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Fandom ~Teen Titans~ LET'S GO! {Characters}

Soleil Grayson/Solwing
  • Appearance (picture or written description):
    Name: Soleil Grayson
    Nickname: Sol
    Alias: Solwing
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Species/Race: Human/Tamaranian
    Powers/Abilities: Flight, pyrokenesis - currently in the form of fire bolts, superhuman strength (to come), combat - currently weak, as she hasn't started training with her father
    Backstory: Soleil is the daughter of Starfire & Robin, in an alternate timeline. In a battle with Slade, they were slain. Vowing to save her parents, she tracks down someone who can assist her in traveling back in time to save them. Something goes wrong, and she ends up in this current timeline. The good news? They’re alive. The bad news? They’re teenagers. Sol now needs to either avoid them and go after Slade herself, or join them and risk exposing herself and ruining her chance at saving their future.

    ~Full Backstory~

    Soleil Grayson, just freshly eighteen, trudged down the long halls from her room to the training room, headphones in and eyes glued to the holographic screen coming from the communicator on her wrist. She was looking for music to train with during her sparring match with her father. He had promised that after she turned eighteen, he’d start sparring with her holding nothing back. She’d spar with him as a kid, but Robin would always go easy on her. He wanted her to understand the basics, but he didn’t want her to get hurt.

    “I’m ready!” She’d tell him. He’d chuckle each time.

    “You will be one day."

    “Hey dad, I’m ready to kick your ass for once.” She said loudly, music blaring from her headphones. She looked up from the screen, closing it. Her father wasn’t there yet. Odd. He was usually waiting, ready to scold her for being late, monologues about how Bruce wouldn’t stand for impunctuality flowing from his mouth.

    She grabbed her staff, ready to use it in case he decided to sneak attack, and inched forward.

    “Dad? You here?” She called out. Silence. She pulled up her communicator and tried to call her dad. No answer. She tried calling her mom - again no answer. Okay, this is not good. She thought. She ran to the main control room to check the locations system to see if they were registering. Nothing.

    “Where are you guys?” She asked aloud, a combination of aggravation and worry making her voice gruff.

    She checked their last ping.

    “Slade’s domain? Why would they be there?"

    The screen started flashing both Robin and Starfire’s profiles


    Sol had to find them, and fast.


    Soleil made her way through Slade’s lair carefully, but swiftly, searching for her parents.

    Ah, the fledgling has arrived. Here to save mommy and daddy dearest? Slade’s voice echoed through the lair. You’ll need to hurry. They don’t have much time left.

    The sound of an analog clock ticked over the intercom.

    “I’m coming for them, Slade. And then, I’m coming for YOU!” Soleil shouted.

    In the distance, she heard a metallic banging. A pipe hitting something, or something hitting the pipe. She made her way towards the sound.

    As she searched, the sound started to grow faint in power. She was still getting close, but the pounding sounded weaker, as if they were losing strength.

    “Keep going, I’m almost there!” She knew she was close - if they could just hold on a little longer.

    Rounding on the room the banging was coming from, the banging stopped, and then so did the ticking. Something hitting the floor caused a loud clatter, just as Soleil scanned the room and found what she feared most.

    Her mother, Starfire, laid lifeless in a pool of blood, ran through with a weapon.

    Her father, Robin, laid with his staff next to him. He was propped up against the wall next to a large pipe. He was riddled with holes, surrounded by blood. He had used what little strength he had left to sound out where they were.

    A tear fell down her cheek.

    “I will avenge you. No matter what cost.”
    Fandom origin (if Canon character. This can be skipped for original characters): Teen Titans
    Personality: Soleil is reserved, like her father, but sweet like her mother. Coming from the future, she has to be guarded so that the Titans don’t catch on.
    Other: From an alternate time-line. Daughter of Robin & Starfire
