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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]The Merchant nodded at Error's words "Wise choice." The Merchant knelt down and touched the ground, appearing to open some kind of tunnel underneath "The sword is in here." The Merchant explained

"́Iń an un̡de҉r҉grouńd ͏tưn̷ne͠l̴? T̴ąlḱ ab̧ou͝t a͠ clich̸ę ̀h̸idin̵g śp͝ot.̶ S̷e̸ri̢o̕usl̸y̴, ͞wha͏t's̶ ̸ne̢x̕t͞, ̨the ͘swoŗd̸'̴s͢ g̷oin͞g ͞t̶o҉ be in͏ a̛n͏ oŕn̨a̧te̴ c͘h͝est̵?̸" Error Sans says, sighing. "W͠e̕l͞l, at́ ͡l͝eas̢t ge͢t͠ti̛n͘g̶ ́t̛h͠e̴ ́da̶mn҉ t͏hing ͢òu͝gh̶ta҉ b̀e̕ ̵ȩa͠sy̕. ҉Af̀t̡er ̕ąl͞l, h̶ow h̛ard͞ ͡c̵an̕ it̸ ͞b̴e ̀to͟ ̧j̨ust̨ g̴rab ̡a ̵s̶w͢ord?̀"
Doctor Who

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Well that kinda sucks." Carol commented "We could definitely use their help, too."

"If they won't listen, then we'll just have to do without them." Lilac said "The fate of the multiverse is at stake, if they want to sit back and watch all of this happen then they can go ahead. We can take care of this ourselves."


Mood: Determined

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS

Shad129 said:
Demi-Fiend didn't reply to Suwako and kept walking. When he encountered the girl he thought it was an enemy and instantly grabbed her with his eyes glowing yellow.
Notecing she didn't seem strong he let her go.

"...What do you want?.." He asked in a casual unamused way.
"W-wha-?" She was frozen in place for a few moments. "G-geez, I was just saying hello! Why must everyone I meet be crazy?"

Barbas said:
Klarion the Witch Boy
Unable to doge the blade, the knife slashes Klarion's neck. Standing motionless as blood pours out of his neck, Klarion grins as four claws suddenly appear of of nowhere and precede to grab Clara's arms and legs.
Chara gasps and cuts one of the hands away, but she is unable to stop the rest in time before they grab her knife hand and her legs. "Alrighty, you caught me."
Suwako watched the approaching strangers, and she wondered what was going to happen. The one greeting them was friendly enough, but she couldn't help but put on an act. Acting submissive and scared with tears brimming in her eyes, she held onto the hem of Hitoshura's pants and looked at the pair in fear. Though she really needed to give a lecture on this boy about grabbing people everytime he meets someone new.

@Shad129 @Assailant
Klarion the Witch Boy

Happy to see that his trap worked, Klarion begins to speak as his neck slowly heals." Of course I caught you, you silly little mortal. I am a Lord of Chaos, after all." Extending his right hand towards Chara, Klarion summons a small orb and hurls it at the restrained Chara.
CoconutLeaves said:
Suwako watched the approaching strangers, and she wondered what was going to happen. The one greeting them was friendly enough, but she couldn't help but put on an act. Acting submissive and scared with tears brimming in her eyes, she held onto the hem of Hitoshura's pants and looked at the pair in fear. Though she really needed to give a lecture on this boy about grabbing people everytime he meets someone new.
@Shad129 @Assailant
Kurisu turned to Suwako and frowned. She kneeled down with a soft smile. "Hello," she said with a friendly chirp. "My name's Makise Kurisu." @Shad129 @CoconutLeaves

Barbas said:
Klarion the Witch Boy
Happy to see that his trap worked, Klarion begins to speak as his neck slowly heals." Of course I caught you, you silly little mortal. I am a Lord of Chaos, after all." Extending his right hand towards Chara, Klarion summons a small orb and hurls it at the restrained Chara.
Chara frowned as the orb hit her. She then chuckled slightly. "I don't know that you could call me mortal. I'm sort of unkillable."

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Klarion the Witch Boy

Confused as to how the girl survived his magic attack, Klarion decides to try a different tactic. Creating another claw to restrain her free arm, Klarion begins to pull Chara's limbs in different directions with the claws.
Chara frowns and begins pulling back. While still not enough to overwhelm Klarion, it WAS surprisingly strong. "I'm going to give you one last chance. Return to your home world..." A twisted grin crossed her face. "Or pay the consequences!" @Barbas
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Suwako looked in her eyes. While her own facade was that of a scared, fearful child, in her mind she was judging the girl before her. She seemed quite nice and polite, a strong measure of intelligence that showed in her posture. The way this girl, Makise Kurisu, acted, was using the knowledge of how one acts towards a crying child.

In short, she was a good person.

Suwako was almost sure of it. She was a Goddess after all, studying the behavior of man for many many years has given her an early intuition as to what they're like.

"M-Moriya...Suwako..." She muttered like a shy child, though enjoying this whole charade within. She had to wonder though, she looked like a normal Japanese woman. Would she know of the old Native Gods of Japan? Or has the Moriya faith truly vanished in the decade she left?

@Assailant @Shad129
CoconutLeaves said:
Suwako looked in her eyes. While her own facade was that of a scared, fearful child, in her mind she was judging the girl before her. She seemed quite nice and polite, a strong measure of intelligence that showed in her posture. The way this girl, Makise Kurisu, acted, was using the knowledge of how one acts towards a crying child.
In short, she was a good person.

Suwako was almost sure of it. She was a Goddess after all, studying the behavior of man for many many years has given her an early intuition as to what they're like.

"M-Moriya...Suwako..." She muttered like a shy child, though enjoying this whole charade within. She had to wonder though, she looked like a normal Japanese woman. Would she know of the old Native Gods of Japan? Or has the Moriya faith truly vanished in the decade she left?

@Assailant @Shad129
That name, Kurisu thought. That definitely sounds Japanese, something I haven't seen with any of the others here. She smiled. "Hello Moriya. You wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you? Me and my fr-" She turned to gesture to Okabe, but found he was only on his phone, turned off, and rambling about the Organization getting to Christina. She frowned. "Actually, ignore him. He's insane." She turned back to Moriya with a smile. "I'm in a similar position, if that's the case."
Suwako saw it, that fleeting flash of recognition in her face. But as to what, she didn't know. Another Universe? Well, Gensokyo could be considered as such in a manner of speaking. Sealed from Japan, the world itself seems to be more of an alternate earth yet connected by the very world they sealed themselves from. If Kurisu is from the 'true' earth she, Kanako, and Sanae departed from, then she would be of the same universe.

"I f-found a rift...and I followed it..." She answered honestly enough, without mentioning the other details she'd rather not reveal to a stranger. Omission of truth is not a lie after all, "So you're not from this world, big sister?"

@Assailant @Shad129
CoconutLeaves said:
Suwako saw it, that fleeting flash of recognition in her face. But as to what, she didn't know. Another Universe? Well, Gensokyo could be considered as such in a manner of speaking. Sealed from Japan, the world itself seems to be more of an alternate earth yet connected by the very world they sealed themselves from. If Kurisu is from the 'true' earth she, Kanako, and Sanae departed from, then she would be of the same universe.
"I f-found a rift...and I followed it..." She answered honestly enough, without mentioning the other details she'd rather not reveal to a stranger. Omission of truth is not a lie after all, "So you're not from this world, big sister?"

@Assailant @Shad129
Assailant said:
Kurisu shook her head. "Nope. By the sound of it, you aren't either."
Demi-fiend looked around to see if anything of interest would happen, but while he was doing this he was still listenning to their conversation.

((I'm starting again because I am so lost.))

Vita Salvatore da Forli

Universe: Assassin's Creed

Location: Rome, 1501

Near: No One

Status: Bloodstained


She was gasping, out of breath. Her clothes stained with crimson. Her cheek wounded, bleeding. She was ambushed and had to fend for herself... After a long battle she was the lone victor. She will have to tell Maestro Ezio about this ambush, to warn him should their enemies prepare for more.. For now, she needs to get cleaned up at the headquarters. Vita sheathes her sword and begins to make her way to the hideout of the Assassin Brotherhood.
Suwako looked at Hitoshura and wondered if he was just crazy. He barely says much and the rest of the time he strangles people he meets. Unhinged is the nicest way to describe him and it would actually be an understatement! Suwako needed them to get to the bottom of why they were gathered here and she had a sinking feeling that this quiet, stoic boy she was clinging to was not going to be the one to take the lead.

"Big Sister...how do we get out of here? Where are we?" She said, adding a few sniffles to her speech for added effect.

@Assailant @Shad129
Doctor Who: ???

"You're right. We have to do this ourselves." The Doctor muttered as his TARDIS approached the energy signature. On closer inspection, it appeared to be another TARDIS drifting in space.


A hopeful grin appeared on The Doctor's face. If there was an energy signature, it meant that this TARDIS had to be active. It mean that someone might be on the inside, another Time Lord. Another survivor of his species. He wasn't alone. The doors to the second TARDIS slowly opened and The Doctor snapped his fingers, opening the doors to his own TARDIS and allowing the two machines to link up. The Doctor grabbed his coat and ran to the other TARDIS without a word.


JackOfHearts said:
"?In? an un?de?r?groun?d ?tu?n?ne?l?? T?a?lk? ab?ou?t a? clich?e? ?h?idin?g s?p?ot.? S?e?ri?o?usl?y?, ?wha?t's? ?ne?x?t?, ?the ?swor?d?'?s? g?oin?g ?t?o? be in? a?n? or?n?a?te? c?h?est???" Error Sans says, sighing. "W?e?l?l, at? ?l?eas?t ge?t?ti?n?g? ?t?h?e? ?da?mn? t?hing ?o?u?gh?ta? b?e? ?e?a?sy?. ?Af?t?er ?a?l?l, h?ow h?ard? ?c?an? it? ?b?e ?to? ?j?ust? g?rab ?a ?s?w?ord??"
"I would not be so cocky." The Merchant cautioned "I suspect this area will be lined with." As The Merchant stepped deeper inside, a saw blade coated in blue flames descended from the ceiling and cut through The Merchant. Any normal man would have been killed by such a trap, but The Merchant simply kept walking as if nothing had happened. His body was without damage.

"Traps." The Merchant finished his sentence.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I would not be so cocky." The Merchant cautioned "I suspect this area will be lined with." As The Merchant stepped deeper inside, a saw blade coated in blue flames descended from the ceiling and cut through The Merchant. Any normal man would have been killed by such a trap, but The Merchant simply kept walking as if nothing had happened. His body was without damage.
"Traps." The Merchant finished his sentence.

".͘.̶.W̸el͘l ̸shi͢t͘. ̴I t͡hin̴k҉ yo̸u ̷s͠hǫu̴ld lea҉d th͜e w̶ay̵ the͝n. ̴I ma̛y ͠h̸a̧v͢e͠ go̷o͡d ref͠lex̴es͝, just͝ l͠i҉k̡e ̴m͞y no͏n͏ Er͢ro̷r coun͜terp͡a̸rt͡, b̸u͠t͟, w͠ell̀,͜ ̕I'͠m no̶t ͜i͝nfal͞l̀i͜b͏l̴e ͏t́o͝ m͝istak̵e͢s." Error Sans was more than a bit surprised that The Merchant hadn't been cut in two by that trap. It was....kinda creepy. Either way, he followed The Merchant.
CoconutLeaves said:
Suwako looked at Hitoshura and wondered if he was just crazy. He barely says much and the rest of the time he strangles people he meets. Unhinged is the nicest way to describe him and it would actually be an understatement! Suwako needed them to get to the bottom of why they were gathered here and she had a sinking feeling that this quiet, stoic boy she was clinging to was not going to be the one to take the lead.
"Big Sister...how do we get out of here? Where are we?" She said, adding a few sniffles to her speech for added effect.

@Assailant @Shad129
"It's okay," Kurisu said calmingly. "You're in the.... Underground. If we just walk that way," she said as she pointed to where she came from, "We can leave."
"If we can leave, then why are you here?" Suwako asked. Usually, based on the television shows that Sanae used to watch, they'd be stuck here until they fight some giant creature that grows even bigger and that they would have to summon a giant mecha and fight it.

@Shad129 @Assailant
Barry Allen, a super fast forensics scientist also known as The Flash, was just running to a scene of a crime when he suddenly appeared in another world entirely. He had travelled the multiverse before hand, but he had never been to this place before. Where was he anyway. This looked like it was in the past. In a blink of an eye, he had ran around the whole city. "Yup...Ancient Rome. Renaissance period...around the start. Maybe right at the beginning...1501?" Looking down at his red costume, he thought it was better to leave it on. Regular clothing would look strange in this time. So, Barry decided to walk the city streets, sticking out like a sore thumb...same coloured costume too.

The Flash

Universe: Assassin's Creed

Location: Rome, 1501

Near: No one

Status: Excited and confused.

Kylo Ren, Star Wars Universe, Star Destroyer orbiting unfinished Starkiller base.

Kylo walked onto the Bridge, with everyone on it looking at him in slight intimidation, however after seeing him many times they got used to being around him. He walked up to General Hux and said "How is the construction going?".

Hux looked at him and said "In about a year we should be finished."

Ren looked through the Window, seeing Starkiller Base. The most destructive weapon that will be known to the Universe.

He said "Good. I want to talk about it later, come to me when you're finished doing whatever you're doing." to Hux, and walked off with his Squad of Stormtroopers waiting for him outside.

As soon as he turned around one of the Corners, a Tear opened. He said "Check it out." to one of the Troopers. As the Trooper neared the Tear, it opened up and sucked them in.

(Where can they appear? No pressure or stuff.)
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Vita Salvatore da Forli

Universe: Assassin's Creed

Location: Rome, 1501

Near: The Flash

Status: Bloodstained


Vita noticed the strange man... And... Well... Its easy to tell that she was confused. And how he for here was a mystery. Was he a Templar? An Assassin? So many questions ran through Vita's head.
CoconutLeaves said:
"If we can leave, then why are you here?" Suwako asked. Usually, based on the television shows that Sanae used to watch, they'd be stuck here until they fight some giant creature that grows even bigger and that they would have to summon a giant mecha and fight it.
@Shad129 @Assailant
"Because we were exploring down here," Kurisu responded. "We're not from this world, and this place has some fascinating history behind it."

Vita Salvatore da Forli

Universe: Assassin's Creed

Location: Rome, 1501

Near: The Flash

Status: Confused


Vita decided to cautiously approach this man in red... Slowly... "Um... Excuse me, messere? Are you lost?"
Doctor Who

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



Lilac followed closely behind the Doctor, while Carol walked along with Tesla, assuming he came along in the first place "So... What do you think about all this?" the cat asked him.


Mood: Curious

Condition: Doing good!

Location: The TARDIS


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