Tales of Ikhorus

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Barost offered the journal to Kael incase he wanted to try reading the gnomish parts, glancing over at Garret at his offer. The half-elf studied his fellow, trying to see if he was stiffening at all before shrugging, "I'll try a few bites ... still don't entirely trust it after earlier."

He looked out of their camp, "I really think we should set up watch though -- that one guy got away, he might consider striking back at us with reinforcements."
Putting a hand up, Mel shakes her head. "No, thank you." Sitting besides Barost, she inspects the journal. "It is sad that we disturbed such a thing. But im sure it will be fine, darling. It must be old if Garrett doesn't know of her." Chuckling she, eats some of her rations. "Ill stay up for now. Who wants to go second?"
Everyone finishes, either the dubiously cooked cockatrice or whatever else they manage to find as their dinner, and settle down for their well-deserved rest.

Mellis, you keep yourself awake, poking around the firewood until your companions drift off to sleep and it's time for your watch to start. Resting against one of the nearby trees, you watch the grasslands with the fireplace behind you. Your mind drifts between the slow-moving foliage and the stars disappearing and reappearing behind sparse clouds. Suddenly, a touch your shoulder startles you as Barost has come to warn you. It seemed that your watch was already over.

Barost, you sit down, resting against the very same tree, and let your trained eyes scan the camp surroundings, hoping to find nothing. After gods know how long, you see movement in the tall grass as a hare skips into the range of your darkvision. It cocks its head in curiosity and approaches you excitedly. As the firelight shines on it, you notice the unmistakably green tint on its hide, now sitting just a few feet from you. Its legs tense and it rushes in your direction, then, with a single, graceful motion, it leaps to the branches above you and vanishes. Other than that, your watch goes on uneventful.

Garret, after being woken up by Barost, you find a place to stay during your watch. Your mind retraces the strangeness of these last days and how much your life has changed ever since the fire. Yet, at the same time, plenty was still exactly the same as it was before. You smile playfully thinking of what new wonder you can see, fight and cook all the way to Bankshire.

Kaesalor, the half elf woke you, signaling that it was your turn to watch over the camp. You rest next to the trees and the antelopes and talk calmly, in a very low tone to the beasts that have been following you throughout this journey. You keep yourself busy while watching the dark horizon, slightly hoping the orcs would show up again. Then, as the sky started to shift to warmer tones, you finally relaxed knowing that your turn was almost over and it was nearing the time to press forward.

One by one, the rest of you wake up and start the preparations for another day of travel.
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During his watch, Barost thought back to many nights on the deck of a ship -- it still threw him off sometimes to not feel the sway of waves beneath him. Shanties were hummed under his breath as his attention was taken by some ... strange rabbit. Seeing it charge at him he reached for his dagger only for it to leap above him.

Staring at the tree for awhile he eventually settled back into position, yawning as he passed watch off to the next person then tried to get comfortable in his bedroll.

Finally getting to sleep, the sorcerer wasn't keen when he slowly woke from the sun, draping an arm over his eyes to try and block it out, however the sounds of the others forced him to give up and officially start the day. Pulling out his rations he tiredly ate, "... we should be arriving at the big city today, right? Anyone familiar with the place?"
Garret had once again been happily strumming his lute, "can't say that I am my friend. Biggest town in the Dutchy though, center of commerce and all that. Might be a great place for some golden opportunities."

His watch had been rather boring and he found himself disappointed that the large orc hadn't managed to marshal a counter attack. Looking to the still spitted cockatrice, "now what should we do with this lot? Probably burry it, that or leave it as a warning." He tried his best to make his voice gravely and deep for the last part.

"Hey! That or I try and smoke some of it into jerky tonight... May go bad though."
Speaking up, Mel smiles. "Bankshire has been the capital of Eldercliff for several decades." Helping Kae pack up the camp, she continues, as if she was quoting from a textbook. "Built atop one of the largest hills and next to a river flowing from the stonecore mountain, this was the perfect place for a busy settlement to rise. It's position close to what was once known as the Kingdom of Troinmité, now the duchy of Narrowen, turned the city into a grand military opperation before the Horned Ruler's time. This is the home to the Duke of Eldercliff as well. Currently, Saythas Ardis is the holder of the title." Wiping her hands clean, she sighs.

Chuckling at Garrets disappointment, and obvious fail at the intimidation tactic. She shakes her head. "I would suggest we leave it. But then again I know nothing of wildlife. At least the niche details such as this."
After finishing the rest, the group readies themselves for another day of travel towards their destination. You tie the antelopes back to the front of the cart and push forward, cutting through the grasslands with a pace slightly faster than the previous day. Barost sets his eyes on the horizon to take note of those that would approach them, but he drifts off watching the sky growing steadily cloudier and the many shapes forming across it. A few moments later, a bump on the packed-earth road shakes the cart more violently than usual and Barost wakes up from the daydream state he was locked into. Shaking his head and looking forward, he sees a shape farther ahead on the road, walking in the same direction as you but much slower. The form appears to be that of a single, gray creature moving on all fours.
Seeing the figure far ahead of them, Kaesalor recognizes it to be a wolf. With that, he passes the leads to Garret. "Can you hold onto this? That creature ahead of us seems to be a wolf but it's... so unlike it to be alone. It looks like it needs a... pack. Maybe we can help? I have a simple spell that could help me speak with it, but it takes some time to cast. We should try to catch up slowly, but not before I'm finished."
Garret leads the beasts while Kaesalor concentrates on his spell, the distance closing bit by bit as the antelopes have also slowed down to allow the casting. When you get to about fifty feet from the wolf it pointed its nose up and turned around to face the approaching cart. Cocking its head, he sits down while staring at the group with its deep green eyes.
Kaesalor slowly gets down from the cart as to not make any sudden movements. He then turns to the wolf, saying: "Hello, friend. How come you are alone out here?"
The wolf locks eyes with Kaesalor and lets out a series of growls his direction, as the barbarian hears as words and sentences thanks to the spell cast. "I always find the crazy ones that try to talk to me, it's always like this... Hmm... A firbolg? Yes, yes.. that explains it... I've heard they talk to animals like this..." The beast glances to the half elves before locking eyes with the firbolg again a wagging its tail.
Kaesalor lets out a hearty chuckle, saying "And this crazy one can even understand you, if only for a few minutes. Do folks bother you often?"
If wolves can even appear surprised, this is the closest you have ever witnessed them to. As it growls back at you. "Oh... Not really, no... Not like this at least... I haven't met another one that could use magic for a long time..." Then, the wolf's begins to twist and become more elongated as its form shifts to a much bigger one. In a short few seconds, before you stands a short man on its older years with weather-beaten complexion and a mess of white hair. His eyes, however, remain the same piercing, deep green eyes that now glance curiously to the hulking figure guiding the cart. I have to admit, you don't look like the type that casts spells..." Stumbling a little on his new, bigger legs, the man moves forward and starts patting the antelopes and mumbles in a calmer and lower tone. "How are you two? Happy to stretch your legs a bit, right? A few more hours and you'll reach a very tasty patch of tall grass... Never figured out why that is... But you two don't have to worry about that, It tastes good all the same..."
"To be honest, my magical capabilities are rather limited. I only know a few rituals that the Bear Spirit has shared with me." While he says this, he gently grasps the totemic necklace hanging around his neck. "There were a few wise druids in my tribe, but they didn't pass much of their magics to me." He stares longingly towards the south, towards home for a few long seconds before continuing. "Do you know these parts well? How far is the next town along the road?"
Barost watched the transformation of the direwolf with open awe, "Whaaat! Woah!" He looked over at Garret with a wide grin, "An' here I thought my storms were special, never met a druid m'self!"

The half-elf leaned on the edge of the cart, "We always hoped one would sign onta the ship, heard about them helpin' guide ships through storms an' such." Offering a hand forward towards the man, still with a silly grin, "Name's Barost Las, how 'bout you?"
A lone wolf walks down the road no pack, a solitary predator. Alone in a world of danger... Garrets mind has turned to some strange form of poetry at the sight of the beast. There was something awe inspiring as they drew near. A string of though tugged at him, begging to pulled. To have it's secret revealed.

He felt strangely calm as it waited on the road, the green eyes showing intelligence. As the form shifted to that of a man it became clear, and his jaw hit the floor of the cart.

"My god you're a druid! I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to meet one of your kind! Where did you come from? Is your circle intact? Do you need help?"

Slowing himself down, he was acting like a lunatic. "Sorry, Hi I'm Garret Tallman. My mom told me bedtime stories bout your people, I thought you only existed far outside the kingdom..."
"Oh... City... Yes, those are a thing..." The druid keeps patting the animal and dismissively motions to the road. "Over eight hours, you would get there past night time..." He suddenly stops and looks to the extended hand. "Name? Hmm..." The man produces a twig from inside his brown robes, if they were made this color or if this is just many layers of dirt and earth is unclear. With the twig, he lowers Barost hand and turns back to the beast. "Hm... I have one of those? I ever had one of those?" He gasps and brings both hands to his temples. After holding that position for several seconds, he smiles. "I think not... I'm Brown now... Yes, a fine name, that is..."

Brown is startled by the many questions asked in succession by the bard and simply shakes his head. "Too fast... Too fast... Some beings take things slow, young one..." The druid extends his hand for the antelopes as several deep green leaves appear out of nowhere, for them to eat.
Chuckling at the others obvious excitement, Mel gently waves hello to the druid. While she hasn't seen one before, at least out in the wild, she kept herself back. She wouldn't trust anyone who's been alone outside for so long.
Barost pulled his hand back after having it pushed down by the twig, "Oh, uh ... guess you're not one for handshakes then. No worries. So uh Brown? Need a lift or anything? Any words of wisdom for us? Maybe tell the excited half-elf over there which animals are actually edible before he poisons us by accident by cooking everything?"
Brown arches an eyebrow and looks puzzled to Barost. "Lift? No, no... I like my feet touching the ground..." He shakes his head slowly and summons more plants for the two beasts. "Everything can be eaten... somethings only once, and some won't actually help you... like rocks... yes, some animals eat rocks, but it's no good for people, no..." He pats the animals once again and turns to face the group. "You are heading to the city, yes? Worry... but not too much, mind you... because dark times are coming... and I'm not only talking about the storm..."
"Thank you for the advice. I would like to ask one more thing." Says Kaesalor as he turns to Brown. "Once I've become a better warrior, I would like to learn some of our elders' magic, but they are long gone..." The words seem to have a hard time coming to the Firbolg's mouth, but he continues nonetheless. "I would like to keep their traditions alive, or the closest thing possible. They were the guardians of our forest, yet they were no match for the wanton havoc of the orcs. Is there still a way I can learn from them? Or if not... something as close to it as possible?" He looks expectantly at the druid, waiting for an answer.
Slowing down to breath, Garret speaks much slower this time. "Sorry for the excitement, I hope we find you well good sir. Can you tell us more about these dark times to come?"

Garret finds himself enamored with the strange figure. This would make a most wonderful start to an auspicious tale. A mysterious figure of strange power delivers a dire warning.
Hearing the word "storm", Barost pulled off the small gem he wore as an earring, looking to see if it glowed, "... must be talkin' about onna those metapohrical storms then, huh?" Putting the trinket back in his ear the half-elf grinned, "Usually I'm the first to know about storms -- I tend to make my own at times," his fingers sparked briefly as he waited for any response to the group's questions.

Pausing for a moment he switched to Aquan, "I'm curious ... do you understand this language?"
Sadness fills the human's otherwise happy expression as the firbolg tells his story. "It's okay, big one... Not sure what I can do for you... I can't make their spirits teach you.... Unfortunately, spirits are very temperamental when disturbed and brought to this plane... I'd say it has something to do with disturbing their 'eternal rest'...." He shakes his head and smiles to Kaesalor. "Magic, yes? Very, very old... Very, very powerful... Not sure if I know a group of elders to teach you... No, no... I know I don't know a group of elders to teach you... You see, not many elders roaming around these parts... At least none of them ever tried talking to me like you did..."

Then, Brown turns to the half elves and nods. "Metaphorical? No, no.... Storm coming..." He makes excited thunder and rain noises. "But the dark times... Yes, they are coming.... It spreads from within the city-place you are heading to... It's already reshaping those that live here..." The man motions to the middle of nowhere you are all currently standing at. "Can't say what exactly it is... But it's something that wasn't tried at this corner of the world for millennia..." He blinks blankly to the weird water noises that came from Barosts mouth and make a few of his own, even sprouting some water from one hand to the other. After the display, Brown laughs intensely turning to the rest of the group. "That one is odd... I like him..."
A frustrated expression crossed Barost's face, feeling like he was being made fun of. Adjusting himself in the wagon he merely leaned against the side, chin resting on his hand, looking elsewhere from the druid, "I jus' thought ... maybe as a druid you'd understand that language too ..."
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