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Teach the Children


Peggy Caine ▲ Boathouse

Peggy checked her watch for the third time as she waited for her new assistant to arrive. The woman was being escorted through the Water Way which could explain the hold up, new faculty and students alike could find the experience of walking through a glass tube at the ocean floor alternating unnerving and awe inspiring.

Peggy just hoped the other woman showed up before Lunch started as she wanted to get her assistant settled in time for this evening’s  training with Alpha Team.  As she peered into the Boathouse interior she didn’t see the floor entrance to the Waterway opening so she settled back to wait a bit longer.

As she did she went over her plans for the day making a few slight alterations to her internal schedule to accommodate her new assistant’s somewhat tardy arrival.

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Peggy would be correct in her assumption that the waterway had caused the tardiness of her assistant. Renee, an alien who was used to living on a icy tundra had not been too excited to see the ocean. It reminded her that perhaps she should try to learn to swim, or just not go in the ocean. Ever. 

There would be a knock on Peggy's door as a tall Sha stood in front of her door. 
"Hello, are you Peggy Cane? I'm supposed to meet you."

[SIZE= 20px]Peggy Caine ▲ Heading For Campus[/SIZE]

Just as Peggy was beginning to shift on her feet a little the hatch leading to the Water Way opened and a canine head popped out. The creature attached was rather large, with a vaguely humanoid physique wearing a simple outfit of t-shirt and jeans. It sort of reminded her vaguely of an Egyptian hieroglyph which jived with the dossier she had skimmed through about her assistant.

As the creature, a Ska if she remembered right, finished straightening she caught sight of Marisol behind her. Not wanting to make a rubberneck Peggy gestured towards the outside.

“ Yeah I’m Peg, listen why don’t we walk and talk. We got a lot to cover and I don’t want to keep Mari away from her office for too long. Speaking of, you need any help Mari?”

She asked the hispanic woman climbing out behind her new assistant, getting a negative shake she ushered Renee out of the Boathouse and towards the main campus.

The weather outside was a little nippy with the breeze blowing off the ocean and she was glad for her light jacket as she broke into a light jog.

“Hope your a hands on learner because I tend to go at a pretty good clip for most of the day. I don’t know how much you were told about our job but it’s a whole lot of hurry up and wait for the most part. During the morning and afternoon we’re mostly doing admin work or planning the day’s training. We have a training session at about 4:30 monday through friday and pretty much all day training on Saturdays. For now you’ll mostly be shadowing me and helping with the training specifically although as you get settled I might ask you to help with the admin work a little too.”

Peggy chatted as the main campus loomed closer. From you could only see parts of the Healthcare Wing and the dormitory. They were white modern buildings with black windows. At a good jog it took about twenty minutes to get from the Boathouse to the Campus.

“As you can see we got a bit of a trek ahead of us so why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? What kind of training or experience you have working with the kids? So I have a better idea of where to start you off.”

She asked curiously.

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The Sha had been caught off guard when they suddenly had to briskly walk away, but the walk itself didn't bother her. The cooler the air the better, as she was long-haired to protect her from the cold. As Peggy rambled about the job, Renee found herself silently waiting for her to finish, knowing it'd be quite rude to interrupt her. 

When it was her turn, Renee looked back down at the human female beside her. "I don't have any experience with kids, really. I was a soldier for my country and my people. Culturally too young to have children, so I hadn't been taught how to raise one. " She replied, not sure how much she wanted to reveal just yet. She tended to be weary of new people just from her experiences visiting other planets. 
"However, I learn quickly. Children have never bothered me much and I like being useful." At that thought Renee's tail started to wag. It had a fork at the end. She scratched her head as they walked. 

[SIZE= 20px]Peggy Caine ▲ Heading For Campus[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Peggy couldn’t help chuckling a little at the misunderstanding.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Sorry sorry.. I gotta ask what did they tell you our job was exactly?” [/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She asked shaking her head. It looked like someone back at the Hub had been yanking her new assistants tail. Either that or someone was being a smartass about her mother henning and the poor Ska took it the wrong way.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Really if that’s how the Hub was describing her job no wonder it had taken her brother so long to find her an assistant. He had been threatening it for years, the hypocrite. She supposed it was his passive-aggressive way of getting back at her of trying to get him to take a vacation everyone in a while and get in some family bonding. [/SIZE]

The Sha was confused. Was she not what they wanted? They offered the job to her. "I'm sorry?" She chuffed, which sounded like a more elegant snorting sometimes. "They explained that my military training would be useful. That's what we're doing right? Training....children....?" Her ears flopped as she seemed to realize the miscommunication. 

[SIZE= 20px]Peggy Caine ▲ Heading For Campus[/SIZE]

Peggy tilted her head now a little confused herself.

“Yeah that’s about right. Sorry I think I wasn’t clear. What I meant earlier is if you had worked with children before? Training them? Looking after them for someone else? That sort of thing. Just so I know what your general level of experience is before we get started. I don’t want to throw you to the wolves if you’re not ready, the kids can get rowdy and I’d just as soon not lose my assistant ten minutes after getting assigned one.”

She elaborated a bit to make sure her point got across. She made a note to try for literal from now on, at least until she got more used to exactly what her new assistants level of comfort was with her job and culture in general.

Another chuff escaped Renee. "Never worked with kids before. Human kids are tiny right?" She gestured to imply she was asking about children who were as high as her hip. "Because if so then no. If you are talking about older children, like me, then yes." She had a different idea of what was a youth. Her people had much longer lifespans, so even though Renee was 20, she still wouldn't have all of the freedoms or liberties as an adult, she'd still be dependent on her family to take care of legal matters for her. 
"Like I said, I learn quickly. Don't worry about me." She scratched the back of her head more as her tail swished behind her. 

[SIZE= 20px]Peggy Caine ▲ Heading For Campus[/SIZE]

Peggy listened and nodded finally figuring out where the breakdown had come from.

“Okay well I’m going to hold you to that but first I’m just going to clarify a little bit of what your job will actually entail so there isn’t any confusion.  The Clubhouse is a school and training facility for any Society connected youths that need training in their extra human abilities or help assimilating into Society. As such our students are not only human they consist of Aliens, Mutants, and Mystics. Our job is to train all of them so that when they leave here they can use their abilities responsibly and hide them enough to fit into human society.”

She said outlining the basic guidelines for the training portion of the Liaison job.

“The ages of our students vary but we tend to take anyone that falls roughly in the human equivalent of 10 to 18. Although if the other facilities our overbooked we might get a few slightly older or younger. Right now our youngest student is a Sui-Riu dragonling who appears roughly ten years old, our eldest is a new recruit nearing nineteen who recently got a new mutation - his skin changes colors with the emotions of those around him.”

Peggy continued.

“We break the kids up into teams for training, monday through friday we have hour blocks in which we train each team on basic fitness and power usage. Saturday we have two hour chunks where we have them actually stretch their muscles in training scenarios. “

Peggy continued growing more animated as she talked.

“Today we have Alpha Team’s weekly training, they’re our most experienced students so I thought it would be a good one for you to get your feet wet with. And if we hurry we might be able to grab something to eat and show you the Suite before we have to head to the Arena.”

Peggy said picking up the speed a little as the Main Campus loomed closer.

Renee kept up with Peggy, ears perked up to display her curiosity in what the older female was saying. To 10 to 18 was the general area of their ages? Renee didn't think that sounded so bad. She was just very grateful that she didn't have to work with infants. At least on her planet, the youngins tended to be very bitey. 

"Suite?" She asked, looking down at Peggy. "Is that where we are staying?" She paused for a moment. She felt too nervous to eat. "I'd also rather see the students first....I can always eat later." She pointed out, afraid that if she ate something right now she wouldn't keep it down. As Peggy became more animated it seemed to un-nerve the alien more. Humans were such peculiar creatures, Renee thought. 
"Whose in this Alpha group? What are they called by?" She added, now that Peggy had stopped talking Renee had quite a few questions.

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