Tales of Ikhorus

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Now with proper directions, the group leaves the Song and Sorrow and are actually able to see the bustling city for the first time. The bustling streets of the Market Ward are currently filled with many workers, shoppers, or perhaps even both, going around the many stores on this colorful and lively side of the main hill Bankshire is built on.

Crossing the city through the southern side, Barost and Mellis keep their eyes peeled to any symbolism that might indicate the populations distaste of the current rule. After reaching the older buildings of the Portside Ward, you start noticing scrawls defacing several buildings on alleys and other less-obvious places. Few of them mock the name of Ardis - the noble house from the current duke - others are simply tags or symbols, a couple appearing more than once, such as the symbol of a book with a dagger depicted on its cover and a tag that read "The Shroud".

Other than those occurrences, the walk through that part of town went smoothly, appreciating the breeze that came from the lake and the chill atmosphere of the overcast sky.

When finally reaching the Military Ward, the older buildings appear to get tidier and systematically cleaner in general. Also, more and more patrols of the Iron Guards can be seen throughout the many streets, these members' armors shining from cleanliness, as they probably serve more as a show of strength than actual necessity. In this part of town, such fowl illegal scribbles are not spotted by the two pairs of vigilant eyes.

Soon enough, you are sure to have reached the main street the barkeep mentioned previously, as the paved avenue was the widest you have seen in town. And, sure enough, a three-story building, made out of what appears to be a light grey stone, has several-foot-tall letters painted on its exterior - "King's Hall".
Entering through the grand doors of the bureaucratic building, you find yourselves in a hall carved out of the same light stone as the exterior. On the wall opposite to the door, two L-shaped stairways allow passage to the second story, where many workers are currently running from a door to your left to reach the balcony above. The right wall bears no doors or passageways of any kind, but is covered in different announcement boards, one of them holds the currently-opened contracts - the so-called job board. Other than the opulent architecture of the Hall itself, the guards catch your attention: every single one of them wears carefully-kept heavy armor and holds a halberd decorated with a single bright-yellow cloth, the same color appearing throughout their visage in a myriad of details.

Getting closer to the job board, you can see three contracts not yet claimed:
"Orcs reported to have attacked some farmers and merchants, always taking them the same direction - investigation needed."
"Clean-up team needed at the lower levels of the Somber Underfort."
"Arcanist Thelrunn is looking for help. Apply at the Pentagonal Pinnacle."
Walking through town, Barost still felt worn out, but walking through the harbor, hearing the shouts and smelling the breeze seemed to give a small amount of energy back to the sorcerer. Small sparks still flickered around his hands from his nerves, but more controlled than from the morning.

Looking around, he raised an eyebrow at some of the symbols, and making note of the reoccurring "Shroud" that popped up here and there. Entering into the large building he grew somewhat meek -- this was not the kinds of places he usually entered or interacted with. Trying to avoid drawing too much attention to himself, the sailor couldn't help but snicker as he read the board. Leaning towards Garret he muttered, "If you just use the first letters of the Pentagonal Pinnacle ... it's just 'p-p'." Snickering he cleared his throat and looked at the listings again, pointing at the orc one, "I kinda wonder if we already did some of that one, yanno? We fought some outta town, 'member?"
I've got a pocket full of gnoll ears and i think they may be getting gross, looking toward the job board Garret failed to locate any bounties on such things. Not that he had a chance to really look before Barost started talking about Arcanists and p-p, which got a decent laugh in the cavernous building. He could almost feel Mel staring at the two of them carrying on like children.

"Well there is one way to find out if we've completed some of this particular quest my good fellow. We talk to whoever is in charge of this nonsense." Scanning the room, it didn't take him long to notice a lack of proper reception area. He would have to settle this like a gentleman, so he accosted a young female clerk as she rushed passed with a stack of papers. "Excuse me you wondrous creature, I find myself in quite a pair of predicaments. Firstly and most important I lack a name for this vision in front of me other then beauty. Secondly; we are brave adventurers baring trophies of great deeds, yet i find myself without the knowledge of where to seek just reward."
The woman stares at you with a puzzled expression. "You what? Anyway, I gotta get these to their proper place. All questions about jobs or payments should be asked to the lovely fellow behind those doors." She says while nodding to a set of dark doors currently closed across the chamber, to the left of the entrance. "First big desk you come across, no way to miss it."
Without waiting much longer for a response, the clerk got back to her task at hand and left the room.

Following her directions, you push open the door on the opposite side of the hall. You find yourselves, now, in a side chamber, with several desks scattered almost randomly throughout the room. You walk past the two guards that stand by the entrance and up to the first desk, where an older green dragonborn is currently seated, in the middle of the important process of eating berries. Seeing the armored and armed folk walk up to him, he sits upright and glares at those that dared to interrupt his otherwise calm day. "Why are you here?" He said in an extremely hoarse voice, making the phrase not much louder than a whisper.
The devil himself would approve of Garrets grin as he approached, "old morning my friend, my company and I came inquiring about work. You seem to be very busy at the moment, with a late breakfast however so we shall make this short. Your posted information about orcs; we ran into some on our way in."

He casually leans against the desk, after all how could a town guard not be impressed, "slew most of the buggers. Turns out they run very fast when scared, one got away. See we came acrossed a great battle between an orc warband and a horde of gnolls. That didn't slow us down of course, we charged head long into the fray. Slew them both in kind, got the gnoll ears to prove it." He dangles the grusome necklace from his hand, even at only a day old it has started to stink...

"So what sort of investigation do you need? And is there any reward for killing these filthy dog creatures?"
The dragonborn continued to eat the berries until Garret dangles the necklace over his table. "Yes, yes. Great. Now get this out of my face! I can get you some coin for the kills, if that's what you are after. We currently have no bounties on gnolls, the fiendish creatures are not bugging us as much lately." He quickly counts up the dozen of ears the bard was holding out and sets out sixteen gold pieces. "Here you go," he adds while pushing the coins forward and motioning a guard to get rid of the disgusting necklace. "Now that you lot already ruined my morning for some spare change, you asked about the orcs, hm?" He reaches inside a drawer, producing a scroll that he promptly reads. "According to this, an orc tribe captured some common folk and some scouts managed to actually find out where they were taken. The crown needs someone to find out why these attacks are happening and report back any unusually organized maneuvers made by the savages." He rolls it back up and looks up to the group with a grin. "You lot are very lucky. They even raised the reward after the last three groups never made it back."
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Stepping into the large building had brought down some of Barost's energy once more as he followed the group, letting Garret lead most of the conversation. Leaning forward to hear the dragonborn, the sailor raised his eyebrows, "Huh ... wouldn't be th' first time we've rescued folks. Th' orc group wouldn't by any chance have a symbol like a sun or somethin' similar? An' what kinda people been taken -- travelers?"
The man read the scroll again before shrugging. "It looks like you will have to find that out by yourselves. Regarding the victims, farmers, a couple of merchant, and a few mercenaries were reported missing. Basically, those that were out there, travelling in small groups if not alone."
Garret was mortified he had ruined a man's appetite. "My god! My apologies for being so inconsiderate, I should never have ruined your appetite good sir! Please allow me to make it up to you by securing your favorite lunch. What can I get for you? If you provide us with locations of these attacks, we will be on our way to both foil these villains, and dissuade your potential hunger!"
A puzzled expression crosses the dragonborn's face, followed by a grin. "Ah, yes, it would only be honorable for you to do so, wouldn't it? But first, go out there and attempt to fufill the job. There's no use have a dead man in debt with me." He chuckled to himself and pulls up a map from the same drawer the scroll was in. "Here you go, we're not sure exactly where they were taken to, but this area is a good start."
Content to let Garret handle most of the discussion, Barost peered over to look at the map, clearing his throat for a moment, "Ah, I feel some specifics have still been left out, fer most contracts an' tasks, yeah?" He raised a finger for each point: "One, what's th' reward for this? Only said it's been raised a few times now. Two, is there a stated amount of time we got 'fore you hand it off t' someone else? From the looks of it, we're gonna need to stock up a bit 'fore headin' out that far. Third, who're we gonna report to about it all for our reward when -- not if," he smiled, though still looking somewhat ragged, "we return with everyone still alive? Also, fourthly, any of th' scouts we can talk to? Help get a lay of th' land?"

He held up the hand with one finger left down, then raised it, "Fifthly, th' more ya help get us on this, th' sooner yer people're back and a threat 'opefully removed from yer borders, an' the sooner ya get back to yer lunch."
The dragonborn's smile quickly fades. "Sure," he adds in the same boring tone he started speaking with, "the current reward sits at three hundred gold pieces. It's not too far, so if you're not back in five days, we will assume the worst. The next two questions have similar answers." He sips from the mug sitting at the corner of his desk before continuing, his voice as coarse as always. "In this particular case, the one who brought our attention to this issue is Overseer Dhakon, he might be able to give more detail that are not present in this scroll." He says while holding out the scroll that held the offer. "That's all I can help you with, as I don't know all the details of this mess you are trying to get into."
Kaesalor's ears visibly perk up at the mention of orcs. "We should begin this task as soon as we can. None should suffer at the hands of those brutes." He says, anger seething from his voice even as he tries to keep quiet.
Murk, it has been four days since you said goodbye to the ragtag group of strangers that helped with the rescue of those taken by urodeli. Having had your fair share of encounters with lunatic newt-people, you got in a caravan that was leaving back to Bankshire, a stop on your journey back to your hometown. Only yesterday, as the sun was setting over Ikhorus, you arrived in this city. Tired after the trip, you walked over to the Sailing Wish Tavern, at the Dockside Ward, to secure lodging for the night before continuing your trip towards Griffenau.

In the Morning, you headed to the eastern gate to learn about the next caravan towards Narrowen. Making the same curving path your friends have, unknown to you, taken moments before, you curved around the main hill that lies in the center of town towards home, hopefully. You got to the gate the same time as a caravan was just arriving, the next one only leaving a couple of days from now. Among the crowd walking through the city's gate, some perhaps for the first time, you see a much younger, white-furred tabaxi that looks around in awe of the beautiful city built atop the largest of the many hills of Eldercliff.
Inspired as he was to visit his son, as Murk began to travel the more he became concerned about what kind of reception he would receive. No one there would be that happy to see him, his son least of all. He'd forgotten all about The Current by now, distracted by other curiosities and ideas around the city. But he slowly made his way toward Narrowen all the same.

After a night at the Sailing Wish, he headed to the eastern gate to inquire about the next caravan moving out, when he spotted the white tabaxi, fur practically glowing in the sun. Murk's feet began carrying him over before he realized he'd even decided to talk to him.

"Morning," Murk said. He tried to take the bite out of his normally gruff voice when talking to someone new. He pulled his hood down, letting the sun warm his black, albeit graying, fur. "You come from anywhere near Griffenau by any chance?"
Leaving the King's Hall, the four of you get back to the main thoroughfare of the Military Ward. You stand there among the unusual amount of armored folks going about their days, some of them sporting colors and uniforms you have never even seen before - except maybe Mellis. Now with a contract to investigate some unusual orcish occurrences, you stand there, thinking where to head next, while the faraway thunders announce that last night's storm wasn't really over yet.
Standing at the top of the hill, Snow was amazed by the city that lay before him, he traced all the buildings in the distance with his eyes and almost got lost within their sharp angles resting in the sunlight. The air felt warm as it brushed against his fur and he was lost in the moment before hearing the older Tabaxi behind him.

He turned to meet the older fellow and spoke with a lightly aloof mellowness "Griffenau? No, I did see a sign for it though. I will be there one day, I come from Montmur." he cleared his throat and turned to the city, still speaking to the older Tabaxi "Is Griffenau anything like this place? I can already tell it's wonderful and I've been here for less than a day."
Standing tiredly in the plaza, Barost tried to ignore the show of military forces while trying to keep out of the way -- not in the mood to deal with anything, and in his state, sparks still flew around his fingers here and there. Rubbing his eyes he looked over the scroll, "... 'spose we should try t'find the Overseer Dhakon? If so many have failed, it'd be best if we head out with the most information we can get, yeah? Not wise t'set sail without knowin' the waters you're intendin' to travel."
"Like this? No. More of a small town. Comfortable." He follows Snow's gaze across the buildings and rooftops. It was a nice view, sure, but he wondered what it looked like before it was settled. Maybe there were some maps in one of the libraries, or some old art in a gallery from before the city was built, or ... He takes a deep breath and tries to focus his mind.

"What brings you to Bankshire, uh, I didn't ask your name, did I? I'm Murk." He holds out a black furred paw, graying at the edges.
"Comfortable is something I could go for right now Murk" he took the paw of the older tabaxi and smiled gingerly.

"My name is Snow, very on the nose, I know. I've come here for travel, to study animals, perhaps plants; after all, I cannot exactly travel into the woods." the tabaxi chuckled lightly and turned to the city once more "Why have you come to this city? Bankshire" he went over the name in his head stretching out its name and twisting it within his head bankshire, baankshire, ba-nk-shi-re, bonkshire, banksheer...
Kaesalor, trying to seem as little as he can, not wanting the attention of all the people around here must have been quite a comical sight. "I agree, some more information would serve us well." He
glanced around themselves, speaking up again. "There are too many people here, let's get on with it as fast as we can."
The first half of the group asks around for where they would be able to find Overseer Dhakon. After stopping a few guards, one of them is bound to know something. "Well, yes. Never heard of this Dhakon fellow, but Overseers are the clerics of the House of Righteousness. A good place to start looking."
While this guard was giving the directions on how to find this place, Murk and Snow were following the main street when the older of the two spotted the same group he met back in Dewfal, not a hard task thanks to the half giant that walks with them.
"Comfortable is good, if you like sitting still," he says, trailing off as someone in the distance catches his eye, towering over the rest of the folk on the street.

"I actually went to Dewfall first looking for work, then was headed back home," he says to Snow, picking up his pace and motioning for Snow to follow. "If you're interested in the woods and studying nature, I just might have a way for you to do it." He leads Snow to catch up with the rest of the party and loudly clears his throat.

"Excuse me, have you folks seen any large, fanatical newts around these parts?" he says to the others.
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