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Fantasy Tales of Casathach

You don't necessarily have to talk about that. It will be assumed that you passed the trials, but you can give details about it if you want to. Also @Zaffre Blue , do you have a picture that's a bit more tribal looking. The main thing is the helmet. Our characters don't have metal (yet) and this fact is actually important to the plot. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being nitpicky. I have THE coolest plot planned. I'm excited to RP with you guys.
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I'm sorry but their was complications with my account and I was forced to make another. If this RP is still running, I was wondering if I could fix up my CS and join in.
Hey peeps I plan on starting this in the next couple of days. @Zafirah , you're more than welcome to join. Just remember, we are a tribe of Celts/woads who use bone, wood and stone. The character concept should fit into a tribal setting.
I have a picture though you'd have to ignore all the metals...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ee0f70e5357ad1818cab076e014b4dc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55502" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ee0f70e5357ad1818cab076e014b4dc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Would this work ?



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That's perfect. We will say the metal is stone or bone. And @Aqua you can't really 'be' one of the creatures, since they are generally mad and can't even speak. You will have the opportunity to be cursed by one however, much like the Npc Bjor.
Yes indeed my wife just got back from along trip so it will be a little bit before ill be able to post. Sorry about the wait but i thought i had a little bit longer to post. I'll try and get something up asap

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Obsidianserpent said:
@Vengeance Spirit, we should be able to work you in. You'll have to read what we've posted so far to know what's going on, are you okay with that?
I'll get some popcorn and music to read it. xD . I'll join!

Alright I caught up and made a bio.

Is my bio accepted ;-; I'm not sure if it made sense xD
Sweet! This is very thought out; good job! Just a couple things. First, Anam really is an impersonal entity; this ends up being kind of important for the story line. I'm fine with your character heading the voice of a powerful animal or tree spirit you came in contact with during the Trial of Spirits, it just can't be Anam, since Anam isn't a conscious entity in the typical sense. Just edit that one part and you're good to go. Second, you need to choose an animal companion to possess in battle (just preferably not an eagle since that's what my character uses lol). We will get an additional animal companion as we progress through the story.

Also, we need to figure out how to introduce your character to the plot. Here's what I have in mind: your character Kaldoren was returning to the Western Village after delivering some medical herbs to the Eastern Village. On your way, you encountered the tribes-people making their exodus from the Western Village. The Healer leading the exodus (Ira) informed you of the situation and instructed you to assist with the resistance in the forest. The first scene would be a description of the events just described, along with a scene wherein you would arrive and assist us in battle (perform an attack).

Let me know what you think of that introduction.
Obsidianserpent said:
Sweet! This is very thought out; good job! Just a couple things. First, Anam really is an impersonal entity; this ends up being kind of important for the story line. I'm fine with your character heading the voice of a powerful animal or tree spirit you came in contact with during the Trial of Spirits, it just can't be Anam, since Anam isn't a conscious entity in the typical sense. Just edit that one part and you're good to go. Second, you need to choose an animal companion to possess in battle (just preferably not an eagle since that's what my character uses lol). We will get an additional animal companion as we progress through the story.
Also, we need to figure out how to introduce your character to the plot. Here's what I have in mind: your character Kaldoren was returning to the Western Village after delivering some medical herbs to the Eastern Village. On your way, you encountered the tribes-people making their exodus from the Western Village. The Healer leading the exodus (Ira) informed you of the situation and instructed you to assist with the resistance in the forest. The first scene would be a description of the events just described, along with a scene wherein you would arrive and assist us in battle (perform an attack).

Let me know what you think of that introduction.
Kk. I was actually thinking that my character believed it to be Anam, but actually was deceived by another spirit. But I can change it if you'd like xD . As for introduction, it sounds fine. For the girl with the visions and stuff, would there be a spell to counter her foresight?

Also my animal companion. I'd like a fox. (P.S how old is Ira)
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Having your character believe that the spirit was Anam would actually be very cool. Especially if it were an evil spirit or something; we could do a lot with that. As for Sassa, the girl with foresight can be countered, but that's something we'll have to deal with later ;) . For now, there is no way to counter her. Oh, and Ira is in her mid thirties. She's a healer, but also a skilled Hunter, and more than capable of escorting the Cathasach people to the Eastern Village. Oh, and a fox sounds awesome.
No, our animals are assumed to have fled into the trees, and trail us from a distance (something the companions of Skin Walkers are trained to do when their masters fall). Besides, skin walking last moment before being caged would leave your human body pretty vulnerable. It would be evident that you were skin walking and the raiders would thus likely kill you.

Creative posts everyone. I've really enjoyed RPing with some talented writers.

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