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Fandom Teen Wolf Extra/Lore



Anderson High

Closer to the northern parts of California. A small town similar to like Beacon Hill from Teen Wolf. The only real difference would be a much larger population count and to the north of the school there is a very, very, very old town. The small little town has been abandoned and left to rot for some X amount of years. The city wants to turn the small town into a museum attraction, or possibly be able to tear it down and make a new... But unlucky for them, the town and it's broken buildings are own by a very rich family.

This family is known as the Von Brandy's. (More about them down below)

So the abandoned town in the North is kind of off limits. (well.... we all know that wont happen. *wink*)
But if caught by the police or another state official you could get into some serious trouble.

So mostly people try to stay south of the school. Where civilization actually thrives. There you will find more than a few things to do. Malls, coffee shops, theaters, parks, theme parks, there's the boardwalk that's like an hour or so away... And more.

(If you want to detail out a specific place for the town, let me know in a PM. Send me images and other information about the place. Maybe even npc's that work there.)
In doing so it will help others know your idea or even layout of the place. This would be good for those who have characters with jobs. You can send me the information about where they work and we can place it here in this thread.​
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Here is a Lore or the Teen Wolf world. It should have more than enough information to help answer any questions one might have.
Mythology of Teen Wolf - Wikipedia

In this rp we will be twisting and turning a few things around to help make it our own. If anyone has any ideas or any kind of story arches they would like to have played out, let me know.

More information will be released as the rp gains more interest or participants.
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Von Brany

This is the family that has it all.
Their family has been known to be one of the original founders of the town from way back when. They still hold estate to the north of town. But the family isn't always there. With recent time most of the family has moved back to the Von Brandy properties (yes more than one) And slowly by slowly have they been making their present known. Mostly with charities and donations, but still making an entrance.

The public history is very much simple compared to what they really are. They are an old Werewolf family from England. They were a strong an well known Werewolf family in England. They were banished due to causes unknown, leaving them to run for their lives at the time. Some long years after relocating to America, the Von Brandy's were left alone.

As of today they are just known as the line of heirs to the Anderson town.

Devist Von Brandy is the head of that long lineage. And to those of the supernatural world know him as the Alpha of that family. With Devist's return no one really knows his motives, but he has been seeking out young wolves of all kinds in hopes to add onto his pack.

Devist is a very old fashion style man. He has spent a lot of time traveling when he was younger. After his father passed, Devist was made the new Alpha of the family pack. He is a well kept man, and only says what he wants you to hear.

Lady Margrett Von Brandy:
Devist's wife and second in command. She is stern and will become greatly violent when angered. She is a force not to be messed with. Her goals stand along side with Devist as she knows what's at stake.


Calvin Von Brandy:
Calvin is Devist's younger brother. In his family he is known to be the mess up. He tries to win his brother's approval along with the pack. He is known to take drastic measures when looking for that appraisal. Most in which turns out bad for the family. No matter how hard he tried or how hard he fails, Calvin will always be Calvin.

(More to come...)
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The Blackwood family has been long known for their healing and crafting skills. Sadly the family has been so stretched out that it's hard to find a Blackwood still practicing and dealing with the supernatural. Unlike most Druids of the supernatural world, the Blackwood family comes from a long line originated in Romania. The heart of the supernatural world.

One of the most famous Blackwood Druids is Edgar Blackwood.
Edgar is very laid back and has a vast and deep knowledge of all supernatural creatures and legends. He normally tends to travel to help families, packs and strays. His famous work is within his healing and crafting knowledge. His family is well known to utilize Mountain Ash in many, many different ways. Along with other, very questionable practices. But all practices lead to discoveries and most situations turn out in their favor.

As of right now Edgar is hoping to try and protect his nephew from the supernatural world... but he also wants him to be apart of it. In hopes that the Blackwood name can still live on.

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