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Telios & Narumi

Charlotte was soon trying on different dresses when the time was coming near, she ran a hand through a silk and lace white dress as she tried it on and smiles. "I love it" She tells her dressers.
Charlotte took a deep breath, she was soon going to be walking down the grande aisle, people examining ever inch of her body as she walked. She was nervous though ready to marry Tarond.
Charlotte, when the music began to play started to walk down the aisle, she was blushing and extremely nervous though she made it towards Tarond with a smile.
Charlotte smiles and was soon standing beside him. They had to sit through a long ceremony of talking which lasted almost forever until they had to say their vows. "I do" She says.
Charlotte smiles and kisses him back. The wedding ball afterwards was grand and elegant and lots of royalty was invited, there was so many people it was as if they couldn't fit anymore inside the hall.
Charlotte barely even got to spend much time with Tarond. A prince named Xavier was wandering around the castle with her and chattering away to her, flirting also.
Xavier soon had his arm wrapped loosely around Charlotte's waist. "You're so beautiful" He whispers into her ear.
Tarond finally found Charlotte and she was with someone else. "Charlotte?!" He called, getting to her.
Charlotte watched as Xavier leaned closely to kiss her though she pushed him away, started when she heard Tarond.
Charlotte held Tarond back gently. "Hey, no punching!" She tells him, trying to calm him down.
Charlotte began to wander into the balm and got congratulated further by the more royalty that arrived.
Charlotte was speaking to a group of royalty as she eyed both Xavier and Tarond nervously.
Xavier had been wandering around, he hadn't reacted much by the punch nor was he injured.
Charlotte watched as the group of royalties go over to a table and take she drinks. She see's Tarond coming towards her and smiles weakly.

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