks, unintentionally disregarding the girl’s nervousness.
Allon was taking his sweet time to get to school, stopping at a rather busy fruit stand to get breakfast. He saw the commotion with the music sheets, and missing violin bow, but it wasn't his quarrel. He passed by without a second thought, a smile on his face as he watched the unfolding action.

He only had a few classes today, music being one of them, which was absurd to him. Harmonica was barely an instrument, but they insisted on him joining the class. He walked up the steps of the familiar school, smiling at his friends, but not stopping to talk to any of them. He approached the door to see two girls talking outside the building, passing by them into the room. He glanced around, letting the music lead his eyes to a junior playing a cello. He smiled in approval and took a seat a few feet in front of the two. Opening his backpack, he took the music for an advantage and read to the soothing tune.
Aine sat up straight against the wall looking directly at the other female. A small smile curving at the edge of her lips just slightly seeing she had an interest in what she played.When she looked to her case she saw someone step into the class quickly. It looked like he was the only one to not talk to her. She became calmer having someone leave her be. Also, it was troublesome that others would talk to her so casually. Last year no one bothered her not even the teachers of this school. Change of pace I suppose.

Looking over at her closed case she scooted away from the wall placing the case where she had initially sat, Aine now facing the wall and her case. She unlatched all of the latches then opened the case. In it was her black violin and the bow to go with it. Placing her hands on the violin so she can pick it up gently along with the bow she'd look over to the other female.

"I can play piano too." She said a bit more louder than before taking her violin and it's bow out of the case. She looked the violin over to see if it was damaged as well as the bow. The bow had fallen earlier but it didn't look damaged. Good.. Good. Sir Vio was his favorite. Aine stood up in the hallway placing her chin on the rest of the violin and her hands on the neck of it. Her bow in her other hand. "Still want me to play?" She wanted to make sure she did before playing in the hallway. It gave her an excuse to do so as well.
Adriana smirked a bit when she saw Aine give her a bit of a smile. Ignoring the white haired male who stepped into the music room the girl seemed to grow more comfortable as she took out a beautiful black Violin and bow. Lucky for Adriana the green eyed girl seemed to take Adriana's complaint to heart as she spoke a bit louder when she announced that she could play piano too and asked if she still wanted to listen to her play.

"H*** ya, show me what you got girl," Adriana replied.
Aine smiled more with a small blush before getting into position. Her fingers across the strings on the neck to see if she needs to adjust herself. When that was done she played a little bit for a warm up going through each note just in case she needed to tune it. It sounded just right for what she was about to play. "This won't be very exciting." She said before closing her eyes positioning her bow.

In only a short moment she had began to play slowly a sweet and pleasant melody. After a minute of playing slowly she began to quicken her pace to a more dangerous sounding melody. She switched back and forth from sweet and calming to a more of a scary and dangerous sound. It was the melody her brother had taught her by memory.

She thought it had told more of a fairytale story between good and evil when she was taught it. She concentrated on it fairly well then looked over to the other female while the two different sounds clash together as if making it sound like a fight between the two melodies, yet sounded pleasant. She had finished off with a more elegant type of sound as if the music was for a royal family.

When she was finished she put her violin and bow down and slightly bowed to the other female. She didn't know what kind of reaction she would get from her but it was nice to play it, it calmed her down just like she expected it to. "Thank you." She said putting her right hand with the bow in it over her left arm.
Grey rode his skateboard into town, his hands in his pockets as he maneuvered his way through traffic with ease, he always had a gloomy look on his face that seemed to never go away, and his voice was always so monotone, he was an odd kid and he enjoyed living alone in a huge mansion...no that was a lie, he wished someone was there with him but no one wanted to be with a guy like him, he was an oddball, well he was just a tad weird and was so bored looking, his eyes just emanated bored all the time.

Grey rode into town his headphones playing a low techno beat, it was more for himself and he just starred straight forward not really caring about the traffic as he moved, he looked down at his phone and did something real quick as he rode then he continued to look forward and ride. Grey soon came upon the school, he was new...and really not happy to be going to school again, he spotted two girls out front but did not care much, he took his hand out of his pocket to make sure his guitar was there then put it back in and used his feet to kick flip his way up onto the sidewalk and continued to ride towards school "How Boring....." grey whispers to himself as he came upon the school, oh how fun it would be to meet new people...yeah that was a joke.

Grey stomped on the board and jumped off then stomped on it again, the board flying up as he grabbed it with ease and secured it on his back and put his hand back in his pocket keeping a close eye on the girls who seemed to be playing the violin...who played that anymore...no one he knew, he shrugged and looked up at the school having second thoughts but his face showed little to no emotions, of course it did not..that was just how grey was.
Aaron walked down the corridor to music class thinking "This will be boring, people trying to talk to me."

Right before he got to music class, he started playing his guitar. It was a fine tune. He played it loud.

Aaron was playing it to drown out the violin, since he doesn't like violin music. He started playing a different song, but he had a cigarette in his mouth. He had his hood up and looked like a kid from a gang.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.
Nichole sighs. Dakota had already made her late for her first day. There's no way this dog could possibly pee this much! Finally the dog finishes and continues pulling Nichole along while she rode her skateboard. It's not like she cared what the teachers thought if she was late, but if she was thn she couldn't get to find new people. Or practice her guitar. She sighed.

The two finally arrived at the school. Nichole kicks up her skateboard and catches it. She continues walking along with Dakota and stops, remembering she has no idea where she was headed.

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