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Telios & Narumi

"Can't rule a kingdom properly without a proper mind." Tarond said. "The ball is ending..." He checked the time before turning back at Charlotte. "Would you like to have a dance with me?" He held out his hand.
Charlotte smiles and nodded, taking his hand in his. "I'd love to dance with you, your majesty" She says softly and begins to dance with him, in time to the elegant music. She had always been a majestic dancer from a very young age so she swiftly glided gracefully across the dance floor.
Tarond danced elegantly with Charlotte despite being in his metal armor and mask. A while later, the music stopped and it was time for the announcement. Tarond went to his parents before saying that Charlotte was chosen to be his wife. The ball ended and Tarond went to her.
Charlotte was talking to a group of other princess' who seemed quite excited to hear who had won the prince's heart and hand in marriage. She begins to walk away when she saw the prince coming towards her and smiles at him.
Charlotte took a long time to take this in, she opens her mouth to say something but no words come out. "Wow, I am really honoured" She whispers softly as she smile, her whole face lighting up.
Charlotte blushes and curtsies lightly, some girls looked pleased for them whilst others gave Charlotte harsh glares. The king and queen thanks them for coming and she watched them leave from the window, getting into their carriages.
Charlotte nods and smiles. A few days before the wedding she was aloud to stay over to spend some more time with the prince before they were officially married. She was sent in a carriage with all her things.
Tarond was looking forward to the wedding. He was practicing in the training yard when Charlotte came over. He immediately sheathed his sword and went to greet her.
Charlotte greeted Tarond and then curtsied gently, then wrapped her arms gently around him. "Hello. How have you been?" She asks gently.
Tarond hugged her back gently with a smile. "I'm great. The wedding preparations are getting done."
Charlotte nodded and held him close to her, keeping her arms wrapped against him. "I'm glad that everything is coming into place now" She says with a nod.
Charlotte smiles and lets the servants take her bags and then follows them into the room she would be staying in for the next few days until she and Tarond were officially together.
Tarond followed her. "If you have anything uncomfortable, just tell the servants and they'll fix it." He said.
Charlotte nods as she examined her room. It was beautiful and feminine just how she liked it, she smiles and sits down on the edge of her bed. "It's beautiful. I really like it" She comments truthfully.
Charlotte nods. 'Well there's this one, transporting thoughts into one's mind" She thinks to him and then scratches his arm lightly, then places her hand over it, the cut disappearing. "Healing of the inured and sick" She tells him. She changes into her wolf form and nods, the changes back. She closes her eyes for a short while then opens them. "Right now you're precisely thinking about my powers" She says.
"So the rumors are true... You also have magical abilities. But I can' those them to you here since... They are more suited for combat." Tarond said.
Charlotte nods. "I would agree with you" She says with another nod, running a hand through her long hair with a smile and blush.
"The onyx family is known for their dragon forms and spells... I'm mostly a combatant." Tarond said, thinking.
Charlotte smiles lightly. "That's interesting" She compliments as she pulls him down to sit beside her with a light smile as she runs another hand through her silky hair.

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