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Tears of Daimond

•I wish to play the female mermaid. So i looking for someone to play the male pirate captian. I was also like to roleplay through pms.•

Old pirate legend speaks of a mermaid and her tears. When a mermaid cried her tears turn to diamonds as they slid down her cheeks. For this reason men have searched for them. So that they may use them to be rich.

On a dark and stormy day a pirate ship was struck hard. Harsh wind, rain, and waves cracked against the hull. One such anger wave cause the ships captain to lose his footing. Ending up falling into the ocean as well as unconscious all he felt was the ice cold water sicking him down. Then from nowhere arms around him pulling him to the surface. When he awoke he found him self on a shore the sun shining. Looking around he saw her. A mermaid with golden hair and emerald green eyes. In the corning of those eyes was a small tear the slide down her cheek forming a diamond.

The captain wasted no time capturing the beautiful cearture. He tied her up forcing her to change her tell to legs. Soon his crew found him. He toon the girl aboard the ship. Claiming her to be a mermaid and to bring them great riches. What happens when he has kidnapped the stubborn, hard headed, and brave mermaid princess and that her father wants him dead? Will he keep her? Will she come to be his saviour?

Name: Ryoko Aqua

Nickname: Aqua

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