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Fandom Teen Titans: Rising Chaos


Some random dude on the Internet

These are Strange times, an era of heroes and villains, of good and evil, and yet the Chaos hasn't engulfed us yet...

Jump City isn't what it used to be since the teen titans showed up some time ago. Any chaotic upbringing was immediately shot down by these heroic people. In the time since their arrival the city has seen numerous villains and other renegade heroes.

Now Jump City faces an even bigger threat now, the "Chaos" is coming and it will only be a matter of time until the end comes. With the "Chaos" coming new heroes began springing out from all over the world and beyond it, some from the ancient past, some from billions of light years away, and some from the populace itself. Only the teen titans can stem the tide from this new threat as it gets closer with each day. The time of Reckoning is nearing and its song is terrifying but beautiful.....

Episode 1: New Arrivals

Today was like any other in Jump city, obviously without the crime of course. Things were normal until something weird happened all over the city. Lights were blinking on and off, cars were creating insufferable noise, TVs were generating Static, the sky slightly darkened. And then Everything went back online and any and all shows were immediately turned to the news broadcast who began reporting the weird things that happened while also saying destruction began happening in the city by two people, one with horns and the other in full armor. It seems like the Teen Titans are going to have to save the day...

Torvic and Asala

As the two were about to land their strike against the enemy commander they suddenly began to disappear. Stopping the in their tracks as they stared in horror against the thing, they couldn't move, all they could do was stand and watch as their world soon began to be engulfed in white.

Soon they reappeared in some weird town or city, with moving chariots and one was heading right towards them!
Torvic in a state of Panic and with using his quick reflexes stood straight, put his left arm behind his back, closed his eyes, and in a quick motion moved two fingers pointing toward his forehead at an angle close to his eyes. What happened after that was that the boxed chariot and the other surrounding Chariots were sent flying far into the air and some even landed in the surrounding buildings. Torvic turned to Asala saying something in an alien language and turned to the surrounding populace as he shouted at them in his unknown language. He soon saw Flying metal birds that made a whirring sound as they floated overhead, not trusting these things his hand was lit ablaze as he shot a couple fireballs at it to make it go away which it did. Little did he know this was a news helicopter which was recording the entire thing.

Asala gripped her greatsword tightly as she was confused by the weirdness of the city around her and Torvic. She saw Torvic use his mind blast ability sending the weird boxed chariots away. He then said something to her in an alien language and replied back. She was amazed and terrified by the weirdness of wherever there were. That was until she heard a wailing noise coming down the road as more chariots came with flashing red and blue lights ontop, and men with weird weapons came out and pointed at her and Torvic behind their chariots. She said something but Torvic raised his hand and shook his head as he looked at the uniformed men and women and shouted at the in his language. Asala was prepared for battle if anything should happen.

Titan Tower

The news was clearer than anything else, Jump City was under attack by mysterious forces! By the looks of it it seemed like a Giant Horned Lady and a smaller Man decked out in armor. Robin turned to his teammates "Alright Teen Titans! It looks like Jump City needs our help once again! Let's move out!"

Cyborg sighed "Man! I was gonna beat that level too! Those freaks are gonna pay!!!"

Beastboy turned to Cyborg "Yeah Right! Like you were going to beat my Highscore!"

"Why You!!"

"Beastboy, Cyborg, stop it! We need to move now!"

They both sighed as they reluctantly stopped their spat. The Teen Titans were on the move to stopped these villains!

@Aero @54160 @gogojojo331 @djinnamon



Jamal looked at the team as they rushed down the halls, and sighed. He was just working on his 'killer stir fry', and he'd rather not wanna leave this precious delicacy out to rot. It was also a pain to make it without using that sweet electric cooking material. He let out a sigh of defeat, and shrugged his hands. "Duty calls, I guess..." In a flash of lighting, he came back, decked in his brand new super suit. Black and purple, it kind of made him look like a crappy rent-a-hero, but he didn't mind.

(The suit is the one in the picture)

The alien princess shot up when she heard the alarm and Robin call them into order. "Oh Globnar I have slept over the time." Starfire said and quickly got ready. When she was done, Star flew down and joined the others right when Robin told them to move out. 'Aw, I was unable to make my friends the lunch.' She thought to herself and pouted a little. Her pout disappeared when her friends started heading out and she followed by floating above them. "Hello friends! What seems to be the problem?"


Tansy was napping on the couch while BB and Cyborg play their game until she jumped awake when the alarm sound. Letting out a yell and falling onto the floor, Tansy looked up and around frantically. "What? When? Who? Why?" She asked and then calmed down when she realized it was just the alarm. "Oh just trouble once again." The blonde groaned and let out a yawn as Robin told them to move out. She rubbed her eyes before standing up and following behind the Titans. Unfortunately, she made the caboose like usual due to her lack of athletic skills and the fact that she just woke up. "Can't you guys ever slow down or walk somewhere?" She yelled trying her best to catch up and beginning to pant a little.

@Archdemon @gogojojo331
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Raven sat on the roof mediating until she heard the Alarm. She opened her eyes flew down stairs to join the others. She flew out the door the once the command to move out was made. Following right behind robin.
Kiari was not happy. First, her wallet gets stolen, then some kid beat her high score at her favorite arcade game, and then to top it all off, she stubbed her toe on a brick wall. Oh and there were some weird people destroying things, but that's besides the point. Someone broke her game record. But she guessed that would have to wait a bit a she watched the two people from a little bit away, observing incase the cops couldn't handle it. Which was more than likely so she was prepared to defend of need be.
Vex was laying on the roof of his mother's old Kendo studio, which was now ran by his uncle. The man of course didn't like Vincent very much, but the half-demon always ended up sleeping on the building when he was in Jump City. A ways away he heard a commotion and saw several fireballs sailing up through the sky towards a few news helicopters. Vex was instantly moving through the sky towards the helicopters and ready to force the fire to one side with his powers before he realized that the fireballs weren't actually aimed at the news-choppers. Looking down he saw two people, neither of them human, in an obvious panic. "Bnupypmo fyhdat du clyna dras (Probably wanted to scare them)." He muttered aloud, knowing that only another half-demon or full-blooded demon would understand what he said without being taught the language.

At this point Vex was unsure what to do. On the one hand he could get involved, it looked like the two inhumans causing this chaos were scared not angry. If they spoke the common-tongue then he might be able to calm them down, and if not he was sure that he could trap them by using Infinite Supply to increase the amount of gravity around them in order to hold them down. On the other hand he had no idea what they were capable of and if they didn't speak the common-tongue then they would likely attack the moment he tried to talk to them. Floating a ways above them Vex decided to just try and deflect any attacks away from any populated areas for now. Of course it seemed like he wasn't the only one prepared to intervene if it came down to it.
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Helena sat in her room doing nothing of any importance when she heard the orders to move out. She picked up her gun and put over her shoulder as she casually walked out of her room slamming her door as she walked out. Fortune would teach who ever was attacking a lesson about hurting others, her rail gun would be the last thing they saw as she pointed it in their face. That was the only enjoyment that she could foresee. She quickly walked out of the titan tower and chase after her 'team'.
ChoasMaker said:
Helena sat in her room doing nothing of any importance when she heard the orders to move out. She picked up her gun and put over her shoulder as she casually walked out of her room slamming her door as she walked out. Fortune would teach who ever was attacking a lesson about hurting others, her rail gun would be the last thing they saw as she pointed it in their face. That was the only enjoyment that she could foresee. She quickly walked out of the titan tower and chase after her 'team'.
Jamal walked behind Fortune, keeping his distance from behind her. Last time he got close, he accedentally shocked her rail gun and he wouldn't hear the last of it. Literally. She refused to talk to him after That was kind of getting annoying after a while. Sometimes he swore she didn't even tell her about the attacks. As soon as he entered the main hall, he looked at the rest of the group. "Anyone know what's attacking the city?" He scratched his hair. "Looks like something we should leave Constantine to solve.."

Torvic and Asala

Torvic stared down those who surrounded him and Asala, his arms covered in flickering flame that ends at the elbows. He kept speaking in his alien tongue but nobody answered him, he was getting irritated and the stalemate that was going on wasn't helping at all. "Arvach de lo nar Asala! Teroc der un derla! Nevero cas arith!"

Asala walked up next to him "Torvic nor val karith?"

"Acro dem carith nor en calam. Tovinich taroth Varich!"

She nodded and stepped slightly behind him as he turned towards the police force.

They were clearly nervous at the weird man who spoke in a tongue they couldn't understand. So nervous in fact that a single shot was fired at Torvic who immediately placed a barrier around him and Asala. The officer in question was getting scolded until his attention was brought back to the strange man.

Torvic prepared a spell as his barrier went down, and immediately after he sent a fireball at the metal Chariots which upon contact exploded and sent all the vehicles and officers flying in the air. The officers weren't hurt badly but the Chariots they used didn't seem brand new at all anymore.

Teen Titans

Robin yelled out to his new members Tansy and Jamal "Look Tansy, The City needs our help and we need to be there when it needs us! Jamal, we don't know who is attacking our city only that they are. Starfire we're gonna need you! We need to hurry!"

*Small time skip, meaning it's been like a minute or two*

The Teen Titans were on the scene as Robin stared down at the two people, one a adverse sized man, or what looked to be one in strange armor, and the other was a giant horned female wearing similar armor.

The man in strange armor spoke up to the Teen Titans who were prepared for combat, well at least Robin with his Staff, Cyborg with his Blaster, and Beastboy who was ready to transform into anything.

"Derosa navero ca la sitheros! Anavir ter kin va sinith! Doritha kan Asala!"

((Don't know if Starfire would know the language))

No aggressive moves were made by either side yet, though they were obviously prepared for a confrontation.

@Aero @djinnamon @IrritatedMind @gogojojo331 @ChoasMaker @FireMaiden
Kiari jumped a little when the cars she was near exploded. She caught some of the cops in the air, sitting them down a little bit away from the flames. After making sure they were eok, she went back to spectataing the fight that was about to happen.
Vex did the same thing Kiari did, not that he knew her name, and grabbed several of the police from the air, but instead of spectating again like she did, he instead landed behind the two, boxing them in and looking towards the Teen Titans, or rather Raven specifically. "E ys rana du ramb. (I am here to help)." After a few seconds he looked to Robin before repeating himself in the common-tongue. "I am here to help."

Vex had seen enough to know that he could cross blades with the giant female, or deflect the male's blasts of energy. Placing a hand on the hilt of his sword Vex prepared for a fight, although he wasn't sure if it would come to that.
gogojojo331 said:
Jamal walked behind Fortune, keeping his distance from behind her. Last time he got close, he accedentally shocked her rail gun and he wouldn't hear the last of it. Literally. She refused to talk to him after That was kind of getting annoying after a while. Sometimes he swore she didn't even tell her about the attacks. As soon as he entered the main hall, he looked at the rest of the group. "Anyone know what's attacking the city?" He scratched his hair. "Looks like something we should leave Constantine to solve.."
Archdemon said:

Torvic and Asala

Torvic stared down those who surrounded him and Asala, his arms covered in flickering flame that ends at the elbows. He kept speaking in his alien tongue but nobody answered him, he was getting irritated and the stalemate that was going on wasn't helping at all. "Arvach de lo nar Asala! Teroc der un derla! Nevero cas arith!"

Asala walked up next to him "Torvic nor val karith?"

"Acro dem carith nor en calam. Tovinich taroth Varich!"

She nodded and stepped slightly behind him as he turned towards the police force.

They were clearly nervous at the weird man who spoke in a tongue they couldn't understand. So nervous in fact that a single shot was fired at Torvic who immediately placed a barrier around him and Asala. The officer in question was getting scolded until his attention was brought back to the strange man.

Torvic prepared a spell as his barrier went down, and immediately after he sent a fireball at the metal Chariots which upon contact exploded and sent all the vehicles and officers flying in the air. The officers weren't hurt badly but the Chariots they used didn't seem brand new at all anymore.

Teen Titans

Robin yelled out to his new members Tansy and Jamal "Look Tansy, The City needs our help and we need to be there when it needs us! Jamal, we don't know who is attacking our city only that they are. Starfire we're gonna need you! We need to hurry!"

*Small time skip, meaning it's been like a minute or two*

The Teen Titans were on the scene as Robin stared down at the two people, one a adverse sized man, or what looked to be one in strange armor, and the other was a giant horned female wearing similar armor.

The man in strange armor spoke up to the Teen Titans who were prepared for combat, well at least Robin with his Staff, Cyborg with his Blaster, and Beastboy who was ready to transform into anything.

"Derosa navero ca la sitheros! Anavir ter kin va sinith! Doritha kan Asala!"

((Don't know if Starfire would know the language))

No aggressive moves were made by either side yet, though they were obviously prepared for a confrontation.

@Aero @djinnamon @IrritatedMind @gogojojo331 @ChoasMaker @FireMaiden
About the time they arrived Helena saw Jamal was following her, she wasn't to happy with him because of what he had once done to her rail gone. It wasn't the easiest thing to repair but she managed to do it. Once Robin began addressing everyone Helena snuck behind Jamal and whispered in his ears. "You and I would make a good team don't you think. Perhaps we should fight together." Of course if she was Jamal she knew he would probably be worried about what she was planning since anytime she decided to work with someone they ended up getting hurt. Fortune was also hold her rail gun at her side waiting to put into use, she didn't want to aim because she would probably shot it just for fun.
"Nice of you to talk to me." He looked at Fortune, "Does this mean we're cool?" He really didn't care about the whole 'partner' thing right now. He looked at his group first and took a step in front of the Titans. "I'm going to try and use diplomacy..." He whispered to the group . He pointed at them "Alright you blue demons... good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of Jump City, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension." A bolt of lightning came out of his finger by accident,schking and blowing up a car nearby. "Sorry..."
Bold = Alien language

Raven rolled her eyes at Jamel and flew forward slowly. Knowing her team mates probably didn't know what the alien said , she translated. " He said 'Where are we right now! Who are you strange people! Don't you dare hurt Asala!'. " She said to her teammates before addressing the aliens. " I'm assuming Asala is the female , don't worry we aren't going to hurt her or you ok? I'm Raven and we want to help you. Can you please tell me who you are and why your hair? " She asked

Starfire gave Robin a nod and prepared for a fight but watched as Raven floated over to them. She listened to her friend speak in their tongue without a fight and believed that the aliens meant no harm, they were just confused. 'Hm, sort of like me when I first arrived to Earth.' Star thought and floated back down on the ground awaiting to see their next reactions.


Tansy let out a sigh when Robin responded to her question. 'Can't we like drive or something? Mental note to self, as Cyborg to make my own car or something.' The blonde thought to herself and stood next to the demon kid and a girl who were saving some cops. Tansy opened her paint bottles and created paint tentacles around her arms. She decided not to attack since Raven seemed to be communicating with the aliens. 'I wish I could speak a cool language like that.'
Seeing as the Titans had the two well in hand Vex levitated up into the air and flew away. If he decided to stay in this city this time around he would probably go to the Titian's Tower later to introduce himself. For noe though he needed to make sure everything was in order for his departure if he left Jump City again. Vex would figure out what he would do after he got something to eat.

Torvic and Asala

Torvic slightly growled when he was boxed in some type of thing, he knew since he could feel the invisible box when he would reach his hand out only to stop in front of something physical when there wasn't one. One of the strange creatures stepped forward and spoke in its strange language only to then fire a bolt of Lighning at a chariot. Some form of intimidation perhaps? Not that it was going to matter since another one seemingly spoke his and Asala's language. She said that they weren't going to hurt him or Asala, like he'd believe that lie.

(The following conversations can only be heard by Raven, all others are to assume they're speaking their alien language.)

"You expect me to trust you! I'm sure that shooting bolts of lightning at me and Asala is a way of saying Truce. I'd rather...."

Asala stepped forward and placed her hand on Torvic while shaking her head. "Torvic, these people might be the only ones who can help us. Surely you must see the situation at large right now, we are in no position to be hostile, especially on their home."

"But Asala! You surely can't be trusting these.... These Shemlems! We don't even know where we are, for all we know they intended it to be this way!"

"Torvic, We're in no position to negotiate. It's better to befriend these strange people than to just be hostile and get treated as monsters. I'll negotiate with them and I believe they can be trusted since they haven't attacked us yet."

"I..... Fine, if you believe they can be trusted I'll take your word for it. I'll play nice for now...."

"Thank you Torvic, now...." Asala turned to Raven "Raven was it? I'm sorry for any damages we caused to your home. I am Asala and this is my Guardian Torvic, and we're from Qunla. It's a kingdom of great size but recently we've been attacked by some unknown force. As a last stand me and Torvic attacked the enemies commanding officer only to find ourselves here. We do not know how or why, only that we stand before you know. I'm sure we can come to some type of arrangement to not try and kill each other."

@Aero @djinnamon @IrritatedMind @gogojojo331 @54160 @FireMaiden @ChoasMaker
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"What is it with the place and aliens invading?" Kiari muttered to herself. She crossed her arms, still hovering about ten feet off the ground, and continued to watch what was happening.
After Jamal walked forward and try to negotiate with the aliens and shot a current Fortune yelled at him saying, "hey Mister Electric how about you don't do that considering the fact that when you try to help people you end up causing more pain and suffering!" She still wasn't to fond of him but she was going to test how much he wanted her to forgive him. Her fingers twitching on her gun as she continued to hold it at her side. "Jamal I will forgive you but you have to do something for me. You have to tell me how much it hurts to be shot by my gun!" Of course Helena didn't know if he would accept and if he did she would get to have a blast. Seeing raven move up to the aliens she watched as the girl managed to defuse the situation by speaking some sort of weird language.

@gogojojo331 @Archdemon (Sort of Mentioned) @djinnamon (Mentioned)
"Well..." He scratched his head and looked at fortune with a sigh. "I mean...It would probably hurt. Just not too much. It IS electricity after all." He scratched his head. "I think.. " He was not too great at technology. "Anyways, now isn't the time to talk about that, don't ya think?"
Raven nodded before translating everything they said to her fellow teen titans. " What should we do Robin? " She askedin a monotone , never taking her eyes off the two aliens.

Fortune was annoyed that she had gotten up for this. She didn't want to waste her time and false alarms. She had much better things to be doing, like tracking down her father's killer. She looked at Robin with a disappointed look on her face. "Next time you raise the alarm and have everyone scramble to your side make sure there is a real danger!" Helena them walked up to Jamal grabbing the collar of his shirt attempting to drag him back to the tower with her. "There is no real danger so I think right is the perfect time to negotiate what we are going to do in order for you to earn my forgiveness."

@Archdemon @gogojojo331
(Some minutes before the current moment in a far side of Jump City)

Far from the place where the fight was taken place a young man stared at the roof of the Jump City Museum from a near building, while listening the News by her earphones:

Breaking News, two … strange entities have just appeared in the suburbs of Jump City, Jimmy Nicholson is in the place.

Thank you, Kathy, two beings have appeared, one looks like a medieval warrior and the other seems to be his giant. The Jump City Police Department was attempting to surround them, when the one who might be the leader attacked unprovokedly. These beings are hostile and violent!

Jimmy, are the Teen Titans in the zone?

Indeed, Kathy, they have just arrived…

Still gasping due to the (super) speed he had reached that place, he check his clock starting the chronometre, and put his earphones in his pockets, “they have just arrived…” that was the phrase he wanted to hear.

Jumping to the roof of the Museum he took off the top of a metallic box in a wall which contained the controls that regulated the fire alarms, with a spark from his finger it started to malfunction. Then he did the same with the electric power of the building.

The lights went out as the fire alarm sounded and the fire sprinklers and the weak red emergency lights appeared. Many of the security officers helped the confused people to leave the place, and then he, the young man known by some as Saigo Minamoto and by other as Shadow of the Lightning, sneaked into the Museum, specifically in a hall called “The Smithsonian Institute and Jump City Museum: Ancient relics from India”.

The place seemed almost abandoned, and although the relics of gold and silver, the eyes of the man in the black trench coat only showed some interest when he saw a long piece of wood with carved inscriptions. He took his sword, whose edges adopted a light blue color only visible due to the darkness of the place and cut the showcases, taking the piece of wood with care and putting inside a backpack.

Then when everything seemed finished, he heard some steps in the door of the hall. He hide behind the big armor of an elephant, and hope it was just a lost visitor who will move soon from there.
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Starfire was moved by their story and let go of her guard. She floated down next to Robin and let her feet rest on the ground below. "Robin, we should invite them back to the Tower. They mean no harm and will definitely be taken or threatened if they stay here." The alien princess advised and placed a hand on her leader's shoulder. Star looked at the aliens and could tell that their story was sincere by their expressions. She felt very emphatic toward them and wanted to do all she could for them. @Archdemon


Tansy let her guard down a bit as Raven explained what the aliens were doing and why. "Dang, that's really sucky." She said putting the paint back into their bottles. Tansy looked over at Robin and Starfire after overhearing her offer to let them stay at the tower. 'Hm, the tower is crazy enough but it is rude not to help them when they mean no harm. Besides, what's the worst they can do.' The blonde thought and just waited for her leader's next move or order.

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